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电大采用的《目录学》新教材在编撰体例上有较大变化,它改变了中国目录学史的写法,仅将目录学的产生和发展作为一章概括介绍,而目录学史上的许多重要书目分散出现于其他各章.考虑到这些书目是学生应该了解的,而《中文工具书》课程尚未开设,学生对这些书目了解甚少,而不了解这些书目则可能给整个目录学课程的教与学带来困难,鉴此,这次辅导首先对我国历代各种重要书目简介之,且对其中一些书目间的联系作了适当说明和比较. 我国目录学源远流长,书目遗产极为丰富,在中国文化史和世界目录学史上占有重  相似文献   

目录学讲话   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
这篇讲稿是华东师大图情系研究生孙豪展根据录音带整理,由罗友松副教授校订并经讲者亲自过目的  相似文献   

数字目录学--当代目录学的发展方向   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
本文阐述了衍生于文献目录学的数字目录学建立的意义,分析了数字目录学的基本原理,讨论了数字目录学的三个主要研究领域:数字资源系统的目录学研究、数字参考咨询的目录学研究和数字化学习指导的目录学研究,并提出了21世纪数字目录学建设的一些意见。  相似文献   

通过对文华图专创建发展历程中的目录学教学方面五种典型材料的列举,结合相关的历史背景对其各时期的特点进行分析.回顾相应时期目录学理论研究的进展,探讨文华图专目录学教育与目录学思想现代化进程的关系.  相似文献   

任莉莉 《图书馆杂志》2012,(1):85-86,78
目录学在读书治学的道路上意义重大。清王鸣盛、江藩等学者多有论及。《隋书.经籍志》注中"梁有"的正确含义亦为前代学者所揭示,然而笔者发现,学界在目录学的基本问题上还存在着误解。本文针对部分学者对《隋书.经籍志》注中的"梁有"含义的误解以及笔者在《七录序目》的笺注过程中所发现的问题展开论述。  相似文献   

康有为(1858—1927),原名祖诒,字广厦,号长素,又号更生,广东南海人。清末“国命危砧”,近代“向西方寻找真理的先进中国人”康有为,发扬古典目录学“经世致用”的传统,以目录学为武器,扬变法启民智,构建了“参采中西”的目录学新体系。康有为为推进资产阶级改良运动,自觉地以目录学为武器。对开创我国近代目录学,做出了卓越贡献。其代表作是:《新学伪经考》和《日本书目志》。  相似文献   

刘歆继承其父刘向遗志,编成了我国第一部综合性的图书分类目录——《七略》,在中国目录学史上具有开创之功,他在校勘整理文化古籍的基础上创立了撰写叙录、总序、大序、小序等方法,对后世目录学发展有着重大的影响。  相似文献   

纪昀与目录学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王霞 《档案》2008,(4):9-11
纪昀(1728—1805年),字晓岚,又字春帆,晚号石云,谥文达,直隶献县(今属河北)人。纪昀出身望族,19岁考取乾隆十九年甲戌科进士,先后官编修、侍读学士、内阁学士、兵部侍郎、左都御史、礼部侍郎、礼部尚书协办大学士,加太子太保。但是,纪昀不是因官高闻名,而主要是由于他担任《四库全书》的总纂官,一生致力于《四库全书总目》(又名《四库全书总目提要》的编撰。  相似文献   

《目录学教程》被教育部列入“面向21世纪课程教材”。该书具有如下特点:内容丰富、结构合理,资料翔实、论述详备,内容观点与时俱进,吸收了近年最新研究成果。参考文献4。  相似文献   

论20世纪中国目录学的公共应用性特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着20世纪近现代图书馆的诞生,中国传统目录学的学科体系发生了极大的变化。一方面与社会文化转型相适应,突出了文化构建的“公共性质”目标,全面服务于公众收藏、整理、传播图书文献资料的方向;另一方面在理论立足点和收录范围、分类及编制方法等处,努力汲取西方现代文化的特长加以改造,而且读者意识大为增强。参考文献14。  相似文献   

影响书目是用以记录和揭示对某一时间段的历史 ,或某一特定的群体或个体产生重大影响的文献的目录。影响书目对史学界、出版界、图书馆和读者都有意义。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(27-28):91-104
Before the information explosion caused the rise of serials as a phenomenon in libraries, serials were often seen from a reference point of view, causing there to be little dynamic interchange between the concepts of "serials" and "reference." More recently, because of the rise in serials consciousness due to the number and bibliographic complexity of serials, reference work has been often seen from a serials viewpoint, causing a polarization and active interaction between the concepts "reference" and "serials." Several articles and book selections concerning the relationship between serials and reference and covering the 10 year period between 1976 and 1987 are here annotated. Each annotation summarizes the argument of the article covered and relates it to the arguments of other articles covered, and to the arguments of the main essay.  相似文献   

顾广圻被誉为“清代校勘学第一人”,他的古典目录学思想主要体现在“不校校之”原则、校勘方法、重考据与宋本、版本目录、及“唯无自欺,亦无书欺。存其真面,以传来兹。”的态度,历来受到学术界的重视  相似文献   

推荐书目(简称RB)应站在整个国家立场上。RB应具有针对性、可行性、揭示信息的充分性、推荐保障机制和制度;图书馆在RB中是核心地位,但实际情况不同,这与馆员的胜任能力、知识水平、图书馆管理制度有关;在推荐内容上可以浅阅读和深阅读、传统纸质与网络同时兼顾,推荐活动绝对不能功利化;经典在现在仍是有价值的,是RB的重点,居核心地位。参考文献19。  相似文献   

刘金元 《图书馆》2012,(1):109-111
富厚堂藏书目录有很多特点,书楼第一代主人曾国藩著录的《京师书目》与《利见斋书目》信息详细;《求缺斋书目》与《公记书目》反映出其馆藏特色;《归朴斋书目》与《艺芳馆书目》则突出其藏为实用的特点。这些书目虽没有完全反映出富厚堂的馆藏,但为后人了解富厚堂馆藏及其藏书背景提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

《文献学导论》一书有三个特色 :集古典文献学与现代文献学知识于一体 ;文献学基础理论与文献实用知识相结合 ;文献学研究的继承与发展相结合。  相似文献   

This selective bibliography is intended to assist legal researchers in researching the 25th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.11 U.S. Const. amend. XXV; see generally, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, Constitution of the United States of America 484 (presidential disability and inability), 2295–2296 (presidential succession issues and the 20th Amendment); and 2317–2319 (issues of presidential inability and disability (Centennial ed. 2017). In addition to Article II, Clause 6, and the Presidential Succession Act of 1947,22 Presidential Succession Act of 1947, Pub. L. No. 80???199, 61 Stat. 380, as amended (codified at 3?U.S.C. § 19 (2012)). the 25th Amendment is part of the fundamental law governing presidential succession in the United States. This bibliography compiles books, book chapters, and law review articles to facilitate legal research in this area.33 U.S. Const. art. II, § 6. For a detailed account of the presidential succession issue, see Ruth Silva, Presidential Succession (U. Michigan Press 1951).

When ratified in 1967, the 25th Amendment culminated nearly 175 years of Congressional effort to resolve Constitutional vagueness on certain procedure involving the temporary or permanent incapacitation of the president. While the 25th amendment did not fundamentally change the constitutional procedure of presidential succession, it did significantly clarify areas of uncertainty with the purpose of complying with the apparent intentions of the Framers of the Constitution on presidential succession.44 U.S. Const. art. II, § 6. For a detailed account of the presidential succession issue, see Ruth Silva, Presidential Succession (U. Michigan Press 1951).

Since Donald Trump became president in January 2017, there has been an ongoing public debate over his provocative rhetoric and actions, and his reportedly dysfunctional presidency. In 2017, for example, questions arose about his emotional stability when he apparently tweeted threatening language involving nuclear weapons in response to statements made by Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea.55 Peter Baker &; Michael Tackett, Trump’s North Korea Retort: My “Nuclear Button” Is Bigger Than Yours, N.Y. Times A10 (Jan. 3, 2018).

In addition, significant concerns arose after an anonymous letter to the editor appeared in the New York Times, allegedly sent by a high-ranking administration official, stating he or she was part part of the “resistance” within the White House, which was attempting to block some of President Trump’s allegedly more dangerous actions. The author reported that there was a group of similarly situated White House officials who believe that the president was unfit for office and that there was an effort to remove Trump under the Section 4 of the 25th Amendment.66 Anonymous, Letter to the Editor, The Quiet Resistance Inside the Trump Administration, N.Y. Times 23 (Sept. 6, 2018). More recently, former FBI Director Andrew McCabe revealed that Justice Department officials had sought to discuss the possibility of invoking the 25th Amendment with cabinet officials.

Because of the critical importance of the issues involved for the nation today, this article includes sources discussing when the 25th Amendment can be invoked and whether Donald Trump’s pattern of statements and behavior could give cause to invoke the 25th Amendment. As current events suggest, the issue of whether Trump should be removed under the 25th Amendment is likely to remain an issue of public concern for the foreseeable future.  相似文献   

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