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Critical Legal Studies presents numerous challenges to reference librarians. Among them are the difficulty of identifying and collecting materials written by Critical Legal Studies scholars, the problem of locating and acquiring materials about the Critical Legal Studies movement, and the use by Critical Legal Studies scholars of materials, vocabulary, and a style of scholarship not traditionally found in law schools. Librarians, particularly reference librarians, should be able to anticipate trends in the legal community. The Critical Legal Studies movement has existed for ten years, and yet the academic law library community has only recently responded to its existence by collecting matertals relevant to Critical Legal Studies scholars and by making those materials accessible through subject headings, bibliographies, and computerized legal research sources.  相似文献   


In the past fifty years, legal history has turned from a concentration on legal texts to a broader view of the social, political, and economic conditions that affected a particular legal system at a given time in the history of a nation. To assist scholars in realizing the potential of these new methodologies, law librarians who work with historical materials must have a firm grasp of the developing trends in legal historiography. This article outlines the information sources that a librarian may use to become familiar with the literature in legal historiography and, using practices at the Harvard Law School Library as examples, suggests ways that a library can form collections of non-traditional genres of research materials that support these new approaches to legal history.  相似文献   

The subpoena process represents a legal obligation and duty of citizenry and is becoming a fact of life in the operations of many libraries. Regardless of whether a library is directly involved in litigation, the library director may be faced with adjusting operations to compensate for the loss of personnel, collection materials, or other resources in order to accommodate the demands of a subpoena. This paper outlines the formal subpoena process and highlights a number of scenarios by which the library may become a part of the process. The area of computer law, in particular, may present a "growth phase" in library litigation. In addition, recommendations to minimize the service interruptions caused by the subpoena are offered. The director must assist library counsel in formulating a response to challenge, modify, or quash (throw out) the subpoena. Efforts to quash the subpoena require proof that the materials requested are irrelevant to the case, not subpoenaed for "good cause," or that compliance would be unduly oppressive and burdensome. In any case, the library director must be fully prepared to educate counsel on the potential impact of the subpoena.  相似文献   

李慧波  王玥  尹柯柯 《晋图学刊》2021,(1):14-19,31
进入21世纪以来,我国图书馆口述史在理论与实践方面均取得发展。记忆的回归、生长的有机体、多元文化服务的理论;积极保存、科学处理、活用益人的实践理念;预防法律争端、权利保护优先的法律伦理原则等促成了图书馆口述史的发展。但在理论与实践相结合、研究成果数量、资源公开等方面还存在问题。未来的图书馆口述资料建设应从理论联系实际、多机构联合构建馆藏网络体系、线上线下服务多措并举、建立图书馆口述史智库体系等方面努力。  相似文献   

文章简要阐述中国图书馆法制史;对中国图书馆立法问题给出了基本评价;论述了当代中国图书馆立法的必要性;提出图书馆法权概念,并论证了其与图书馆核心价值历史的、现实的关系。文章强调,中国当代图书馆法权来自宪法,法权内容却明显缺失,只有通过图书馆立法,才能对图书馆法权予以明确、具体、系统的说明和规定,并客观彰显图书馆核心价值。  相似文献   

日本图书馆法律制度体系由图书馆专门法、配套法规、相关法律、行业标准与规范四部分组成。图书馆专门法包括《图书馆法》、《学校图书馆法》和《国立国会图书馆法》,是日本图书馆法律制度体系的核心,在促进与保障日本图书馆事业发展中发挥着主导与骨干作用;配套法规如《图书馆法施行令》是图书馆专门法的必要性补充,能够对专门法中的条款作解释说明,或为法律的实施提供详细的指导;相关法律如《教育基本法》、《著作权法》是日本图书馆法律制度体系的重要组成部分,可从不同领域为图书馆事业发展提供支持和保障;行业标准与规范是是图书馆行业自我管理的主要工具,具有“准法律”的性质,是日本图书馆法律制度体系的重要补充。  相似文献   

读者权利的法哲学思考   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从法哲学的角度看,读者权利建立在国家经济、法律规范、道德准则、社会心理四个重要基础之上;对读者权利的形态(包括静态形态和动态形态)、读者权利的保障、读者权利的限制及读者权利的社会心理保证等权利现象的分析,从多维的角度揭示了读者权利实质性内涵,反映了读者权利各基础之间以及各基础与读者权利之间的对立统一关系。  相似文献   

通拉嘎 《图书情报工作》2019,63(14):141-148
[目的/意义]探索俄罗斯图书馆法律体系整体脉络,揭示俄罗斯图书馆法律的科学体系,补足国内俄罗斯图书馆法律体系研究的短板,为我国图书馆法律体系建设提供理论支持与实证参考。[方法/过程]梳理俄罗斯及我国图书馆法规代表性成果,评述俄罗斯图书馆法律体系的发展沿革、基本框架与主要内容,探索俄罗斯图书馆事业法、文献呈缴法、图书馆事业文化法支撑、图书馆事业信息法支撑等图书馆法律重点领域。[结果/结论]认为俄罗斯图书馆法律、文化事业、信息产业、特殊群体服务相关法规政令较为密集与集中。俄罗斯建立了以图书馆事业法、文献呈缴法为基础,图书馆专门法、图书馆相关法、图书馆事业相关命令决议、图书馆行业协会规范相互补充与制约的完整的图书馆法律保障体系。俄罗斯图书馆事业的现代化规范发展、图书文物的立法保护、特殊群体权益保障尤其值得深入学习。  相似文献   


This paper attempts to illustrate the challenges that a reference law librarian might face when facing the information needs of Constitutionalist patrons.Constitutionalist patrons here are defined as members of a diverse community of groups that challenge the validity of the mainstream legal system in a variety of ways.The paper provides background on the different types of patrons who fit the generic category of Constitutionalist, explains the theories that these patrons use to view the legal system, and discusses sources and materials that are of interest to them.The intention of the paper is to provide the reference librarian with the necessary background information to understand the perspective from which the patrons approach the law library.  相似文献   

宋义 《高校图书馆工作》2010,30(2):26-27,41
我国图书馆法治建设的目标不是仅仅制定图书馆法,而是建立适合我国图书馆事业发展的法律体系。我国图书馆法律体系是一个以宪法为核心,以国家基本法律为指导,以图书馆专门法为基础,以图书馆相关法为关键,以相关国际条约、协定等为图书馆法的国际法基础,以图书馆行业自律规范为补充的相互联系、相互作用的有机统一整体。图书馆法律体系建设也离不开法学理论的支持与指导。  相似文献   

图书馆是一个公益性的社会服务机构,图书馆的性质决定了图书馆的服务必须依靠法律来保障。文章从图书馆和读者的角度,分析了图书馆服务法律保障的必要性,图书馆服务法律保障的研究现状及存在的问题,并探讨了适用《合同法》来保障图书馆服务的可行性。  相似文献   

Law library interlibrary loan departments must work under the constraints of The Bluebook Uniform System of Citation when requesting materials for cite checkers. This article discusses the issues that arise during the interlibrary loan process for requesting sources cited in legal articles.  相似文献   

基于文献调查法与内容分析法,解析构成美国图书馆法律制度体系的图书馆专门法、图书馆相关法、图书馆行业标准与规范的作用。美国图书馆专门法包括:①联邦图书馆法(如《图书馆服务与技术法》和各州图书馆法),在规范与指导美国图书馆事业发展中起到了核心作用;②图书馆相关法(如《美国版权法》、《高等教育法》),是美国图书馆法律制度体系的重要组成部分,可以支持与规范图书馆事业的发展;③图书馆行业标准与规范(如《图书馆权利宣言》),是美国图书馆法律制度体系不可或缺的组成部分和指导图书馆运营与管理的准绳。  相似文献   

图书馆为主体的法律关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以图书馆为主体的法律关系主要有民事法律关系、行政法律关系和刑事法律关系三类。明确以图书馆为主体法律关系的性质、类型、产生的法律依据及图书馆在各种法律关系中的权利与义务,是图书馆依法管理与维权的前提。图书馆在各类法律关系中如违反义务应承担相应的法律责任。参考文献10。  相似文献   

Various requirements in the writing of a building program are discussed, by which the various parts of the library can function together. The interrelationship of functions, services, users, and materials should be carefully studied and diagrammed. The various groups involved in the library should be consulted for suggestions, and present procedures examined for value.  相似文献   

图书馆法律保障体系的完善:基础、思路与重点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
图书馆行业需要完善的法律保障体系来提高其外向功能,并促进其与社会其它行业同步发展并。图书馆法律保障体系的完善,首先应该以我国现阶段国情为外部基础,以现有图书馆法律成果为内部基础;其次应变内向型思路为外向型思路,把完善图书馆法律保障体系和不断满足社会需要相联系;最后现应把加强国家对图书馆法治建设的宏观控制力度作为今后的重点。  相似文献   

图书馆与读者之间服务关系的法律性质及相关问题   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
图书馆与读者间服务关系的法律性质 ,表现为二者之间的服务关系是民事法律关系。图书馆与读者间法律关系的内容 ,包括图书馆和读者各自享有的权利和义务。二者之间服务关系要依靠法律、法规进行调整。参考文献 14。  相似文献   

对文化信息资源共享工程在视频、音频及电子文献的完整上栽与传输,版权作品的剪接与传输,馆藏资源数字化。网络资源的整理与利用等方面存在的版权问题进行了分析,并从公有领域作品、合理使用、法定许可、取得授权与支付使用费等方面入手,论述了解决版权问题的策略。  相似文献   

Most business law faculty agree that their students should be exposed to outside reading in order to broaden their understanding of course materials, better relate the law to practical business situations, and become aware of future trends in the legal environment. For these reasons, many business law teachers send their students to the library to research and write reports using various source materials, including cases outside the textbook, historical background material on the various areas of the law and current journals and newspaper articles. For those teaching at large universities with well-stocked libraries, the choices of research sources are many and varied. However, for those teaching at small universities or community colleges, the choices may be quite limited indeed. Often, at the smaller schools, business law teachers may be given a very limited budget and allowed to order only a few books a year. The question arises, then, for the business law teachers at smaller schools: "What are the most important research sources to have in their libraries?" If a priority list could be drawn up, those business law faculties would be able to use the little library money they do have in a more beneficial way. This article will discuss the library materials which business law teachers feel are necessary as resource tools, and the order of priority in which they should be acquired. The information supporting this article will be acquired by a survey of randomly selected teachers of business law in AACSB-accredited schools.  相似文献   

This paper aims at clarifying the role of repositories in some European countries in preserving research and other library materials in the country. The functional environment of repositories varies from country to country. Typically, the main actor in preserving national literature and national print heritage is the national library institution. The main means of this for national libraries has been legal deposit legislation, which in some countries is almost as old as printing.While the paper focuses on the development of the National Depository Library in Finland, examples in this paper are also drawn from the repositories in Norway, Estonia, and Ilê de France, Paris. The driving concept behind participating in these repository programs is cost reduction through the rationalization of storage and access on a regional—and even national—level. In this model, the repository creates one collection, which it owns and maintains. This allows the depository to employ deduplication and other strategies to rationalize storage. The role of the repository then is to keep the material available and serve as the library of last resort for many research materials.  相似文献   

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