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ABSTRACT: Thirty-two recent graduates from the joint food science program of Washington State Univ. (WSU) and The Univ. of Idaho (UI) and 12 of their employers participated in a survey study to assess food science program outcomes. The objective of this study was to assess the joint curriculum in its ability to prepare undergraduate students for critical thinking, problem solving, and technical competence in the food industry. Two survey tools, 1 for graduates and 1 for their employers, were designed to assess job preparedness and the skill set attained by food science program graduates. Graduates of the joint food science program generally indicated satisfaction with their food science education and suggested that they were adequately prepared for their jobs. Both students and employers indicated that most of the identified Success Skills are used daily on the job, and that graduates were well prepared with Success Skills. Graduates and employers reported adequate preparation in Food Processing and Engineering competence. Some significant differences ( P < 0.05) were found in perceived and assessed competence. Specifically, while student indicated that they were well prepared with Food Chemistry and Analysis, Food Safety and Microbiology, and Applied Food Science competence, employers indicated only adequate preparation in Food Chemistry and Analysis, and Applied Food Science competence, but poor preparation in Food Safety and Microbiology competence. The findings suggest that students should be given opportunities for self-evaluation in undergraduate courses. Because the survey models are based on Institute of Food Technologists requirements, it is expected that the surveys can be readily adopted by other institutions to assess student learning and program effectiveness.  相似文献   

Abstract: Fifty‐eight recent graduates (1998–2008) from the joint Washington State University (WSU) and University of Idaho (UI) BiState School of Food Science program and 27 of their employers participated in a survey assessing learning outcomes based on the 2001 Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) core competencies for undergraduate food science programs. Parallel web‐based survey instruments for the graduates and employers using the WSU Skylight Matrix Survey System© were employed to assess the attitudes of the respondents to the frequency of usage of IFT defined skills and the adequacy of the graduates’ preparation from the program. Graduates responded that they were generally satisfied with their education; however, they reported lower rates of adequate or better preparation in Success Skill involving group dynamics, processing and engineering skills, and government regulations. Most of these skills were also the least frequently used by graduates in their careers. Success Skills were the most frequently performed competencies, while food microbiology and safety, and some engineering and processing skills were used less frequently by graduates of the Food Science program. Greater than 80% of the employers reported that the graduates’ performance was adequate or better in all skill areas. The assessment suggested program improvement since a similar survey in 2004, but also illuminated areas for improvement in teaching and learning, particularly in light of the revised IFT 2011 Guidelines. Specifically, graduates and employers emphasized the need for more course work that weaves critical thinking skills, group dynamics, and government regulations into the classroom. Graduates also highlighted the importance of internships and extracurricular activities for career preparation.  相似文献   

There are few graduate programs available for pursuing a doctorate in anatomy where students gain specific training in gross anatomy dissection and the responsibilities of a medical educator. In light of this fact, the University of Kentucky created a Graduate Certificate in Anatomical Sciences Instruction in 2006. This 12‐credit hour curriculum includes detailed training in gross anatomy and/or neuroscience courses, practicum experiences, a seminar class in pedagogical literature, and a course in educational strategies for the anatomical sciences. The award of certificate completion affirms that the candidate has demonstrated faculty‐supervised proficiency in anatomy dissection, instruction in anatomy topics, and teaching strategies for anatomy. Seventeen graduate students have earned the certificate since its inception; nine students accepted teaching positions in anatomy following their graduate training and currently nine certificate graduates have assistant (six) or associate (three) professor positions in academia. In 2016, an anonymous survey including Likert‐style and open‐ended questions was emailed to all certificate graduates. Graduates favorably responded (each question averaged 4.4 or greater out of 5) that the certificate increased their awareness of teaching‐faculty responsibilities, adequately prepared them for teaching‐related duties, and positively contributed toward their first employment. Graduates indicated that the lecturing and dissection experience, awareness of faculty responsibilities, and job preparation (e.g., teaching philosophy development) were the most helpful aspects of the certificate. These results indicate that the Graduate Certificate in Anatomical Sciences Instruction is viewed by its graduates and their employers as a valuable teaching credential that can be attained alongside a basic science degree. Anat Sci Educ 11: 516–524. © 2018 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   


This study investigated the perceptions of Human Resource Development (HRD) Specialists regarding the preparation of Illinois community college vocational/ technical program graduates. Two hundred and forty‐five respondents answered a mail questionnaire concerning the technical, human relations, problem solving and basic skills of program graduates. The graduates were employed in Nursing and Allied Health, Industrial Technology, Secretarial and Clerical, Agriculture, Marketing and Management, Accounting and Data Processing, and Social and Public Services. The perceptions of these HRD Specialists toward community college program graduates are positive. Graduates of Nursing and Allied Health programs were consistently rated higher than graduates of other programs. Overall, graduates were ranked highest on human relations skills and lowest on problem solving skills. Finally, implications for practice included suggestions for involving HRD Specialists in community college vocational programs.  相似文献   


The field level extension agents (FLEAs) are the lifeline of the agricultural extension system in Nigeria. Their motivation and job performance are therefore important to achieving faster agricultural development in Nigeria. The study identified the factors motivating the FLEAs working with Ogun State Agricultural development programme (OGADEP) and associates the motivation factors with their job performance level. Eighty of the 126 FLEAs working with OGADEP were selected randomly. The study reveals that financial incentives, remuneration and salary and mobility of staff were the factors rated as the most important motivation factors. The rating also revealed a general low status of FLEAs motivation and job performance. Of the 14 factors identified, boss–subordinate interaction was the only significant predictor of job performance. None of the FLEAs personal factors related significantly with job performance. Policy action needs to consider the adequacy of financing of agricultural extension work in Nigeria in order to achieve sustainable agricultural development over time.  相似文献   

高校毕业生择业期望值过高,是导致就业难的一个主要原因。高校毕业生应顺应形势,根据就业环境和自身条件,做好职业生涯计划,使自己顺利实现就业。  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of a measure of readiness for first grade. The Readiness Inventory (RI), consists of six items, uses a 4‐point rating scale, and has an alpha of 0.86. The RI was completed on 139 first‐grade children and analyzed using a polytomous rating scale model of Item Response Theory. The instrument shows a high level of item and case fit. Based on an item map which elucidates the latent trait of school readiness as perceived by first‐grade teachers, behaviors dealing with academic skills are less indicative of readiness than abilities dealing with role‐governed behaviors or strategic learning behaviors. The RI was then validated through the examination of two different groups of preschool children: those who underwent an intensive school readiness preparation training (the Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youngsters or HIPPY) and those who did not participate in any such program. Scores on the RI were significantly higher for HIPPY graduates versus non‐HIPPY graduates, a breakdown by sex revealed that only HIPPY boys out‐performed their non‐HIPPY boy peers on the RI. This validation study suggests that the RI is able to discriminate between ready and not‐ready children. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Multilevel covariance structure analysis was used to compare two theoretical models that have been proposed to explain the relation between job demand and job control on nursing performance. A key feature of both models is that high job demand and low job control influences the nurses mood state (or state of stress), and this results in reduced nursing performance. Objective measures of job demand and level of control were collected at the level of the hospital ward; measures of perceived job demand, job control, mood state, and nursing performance related to individual nurses within each ward. The modeling provided evidence that both perceived job demand and perceived job control influenced both anxiety and emotional exhaustion, enabling us to reject 1 of the proposed models.  相似文献   

大中专毕业生是经高中等院校专门培养、生产的“产品”,是教育和社会的重要连接点。作者对现行毕业生资源配置中存在问题和主要原因作了深入剖析;明确提出学校是毕业生资源的供给方,在毕业生资源配置中应发挥重要作用;具体阐述了学校在毕业生资源配置中的职能和任务。  相似文献   

地方高师院校毕业生就业技能弱化、就业空间有限、创业能力欠缺、就业和创业心理脆弱。重要原因在于其就业和创业教育相对薄弱,表现在认识滞后、定位错位、体系不完善、师资力量薄弱等。提高地方高师院校毕业生就业和创业教育水平,需要提高认识,优化心理,建立全程化、全面化的就业和创业教育模式,改革地方高师院校课程设置,培养专业化的就业和创业指导队伍,搭建就业和创业教育实践平台。  相似文献   

当前,随着毕业生总量的逐年上升,有些毕业生暂时不就业,形成慢就业现象。95后毕业生初入职场,毕业生毕业后两年内更换工作的比例也很高。但毕业生一旦离开学校,就失去应届毕业生身份,只能以社会人员身份参加各类招考,想要通过二次择业提高就业质量存在一定的困难。为缓解毕业生就业压力,2019年广东省出台高校毕业生就业择业期政策,...  相似文献   

This study describes the results of a questionnaire follow-up study of the employment and educational experiences of the graduates of a nontraditional elective studies degree program. Graduates of the experimental Bachelor of Elected Studies (BES) program at the University of Minnesota were compared with regular liberal arts graduates in terms of their postgraduation educational and employment experiences as well as their attitudes toward their undergraduate education. Results showed that although there were some differences between BES and regular liberal arts graduates in their attendance at graduate school, job history, and attitudes, goals, and expectations toward their undergraduate education, there were many similarities between the two groups. In most cases, BES graduates compare rather favorably with regular liberal arts graduates on most of the indicators examined in this study.  相似文献   

郑晓雨 《辽宁高职学报》2009,11(9):54-55,101
高职毕业生实践能力强、用得上、留得住,就业率逐年提升,而在金融危机的影响下,高职毕业生就业难的问题日益突出。针对求职过程中存在准备不够充分、期望过高、自身定位不够准确等问题,提出高职院校应做好就业前准备工作、加强职业发展规划与就业指导及正确就业观教育等措施。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the relationships among life goals, job prospects and fields of study for a sample of young European higher education graduates. The results show that there is a characteristic pattern for each field of study with regard to the variables used. Graduates in a given field have similar life goals and job prospects, as well as a similar educational and social background, irrespective of cultural and labour market differences associated with their country of residence.  相似文献   

毕业生离校前不良心理状态及调适策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毕业生离校前由于就业、贫困、情感、学习成绩及周围环境等诸方面的压力极易形成不良心理。对毕业生进行就业观念、心理健康及思想政治教育是毕业生及时调整不良心态,顺利步入社会的重要环节。  相似文献   

学校毕业生的就业安置是全社会就业安置体系的重点。自20世纪50年代开始,日本政府借助《职业安定法》及其公共职业安定行政体系形成了有效的规范,强有力地引导着劳动力市场的运行。对学校毕业生实行保护性就业安置,实现了由学校到职场的无缝衔接。日本的经验启示我们,应以立法的形式强化国家在就业安置工作中的主导地位,维护弱势群体利益;打破部门壁垒,形成全国统一领导、职责清晰、关系明确、上下配合、信息共享的就业安置工作系统。  相似文献   

择业效能感是毕业生在求职过程中的自信程度,对毕业生的择业行为和择业结果产生重大影响。本研究采用择业效能感问卷对新疆职业大学2013届毕业生择业效能感状况进行问卷调查。结果显示2013届应届毕业生择业效能感总体上处于中上水平,不同毕业生的择业效能感水平存在较大差异,毕业生的择业效能感不存在显著的性别差异,但不同院部差异显著。  相似文献   

毕业生对高等教育质量评价的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用2007年全国高校毕业生的抽样调查数据,对毕业生关于高等教育质量的评价进行了统计分析,并从学历层次、学校类型、专业、在校成绩、性别和家庭背景等6个方面对毕业生关于高等教育质量的评价结果进行了时比分析。研究结果显示,毕业生对高等教育质量总体来看是满意的。不同学历层次、学校类型、专业、在校成绩、家庭背景的毕业生对高等教育质量的评价存在显著的差异,而性别之间无显著差异。  相似文献   

The reform of the student admissions system of the colleges and universities in our country and of the system of job placement or employment of college and university graduates will be further deepened. The State Education Commission recently proposed certain opinions regarding carrying out spot experiments in this reform, focusing on gradually changing and turning away from the traditional way of doing things in which the state takes care of students who go to college or a university and takes care of their job placement or employment.  相似文献   

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