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我国幼儿园科学教育的研究起步晚,在科学教育理论与具体的教育实践活动中仍然存在许多问题。幼儿科学教育改革的必然趋势和最后宗旨是儿童化,应从幼儿科学教育课程、幼儿科学教育环境、幼儿科学教育方法、幼儿科学教育评价等几个方面进行考虑。  相似文献   

幼儿科学教育是一门年轻学科,许多理论问题尚处于探讨阶段,就幼儿科学教育的教育原则而言,长期以来不为人们所重视,在此方面的研究探讨甚少,笔者在十几年的教学理论研究与实践探索基础上,提出幼儿科学教育应坚持自然性、科学性、发展性、综合性原则  相似文献   

我们课题组以引导幼儿主动学习为切人口,对幼儿科学教育进行了理论与实践的研究与探讨。我们认为,幼儿科学教育不应该等同于以往的常识教育,也不应该只是加上些新内容和动手操作的常识教育。幼儿科学教育应成为启发、支持和引导幼儿主动探究和发现,获得有关周围物质世界及其关系经验的过程,使幼儿获得有利于终身发展的乐学、会学这种长远教育价值。这样的幼儿科学教育,在教育目标和价值取向上、在教育组织策略上都发生了根本性的变化。  相似文献   

为提高我国幼儿科学教育的水平,从理论到实践探索出一条自己的路子,我们在吉林省五所幼儿园进行了调查与实验. 一、幼儿科学教育的重要意义幼儿科学教育是以最基本的科学知识和方法武装幼儿,发展他们的智力和非智力因素的教育.当今各国幼儿科学教育主要指对幼儿进行的自然科学教育。对幼儿进行科学教育的意义在  相似文献   

当前幼儿园科学教育实践缺少对儿童朴素理论的了解与尊重,教师不善于对幼儿的朴素理论加以合理运用,片面强调科学知识教育,忽视幼儿的解释与预测,脱离幼儿的经验,教育评价空洞机械,教育效果不理想。幼儿园科学教育中,教师应了解并尊重幼儿的朴素理论,关注"说"、"做"、"思"、"看",即注重倾听与提问、操作与实践、思考与探究、观察与模仿,促进幼儿理论的主动建构。  相似文献   

在幼儿的成长过程中,科学教育是幼儿身心发展的必然需要,是全面发展教育的重要内容。笔者从事幼教工作数十年,出于对教学工作的认识、体会、总结和升华,从幼儿科学教育的任务、目标与内容和指导策略等方面深刻阐述了幼儿科学教育的重要性,理论与实践相结合,可操作性强,对于提高幼儿科学教育的方法具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

后现代主义与幼儿科学教育   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
“后现代”本是哲学家乐于谈论的话题,近年来逐渐形成为一种教育理念,成为我们反思传统教育的思想武器。我们开展“后现代主义的幼儿科学教育研究”的目的,就是通过汲取后现代主义的理论营养,对当前的幼儿科学教育理论和实践进行反思,并试图在“后现代”的意义上重新理解科学和科学教育。  相似文献   

吕丽燕 《教师》2013,(36):99-100
随着对新《幼儿园教育指导纲要》的不断学习和幼教改革的不断深化,认真汲取陶行知生活教育理论中丰富的营养,并运用生活理论来切实指导幼儿科学活动实践,是一个值得深入探索的新课题。本文拟结合自身两年多的幼儿园科学教育实践研究的体会,从润物无声:营造生活化的科学活动环境氛围;用生活来教育:让幼儿科学活动“生活化”;不断对话:建构科学活动生活化的丰富内涵等,来谈谈融入幼儿生活的科学教育,让科学教育回归生活。  相似文献   

幼儿拥有与生俱来的好奇心与创造力,他们眼中的世界是新奇有趣的,不仅会通过观察、触摸、品味等不同方式认识世界,还会在探索过程中不断提出新鲜问题,故激发幼儿的科学创造力成为幼儿园教学活动开展的源动力。本文先对陶行知教育理论和幼儿科学创造力的概念和实践意义予以概述,随后分别论述了陶行知创造教育理论下培养幼儿科学创造力的原则和策略。  相似文献   

朱立 《辽宁教育》2013,(8):92-93
随着社会的发展与进步,人们越来越意识到科学素养是社会生活对每个人的基本要求。对孩子进行早期的科学启蒙既是他们人生发展的需要,也是他们适应社会的需要。幼儿科学教育的概念是在国家《幼儿园工作规程》颁布前后出现的,十多年来,有关幼儿科学教育的理论研究和实践探讨并不多。直到现在,多数幼儿教师对幼儿科学教育的认识,还有些模糊不清。在实践中仍然沿用以往常识课的方式进行教育,  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the debugging process that early childhood preservice teachers used during block-based programing. Its purpose was to provide insights into how to prepare early childhood teachers to integrate computer science into instruction. This study reports the types of errors that early childhood preservice teachers commonly made and how they debugged the errors. Findings are discussed in relation to research and practice that could benefit from debugging instruction. This study provides directions for future computer science education research that aims to prepare teachers for programming, computational thinking, and STEM education. Though this study used robotics as a programming context, findings on early childhood preservice teachers’ debugging processes could be applicable to other contexts involving block-based programming.  相似文献   

毕生发展观以贯穿人的一生的发展历程作为指导思想来看待儿童每个时期的发展变化.本文在介绍其基本理论要义的基础上,重新解读了在毕生发展观指导下的早期儿童发展与教育的内涵,同时就毕生发展观指导下的儿童早期教育原则进行了阐述,以期为早期儿童教育的理论与实践研究提供一种新的视角.  相似文献   

科学实验是科学认识的基础,没有科学实验就没有真正意义上的科学。近年来,发展心理学家对传统的研究方法作了创造性的改进,使研究对象有所扩大,研究内容有所拓展,从而对早期教育产生了更加丰富的实用价值。在儿童发展心理学中,实验法与其他方法的综合运用有着广阔的发展空间,但主流的方法依然是实验法。无论是哪一种研究方法,都必须坚持客观性原则。沉浸于后现代主义的相对主义和无政府主义思潮对科学发展和社会实践活动,包括对幼儿教育的发展是有害的。  相似文献   

This special topic issue of Early Education and Development is devoted to Vygotskian and/or CHAT (Cultural Historical Activity Theory) perspectives on early childhood education. Although the ideas of Soviet developmental/educational psychologist, Lev Vygotsky (1896-1934), and those of his followers, are now central theoretical grounding within the field of early childhood education (Berk & Winsler, 1995; Bodrova & Leong, 1996; Bredekamp & Copple, 1997), it is still often a challenge understanding and implementing Vygotskian and neo- Vygotskian ideas in early childhood classrooms. Perhaps this is due to the fact that many of the central constructs within this tradition (i.e., scaffolding, zone of proximal development...) have often been conceptualized and empirically examined at the one-on-one, adult-child level, rather than at the level of classroom processes. Or perhaps the inherent conceptual and methodological complexities of socio-cultural, historical, and semiotic analyses become an obstacle to effective integration of scholarship and practice in this area. Indeed, Vygotskian theory forces us to think about not only the child and his or her current activities, but also about the child's history of previous experiences, the cultural backdrop and meaning that such activities have for the child, the social context in which that particular activity occurs in the classroom, the structure of the larger classroom context and the opportunities afforded by the available tools and cultural artifacts to be found there, and the way that teachers and other children "mediate" children's experiences in the classroom via social interaction and language use. Clearly, it is difficult in both theory and practice to think about and coordinate these multiple levels, but it is certainly worth the time and effort to do so. The goal of this special issue was to compile a selection of both empirical and theoretical papers that would help toward that effort and make a significant contribution to advancing early childhood policy, practice, and applied developmental science by both informing, and learning from, practice in early childhood settings. Although the subtitle for this issue, "Translating Ideas into Classroom Practice," might appear to suggest the existence of a unidirectional path from theory to practice, the Vygotskian dialectical perspective and contemporary applied developmental science in general views theory and practice as being inseparable, intimately intertwined, with each informing the other and both evolving dynamically together over time.  相似文献   

In Science Education during Early Childhood: A Cultural-Historical Perspective, Wolff-Michael Roth, Maria Inês Mafra Goulart and Katerina Plakitsi explore the practical application of Vygotsky’s relational ontological theory of human development to early childhood science teaching and teacher development. In this review, I interrogate how Roth et al. conceptualize “emergent curriculum” within the Eurocentric cultural-historical traditions of early childhood education that evolved primarily from the works of Vygotsky and Piaget and compare it to the conceptualizations from other prominent early childhood researchers and curriculum developers. I examine the implications of the authors’ interpretation of emergence for early childhood science education and teacher preparation.  相似文献   

作为具有创新能力的实践主体,在实践教学中幼师生能够通过反思提升自己的理论认识和实践水平。幼师生的教学反思应主要定位在对幼儿发展需要的准确把握上。在此基础上,幼师生通过在实践中的自觉、观察、批判、创新计划和创新实践,逐步实现自身教学反思能力的提高。  相似文献   

Research Findings: Quality early science education is important for addressing the low science achievement, compared to international peers, of elementary students in the United States. Teachers’ beliefs about their skills in a content area, that is, their content self-efficacy is important because it has implications for teaching practice and child outcomes. However, little is known about how teachers’ self-efficacy for literacy, math and science compare and how domain-specific self-efficacy relates to teachers’ practice in the area of science. Analysis of survey and observation data from 67 Head Start classrooms across eight programs indicated that domain-specific self-efficacy was highest for literacy, significantly lower for science, and lowest for math. Classrooms varied, but in general, engaged in literacy far more than science, contained a modest amount of science materials, and their instructional support of science was low. Importantly, self-efficacy for science, but not literacy or math, related to teachers frequency of engaging children in science instruction. Teachers’ education and experience did not predict self-efficacy for science. Practice or Policy: To enhance the science opportunities provided in early childhood classrooms, pre-service and in-service education programs should provide teachers with content and practices for science rather than focusing exclusively on literacy.  相似文献   

In early childhood education and early childhood teacher preparation, science is often a challenging academic content area. However, young children are primed for science learning, and early science learning is important for later science achievement. The current study presents an embedded case study of one early childhood teacher preparation program that undertook a process of infusing and aligning science teaching preparation across a curriculum preparing preservice teachers to work with children ranging in age from birth through third grade. Major themes fell into the three categories—motivation for change; the process of improving and aligning across a program; and science attitudes, beliefs, and experiences in the midst of change. Implications are discussed in terms of improving preparation for teaching early science and aligning across courses in early childhood teacher preparation.  相似文献   


The author conducted a study with early childhood educators in New Delhi to understand the teachers’ perceptions of the relationship between their preparation and practice within a theory‐practice framework. The research problem emanated from the observations and experiences of the author, indicating an existing three‐way tension between the design of current Indian teacher education programs, the dominant discourse of early childhood education, and the underlying values of Indian philosophy that defined the construct of the teacher and child in Indian society.  相似文献   

American early childhood education is in the midst of drastic change. In recent years, states have begun the process of overhauling early childhood education systems in response to federal grant competitions, bringing an increased focus on assessment and accountability for early learning programs. The assessment of young children is fraught with challenges; psychometricians and educational researchers must work together with the early childhood community to develop these instruments. The purpose of this paper is to present a conceptual framework for the validation of such instrumentation and examine its implications for early childhood educators. We formulate a validity argument for early childhood assessments providing a pivotal link between validity theory and early education practice. Recommendations for the assessment field are also considered.  相似文献   

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