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为了能更充分的了解冰球项目,对冰球的项目特征和运动员的竞技能力构成有一个更充分的认识,从而能够更好的发展冰球运动。通过大量的有关文献和结合多年的教练经验,在总结归纳的基础上分析冰球项目特征,并通过对其属性的深入分析研究冰球运动员竞技能力,从体能、技能、战术、心理能力、智能能力、运动队文化及教练员几个方面进行分析,提出冰球运动项目竞技能力的基本因素、关键因素、主导因素、心理因素、智能因素和团队因素、教练因素,并进一步细化为单兵竞技能力和球队竞技能力,以期推动对冰球运动项目的本质规律进行更加深入的研究,促进冰球运动项目在中国更好更快地发展。  相似文献   

This study used a backward-masking paradigm to examine individual differences in rate of visual information processing among university basketball, ice hockey and Canadian football players. Displays containing four letters were presented for stimulus durations ranging from 25 to 300 ms. Following stimulus offset, a masking stimulus was presented for 200 ms. The subjects were instructed to write down as many letters as possible from the briefly presented stimulus display on a specially prepared response grid. The results indicated consistent individual differences in rate of visual information processing. More importantly, it was found that rate of visual information processing as indexed by the backward-masking technique, has promising validity for predicting general performance excellence in university ice hockey and basketball players. Individual differences in rate of visual information processing were interpreted as reflecting the operation of attentional factors.  相似文献   


Characteristics of 32 international and 41 local under-17 (U-17) (14.5–16.5 years) roller hockey players were considered in the context of discrimination by competitive level using training history, anthropometry, skeletal maturation, and several laboratory and field performance tests. More international (42%) than local (22%) players were advanced in maturity status. International players had slightly less hockey experience (years), but had more practice sessions and match time (minutes) during the season. Local players were shorter and attained better performance in the 25-m dash, while international players performed better in sit-ups, ball throw and 20-m shuttle run. The fatigue index derived from the Wingate anaerobic test was higher among local players, while peak torques of knee extension and flexion were greater in international players. Stepwise discriminant function correctly classified 85% of players by competitive level based on grip strength, ratio of eccentric and concentric knee extension, number of training sessions, playing time and fatigue index. The results suggested an interaction among strength, anaerobic fitness and training plus game time as factors in discriminating international from local level players and by inference in the selection and development of youth roller hockey players.  相似文献   

耿华 《冰雪运动》2014,(4):24-28
近两年核心力量训练被广泛的应用到各种运动项目的训练当中,核心力量训练的出现为传统力量训练增添了鲜活的因素,在提高运动员协调、灵敏和平衡等能力方面优于传统的力量训练,与其他同项群项目相比,核心力量训练没有很好地应用到冰球项目中。通过对冰球运动员进行核心力量训练的实验研究,试图揭示给冰球运动员带来的核心能力改善的效果。实验表明,经过8周的力量训练,核心力量均有所改善,背桥的成绩有了极显著性的提高,跪姿前抛的成绩与实验前相比具有显著性的差异,腹背肌和上肢肌群的力量得到显著性提高。通过核心力量训练在齐齐哈尔冰球一队的训练实验研究,找出了核心力量训练对冰球运动员运动能力的提高和作用,为将来更好的将核心力量训练运用到冰球项目实践中做好铺垫。  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to adapt a performance measurement tool, the Team Sport Assessment Procedure (TSAP), to ice hockey during match-play. In addition to the six categories included in the original observational procedure, the ice hockey TSAP contained four new categories. Twelve Pee-Wee ice hockey matches were video-recorded during a regional championship tournament. The game play of 103 of the 11- to 12-year-old players was then analysed on video by three trained observers, based on all 10 ice hockey TSAP categories. The observational data were thereafter used to compute, for each player, a “volume of play per minute” and an efficiency index. Finally, volume of play per minute and the efficiency index were combined to obtain a composite score, the TSAP performance score. Additional measurements for each player were playing time during the observed matches, coaches’ assessments (dominant, good, less decisive), and player tournament statistics (number of points, based on assists and goals). The mean TSAP performance score was substantially higher for players rated by their coaches as dominant and for players who accumulated more than one tournament point, findings that provide evidence of the validity of the TSAP measure. In inter-observer reliability analyses of TSAP observational data provided by the trained observersfrom video recordings, the level of agreement between each pair of observers was 80–82%. Reliability correlations over a series of three matches (r=0.26, 0.59, and 0.16 respectively) showed that the TSAP performance score was relatively unstable. Ice hockey coaches may use this adapted Team Sport Assessment Procedure to better understand the offensive implication of each player in a given match, since the 10 observational variables provide more extensive information on performance than traditional statistical measures. Due to low performance stability of the TSAP performance score, coaches ought to use the observational assessment data for the formative rather than the summative assessment of their players unless they cumulate information over a series of several matches. Formative assessment can be conducted either during training camps or even during the regular season.  相似文献   

Goaltenders in ice hockey are the only players that are on the ice for the entire game. Their position exposes them to impacts from collisions with other players, falls to the ice, and puck impacts. In competitive ice hockey leagues, head injuries resulting from puck impacts have been reported with some cases resulting in ending the player’s career. Considerable research has been conducted to assess the performance of hockey helmets; however, few have assessed the performance of goaltenders’ masks. The purpose of this study was to compare the capacity of four goaltenders’ masks for the protection from puck impact as measured by head acceleration and peak force. A Hybrid III headform was fitted with four different goaltender masks and impacted with a hockey puck in three locations at 25 m/s. The masks were found to vary in the level of protection they offered as the mask with the thickest liner resulted in lower forces than the thinnest mask for side impacts; however, the thinnest mask resulted in the lowest force for front impacts. Despite performance differences at specific locations, no one mask proved to be superior as peak acceleration and peak force values did not exceed the thresholds necessary for concussion.  相似文献   

冰球运动以速度、对抗和冲撞成为现代竞技体育运动中最具竞技性、观赏性和对抗性的比赛项目之一,其危险性也是诱发运动损伤较高的比赛项目,训练中积极预防少年冰球运动员的运动损伤发对提高我国冰球运动的普及率具有重要的作用。情绪状态与自我控制能力,对规则的认知与技术的规范性,训练安排与训练负荷的科学性,场地器材与护具等因素是诱发运动损伤的主要原因;冰球运动员的运动损伤主要发生在四肢,尤其以下肢损伤为多,其他部位占少数,损伤最多的是闭合性软组织损伤、关节和韧带扭伤。提出采取加强思想教育,合理、科学地安排训练负荷与训练过程,加强易伤部位的训练,加强保健指导、提高保护和自我保护意识,提高场地器材与护具的质量等措施,积极预防少年冰球运动员的运动损伤的发生,给予体育锻炼者参考与指导,提高冰球运动员运动寿命。  相似文献   

关晓波  耿华 《冰雪运动》2008,30(6):25-27,45
通过对2008年世界U18青少年锦标赛各国运动员的表现进行分析,总结出各运动队的技术特点,同时针对中国运动员的临场表现与训练中反映出的问题现状,分别在体能、心理、技术和战术等方面提出训练意见,旨在引起同行及有关方面对我国青少年冰球选手训练与培养的重视,促进我国冰球运动水平的不断提高。  相似文献   

冰球运动是世界上对抗最激烈的运动之一.良好的体能水平是冰球运动员合理发挥技术,巧妙运用战术,取得比赛胜利的关键,良好的体能训练方法对训练效果的影响是十分明显的.采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、归纳总结法、数理统计法等方法,通过对冰球运动员体能要求进行分析,提出冰球运动体能训练采用功能性训练这一新型体能训练方法.阐述了冰球运动员功能性体能训练的内容和具体训练方法.在当前的冰球运动员体能训练过程中,功能性训练是一种新型的体能训练方法,希望能尽快应用于冰球运动体能训练之中.为我国冰球运动的体能训练提供建设性参考意见.  相似文献   

冰球运动员心理选材方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
吕成龙 《冰雪运动》2010,32(2):28-31
心理选材对提高冰球运动员的成材率具有积极的促进作用。运用运动心理学和运动训练学相关知识,采用理论分析方法,结合国内运动心理选材的相关研究,针对冰球运动的专项特点,认为在冰球运动员心理选材中应注意心理选材的阶段性、系统性、长期性、专项性等问题。提出动觉方位感、视动反应时、注意力测定、性格分析、操作思维测定等冰球运动员心理选材的主要内容与测试方法。  相似文献   

More than 1 million Canadian adults play recreational ice hockey. Compared to elite players, very little is known about the physical and health characteristics of people who play the game for fun. Analyzing data from Statistics Canada’s 2011/12 Canadian Community Health Survey, the paper found that there is an association between physically active males age 35 or over who play ice hockey regularly (at least once a week) and enhanced health more so than other physically active males. While these players are larger in body size, they have significantly lower rates of diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease and report significantly higher rates of self-assessed health. Given the potential health benefits associated with this high intensity sport, the paper discusses ways in which participation can be promoted among less physically active adults and people who are new to the game or who have historically lower levels of participation including women and recent immigrants. Finally, the paper argues that compared to the very high costs associated with child and youth hockey, participation in adult recreational ice hockey is quite affordable.  相似文献   

Checking In     

Despite the growing popularity of women's ice hockey in North America, players continue to face limitations because of the prohibition of body checking. In this paper, we argue from a liberal feminist philosophical perspective that this prohibition reinforces existing traditional stereotypes of female athletes. Because the women's game does not incorporate checking, female ice hockey players are not afforded the same opportunity to flourish as men and experience bodily agency, which results in continued male domination of the game, therefore, indirectly reinforcing a gender hierarchy in hockey and society.  相似文献   

The rise in interest in women’s ice hockey has been very recent compared to the men’s version of the game. While men have competed in the Olympics since 1920, women’s ice hockey was only introduced in 1998. A watershed moment for the growth of the women’s game was the inaugural Women’s World Hockey Championship (WWHC), held in Ottawa, Canada, in March of 1990. The event would be instrumental in showcasing the abilities of elite female players, garnering support for the inclusion of women’s ice hockey in the Olympic Games, and legitimating women’s hockey as an elite sport. However, while the popularity of the sport today remains a legacy of the 1990 WWHC, the event itself started from more modest beginnings. With the Championship, initially facing a lack of public and media interest, the tournament committee made several key changes, including a strategic marketing decision to have Team Canada wear pink jerseys, to elevate the profile of the tournament. Ultimately, media support and approval of the International Ice Hockey Federation and International Olympic Committee would allow the women’s hockey to become a mainstay on the world stage.  相似文献   

This study is situated within an existential–narrative theoretical framework to examine the impact of career-threatening injury on professional ice hockey players’ well-being and career construction. Professional ice hockey culture is construed as a privileged space characterised by hegemonic masculinity, fierce competition as well as high-risk behaviours often resulting in sports injuries. In this paper, we analyse two players’ life stories with a particular focus on injury as a boundary situation involving social and temporal breakdown and re-evaluation of meaning of sporting life projects. Emergent narratives surrounding existential themes of loss of meaning and loneliness in the face of injury were analysed in connection with players’ search for authenticity and realignment with self-concept. Each player developed resistant narratives to the dominant ethos of professional sport in order to restore well-being and sense of self. The relational aspects of injury are highlighted in practical recommendations.  相似文献   

Ice hockey is the fastest team game played and is also considered to be one of the roughest of all sports, with a high injury incidence. Injuries and their causes were recorded by the questioning of players in the first league of the Federal Republic of Germany. Eighty-eight out of a total of 207 first league players were included in this study. Head injuries were found to occur most frequently: however, lesions of the shoulders and of the upper and lower extremities had a more detrimental effect. The links between causes and mechanisms of the different kinds of injuries make it clear that a marked tightening of the rules and an improvement in protective clothing would serve to reduce the incidence of injuries in ice hockey.  相似文献   

Ice hockey is the fastest team game played and is also considered to be one of the roughest of all sports, with a high injury incidence. Injuries and their causes were recorded by the questioning of players in the first league of the Federal Republic of Germany. Eighty‐eight out of a total of 207 first league players were included in this study. Head injuries were found to occur most frequently: however, lesions of the shoulders and of the upper and lower extremities had a more detrimental effect. The links between causes and mechanisms of the different kinds of injuries make it clear that a marked tightening of the rules and an improvement in protective clothing would serve to reduce the incidence of injuries in ice hockey.  相似文献   

孙若渔 《冰雪运动》2008,30(3):38-41
冰球运动视频资源是现代冰球运动技战术研究的重要组成部分,为克服传统冰球运动视频资源管理方法的局限性,一个解决方案是使视频资源管理系统具备语义搜索和过滤能力。为达到高效索引和检索的目的,进行了冰球运动视频资源的信息元素语义化分析,并初步提出冰球运动视频资源管理系统的语义索引结构设计方案,为建立专业化视频资源管理系统提供技术与方法参考。  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated what drives players to endorse an aggressive style in Swiss ice hockey and football. We selected a sample of 16 players on the basis of their penalty statistics. We used semi-directed retrospective interviews to collect players’; biographic narratives. The results show a socialization process into an aggressive style, supported by the dominant gender and socialization norms of the sport, which is under the influence of the structure of the sports organization. However, there are large differences between players, with only some of them adopting an aggressive style. Although many studies have underlined the influence of moral disengagement, the present results suggest that time also matters and that the diversity of career paths may explain the diversity in attitudes. Socialization differences in the sports field, bodily capital, a career path marked by thwarted reputation are the key factors that drive players to adopt an aggressive style.  相似文献   

目的:探讨负重深蹲练习与保加利亚蹲练习两种不同的下肢力量训练方式对冰球运动员专项移动能力的影响,并比较两种训练方式对提升冰球运动员滑行能力的差异。方法:将18名U16冰球运动员随机分为保加利亚蹲组和负重深蹲组,对其训练前后冰上30米滑行、冰上重复冲刺、8字滑行以及陆地30米跑、立定三级跳、侧跨跳、Y-Balance成绩变化进行测试。结果:两种下肢力量训练方式均可提高冰球运动员的冰上滑行能力、下肢爆发力及下肢平衡能力。在冰上滑行能力方面,保加利亚蹲组冰上重复冲刺能力提高优于负重深蹲组,具有显著性差异,冰上8字滑行速度两组间不存在显著性差异;在下肢爆发力方面,保加利亚蹲组30米冲刺跑成绩显著优于负重深蹲组。在下肢Y-Balance测试方面,两组不具有显著性差异。结论:保加利亚蹲与负重深蹲练习均可以显著提高男子U16冰球运动员的直线加速滑行能力,前者在提高重复冲刺能力方面显著优于手者,两种练习均可以提升男子U16冰球运动员的下肢爆发力与平衡能力。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the relationships among biological maturity, physical size, relative age (i.e. birth date), and selection into a male Canadian provincial age-banded ice hockey team. In 2003, 619 male ice hockey players aged 14-15 years attended Saskatchewan provincial team selection camps, 281 of whom participated in the present study. Data from 93 age-matched controls were obtained from the Saskatchewan Pediatric Bone Mineral Accrual Study (1991-1997). During the initial selection camps, birth dates, heights, sitting heights, and body masses were recorded. Age at peak height velocity, an indicator of biological maturity, was determined in the controls and predicted in the ice hockey players. Data were analysed using one-way analysis of variance, logistic regression, and a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The ice hockey players selected for the final team were taller, heavier, and more mature (P < 0.05) than both the unselected players and the age-matched controls. Furthermore, age at peak height velocity predicted (P < 0.05) being selected at the first and second selection camps. The birth dates of those players selected for the team were positively skewed, with the majority of those selected being born in the months January to June. In conclusion, team selectors appear to preferentially select early maturing male ice hockey players who have birth dates early in the selection year.  相似文献   

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