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The Asian Games have exercised an influence over the Asian region which has been strong enough to change the paradigms of host countries having substantial socio-cultural effects on various elements of relationships such as geopolitical diplomatic relations in the region. South Korea has confidently hosted three Asian Games in the last two decades, the 1986 Seoul, 2002 Busan and 2014 Incheon Games. In this study, an investigation of the socio-cultural impacts of the Asian Games held in South Korea in the last two decades is carried out. The focuses of the study are the aspects of globalization, regionalism and reconciliation featured through the three Games. The outcomes of the study may contribute to the understanding of the role of mega sports events in promoting globalization of society and in intertwining with regional states. The Asian Games, as witnessed, which are held while maintaining the motto of the Olympics within Asia, will not only promote the globalization of host countries and cities in the future, but also it will contribute to improving diplomatic relations with neighbouring countries. These games are also predicted to help relieve political tension in the Asia-Pacific region, including the Korean Peninsula. However, as the effects of hosting mega sports events are largely concentrated on the development of their host countries and cities, these events also have the potential to become the seeds of regional conflicts or disputes by creating further competition or a sense of alarm.  相似文献   

Sport is an effective modern means for revealing a country's political preoccupations and geopolitical concerns. For China, Japan and South Korea, the pre-eminent countries in the recent Asian Games, sport has become a sharp tool for promoting nationalism and national identity. There is a history of bitter rivalry between these countries, not least, due to Japan's occupation of Korea and the Second Sino-Japanese War, the largest Asian war in the twentieth century. Consequently, a prominent characteristic of Korean and Chinese nationalism is anti-Japanese antipathy. This essay examines China–Japan–Korea rivalry through global sports events hosted in Asia during the past decade cumulating in the Guangzhou Asian Games. Here, the focus is on the use of these events as manifestations of resentment and revenge arising out of historic rivalries. This use may well grow in intensity as these nations grow in wealth, confidence and power as the EAST ASIAN EPOCH comes closer. This essay is the first to draw attention to the tripartite politics of sport as confrontation in the region's past, present and future.  相似文献   


The South Korean region of Pyeongchang will host the 2018 Winter Olympic Games. Using Wallerstein’s world system theory and Collins’s notions of zones of prestige and emulation as a conceptual framework, this paper examines the South Korean Government’s intention to stage the winter sporting spectacle. As the Winter Olympics is arguably considered a game for the relatively affluent global north, South Korea, as a semi-core state, attempts to elevate its position to a global economic and cultural powerhouse through being a host of this winter sports mega-event. However, it should be noted that the Winter Olympic Games is an event through which white supremacy and Western cultural hegemony are continuously reinforced. Therefore, the South Korean ambition to enhance its international standing by staging the Winter Olympic Games paradoxically reflects Western cultural imperialism and Orientalism embedded in South Korean cultural politics associated with the winter sporting contest.  相似文献   

本文通过对第16届广州亚运会游泳比赛赛况进行深入分析,以丰富的数据剖析当今亚洲泳坛格局的变化、中日韩三国的实力对比,得出结论如下:中国以24金54枚奖牌位列奖牌榜首位,日本以9金39枚奖牌位居奖牌榜第二位,韩国以4金13枚奖牌位列奖牌榜第三位。本届亚运会中国队以绝对优势,将老对手日本队远远的甩在身后,实现中国游泳队在亚运会上取得的最佳成绩。男子项目中国与日本奖牌总数相同,但金牌榜上日本以9枚金牌领先于中国的7枚,冲金实力更为强劲。女子项目中国选手以17枚金牌位居金牌榜和奖牌榜之冠;而位于奖牌榜第二的日本女子队竞没有金牌入账。本届亚运会韩国的朴泰桓最为突出,一人独得男子100米、200米、加0米自由泳三项个人项目金牌,并获得7枚奖牌,成为本届亚运会游泳比赛获得最多个人项目金牌和最多奖牌的运动员,其实力不可小觑。  相似文献   

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea participated in the 2012 Summer Olympics in London with 51 athletes. They won a total of six medals and finished 20th in the overall medal table. However, most observers of the London 2012 Olympics will not remember North Korea's athletic successes but the flag blunder that kicked the Games off with a diplomatic row. On the first day, the South Korean flag was accidentally displayed next to the faces of the North Korean women's football team on the stadium's huge screen. Although there have been several flag controversies and blunders in the context of the Olympic Games, this incident must be considered as one of the most embarrassing and high-profile as, technically, North and South Korea are still at war having signed only an armistice at the end of the Korean War in 1953. This paper deals with three interrelated issues: first, it outlines the development of inter-Korean political and sporting relations since the 2008 Beijing Olympics before, second, it focuses on the political significance of the 2012 London Games. Third, it summarises key themes and ideological messages emerging from a qualitative analysis of the state-controlled North Korean media coverage of the 2012 Olympics. The Korean Central News Agency appears to pursue a dual strategy: it aims to increase the popularity of outstanding North Korean athletes and create home-grown stars, and also attempts to encourage an alternative discourse about the country abroad. All these issues need to be analysed in wider context of significant political changes in both Koreas, particularly in the North, where Kim Jong-un, who came to power in December 2011, has started to carve out a distinct identity and forge his own leadership style.  相似文献   


This paper investigates the complex history of the taekwondo sport uniform. Although the uniform is an outward symbol of South Korea’s most popular martial art and national sport, few researchers have elucidated the uniform’s history. From studies into martial art uniforms, and the taekwondo uniform in particular, it is discovered that the tradition of wearing white trousers and jacket began with judo in the nineteenth century. This tradition was carried over to karate and other Japanese martial arts in the early twentieth century. After the liberation of the Korean peninsula from Japan, the taekwondo uniform began to evolve from its Japanese progenitors. The first important changes to the taekwondo uniform were implemented by Hwang Gi, who altered it to meet a traditional Korean clothing style. The 1970s saw the second important transformation to the uniform, whereby it became exclusively regarded as sports attire. However, since the 1970s, the taekwondo uniform did not account for traditional Korean clothing styles, and it faced several criticisms. Recent changes to the World Taekwondo Federation’s poomsae uniform have addressed these problems. The distinctiveness of the new uniform will further distinguish it from its Japanese counterparts, and help to promote the true identity of taekwondo, as well as Korean culture, worldwide.  相似文献   

以东亚体育强国中国、日本、韩国参与夏季奥运会为切入点,简述了20世纪以来东亚夏季奥运会的发展历程,日本是东亚奥林匹克运动的先驱,在20世纪50年代到70年代末引领东亚奥运会;20世纪80年代日本逐渐衰落,韩国和中国共同位居世界体育板块的第二军团;90年代至今中国逐步成为东亚体育排头兵,2000年后中国在金牌和奖牌总数上已经远超过日本和韩国,引领着东亚夏季奥运会的格局不断发展,与中国经济发展、国家综合实力不断提升、政治环境稳定是密不可分的。分析东亚奥运会发展的环境,揭示了东亚各国国力的增强对体育发展的促进作用,旨在为促进东亚夏季奥运会的进一步发展提供参考。  相似文献   

1948 was South Korea's first ever appearance in the Olympics – a poor country, forced to adjust to division on the peninsula, with a limited athletic presence. But South Korea won its first medals and contributed to the tortuous process of securing its international standing. Sixty-four years later, by the time of its second appearance in a London Olympics South Korea had become a powerful economy with a high international profile and a strong athletic representation – coming 5th in the final medal table. This study compares and contrasts not just the two London Olympics in terms of athletic performances but also the changed roles for South Korea within both the global sporting community and broader international society. Despite the continuing division on the peninsula, the two London Olympics provide symbols and markers of the aspirations, achievements and failures of South Korean policy-makers and their people.  相似文献   

After the Second World War the Southeast Asian countries of Burma (1948), Laos (1954), Cambodia (1955), South Vietnam (1955), Malaya (1957), and Singapore (1959) sought independence from the British, French and Japanese colonialists. The first post Second World War and post-colonial biannual multisport Southeast Asian Games was held in Bangkok in 1959 among these countries (and Thailand) although they were relatively poor developing countries. Referring to official reports of the eight bi-annual SEAP Games and other sources of information this research studies how the organization of the eight SEAP Games since 1959 contributed to the nation building process of each country and shaped the political landscape. This was carried out by creating a national identity through sports in each country as well as creating a sense of regional cooperation during periods of war, shifting boundaries and identities. This was done through rituals to legitimize newly ascended constitutional monarchies and heads of states, national flags and athletes' national identity during competition. The SEAP Games also gradually opened avenues for women's participation similar to female athletes in the Olympic Games. It also provided opportunities for promising athletes to shine, improve and compete at higher levels at the Asian and Olympic Games.  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料法、数理统计法与比较法等研究方法,对中国、日本与韩国在第26、27、28届夏季奥运会中的集体球类项目竞技实力进行深入研究,研究得出:中、日、韩三国整体竞技实力不稳定,表现出下降趋势,中国的实力稍强于韩国、日本;在男子方面,中国落后韩国与日本,韩国与日本的实力较近;在女子方面,中国拥有绝对优势,韩国实力下降,日本实力上升,韩国与日本之间的差距缩小  相似文献   

During the past several decades, South Korea has gained tremendous international recognition by achieving an excellent performance in a variety of international sport competitions and hosting numerous mega-sporting events. Although success in elite sport (i.e. Development of Sport approach) has contributed to making South Korea one of the sport powerhouses in the world, South Korea has paid very little attention to the role that sport can play as a tool for social and personal development (i.e. Development through Sport approach). Similarly, scholars also paid little attention to the ‘development through sport’ approach in South Korea while predominantly focusing their attention in taking the ‘development of sport’ approach. In recent years, however, the South Korean government has begun to show interest in the ‘development through sport’ approach to become a truly advanced sporting nation. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to explore how South Korea's paradigm in sport has historically shifted from ‘development of sport’ to ‘development through sport’ in its socio-political context.  相似文献   

第七届亚冬会在哈萨克斯坦落下帷幕,最终收获11金10银14铜的中国代表团不敌日、韩和东道主,在亚冬会历史上首次被挤出前三行列。本文对第七届哈萨克斯坦亚亚冬会中国代表团的成绩同日本、韩国、哈萨克斯坦等亚洲冰雪强国的成绩进行比较,分析中国冰雪运动各项目的现状。同时就中国冰雪运动未来发展方向提出了建议,使中国冬季体育运动项目达到世界冰雪项目永续强国水平。  相似文献   

史海现 《体育学刊》2012,(4):98-101
以参加伦敦奥运周期3届世锦赛决赛运动员为研究对象,对伦敦奥运会男子体操比赛前景进行分析:团体实力以亚洲的中国和日本最强,属于第一集团,美国队是第二集团的佼佼者;个人全能以日本队实力最强,其中内村航平更是一枝独秀;中国在吊环、双杠和单杠等项目上,都构成夺金"双保险";欧洲运动员在鞍马项目上具有集团优势;韩国和日本等亚洲运动员在跳马上略占上风,各国运动员的水平逐渐接近,比赛胜负取决于临场发挥的水平。  相似文献   

本文运用文献资料法、对比分析法以及数理统计法,对我国男子田径队与广州亚运会获得金牌的其中五项个人项目(100米、110米栏、20公里竞走、三级跳远以及撑杆跳高)在第9—16届亚运会及第22—29届奥运会上的最好成绩进行统计与对比分析,以期获悉这些项目的发展趋势,同时对这些项目在伦敦奥运会上的冠军成绩进行预测,为我国田径运动训练实践提供有益参考。  相似文献   

This essay examines the complex, and ultimately unsuccessful, negotiations between North and South Korea, undertaken with the encouragement of the International Olympic Committee during 1962–63 to form a united Korean team to participate in the Tokyo Olympics of 1964. In particular, it focuses on the role of Hong Kong, chosen as a ‘neutral’ site for the two Korean delegations to meet. It shows how the IOC's optimism for a ‘sporting’ solution was to founder on continued mutual suspicion and recriminations between the two Koreas and how the Hong Kong government's reluctance to get involved, the US political intervention, and North Korean participation in the GANEFO Games were all to complicate the process.  相似文献   

尽管王治郅缺阵,但拥有NBA状元秀姚明及掘金队巴特尔的中国男篮竟然在第14届世界男篮锦标赛上1胜7负。1个多月后又在亚运会男篮决赛中输给了韩国队。具备世界级身体条件的中国队的表现与国内外期望值形成强烈反差。该文通过对中国男篮在世锦赛上的7场比赛及亚运会决赛录像的统计分析,发现了我外围队员在个人进攻与防守能力、各种进攻方法比率、参与全队防守战术的质量、抢篮板球等方面与国外强队存在较大差距。提出更新理念,改革竞赛与训练体制,引进外籍教练、球员和裁判员,选派教练员赴NBA进修,增加与世界强队的比赛,借鉴NBA训练方法等建议。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、数理统计和逻辑分析方法,对第14届釜山亚运会和第22届亚洲男篮锦标赛中的中、韩男篮决赛的2场比赛进行技术分析,从韩国队使用全场紧逼的阵形、时机、次数以及中国队破紧逼采用的方法、使用的时间及成功与否等几个方面总结出中国男篮在2场比赛中破全场紧逼的成功与得失,并提出相关建议。  相似文献   

采用文献资料调研、数理统计法和RSR综合评价等方法,对2011年世界女子手球锦标赛各支球队攻防能力进行比较分析:指出中国队在与亚洲球队的数据比较中,与韩国队相比有较大差距,略低于日本、哈萨克斯坦。据此,中国女子手球队要提高在强对抗的情况下运用技术的能力,将快速进攻作为中国队的制胜法宝重点训练,强化个人突破能力,减少失误;建立更加严密的多层次的整体防守体系;培养优秀的守门员作为训练的重中之重;尽快完善中国女手联赛体制;扩大手球运动的宣传力度。  相似文献   


South Korean archery has a remarkable history performed on a global stage, with the Olympic women’s archery team having won seven times consecutively. The Korea National Archery Association joined the Fédération Internationale de Tir à l’Arc (FITA) as a result of a national government policy but there are several factors that have made Korean archery successful, including active investments from Korean conglomerates, national sports promotion policy, field-oriented training and a scientific player management system, amongst other influences. Among the valuable factors, the most significant is that traditional Korean archery Gukgung instructors taught several archers in the early stages of their success. There are many similar shooting techniques in archery adopted from traditional techniques, including levelling one’s arms, releasing the string, taking one’s arm back to the rear and aiming according to the wind direction. This approach eventually became a foundation for the success of Korean archery. The Korea National Archery Association is the home of Gukgung, which advances traditional Korean archery. In this context, the Korea National Archery Association – the Mecca of traditional archery – has contributed much to the success of Korean archery.  相似文献   

运用数理统计、比较研究与逻辑归纳等方法,分析中国田径在参加近20年来亚运会、世锦赛、奥运会3大赛事及7届全运会所表现出的特点。研究认为,中国田径整体水平在国际上处于中等偏下水平,个别项目突出,“阴盛阳衰”现象仍然存在,但中国田径发展形势看好。2008年奥运会以竞走为突破口,应有上佳表现。  相似文献   

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