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经常见到、听到这样的新闻报道:某某领导顶着炎夏烈日,慰问炼钢炉前的工人;某领导冒着严寒,顶风冒雪视察某建设工地;某领导在风雨交加中访问了某水利工地;某领导节假日不休息,慰问生产第一线职工,等等。这些报道都是事实,它反映了领导关心工程建设,关心职工的行动。但是,这类报道也使人感到不舒服,为什么长年累月在高温下操作,在严寒下作业,在风吹雨打的恶劣环境里工作,在节假日里坚持  相似文献   

Weeding academic library collections is widely acknowledged as a necessary and beneficial, but difficult, task. Little research has been done on how librarians approach weeding for a particular academic subject area and how they apply general weeding plans and criteria to a specific subject. This project examines the weeding practices of librarians with responsibility for managing book collections in political science and related disciplines through the use of a survey about their weeding experiences and perspectives. While survey respondents expressed similar motivations for weeding, the obstacles they encounter, and their approaches to developing weeding projects to those outlined in the literature, respondents were more confident about weeding and do it more frequently than one would expect from prior scholarship. Open text responses gave insight into how librarians apply broad and subjective weeding criteria, such as currency and relevance, to their politics-related collections.  相似文献   

长云同志: 你在来信中提出一个问题:“怎样把经济报道写得更生动些,更活跃些,更显得有血有肉?”对此,我想谈谈自己的感受。要把经济报道写活。涉及的方面很多,包括在题材上要“抓活鱼”,内容上要敢于触及现实经济生活中的矛盾,形式上要改进生产,会议的老一套报道程式等。在这里,我想先谈其中的一个方面,即处理好报道中“骨头”和“血肉”的关系,力求使经济报道丰满一些,引人入胜一些。有些通讯员的来稿主  相似文献   

This article explores the Western New York's Library Resources Council's Ask the Lawyer Program. The program provides a timely model for local cultural heritage communities, such as archives, to collectively retain a lawyer in a non-representational capacity to answer both specific and hypothetical questions that arise as a result of their work.  相似文献   

目前,笔者有幸参加上海市政协好新闻的评选,经十多名评委反复筛选,再郑重投票,最终推选出额定的数篇优秀文稿。其中,以反映政治、经济和社会生活见长的解放日报的通讯《教育的困惑》以全票当选,而以科教文为特色的文汇报却以通讯《沪郊农业要走向大市场》博得众多评委的青睐。这一评选结果揭晓后,上述两大报的评选代表几乎异口同声地笑着向对方说:“我们这篇通讯本该是贵报写的!”这句就评选结果而发的感慨性的笑话,颇值得回味。它一方面反映出在当前激烈的新闻竞争中,各个新闻单位都在紧  相似文献   

严羽深浸禅学,其诗论著作《沧浪诗活》具有浓厚的玄秘色彩,加之概念界定不明,内涵模糊不清,遂成为宋以后文论家争论的热点。要想优游倘佯于这座有几分神秘色彩的理论殿堂,不妨把“兴趣”、“妙悟”作为升堂入室的钥匙。陈伯海同志的《严羽和沧浪诗话》正是从此入手,展开他那精微深刻的理论分析。  相似文献   

越王勾践卧薪尝胆,矢志复仇,是青少年熟悉的故事。“卧薪尝胆”后来就成为人们用以刻苦自励,发愤图强的成语. 但在中学历史课本中,讲吴越争霸时,只说勾戏舔尝苦胆,而不说卧薪尝胆这个成语。这是有道理的.吴越争霸,勾践“尝胆”,最早见于西汉司马迁写的《史记·越世家》,说勾践“置胆于坐,坐卧即仰胆,饮食亦尝胆电”.而“卧薪尝胆”这个成语直到宋朝才出现。此成语最早见于北宋苏轼的《拟孙权答曹操书》  相似文献   

时下,新闻界存在着这样一种不良现象:当一个地区、一家企业经济效益红火时,记者如云,络绎不绝,而一旦效益不佳,滑入低谷时,就难觅记者的踪影。有人将这一现象称为“嫌贫爱富”。 坚持正面宣传为主,固然要多报道一些经济发达的地区、经营效益好的企业,以指导和推动经济全面发展,但经济欠发达的地区、暂时处于低谷的企业不等于不能从正面去宣传,况且它们也更加需要宣传,今年春节期间,《新华日报》组织记者到贫困地区采访,特别是到一些贫困户家中采访,了解他们的生活状况和困难。这组稿件  相似文献   

湖南岳阳石油化工总厂供排水厂的职工把黄正元登在报刊上的小文章称为“火柴盒”,一句话新闻称之为“火柴棍”。黄正元听到大家这样称呼他的文章,心里感到美滋滋的。因为他认为“火柴盒”和“火柴棍”都能擦燃发光发热,以小见大,滴水映大海,同样能对两个文明建设起到促进作用。黄正元是供排水厂厂长办公室企业经营管理员兼厂企业管理协会秘书。为了宣传党的方针政策,促进改革工作,他自觉地利用业余时间为新闻单位撰写稿件。1985年,他写了近百篇稿子,投寄后,石沉大海,但他不灰心,认真找原因,努力学习。为了提高  相似文献   

一个“写”字,一个“作”字,合起来才称写作。这是要求写文章的人言行一致,不能笔下一套,作的是另一套。听说,有两位手持《青年导报》通讯员证的青年去县车队采访学习雷锋的事迹,采访后这两位青年竟向车队领导提出给予“乘车方便”,包括免费乘车。作为业余通讯员,其采访活动多数是小范围的,就是较大范围的采访确需乘车,也必须按国家规定买票上车。因此,这样的“要求”理所当然地  相似文献   

Yi Guo 《Media History》2013,19(2):145-162
This article examines the American-mediated myth of ‘new China’ spanning from the Chinese Revolution in 1911 to the American recognition of the Chinese Republic in 1913, in an effort to understand the complicated relations between news discourse, cultural issues and foreign relations in this particular historical context. The Chinese Revolution, overthrowing a deep-rooted feudalism and establishing an Americanized republican government, appealed to American sentiments of religious sympathy and ethnocentrism during the Progressive Era. The media myth of ‘new China’ was not only a significant part of discourses which enhanced American identity and nationalism, but also acted as the cognitive context and a determinant reason in the political discourse towards recognizing China.  相似文献   

编辑同志. 我的一篇新闻稿,自己认为还不错,但是,没能被采用。今来信让你们看一下,缺点在哪里。我知道你们人少,工作忙,但是我的心情,你们应该理解。今年只打扰一次,望能给予答复。此致敬礼河南省孟津县白鹤乡雷湾村秦占平秦占平同志; 《新闻与写作》编辑部把你的信转给了我,要我解答你提出的问题。鉴于我水平有限,回答得不一定使你满意,只是向你提出几个值得深入探讨的问题  相似文献   

This article examines the purpose, structure, and short-term outcomes of a new Strategy Session format introduced at the NASIG Twenty-Second Annual Conference. Borrowing from the trend in modern matchmaking known as speed dates, this interactive Strategy Session employed a moderated round robin format that brought publishers and librarians together to discuss serials topics of common interest. Limited by the clock, participants had the opportunity to ask questions and share thoughts from their perspectives as serials producers and serials consumers. Though of limited duration, discussions could touch on any topic related to the creation, use, and impact of serials in the participants' respective areas of work and interest. The Strategy Session was offered in two time slots on the first day of the conference.  相似文献   

Present study critically investigates the cinematic depiction of leading Chinese masculine figures in Hollywood film productions, with a specific focus on how the positioning of white female characters romantically involved with Chinese martial arts fighters serves to construct Chinese masculinity. In noted films such as The Tuxedo (2002), Kiss of the Dragon (2001), and Dragon: Bruce Lee Story (1993), Chinese martial arts fighters not only managed to fight off white antagonists but also succeeded in winning the ‘heart’ of white heroines. Drawing on Gestner's theoretical assertion that white women's falling for a man of color signifies the invasive movement of a new masculine discourse into the space traditionally bounded by the ideal of white masculinity, and grounded on Hall's conception of articulation, my critical examination of these three film texts revealed how the privileged cultural and racial position of whiteness was reformulated and rejustified via the strategic dramatic construction of romantic encounters between Chinese martial artists and their white partners. More importantly, the current study sheds light on an emerging form of cultural politics that transformed conventional mediated construction of interracial romance and yet perpetuated the racial hierarchy sustained through racist assumption and ideology.  相似文献   

《征圣》《文心雕龙》是我国文学批评和讨论创作的第一部专著,《征圣》是其中的第二篇。作者刘勰,字彦和,东莞莒(山东莒县)人。《文心雕龙》是他在南朝的齐朝时代写成的。《征圣》篇是说明讲创作理论要从圣人那里找到根据,也就是要从儒家的经典里找到根据。这正是当时人迷信儒家经典的表现。可是由于他要从圣人那里去找根据,便提出了创作理论,再用儒家的经典来印证这些理论。这样,这篇文章里就既有创作理论,又有实例来作为印证,理论跟实例结合起来,在写作上可以给我们一些借鉴。  相似文献   

我是从去年才开始搞通讯报道工作的,在本单位领导支持和新闻单位编辑、记者的帮助下,已经有二十多篇稿件分别被中国教育报、体育报、北京日报、北京晚报刊用,二十多篇稿在北京人民广播电台播出.  相似文献   

人们把字迹潦草叫“天书”,可谓害人害己。现摘录几例: 一封信投寄地址为:“湖南省00县”,邮递员冥思苦想良久.总算猜准为“湖南零陵县”,另有一封未写省名只写着“5667”市的信,邮递员绞尽脑汁后试投新疆乌鲁木齐市,才使信归其主。一篇来稿质量上乘,地名却是“121227”。编辑因地名无法核  相似文献   

1989年春天,安阳县洪河屯乡上柏树村青年民兵董海学,不顾个人安危从漳河急流中救出一位七岁的落水儿童。儿童父亲同胞三兄弟,就这一个男孩。孩子被救出后,他的叔叔、伯伯争着向董海学表示感谢,事迹动人心弦。我了解这一情况已是事件发生数天之后,正要进一步采访,又听到电台已在“一句话短讯”中播出了董救小孩这事。董海学的事迹感人,不详细报  相似文献   

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