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This study examines the relationship between personality and two different academic performance (AP) assessment methods, namely exams and coursework. It aimed to examine whether the relationship between traits and AP was consistent across self-reported versus documented exam results, two different assessment techniques and across different faculties. There were 1,013 (622 female) university students from four British Universities in four faculties namely arts/humanities, social sciences, life/biological sciences and mathematical sciences. Participants completed a brief version of the Big Five inventory and a self-report measure of AP. Conscientiousness and Agreeableness were the strongest personality predictors of AP. Structural equation model showed that sex and personality effects on AP were invariant across different areas of study or degree types (humanities, social sciences, life sciences and hard sciences). Personality variables are stable, robust and predictable correlates and determinants of AP. Conscientiousness, Openness and Agreeableness were positive predictors as measured by good grades whilst Neuroticism and Extraversion were correlates of weaker performance. Implications of these results refer how teachers choose to examine their pupils and to what extent students choose courses because of their known examination procedures.  相似文献   

高职生的思想状况具有积极和消极两面性,其形成原因也有主客观两方面。高职院校的全体教职工应根据其成因,对症下药。主要措施包括:加强舆论宣传,帮助学生树立正确的职业观;加强学生管理,帮助他们树立正确的人生观;坚持理论与实践相结合、严格要求与关爱相结合、灌输与疏导相结合,解决学生的思想困惑。  相似文献   

This paper presents a prospective study aimed at identifying the predictors of academic achievement among first-year university students. It tries to develop an inclusive view of academic achievement by taking into account the possible differential impact of several predictors in two different faculties of the university. Some 317 university students from the two faculties (science and physical education), who were in their first year at university, participated in the study. During the academic year, these students completed a questionnaire. The outcome variable was their average academic mark at the end of the year. Multiple regression analyses were performed to identify the most powerful predictors of achievement. The results showed that past school failure, parental education and self-efficacy beliefs predicted achievement in both programs. Age, secondary-school specialisation, reasons for choosing the program, deep processing, time spent studying and intention to persist have also been highlighted as significant predictors of success, but only in one of the two faculties. Self-efficacy was the most powerful predictor of achievement in physical education courses, whereas intention to persist was the most powerful predictor in science. These results show the importance of adopting an integrated and contextualised approach to exploring the predictors of academic achievement at university.  相似文献   

本根据“能力为本”的教学理念,论述心智技能在学生能力结构中的关键性作用,提出职业技术教育在注重培养学生动手技能的同时,要关注学生心智技能的开发,提高学生的学习能力。发展创造性应用能力,同时阐述如何用“启发性”教学来实践这一理念。章认为,智力技能作为心智活动方式,对提高思维能力和学习效率,从而也更好的习得和 灵活运用运作技能具有重要意义。“能力本位”通过“启发性”去实现。但“启发性”不是一种固定的教学方法,它是通过师生的双边互动来激发学生学习兴趣,引起思维活动,提高心智技能,从而培养能力的教学思想。  相似文献   

Pragmatic social constructivist teaching methods require students to construct knowledge by engaging collaboratively with realistic problems, cases or projects. It is hypothesised that they are more effective than traditional didactic teaching methods in developing undergraduate students’: (1) theoretical knowledge; (2) profession‐specific skills; and (3) knowledge creation capacity. Results of a survey show the second and third learning effects to be salient among Australian university lecturers, but not the first. Lecturers report that these teaching methods have been adopted more widely in human service‐related faculties and design‐related faculties than in business‐related faculties, possibly owing to the lesser emphasis placed by business lecturers on developing students’ profession‐specific skills and knowledge creation capacity. A corresponding survey of business practitioners revealed a surprising gap between the value that business practitioners place on new graduates’ knowledge creation capacity and the rather limited emphasis that business lecturers place upon developing that capacity in their undergraduate students.  相似文献   

一是针对当前学术界、理论界关于学生评教的几个争论比较多的问题进行分析思考,对于每一个争论性问题,在充分阐述、辨证分析的基础上,提出自己的看法;二是就如何改进我国高校的学生评教工作提出自己的主张。  相似文献   

The role that teachers have in assessing student coursework is crucial. Their ‘determination’ that a particular piece of student’s work is ‘acceptable’ has many serious consequences. With a lack of debate surrounding assessment, practices may become mired in conventions and disconnected from issues such as knowledge, power and social organisation. They may also become divergent between faculties, with majors with academically stronger students grading more stringently and those with academically weaker students grading less stringently. In order to test for potential differential grading standards due to adaption-level, this study examines the relationship of pre-entry secondary school grades (English, Dutch and Mathematics) to first-year average grades in 11 faculties (n = 3080). The results presented demonstrate the presence of differential grading standards among the different faculties within this population.  相似文献   

本文就师范院校英语专业培养“宽口径、厚基础”学生的重要意义及所应采取的措施进行了阐述,这对改进师范院校英语专业教学有一定的启示和指导意义。  相似文献   

俄罗斯的医学专业高等院校数量众多。本科生学制根据专业培养方向的需要而确定。外国留学生可根据自己情况选择俄语授课或者英语授课。医学专业学费因地区、专业及授课语言的差异而不同。本科教学过程注重实践,学生有大量机会到医院进行临床实习,这种医学教学模式非常值得借鉴。  相似文献   

Many studies examine student self-concept during compulsory schooling but few have explored the self-concept of students in higher educational settings. The current study examined self-concept by faculty and gender among higher education students in New Zealand. Participants were 929 undergraduate students from a large New Zealand university. The results showed some differences in verbal and maths self-concept by faculty. Generally, students in faculties teaching subjects more reliant on maths skills had higher maths self-concept than those in faculties where facility in verbal skills was important. The opposite results were found for verbal self-concept. No overall gender differences were found for general, academic, verbal and maths self-concept although a statistically significant difference was found for problem-solving self-concept. This finding suggests students’ choice of faculty may be based on perceptions of their skills and capabilities in the various fields, irrespective of gender.  相似文献   

This exploratory study examines the background characteristics, socio-cultural values and pedagogical beliefs that entering student teachers bring with them into the faculties of education and explores their possible implications for teacher education in the Turkish context. The study comprised 18,226 first-year student teachers from 51 faculties of education who participated in the study by responding to a three-section questionnaire developed by the research team. Their responses indicate that students entering education faculties typically come from families of lower-middle socio-economic status living in urban areas, tend to possess more traditional than secular-rational values and have not yet formed clear pedagogical beliefs.  相似文献   

University entrants from different social backgrounds tend to specialize in different subjects at university. Self-recruitment operates to a large extent in the ancient professions of medicine, dentistry and law, and few working class students enter these faculties. Self-recruitment of male students to engineering, business, farming and to a lesser extent teaching, is also evident. Working class university entrants frequently specialize in education or engineering. Comparisons with data from earlier years show little change since the 1930s in occupational recruitment patterns at Scottish universities.  相似文献   

In comparison with the school sector, formative and diagnostic assessment have received relatively little attention in higher education. This article reports on an in‐depth study of assessment across one university, exploring views and practices in each of the five faculties, using semi‐structured interviews with eight staff and small group interviews with 60 students. Our data indicate that: there is very little common understanding of the terms often used to describe forms of assessment in policy documents and other literature; students, contrary to popular belief, do value assessment that carries no marks, although a form of ‘deferred instrumentalism’ may be at work here; staff are sometimes engaging in formative and diagnostic assessment without explicitly recognising it; and that students in this case study do value assessment which relates to and will be valuable for life after university. The paper concludes by suggesting frameworks and terminology for future discussion and issues for staff development.  相似文献   

The authors examine how counselor educators can become involved in professional development schools to create enhanced training opportunities for school counseling internship students. The benefits of collaboration between university and public school faculties are explored, and research opportunities are discussed. Counselor educators' expertise in research and program evaluation, combined with school counselors' pragmatic experience in dealing with real‐life issues, may promote best practices in the schools and improved training for school counselors and can set the stage for collaboration as an educational team at the preservice level.  相似文献   

Student and tutor perceptions of effective tutoring in distance education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Questionnaire responses of 457 students and 602 tutors were used to investigate conceptions of a ‘good tutor.’ In each case, factor analysis identified scales that reflected key constructs; cluster analysis identified subgroups with different patterns of scale scores; and discriminant analysis determined the scales that contributed the most to differences among the clusters. Both sets of data yielded conceptions of tutoring that were described as task‐oriented and student‐oriented, respectively. The students’ data yielded an additional, career‐oriented conception. The tutors’ data yielded two additional conceptions that were described as knowledge‐oriented and impersonal, respectively. The distribution of the tutors’ conceptions (but not that of the students’ conceptions) varied across different faculties, suggesting that tutors from different disciplines have different beliefs about effective tutoring. The study suggests that both tutors and students would benefit from having a better appreciation of the importance of support in facilitating learning.  相似文献   

近年来,大学生的心理健康问题成为高校教学管理中不可忽视的重要问题,独立学院学生的心理危机更是层出不穷,建立"寝室——班级——校园——网络"的"四位一体"心理危机干预模式,并形成统一指挥、分工协作、全方位的危机预防与干预工作系统,促进了心理健康教育工作的发展。  相似文献   

在网络环境下,要使期刊为高校师生的教学科研做好创新服务,首先必须合理配置期刊资源,优化期刊订购。其次是提高期刊的利用率,做好创新服务。即:建立完善的期刊检索体系,特殊的信息服务体系;加强二次文献、三次文献的开发;利用计算机网络,实现期刊资源的共享;给师生传授检索知识,提高师生的检索技能。还要更新期刊工作人员的知识结构,提高他们对期刊信息资源的处理能力和整合能力。  相似文献   

A system of restricted admission to certain faculties has been in operation in Netherlands universities for the past two or three years. Limiting the number of first-year students admitted to certain faculties was found necessary in order to ensure the maintenance of teaching standards, which could otherwise not be guaranteed. For financial reasons it is practically impossible to create the additional educational facilities which would be necessary if all applicants were to be admitted; and for this reason it was decided to institute a "student freeze" in some subjects which, it was hoped, would be of a temporary nature.  相似文献   

高师美术专业花鸟画教学,培养学生的能力必须强调写生。写生是锤炼学生造型能力、提高学生审美能力、培养学生创造能力的有效途径和重要手段。  相似文献   

为了解高校校区图书馆读者借阅的特点,提高管理水平,以扬州大学扬子津校区图书馆为例,分析图书馆和读者群的基本情况,以一学年借阅情况为样本,对主要读者群借阅图书的数量、种类和时间进行统计分析,结果表明:校区图书馆借阅专业性强,时间特点明显,非全日制学生借阅量偏少。针对校区图书馆借阅的特点和规律,可通过以学科群、专业群设立校区;充分利用馆藏图书资源,培养人才,为社会服务;针对自身特点,在管理上采取相应措施等来发挥校区图书馆的应有作用。  相似文献   

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