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In this article I examine the consequences of the dominance of intuitive thinking in moral judging and deciding for the role of moral reasoning in moral education. I argue that evidence for the reliability of moral intuitions is lacking. We cannot determine when we can trust our intuitive moral judgements. Deliberate and critical reasoning is needed, but it cannot replace intuitive thinking. Following Robin Hogarth, I argue that intuitive judgements can be improved. The expertise model for moral development, proposed by Hubert and Stuart Dreyfus, not only teaches us how we acquire intuitive moral judgements, it also shows the interconnectedness of intuitive thinking and deliberate reasoning. Analysing the expertise model in more detail, I show that it cannot do justice to the importance of reasoning skills. Reasoning skills are needed because we expect people to be able to argue for their standpoints. I conclude that moral education should not only aim at improving intuitive moral judgements, but also at acquiring reasoning skills.  相似文献   

道德单元是从道德系统中抽象出来的最小单位,它暂时舍弃了其它因素的联系,因而只剩下独立的基本涵义。德性是主体化为个体品质的道德单元。在个体品质中的价值取向系统的作用下,主体化的道德单元表现出确定的价值向性。既要培养基本的道德单元,又要确立正确的价值取向系统,这就是道德教育的双重任务。  相似文献   


Elsewhere, the author has argued that the liberal theory of moral education is both morally dangerous and philosophically mistaken. The moral educator cannot be morally neutral, but must be morally committed, even if he is to attempt to teach children how to think for themselves about moral questions, or develop their autonomy, rather than indoctrinate them. This position implies that the moral educator must be a moral authority. The author defends this claim against subjectivists who deny the existence of moral authority by arguing that the possibility of moral judgment creates the possibility of moral authority.  相似文献   

道德绑架和道德评价不容易区分的原因是它们的相同点容易辩明,即它们都对人们的行为具有规范指导意义;它们的不同点不容易辩明,即它们所依据的道德标准不一样,道德绑架所依据的标准高于道德评价所依据的标准。  相似文献   


It is argued that R.W. Beardsmore's account of moral reasoning provides the most satisfactory explanation of moral behaviour and this is supported by an examination of his main criticisms of R.M. Hare and Philippa Foot. The chief educational implication of Beardsmore's account of moral development is, it is suggested, that, though educators cannot be uncommitted on fundamental moral issues, they can, nevertheless, ensure that rational procedures are followed. A committed teacher is not, therefore, necessarily a moral indoctrinator. In conclusion it is suggested that arguments for neutrality rest on mistaken assumptions about the nature of morality and that, without a background of established and accepted values moral education cannot even be considered.  相似文献   

缺乏权利保障的道德本身是不道德的,缺乏道德权利的道德教育本身也是不道德的。为适应当代中国价值观日益多元化的社会现实,在当前的道德教育中,应该引进传统道德文化中缺乏的道德权利观念,致力于建构一种以尊重个体的道德权利为基础的道德教育。  相似文献   

道德是个体的内在需要,是指向自我的生存,更是自我自由与自律的确证。道德的主体性特征要求我们转变德育观念,突出学生在教育过程中的主体性,强调道德教育的现实意义与时代意义。在教育实践中,教育者应当与学生建立对话交流关系,增强课堂的现实感与生活感,  相似文献   

道德冷漠与道德教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
道德冷漠,即责任推拒和道德麻木,表面上看只是对责任的否定,实际上则是对人性的否定,带有非常严重的人性和社会后果.道德冷漠在现代社会有一套完备的生产机制,包括精细分工对道德的钝化、现代组织的去道德化、电子媒介对苦难的饱和性暴露等.教育不能冷漠,应该通过将学校建成学习共同体、培养受教育者的媒介与网络批判意识、远距离道德的建构等多种方式抵御道德冷漠的蔓延.  相似文献   

依据对我校学生的全面调查,在充分进行数据分析的基础上,当前我校思想政治教育中,学生的道德理念与道德行为存在较大反差,理论教学与道德实践相互脱节。本文就这一问题进行理论上的分析,并提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

孔争和 《培训与研究》2001,18(3):48-52,40
本文主要阐述道德需要的含义、动力、功能、层次性特征,弄清这些问题对道德教育的指导意义。  相似文献   

本文以为,在多元社会背景中,对道德教育的思考应该实现由道德尺度到道德维度的转换。在道德维度上思考道德教育是对以往研究道德教育思路的一种超越,它使研究与主观主义倾向保持一定的距离,反思道德教育活动本身的道德内涵及表现形式,是与多元社会所提倡的包容性价值倾向相一致的研究立场与态度。  相似文献   

道德调查与社会主义道德建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毛泽东当年倡导的大兴调查研究之风,体现了历史唯物主义方法论的思想光辉,同样适合社会主义道德建设。道德调查对于道德建设的必要性和意义,可以从多方面来分析和认识。在具体操作上,应当从开展关于道德调查的理论研究,把道德调查贯穿于道德建设的全过程、建立健全道德调查的机制等方面来进行。  相似文献   

道德叙事,就是教育者对道德事件的讲述或重叙,它是帮助学生净化心灵、升华德性、迈向美好生活的重要途径。道德叙事负载着两种价值——原初价值和附加价值,每个道德叙事都有一定的价值载荷。在学校德育中,道德叙事是道德知识、规范的传递者,是道德行为图式的储蓄所,是道德情感的传达者,是道德经验的转述者,是道德思维的传承者。道德故事的遴选、聆听视角的建立、道德故事的重叙和价值立场的形成是学校德育的“四部曲”。  相似文献   

社会的困惑莫过于对道德的困惑,应该正确对待社会发展过程中出现的道德困惑。道德教育方式的改革可以从三个方面入手:纠正现行道德教育中“重规范、轻人格”的倾向,重视主体人格的培养和塑造;将德育的基本点放在正确处理本人与他人、主体与社会的关系上;把道德教育的重点放在社会公德的教育上。  相似文献   

品德教育只可能使学生知其然、做其然,难使学生知其所以然,易使学生沦为道德奴才.道德理性教育重视"授人以渔",忽略"授人以鱼",难以使认知与行为一致.品德属于个性心理品质范畴,二者关系是:品德=人格品质+道德标准.现实中仅培养诚实、勇敢等品德内容的品德教育实际上只是人格教育,真正的、培养道德主人的品德教育=人格教育+道德标准教育.  相似文献   

反思我国目前高校道德教育的现状,发现它在一定意义上已远离现实生活,不能很好适应社会及人的发展需要。丰富的现实生活世界才是建构德育大厦的基石。道德教育只有与生活完全融为一体,才具有无限生命力。因此,德育只有回归现实生活世界才能切实地提高实效性。  相似文献   

通过对德育场的含义和特征、构建德育场的必要性以及德育场的运作原理进行系统分析,提出一种适合新时期需要的新的德育模式。  相似文献   

道德认识是道德主体心理三大因素之一,它是由道德感知、道德判断、道德选择、道德智慧等环节组成的一个复杂的过程。道德蜕化是道德认识、道德情感、道德意志三大心理因素共同作用的结果。道德认识能够判断善恶是非,是道德情感、道德意志、道德行为产生的根据,它会对道德内外化过程中的道德蜕化起着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

In contrast to the Kantian principle that we are morally accountable only for those actions over which we have control, Bernard Williams, Thomas Nagel, and others have argued that luck plays a significant role in the moral life. Put briefly, moral luck is at play when we are appropriately praised or blamed for our moral actions despite the fact that at least some aspects of what we are being judged for lie beyond our control. In this essay, Ann Chinnery discusses the concept and various types of moral luck, and draws on two news stories from the summer of 2013 (one involving an incident in the United States and the other in the United Kingdom) in order to suggest that a nonideal approach to moral education could go some way toward mitigating the morally limiting effects of “constitutive bad luck.”  相似文献   

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