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图书馆的价值体系及其价值服务战略思考   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
图书馆的价值是读者价值、社会价值、资金提供者价值、馆员价值的动态有机综合。资金提供者价值是图书馆价值存在的前提和保证,读者价值是图书馆价值的核心和最直接体现,馆员价值是创造图书馆价值的基础,社会价值又是形成图书馆价值的基本资源和环境条件,并全面影响着资金提供者、读者、馆员价值的形成和提高。这四种价值相互促进又相互制约,构成了图书馆的基本价值体系。价值服务战略的核心就是如何围绕这四梦够值誓价值体系采取服务战略,来努力实现图书馆价值的最大化。  相似文献   

陈锴 《档案学研究》2022,36(2):128-134
随着科举制度的发展,作为贡举人名单的贡籍在唐代产生,但它成为一件科举档案则始于宋代,主要记载贡举人的个人资料与考试情况,是贡举人地位得到提升的反映。为了更好地管理和安抚贡举人,宋代政府编制贡籍,并在此基础上叙理举数,推行免解和特奏名制度,同时殿举、除名等惩罚之制以及贡举人经济、法律等特权的获得亦依托于贡籍。但在明清时代,随着“科举必由学校”逐渐成为现实,政府加强对基层士人的管理,贡籍进一步下移,学籍得到扩展,政府所掌握档案由得解举人扩展为广大生员。这一定程度上削弱了举人贡籍的独立性,但礼部仍然通过贡籍的替代品保留对举人的有效管辖。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 靖继鹏先生是我国情报学界最早从事信息经济学研究的代表性学者之一,探究其信息经济学学术思想的发展脉络与内容体系,有助于启发后辈研究学者,推动信息经济学学科的创新与发展。[方法/过程] 首先结合先生个人经历与时代发展因素分析先生信息经济学思想的形成背景,然后通过研读先生信息经济学领域成果概括其信息经济学学术思想的内容体系,在此基础上总结先生信息经济学学术思想的特征及贡献,最后提出研究展望。[结果/结论] 先生构建了信息经济学学科体系,凝练了信息经济学理论体系,拓展了信息经济学应用领域,他的信息经济学学术思想具有前瞻引领性、系统全局性、应用实践性3个典型特征。结合先生信息经济学思想与现实发展,从创新理论基础、拓展应用实践、追踪发展前沿3个方面提出研究展望。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 裂变型创业企业是区域创新系统中的重要企业形态和新生创新力量。以促进区域创新系统的协同创新发展为目标导向,基于系统协同理论和知识整合理论,探究裂变型创业企业知识整合特征和模式选择,对于其提升知识整合水平、在区域创新系统中形成核心竞争力具有理论和实践意义。[方法/过程]基于企业创业生存-快速发展-成熟蜕变三阶段生命周期视角,解析区域创新系统内裂变型创业企业的知识整合特征,构建生命周期视角下的裂变型创业企业的知识整合模式。[结果/结论]在区域创新系统中,裂变型创业企业知识域的形成需经历知识吸取、知识共享和知识转化3个过程,由于生命周期阶段所呈现的知识特点的迥异,创业成长期裂变企业宜采用继承式模式,快速发展期企业宜采用渐续式模式,成熟蜕变期裂变企业宜采用跳跃式模式。细化研究裂变型创业企业基于生命周期阶段适宜的知识整合模式,有利于强化其高效整合知识资源的能力,提升了企业在区域创新系统中的知识协同管理水平。  相似文献   

多年来,中国图书馆事业不断发展,但对于图书馆史的研究却相当薄弱,河南师范大学图书馆馆史馆志的著述则在这方面做了有益的尝试,其显著特点为:以编年体制呈现了河南师范大学图书馆60年的峥嵘岁月;以口述实录充实编年框架;以描绘平凡中真实的个体彰显图书馆人主体精神;以灰色文献汇编还原多彩工作画卷。这种以编年为基础、以书人书事为经纬的图书馆馆史著述,不仅会推动高校图书馆史的研究,而且也将推动图书馆文化研究在全国业界的影响。  相似文献   

特藏资源是图书馆最可珍视的资源。特藏推广的独特价值在于,以"有形"资源之推广,促"无形"文化之传播。以特藏推广为载体,不仅可以促进特藏资源的利用,而且有利于图书馆服务品牌的塑造和文化价值的传播,特藏推广可以成为带动图书馆全局工作的战略。特藏推广要以高质量的资源建设为基础,通过制定完善的推广计划,辅以专业的服务以及多样化的推广方式,并以制度作保障,将深度整合图书馆的资源,带动图书馆整体服务水平的发展,而实现特藏资源的共建共享则是特藏推广的终极目标。  相似文献   

The library of Heythrop College, University of London, has a number of unusual features which influence the management of the collection. To date, however, it has operated without a formal collection management policy. As a contribution to the process of producing such a policy, the study described asked key questions about the role of the Library and the resources available to through interviews with the most influential stakeholders, the academic staff.

On the basis of interviews with the twenty‐nine permanent staff and seven other key stakeholders, expectations about the role of the Library were considered and the fitness of the collection for the purposes required of it are assessed. Some specific issues raised by the interviews, affecting the Library's collection management, are considered. In particular the provision of multiple copies, electronic resources and the ‘explosion’ of publishing are discussed. The usefulness of the staff interview as a collection management tool is also examined.  相似文献   

References formulate the foundation and endorsements of scientific research. Using articles published in 2005 covered by Microsoft Academic Graph, the current paper defines and calculates five indicators of references, i.e., the number of references, the number of citations of references, the age of references, the number of nodes in a reference cascade (a multi-generation reference network), and the density of bibliographic coupling networks by references, and investigates their relations with the citation impact of the focal publication. A non-linear relationship is shown in all the five indicators; specifically, we observe two types of patterns, namely inverted-L and -U relations, both presenting the existence of critical points. We further explore the discipline-level differences of such a relationship and how it relates to the characteristics of the discipline itself. Among all five indicators, the effect of disciplinary academic “environments” is universally identified. We believe that the current paper provides insightful views to the discussion regarding the significance of a reference list.  相似文献   

在人类历史长河中,人类群体的出现孕育了服务理念的萌芽。随着时代的变迁。服务的表现形式在不断演变,但服务宗旨没有发生改变。信息时代的到来对图书馆的社会地位带来了巨大的冲击。如何面对并适应环境的变化,维持图书馆的可持续发展,需要图书馆人共同努力去解决。适应读者需求、适时改善服务模式、促进社会发展是图书馆可持续发展的重要前提。  相似文献   

The founders and early practitioners of government in the United States inaugurated publication of the statutes and publication practices for the Federal legislative, executive, and judicial branches. Largely perfected during the nineteenth century, they became a norm of government. The rise of the administrative state during the early years of the twentieth century produced a flood of new law that became fugitive because of the lack of appropriate publication arrangements. This deficiency was corrected with the creation of the Federal Register system. With the subsequent arrival of the national security state and its penchant for secrecy, publication of the law has become impaired as a consequence of concealment by design. Examined here, against the background of the public law tradition, is the coming of secret law.  相似文献   

王渊 《出版科学》2016,24(1):24-29
美国法院按照以下两个程序认定被告是否侵权并在此过程中确定侵权认定标准:首先,原告对作品是否拥有有效的版权;第二,被告是否侵犯了原告的版权。“被告是否侵犯了原告的版权”认定也有两步:一是被告是否事实上抄袭了原告作品,二是被告是否抄袭了原告作品中受版权保护的表达部分并足以构成侵权。而对于“抄袭是否足以构成侵权”的判断就是“实质相似”判断。在美国,随着时间的变化、技术的发展和人们认识的变化,不同的巡回法院在不同的阶段对“实质相似”判断方法是不同的,依时间变化分别有专家证言与抽象测试法、一般观察者的“整体判断”测试法、“整体概念和感觉”测试法(后来改进为“外在/内在”测试法)、“作品所针对的对象”测试法、“更敏锐的观察者”分析法和“抽象-过滤-比较”测试法。  相似文献   

时间管理和图书馆馆长 陈曙   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Accompanied with the radical increase of information and wealth of man, the library world is now confronted with the challenge of time. A director of the library will consequently be far behind if he handles his work merely by the virtue of his good intentions and experiences. He has to know well the theory and technique of time management, besides. The chief items of time management are:the 4D law, the exception law, the negative law, etc. as well as those techniques derived from these laws. In short, time management is none other than the knowledge of approaching ways on eliminating waste of time,thereby,it will be able to attain the goal of running a library.So far as the significane of the modern management is concerned,the wing for the Chinese libraries to soar is exactly the time.2 illus.6 references.  相似文献   

The globalization phenomenon has reopened the debate on the concentration of media and entertainment industries, particularly in the film distribution market. Some authors consider that the dominant position of U.S. companies comes from the higher identification of American films with the tastes of the European audience. Others argue that the Hollywood success is mainly due to its control of the distribution system. U.S. films account for an average of 63.4% of the European market. In return, European films represent 3.6% of the North American box office. There are around 450 active film distribution companies in Europe, the majority of them being nationally controlled firms, and only a small percentage of them belong to U.S. majors. Nevertheless, these U.S. subsidiaries are ranked among the top 10 leading film distributors in Europe according to market share. This article attempts to make a further contribution in market concentration analysis, looking at the situation of film distribution in the 5 biggest Western European countries. It also explores if the success of American companies is due to their management and marketing skills or if, by the contrary, it is the consequence of their dominant market positions.  相似文献   

当前我国档案馆馆藏资源存在严重的单一化问题,尤其是在机构改革后档案馆公共文化职能日益凸显的情况下,档案馆馆藏无法满足公众利用需求的现象愈发突出,因此档案馆必须探寻多元化的资源建设路径。文章通过对新加坡国家档案馆“公民档案管理员”项目的分析,发现公众参与式的档案馆藏资源建设有利于提高公民参与积极性,节约档案馆开发资源的成本,发挥档案价值。最后从公众参与模式的定位,馆藏资源构建以及参与者的素质三个方面提出公众参与模式的馆藏档案资源建设策略。  相似文献   

高职院校大部分是由中等专业学校转制而来,其图书馆目前面临着文献总量不足、馆藏文献质量低和馆舍面积不足等困境.这些院校的图书馆一般具有较长的文献收藏历史.馆藏的各类历史文献虽算不上弥足珍贵.也不足什么珍本、善本,但却反映了一定历史时期我国的出版发行特点及文化背景.由于这部分文献具有特殊历史意义,对于需要它的特定读者仍有一定的参考价值,因此,建立"老书库",对这些文献进行特藏,既可以使这些文献得到保护,又可以满足读者的特定需求,还可以确保图书总量满足教学评估的要求.对图书馆的藏书建设是非常有意义的.  相似文献   


The preservation of the vast cultural heritage of tiles in Portugal requires the development of a systematic scientific and technological approach. In this communication the case of the treatment of a panel of ancient tIles is described. The main problem was the cleaning and consolidation of the piece, followed by restoration for exhibition. The treatment was preceded by a study of the materials, consisting of analyses of the ceramic body and the glazed surface. The removal of aged waxes and resins was achieved using appropriate solvents and the consolidation of the ceramic body was carried out by an inorganic treatment. For the reconstruction of missing parts and the mounting of the panel materials were chosen which would avoid interaction with the original material.  相似文献   

数字图书馆的体系结构   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
数字图书馆(Dlib)主要是为了解决信息资源的有效利用而产生的。数字图书馆要解决的是现在Internet存在的主要问题信息查找困难、异构信息仓储的互操作性和缺乏对大规模分布数据的操作机制。Dlib的关键技术是研究数字化信息的有效组织结构,解决各个信息仓储间的互操作性,形成Dlib基础体系结构以有效地操作大规模的、分布的数字化信息。其目标是实现跨仓储的统一检索,为用户提供一个虚拟的、统一的信息网络。文章重点介绍了国际上有影响的三大数字图书馆体系结构互联信息空间(Interspace)、信息总线(InfoBus)和基于代理(agent)的体系结构。最后,文章总结了Dlib体系结构设计和实现的技术特点及其发展趋势。  相似文献   

郑晓梅 《编辑学报》2017,29(6):535-537
为进一步有效地执行国家标准和规定,提高科技期刊整体质量和工作效率,扩大期刊的影响力,编制并实施科技期刊编排规范(企业标准)是有效手段之一.以《环境工程学报》为例,阐明科技期刊编排规范的编制原则;简明列出期刊编排规范的编制步骤;详细介绍期刊编排规范的基本内容和主要内容.结果表明:期刊编排规范的编制有利于编辑、作者更好地理解和实施国家标准和规范;利于期刊稿件体例格式的统一,提升期刊品牌形象;利于提高期刊编校质量和工作效率;利于增强编辑部团队的凝聚力并提高编辑部的整体水平和实力.科技期刊编排规范的编制和实施为提高期刊整体水平打下了坚实的基础.  相似文献   

图书馆是社会性公益事业,是城市文化发展的标志,也是公民学习、阅读、交流的理想之所,但其地区发展不平衡、利用率低下、人员素质偏低的现状也不容忽视。要加快城市文化建设步伐,必须强化图书馆主体服务功能:一是充分发挥地方政府和上级主管部门的职能;二是强化图书馆的现代服务意识,变被动服务为主动服务;三是以积极主动的服务方式推广国家阅读计划;四是关注特殊群体,努力提高全民素质。  相似文献   

明代江南民间书坊兴盛的社会背景透析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨军 《图书与情报》2006,(5):132-136
明代江南民间书坊的勃兴有着深刻的社会背景:政治统治由明初的严酷到中后期的逐步松弛,为民间书坊提供了较为宽松的发展空间;江南城市经济的繁荣为市民的物质生活、阅读文化需求与满足提供可能;社会文化思潮的转向,文人与书商热衷于通俗文学作品创作,迎合了市民社会的需求,成为民间书坊勃兴的助推剂;与出版业相关的轮班制的废除及印刷业、造纸业的技艺提高为民间书坊的发展提供了直接的技术支持;江南地区独特的地域环境、浓厚的人文意蕴也促成了民间书坊的勃兴。  相似文献   

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