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机械设计中形位公差的确定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
机械产品设计中,合理确定形位公差,是关系到实现设计的目的和生产经济性的问题。位置公差的公差带包容整个被测要素,位置公差确定后,当作用上已能够控制规定的形状误差且能满足使用要求时,一般不再提形状误差的要求;在具体选择设计的零件公差时,首先,在根据零件的使用要求提出形位公差,在不影响使用的情况下,应考虑加工设备,加工工艺、检测等的经济合理性;对一般零件相对尺寸精度,形位公差精度要求较低,形位公差能被尺寸公差控制,可不再提出形位公差;在选用形位公差时还应随时考虑独立原则和相关原则及最大实体则。  相似文献   

采用相关原则的零件的尺寸公差和形位公差可以相互补偿,零件的尺寸公差和形位公差可以超出给定的公差值.对于尺寸公差和形位公差的补偿问题,教科书上一般只进行文字性说明,使初学者对该问题认识模糊,不能解决实际问题,如果把尺寸公差和形位公差的补偿关系用公式来表达,零件不同实际尺寸时所允许的形位误差,以及零件不同形位误差时所允许的尺寸范围都能用公式来计算,那么对于尺寸公差和形位公差的补偿问题,初学者就会有一个较为明确的认识.  相似文献   

跳动公差以其检测方便在回转类零件设计中被广泛使用。不少人认为:跳动公差是专为检测方便而设置的一种位置公差项目,国家标准形位公差(GB1182-80)也将跳动公差项目归类为位置公差。其实,跳动公差除了可以综合控制部分形位公差项目外,当跳动与零件的实际工作状态吻合时,就有其特定的功能和作用,所以说,跳动公差不是简单的位置公差,而是形位公差的综合项目。  相似文献   

用AutoCAD进行机械设计时,标注尺寸公差是设计人员经常遇到的一个问题.使用传统的方法标注时较为不便.笔者尝试用Autolisp语言编写一个自动标注尺寸公差的程序,可大大提高公差标注的速度.  相似文献   

用AutoCAD进行机械设计时,标注尺寸公差是设计人员经常遇到的一个问题。使用传统的方法标注时较为不便。笔者尝试用Autolisp语言编写一个自动标注尺寸公差的程序,可大大提高公差标注的速度。  相似文献   

在机械制造业中,零件精度的高低,表面质量的好坏,不但取决于零件的尺寸误差,而且取决于它的形位误差,因此,在设计零件时,既要给出尺寸公差要求,又要给出形位公差要求,因此,我们要研究尺寸公差和形位公差之间的关系,称这种关系为公差原则。公差原则分为独立原则和相关原则,其中相关原则又包含最大实体原则和包容原则。独立原则独立原则主要是指尺寸公差和形位公差彼此无关而独立存在的一种公差原则。尺寸公差主要用于控制零件的局部实际尺寸,形位公差用于控制形位误差,加工后的零件上的实际要素,应同时满足两种公差值要求,检…  相似文献   

形位公差(形状公差和位置公差的简称)代号是图样上标注的重要技术指标之一,它对保证机械零件的加工质量是非常重要的。作为技工学校机械专业的学生和技术工人必须能读懂图样上的形位公差代号,否则,就不会生产出合格的产品。那么怎样才能看懂形位公差代号呢?笔者经过多年的教学实践,总结出一套看形位公差代号的口诀,现介绍如下:面对一张标有形位公差的图样,在看形位公差代号时,一般要注意搞清四个方面的问题:1、什么地方标有形位公差要求?其被测要素是什么?是轴线呢,还是外表面呢?2、如果是位置公差,要搞清楚“基准”在哪儿…  相似文献   

等差数列是一种特殊而又重要的数列.等差数列主要研究定义、通项公式、前n项和公式与性质等问题,解决这些问题的关键是公差d,公差d贯穿于整个等差数列的始终.因此,我们在学习等差数列时,可以通过运用有关基础知识来突出公差d,反之,通过突出公差d  相似文献   

对对称度公差值的计算公式进行了推导;对对称度公差应用最大实体原则时的计算进行了分析,对不能直接测量出对称度公差值的零件面对线的对称度,按最小条件用相似三角形进行计算的方法进行了分析。  相似文献   

在对普通螺纹公差与检测部分进行教学时,大批量生产的螺纹可按泰勒原则用螺纹量规进行检验,对泰勒原则的理解是螺纹公差与检测知识内容的难点,为帮助学生更好地理解和掌握这部分知识,本文结合公差原则中的包容要求对这部分内容的教学方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

确定形位公差的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对形状公差和位置公差各项目之间以及单项公差与综合公差之间关系的论述,确定了标注形位公差的方法。  相似文献   

立命于竞争与合作交错并存的市场经济社会中的青少年,需要接受宽容教育,形成自觉的宽容意识、宽容理念,培育合乎情理的当代宽容观,以适应社会发展的需要与人性进步的需求。青少年宽容教育可尝试通过:营造社会主义宽容的文化氛围、加强社会宽容的制度体系建设、重视个体宽容美德的培育等方面的互补与协作予以实现。  相似文献   

Uncertainty tolerance, individuals' perceptions/responses to uncertain stimuli, is increasingly recognized as critical to effective healthcare practice. While the Covid-19 pandemic generated collective uncertainty, healthcare-related uncertainty is omnipresent. Correspondingly, there is increasing focus on uncertainty tolerance as a health professional graduate “competency,” and a concomitant interest in identifying pedagogy fostering learners' uncertainty tolerance. Despite these calls, practical guidelines for educators are lacking. There is some initial evidence that anatomy education can foster medical students' uncertainty tolerance (e.g., anatomical variation and dissection novelty), however, there remains a knowledge gap regarding robust curriculum-wide uncertainty tolerance teaching strategies. Drawing upon humanities, arts and social sciences (HASS) educators' established uncertainty tolerance pedagogies, this study sought to learn from HASS academics' experiences with, and teaching practices related to, uncertainty pedagogy using a qualitative, exploratory study design. Framework analysis was undertaken using an abductive approach, wherein researchers oscillate between inductive and deductive coding (comparing to the uncertainty tolerance conceptual model). During this analysis, the authors analyzed ~386 min of data from purposively sampled HASS academics' (n = 14) discussions to address the following research questions: (1) What teaching practices do HASS academics' perceive as impacting learners' uncertainty tolerance, and (2) How do HASS academics execute these teaching practices? The results extend current understanding of the moderating effects of education on uncertainty tolerance and supports prior findings that the anatomy learning environment is ripe for supporting learner uncertainty tolerance development. This study adds to growing literature on the powerful moderating effect education has on uncertainty tolerance and proposes translation of HASS uncertainty tolerance teaching practices to enhance anatomy education.  相似文献   

This paper takes as its subject the circulation of tolerance discourse within two pedagogical encounters in two Australian educational settings, and draws from the work of Wendy Brown on tolerance as a regulatory force. Brown argues that discourses of tolerance are produced within historical and cultural milieu that enable tolerance and aversion to exist simultaneously. This has significant implications for how we might come to understand the project of working towards a socially just educational system and the various struggles encountered within pedagogical sites. I also examine the pedagogical affects that are produced within different educational moments as we work to teach in or around difference and when we embody the Other in the classroom. I engage with how these experiences speak to the way in which tolerance as national ideal acts to both alleviate and circulate discourses of inequality such as sexism and homophobia.  相似文献   

Respect and tolerance are key values in education. They are also among the aims of education and are brought to the foreground in educational policy. We argue that these values are neither philosophically nor politically given aims for which education is a means. Instead, respect and tolerance are enacted and negotiated through educational practices. We emphasize that respect and tolerance should be empirically and critically studied in educational practices. The discussion is based in two previous research projects and the material includes interviews with teachers and students and classroom observations. Moral philosophy is positioned as a conversation partner with the data material. We conclude that respect and tolerance are performed in different modes in practice. These two values cannot be understood as individual cognitive aspects but as multimodal processes and as aspects of collective, bodily and material practices. This article provides a contribution to the theorizing about educating for respect and tolerance.  相似文献   

研究以354名非英语专业大学生为受试对象,通过问卷调查的方式探讨语言学习信念在歧义容忍度和英语学习成效之间的中介效应。研究结果表明:英语学习成效直接影响歧义容忍度,前者能较好地预测后者;歧义容忍度能较好地预测语言学习信念;语言学习信念中的策略运用、语言学习动机在歧义容忍度和英语学习成效之间具有相同的中介作用,歧义容忍度通过策略运用、语言学习动机间接影响英语学习成效。  相似文献   

宽容的博弈分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在完全理性和有限理性假设下,利用博弈分析方法,分析了宽容在人类交往中的凸现和宽容在人群中的状态等。博弈分析结果显示,宽容是人类演化的必然选择,持宽容态度的人在人群中的比例会进一步增大。但宽容也可能被淹没,宽容的最大威胁是放纵。  相似文献   

论马克思主义生活哲学视域中的“宽容”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
必须将“宽容”置于马克思主义生活哲学的理论视域中,才能对“宽容”做出具有合法性与正当性的解读。首先揭示宽容作为解决个体之间、个体与群体之间的利益矛盾而生的价值一手段性范畴、历史性范畴、权力性范畴的内涵,指出宽容体现着“以人为本”的价值立场以及内具“解放”的价值取向。其次,揭示研究宽容的四种范式,即“个体美德式宽容”、“规则、制度式宽容”、“共识性宽容”和“共在共生性宽容”,呈现出宽容范式所具有的内在特质及其功能;最后,进一步强调宽容蕴含着批判性立场和建设与发展性取向,彰显了“目的性宽容”与“手段性宽容”的本质分野,最终表达了在和谐社会与和谐文化的建构历程中,必须从宽容理念、宽容制度与宽容思维等多维度进行反思,充分发挥出“宽容”作为一种价值纽带的积极功能。  相似文献   

While there is a clear need to address the ethical dimensions of cross-cultural counseling, the current literature lacks both a theoretical model of ethnic tolerance and a suitable measure for assessing the construct. The present study addressed this gap in the extant literature by (a) developing a measure of ethnic tolerance based upon extensive field work, (b) examining the measure's reliability and construct validity in light of two models of ethnic tolerance, and (c) examining the relationship of several factors (e.g., age, gender, and exposure to those of a different culture) to scores on the tolerance measure. Results indicated that the tolerance measure was best viewed as a unidimensional construct, had substantial content validity, and had modest construct validity. Respondents with more social contact with immigrants, as well as those who had positive experiences with immigrants, tended to score higher on the tolerance measure. Results underscore both the complexity of factors associated with tolerance and the need for counselor education programs to provide arenas for students to become aware of their own values and biases and how these may affect culturally-different clients.  相似文献   

为数不少的儿童有过基于利己功利的宽容体验.从功利主义的视角看,儿童的这种宽容符合“无害一人地增加利益总量”的功利原理因而具有合理性.但儿童基于利己功利的宽容没有考虑他人和共同体的利益,宽容也仅仅是实现儿童个人利益最大化的偶然性手段,这使得这种宽容具有局限性.面对儿童基于利己功利的宽容,价值教育需要思考其产生的原因,并在此基础上引导儿童从基于利己功利的宽容转向基于共同体功利的宽容,引导儿童不仅仅将宽容作为增进个人和共同体利益和快乐的手段,而是将其作为自主追求的价值品质.  相似文献   

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