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教基二厅〔2016〕1号各省、自治区、直辖市教育厅(教委),新疆生产建设兵团教育局:特殊教育资源教室是推进残疾儿童少年在普通学校随班就读工作的关键支撑,对全面提高特殊教育普及水平具有不可替代的重要作用。近年来,一些地区积极推进随班就读工作,对特殊教育资源教室建设进行了有益探索,积累了许多好的做法和经验,但总体来看,特殊教育资源教室工作基础薄  相似文献   

资源教室方案是回归主流运动中一种比较有效的教育模式,是被安置到普通班学习的特殊儿童用部分时间到资源教室接受补救域强化的特殊教育措施。资源教师是资源教室方案的主要实施,是特殊教育和普通教育沟通的桥梁,负责对特殊儿童进行个别辅导、补救教学,对普通班教师和家长提供咨询与支援服务。资源教师的目标是矫治存在学业不良、行为或社会适应问题的各类学生,促进他们在正常班级中的学习。  相似文献   

资源教室是设在普通学校为特殊教育需要学生服务的专业教室。资源教室专业服务水平与资源教室教学质量密切相关。在资源教室教学中,要做好学情分析、课堂预设,还要给予明确具体的教学指令,提供并及时调整教学材料,适时提供并撤除辅助,做好充分沟通反馈,以发展特殊教育需要学生潜能,提高融合教育质量。  相似文献   

建立特殊教育资源教室是为了接纳残疾学生在普通学校随班就读,满足特殊需要.促进机会均等.推进全纳教育的重要策略。我区从1997年在智力残疾儿童集中的后孙公园小学创办第一个特殊教育资源教室起,就努力探索在创建中使用,在使用中发展,在发展中完善的规律,逐步形成了起步早、类型多、范围广等特点。  相似文献   

资源教室是为了接纳有特殊教育需要的学生在普通学校随班就读而建设的,旨在满足其特殊教育需要,促进机会均等。资源教室方案是推进全纳教育的重要策略。在校生活中,随班就读学生大部分时间与同班同学在普通教室上课,而少部分时间则安排在资源教室,接受资源教师的指导。如果把普通教室比作是一个“家”,那么资源教室就是随班就读学生的第二个“家”。  相似文献   

一、资源教室的服务界定 1.什么是资源教室 资源教室是一种教育措施,是实现有特殊教育需要的教育安置和一定程度的人文安置的有效安置方式。接受资源教室安置的学生大部分时间在普通班学习一般课程,部分时间到资源教室接受资源教师或特殊教育人员的指导。资源教室所提供的教学与服务具有支持性、个别性、综合性与暂时性的性质,具有教学、训练、咨询等功能。资源教室这种教育措施是要最大限度地利用普通学校现有的人力、物力资源,体现“回归主流”的教育思想。  相似文献   

为扩大普通学校随班就读规模,加强普通学校资源教室建设和无障碍设施改造,新年伊始,教育部办公厅下发了《普通学校特殊教育资源教室建设指南》,明确要求普通幼儿园、普通中小学、中等职业学校等都要根据残疾学生的残疾类型、残疾程度和特殊需要建设特殊教育资源教室,为残疾学生创造更加适合其学习、康复、发展的教育环境。这是我国特殊教育事业纳入国家教育改革发展整体顶层设计迈出的又一步。  相似文献   

《中国特殊教育》2004年第6期为大家提供了丰富的内容。“全纳教育研究”栏目中,《双流向多层次教育安置模式、全纳教育以及我国特殊教育发展格局的探讨》一文在分析美国的双流向多层次教育安置模式及西方特殊教育发展模式变迁的基础上,提出了我国特殊教育发展格局应为“以一定数量的特殊教育学校为资源中心,大量的随班就读结合资源教室或巡回辅导教师制为主体”的观点,值得大家关注。《北京市随班就读小学资源教室初期运作基本情况调查》探讨了随班就读资源教室发展中的一些重要问题。“认知心理研究”栏目中的《自我的神经心理学研究进展…  相似文献   

全纳教育是21世纪基础教育发展的趋势,全纳教育理论指出,教育要满足所有学生的需要,为普通学生设立的教育机构亦应接纳所在地区的各类有特殊教育需要的学生,并为其提供适应需要的、以学生为中心的教育活动。通过学习全纳教育理论,在课程改革的背景下.结合我校实际.我们依托特殊教育资源教室,最大限度地满足了每个学生的特殊需要,促进了教师的专业化发展。我们体会到,建立特殊教育资源教室是开展随班就读研究的重要任务之一,也是课程改革的需要。  相似文献   

教育部办公厅2016年1月下发的《普通学校特殊教育资源教室建设指南》(简称《资源教室建设指南》)指出,普通幼儿园、普通中小学、中等职业学校等都要根据残疾学生的残疾类型、残疾程度和特殊需要等建设特殊教育资源教室,为残疾学生的学习、康复和辅导提供全方位支持。《资源教室建设指南》要求各个省(自治区、直辖市)教育行政部门要协调落实好普通学校特  相似文献   

本文从探讨资源教室在随班就读中的作用入手 ,回顾了资源教室研究的历史 ,提出了在国内开展资源教室研究的必要性。同时 ,强调要把资源教室与特殊班和补习班区分开来  相似文献   

本文切中目前随班就读中的难点与关键问题 ,建立普通学校为特殊儿童服务的资源室 ,形成普通学校中服务特殊儿童的支持系统及运作模式。通过实践探索出资源室的服务功能、工作特点等 ,并形成了在三个层面、三条线上建立起来的结构严谨、运作灵活的有效支持模式。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine how resource teachers (n = 13) and classroom teachers (n = 12) experience a coaching partnership, in which both teachers work in the regular classroom to support students with special educational needs. The focus of the partnerships was to build classroom teacher capacity around inclusionary practices. Classroom teachers and resource teachers completed questionnaires about the partnerships and their impact. Results indicated that both groups of teachers found the partnerships to be valuable. The partnerships were supported by coaching principles, as well as relationship, attitudes, understanding of students, and time spent together. Benefits of the model included increased support for students; increased learning for students; learning of different approaches, for classroom teachers and resource teachers; shared responsibility for students, between classroom and resource teachers; feeling more valued, for resource teachers; and seeing a model of collaboration, for students, teachers and the community.  相似文献   

残疾儿童随班就读质量影响因素的调查   总被引:1,自引:9,他引:1  
对全国三类经济发展水平不同地区的14个县(市、区)的674名教育管理人员、教研员、校长和教师进行了问卷调查。结果表明:当前我国残疾儿童随班就读质量的提高受到政府部门的政策制定与执行、普校师资特教专业水平、特教中心(特教学校)的指导作用、普校对残疾儿童的接纳程度、资源教室的建立以及家长和社区的支持等各方面因素影响。因此,随班就读质量的提高应是一系统工程,应建立涵盖各方面因素的支持体系。  相似文献   

This study investigates the efficacy of a social skills training program with seven mildly handicapped students across three school settings: regular classroom, special education resource room, and recess. It was found that social skills training generated improvement on both pre-post measures and behavior ratings. Improvements were maintained 2 weeks after treatment was discontinued for seven students. All students' performance generalized from resource room to regular classroom settings; only four students' performance generalized to the recess setting.  相似文献   

Special education resource teachers trained impulsive learning disabled children to use Verbal Self-Instruction (VSI) to decrease the children's impulsivity. Sixteen LD children enrolled in special education resource rooms were identified as impulsive on the basis of the Matching Familiar Figures Test and ratings by regular classroom teachers. Eight children received four weeks of VSI training from their resource teachers, while the other eight served as controls. Results were that the children trained with VSI showed reductions in impulsivity on the Matching Familiar Figures Test, but not in ratings by regular classroom teachers. Implications for the effectiveness of VSI programs for impulsive children are discussed.  相似文献   

This study was designed to elicit the views and preferences of primary education students’ with general learning difficulties concerning different service delivery modes. The main areas to be investigated were: (a) their current educational provision, (b) alternative modes of provision and (c) the most appropriate provider (mainstream or special needs teacher) of educational support. The sample consisted of 95 students in grades 2–6 who voluntarily participated in the study. Interviews, including seven questions concerning students’ views on and preferences for different educational settings (regular classroom without additional support, resource room, in‐class support), were employed for gathering data. The findings clearly confirmed our hypotheses that: (a) students do hold preferences about where and by whom they should be taught, and (b) they do not unanimously prefer one service delivery mode over another. While the majority of the students preferred the resource room over the regular class, it is significant, at the same time, that almost one‐third of the participants preferred the regular classroom. Students’ preference for educational setting (regular classroom or resource room) was significantly influenced by their view of which setting provides more academic benefits. Regarding their preference for the most appropriate provider of support, the great majority preferred receiving help from the special education teacher. Given that in‐class support is not practised in Greek schools and none of the participants had any experience of systematic in‐class support provided by a special teacher, it was surprising to establish that almost one‐half of the students preferred to receive the additional support within the regular class. Students’ preference for a service delivery mode (pull‐out or in‐class support) was significantly influenced by: (a) their preference of educational setting (regular classroom or resource room), and (b) their views of which setting provided greater academic benefit.  相似文献   

The feasibility of a functional full‐time integration model was examined by comparing the academic and social achievement of two groups of 13 students with mild intellectual disabilities who had been randomly allocated to either age‐appropriate mainstream classes or to a segregated special class. Both groups of students had previously attended special classes in a support unit catering for students with mild intellectual disabilities and had been taught by two special education teachers. During the experimental phase, one teacher remained in the unit while the other acted as a resource teacher for both integrated students with disabilities and regular low progress students in mainstream classes to which the students with disabilities had been allocated. After a 16 week intervention, the results indicated that the integrated students improved significantly more than their segregated counterparts on measures of decoding and mathematics as well as in time spent playing with regular peers. Furthermore, in one regular classroom where the resource teacher had established a mastery learning/cooperative group procedure, both regular students and those with disabilities improved significantly more in academic skills than a parallel group in a traditionally organized classroom. While it is recognised that teacher effects cannot be partialled out in such an intervention, the implications of these results for extending special education services into the mainstream rather than isolating them within special classes are discussed.  相似文献   

A model of factors was developed in order to examine variables that might be associated with the attitudes of regular classroom teachers toward mainstreaming mildly handicapped children. Using multiple linear regression analyses, the following variables were found to be significant predictors of a positive attitude toward mainstreaming: team-teaching, years of teaching experience (negative correlation), course in diagnosing learning and behavior problems, availability of resource teacher, previous special education teaching experience, number of courses taken in special education, number of students in classroom (25–27), and inservice program experience related to exceptional children. An examination of these predictors suggests that they may be used to select those regular educators who are likely candidates for implementing mainstreaming programs and that school systems can inhance their mainstreaming efforts by arranging the integration settings to conform with these predictors of positive attitude.  相似文献   

The social status of elementary students with learning disabilities (LD) served by the Integrated Classroom Model (ICM) was compared to the social status of elementary students with learning disabilities served in a regular class with resource room support. The ICM serves elementary special education and non-special-education students (1:2) together as one class. The comparison group was composed of students with learning disabilities who received special education services outside of their regular classroom for a portion of their school day. Social status was determined by assessing interpersonal relationships among students, using a peer rating method. The results of analyses of various dimensions suggest that while special education students in both programs have significantly lower social status on average than their non-special-education peers, the children in the ICM have a better opportunity to blend successfully into the classroom than the children who go out to a resource room.  相似文献   

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