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基于认知负荷理论的复杂学习教学设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前教学设计开始重点关注真实的学习任务设计,通常这些任务比较复杂,容易使学习者产生较高的认知负荷水平。本文从论述认知负荷理论的基本观点出发,具体分析在复杂学习中改变认知负荷的各种教学策略以及随着学习进程的推进可以采用的评价个体认知负荷的方式。  相似文献   

<正>所谓认知负荷理论,是指以认知资源理论、工作记忆理论、构建主义理论等为基础,并通过关注一些复杂任务,让学习者在这个过程中产生认知负荷的理论。教师可以通过优化教学设计的方式,有效地控制认知负荷,以此提高学生的学习效率。认知负荷主要由因果要素、评估要素等组成。其中因果要素主要包  相似文献   

认知负荷理论(Cognitive Load Theory)是在现代认知心理学研究成果的基础上提出的,它为研究认知处理和教学设计提供了一种新的理论框架。该理论关注记忆在学习中的作用,强调合理分配认知资源对有效学习的至关重要性。本文从认知负荷理论的角度出发,探讨在高中化学习题教学设计中如何减少学习任务中不必要的认知负荷,从而提高学习者的学习效率的措施。  相似文献   

认知负荷理论对职教专业课教学的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
认知负荷理论从资源分配角度来考察学习和问题解决,认为人的认知活动要消耗一定的资源,这种资源就是认知负荷。影响认知负荷的因素主要有:学习任务(包括学习环境)、学习者,以及学习任务与学习者之间的交互作用。为此.认知负荷理论形成了两个重要的教学设计原则“自由目标效应”和“样例效应”。这些理论和原则为职教专业课教学提供了有益的启示。  相似文献   

认知负荷理论是继建构主义理论后又一对教学起着重要指导作用的心理学理论。认知负荷理论的主要思想是教学设计时考虑学习者在任务学习过程中所承受的认知负荷,保证"任务带来的认知负荷总量不超过学习者所能承受的认知负荷总量"。认知负荷理论提出了一系列对教学有指导意义的教学效应,这些效应同样适用于中小学信息技术教学。本文拟从中小学信息技术教学的角度去解读认知负荷理论,以发现二者的契合点,从而使该理论更好地指导信息技术教学。  相似文献   

约翰·斯威勒提出的认知负荷理论,主张合理分配认知资源,对有效学习至关重要。如果教师在设计教学时能按照认知负荷理论,尽量减少学习任务中不必要的认知负荷,有助于提高教学的效果。因此,提出基于认知负荷理论的大学物理教学,可以通过物理知识的图表化、优化多媒体教学、融入物理学史等手段,管理内在认知负荷,降低外在认知负荷,增加相关认知负荷,以此减少学生的学习障碍,激发学生的学习兴趣,从而最终达到促进有效学习的目的。  相似文献   

认知负荷理论(Cognitive Load Theory)是在现代认知心理学研究成果的基础上提出的,该理论关注记忆在学习中的作用,强调合理分配认知资源对有效学习的至关重要性。本文从认知负荷理论的角度出发,探讨在高中化学习题教学设计中如何减少学习任务中不必要的认知负荷,从而提高学习者的学习效率的措施。  相似文献   

在语言收听过程中,记忆、尤其是瞬时记忆,是理解的前提。“认知负荷理论”吸收和应用了认知信息加工理论关于注意短时记忆的研究成果,认为学习者的工作记忆容量是有限的,工作记忆的限制性成为了学习的主要障碍;认为通过教学设计尽量减少学习任务中不必要的认知负荷,使工作记忆的容量更多地集中于将要学习的材料中,从而促进学习。文章探讨了在认知负荷理论指导下的英语听力练习材料的设计。  相似文献   

认知负荷理论是继建构主义理论后又一对教学起着重要指导作用的心理学理论。认知负荷理论的主要思想是教学设计时考虑学习者在任务学习过程中所承受的认知负荷,保证“任务带来的认知负荷总量不超过学习者所能承受的认知负荷总量”。认知负荷理论提出了一系列对教学有指导意义的教学效应,这些效应同样适用于中小学信息技术教学。本文拟从中小学信息技术教学的角度去解读认知负荷理论,以发现二者的契合点,从而使该理论更好地指导信息技术教学。  相似文献   

认知负荷与记忆的关系密不可分。了解记忆活动的特点有助于认识认知负荷的形成原因,了解复杂学习任务的难处所在,进而有针对性地设计出更合理的教学方案,并通过降低认知负荷,达到提高英语新闻听力理解能力的目的。  相似文献   

According to cognitive load theory (CLT), the limitations of working memory (WM) in the learning of new tasks together with its ability to cooperate with an unlimited long-term memory (LTM) for familiar tasks enable human beings to deal effectively with complex problems and acquire highly complex knowledge and skills. With regard to WM, CLT has focused to a large extent on learning task characteristics, and to a lesser extent on learner characteristics to manage WM load and optimize learning through instructional design. With regard to LTM, explanations of human learning and cognition have mainly focused on domain-general skills, instead of domain-specific knowledge held in LTM. The contributions to this special issue provide a broader cognitive load view on the role of memory in learning and education by presenting the historical roots and conceptual development of the concept of WM, as well as the theoretical and practical implications of current debates about WM mechanisms (Cowan 2014), by presenting an updated model of cognitive load in which the physical learning environment is considered a distinct causal factor for WM load (Choi et al. 2014), by an experimental demonstration of the effects of persistent pain on the available WM resources for learning (Smith and Ayres 2014), and by using aspects of evolutionary educational psychology to argue for the primacy of domain-specific knowledge in human cognition (Tricot and Sweller 2014).  相似文献   

Based on a critical re-analysis of cognitive load theory (CLT), Schnotz and Kürschner identified the need for research on more sensitive ways of assessing learner characteristics, both prior to and during instruction, in order to understand learning processes and outcomes. One emergent theme of the papers in this special issue is that the “same” learning environment is differentially demanding and produces different results depending on characteristics of the learners, most importantly their knowledge in the task domain. These findings indicate that to optimize learning outcomes, theories of instructional design and learning need to be more adaptive and reflect the nuances of interactions among learners, tasks, and instructional supports.  相似文献   

讨论了大学英语教学中自主学习培养的必要性,着重论述了在课堂内、外通过教学材料的选择、教学任务和活动的设计和开展、教师角色的改变、学生元认知策略的培养以及学习策略训练等途径来实现学生学习自主性的培养。  相似文献   

文章采用三种方法对学生英语口语的纠正反馈在CLT课堂的重要性进行了实证研究。先通过访谈、问卷调查了教师和学生对纠正反馈的态度和偏好,再运用听课记录分析了教师对学生错误纠正的频率,以及纠正反馈所产生的作用。调查结果发现,大部分老师和学生对纠正反馈持肯定态度,交际互动中老师对学生口语错误的纠正反馈能较大程度上引起学生对正确语言的理解并对错误做出一定量的修正。据此,本研究认为,在CLT课堂中,适当的纠正反馈是重要的,必不可少的,对学生的英语学习有很大的促进作用。  相似文献   

Traditionally, Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) has focused on instructional methods to decrease extraneous cognitive load so that available cognitive resources can be fully devoted to learning. This article strengthens the cognitive base of CLT by linking cognitive processes to the processes used by biological evolution. The article discusses recent developments in CLT related to the current view in instructional design that real-life tasks should be the driving force for complex learning. First, the complexity, or intrinsic cognitive load, of such tasks is often high so that new methods are needed to manage cognitive load. Second, complex learning is a lengthy process requiring learners motivational states and levels of expertise development to be taken into account. Third, this perspective requires more advanced methods to measure expertise and cognitive load so that instruction can be flexibly adapted to individual learners needs. Experimental studies are reviewed to illustrate these recent developments. Guidelines for future research are provided.  相似文献   

远程学习者在线学习行为无疑会影响到远程学习效果,研究远程学习者的在线学习行为是远程开放教育重要的课题之一。研究设计了三组实验.以明确远程学习者在线学习行为的特征、影响因素及远程学习者在线学习行为与其课程成绩之间的关系。研究表明:远程学习者的在线学习行为具有习惯性、适应性特征:远程学习者的在线行为会受到学习者有无远程学习经历、所在班级学习共同体及年级学习共同体的影响:远程学习者在线学习行为与其课程成绩之间无直接相关关系。最后,针对研究结论,提出了改进远程学习者在线学习行为的相关建议。  相似文献   

In the field of second and foreign language learning, how various task characteristics affect language learning has been the focus of many recent studies. Much of this research examined the relationship between task characteristics and task performance without fully taking into account learner related variables. The present study aimed to assess task complexity and sequence in relation to the learner related variables drawn from the social cognitive perspective of self-regulated learning, i.e. self-efficacy beliefs and frequency of learning strategy use, as they were applied to two versions of vocabulary learning from reading tasks. The tasks designed for the present study were based on the componential framework for second language task design. With tasks and task sequence counterbalanced, 146 first-year university students (mean age?=?18.59 years) were randomly assigned to one of four groups. Results reveal a significant effect of task sequence on vocabulary learning self-efficacy beliefs, frequency of learning strategy use and task performance, and a significant interaction effect of sequence with task complexity. Findings are discussed in terms of complex interactions between task and learner factors.  相似文献   

学习是对现有知识结构的丰富和重构。丰富是现有知识对新知识的同化过程,重构则是概念改变,表现为理论的修正和改变。上述学习理论运用于教学中的一个重要方面就是设计和组织学习材料。学习材料具有多种形式,包含着与学习者固着观念相联系的同化点,能引发学习者的认知冲突,或显示新知识的特性导致概念改变,并且能提供新的情景便于学习者的知识迁移。因此综合设计和组织学习材料是促进学习者对知识进行有意义建构,提高其学习能力的关键。  相似文献   

上世纪70年代,认知主义学习理论渐渐形成,我国从90年代起,人们将该理论引入多媒体课件开发领域,逐渐形成了认知结构化的课件开发思想。认知主义研究学习者内在的认知结构和外界环境相互影响,揭示学习的规律和学习本质。认知结构化的课件开发思想以带有认知主义理论色彩的学习法则来指导课件设计,在课件的信息结构、设计原则和教学设计倾向方面体现着认知主义学习理论的基本观点。  相似文献   

One classical instructional effect of cognitive load theory (CLT) is the worked-example effect. Although the vast majority of studies have focused on well-structured and algorithmic sub-domains of mathematics or physics, more recent studies have also analyzed learning with examples from complex domains in which only heuristic solution strategies can be taught (e.g., troubleshooting, mathematical proving). Is learning by such examples also effective, and do the same instructional design principles apply? We discuss the main findings of an own research program and of related studies that addressed such questions. We found that CLT’s basic design principles also hold true for heuristic domains: Reduce extraneous load by employing examples, maximize germane load by fostering self-explanations, prevent cognitive overload by pretraining in the case of difficult learning materials, and by focusing attention on the most relevant aspects. Other typical CLT assumptions (e.g., better provide information for novice learners) were not confirmed in its generality. The present findings extend the applicability of CLT but also identify some potentially too simplistic assumptions.  相似文献   

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