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"前科学概念"的术语和定义的综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章对“前科学概念”的术语和定义进行了综述,介绍了“前科学概念”的术语及其分类、“前科学概念”的概念的不同界定,讨论了其分歧,并概述了自己关于前科学概念的术语及其定义的观点。  相似文献   

小学科学教学已定性为“对儿童进行科学启蒙教育的一门基础性学科”。其中“科学”概念,是根据爱因斯坦对科学的解释——探索大自然的秘密。“科学教育”概念区别于“传授知识”,是指导儿童初步认识自然界和人类对自然界的探索、利用、改造、保护。儿童对科学概念的学习,是由前概念到初级概念再到新概念的一个潜移默化的过程,并能在获得新概念后,在科学探究中进一步化解和运用的过程。  相似文献   

在皮亚杰的“发生认识论”研究中,涉及大量有关儿童科学概念与关系认识的研究。根据这些研究,皮亚杰提出:认识起源于主客体间基于“活动”这一中介物而产生的相互作用。具体来看,感知运动阶段是婴幼儿科学概念发展的“奠基时期”,但未产生外显的科学概念。同时,他们开始能认识到自己的行为与客体间的关系,但未达到因果联系的水平。到了前运算阶段,幼儿的概念水平达到“前概念”阶段,其概念的使用不受时空限制,并开始思考因果关系的问题,但由于思维不具备可逆性,其因果关系的理解带有更多主观性。皮亚杰的这些研究对我国学前儿童科学教育的启示在于:在教育活动设计方面要考虑幼儿所处认知阶段;在教学目标定位上重新审视与合理把握“最近发展区”;在教学内容上重视幼儿经验积累的广泛性与代表性;在教学方法上强调幼儿“活动”或“操作”的重要性;在幼儿指导上要理解其认知发展特点,引导他们回归“理性”;在教学组织上顺应科学自身的学科特色,杜绝“无效合作”学习。  相似文献   

儿童科学概念的发展既是儿童科学素养发展的客观要求,也是科学教育的重要内容。本文以小学阶段“水的液气相变”概念为依托,探寻小学一至六年级儿童科学前概念的内容、类型和基本特征。研究结果显示:小学生的科学前概念有空壳、条件缺失、不完整、异质性、正确五种类型,同时小学生的科学前概念具有情境依赖性、概念间相互矛盾、概念呈结构化体系等特征。改进小学科学教育教学宜设立“儿童科学前概念内容库”和“科学前概念测试量表”;根据儿童概念认知水平和概念认知路径设计课程;甄别儿童科学前概念类型,针对儿童科学前概念类型使用相应教学策略。  相似文献   

前科学概念不一定都是错误的概念,它和“错误概念”相比,否定的意味要少些,也可能是对事物含糊的、不完善的认知。“学习者拥有的前科学概念最终会把学习者引导到当前的科学概念上来”,而这也成为教师教学研究和实施教学的重要基础。  相似文献   

分析物理概念教学中的“假懂”现象及其成因,采取科学的教学方法,破解概念教学中的“假懂”现象,引导学生真正理解物理概念,并在概念建立的过程中提升学科素养,激发学习兴趣。  相似文献   

“职业技术教育”学科的名称概念一直引起人们的思考,对“职业技术教育”概念的理解随着人类科学的发展而发展着.本研究着重论述了实业教育、职业教育、技术教育以及职业技术教育4种名称变化的发展及其原因,并从中得出保留原有的名称含义的建议.该研究可以为当前职业技术教育领域明晰职业技术教育名称概念演变提供一点启示.  相似文献   

现代教育理论认为,学生在接受正规的学科课程教育之前,头脑中并非一片空白,而是已经形成了他们对周围世界的看法和观念。这些看法和观念,通常被称为“前概念”,即前科学概念的简称。前概念是所有学科教学都不可回避的现实,是学科教学的基础条件。思想政治课教学中也存在着各种各样的前概念,它们影响着学生知识的掌握、观点的接受、思想的形成、态度的转变和品德的建构。因此,思想政治课教学必须高度重视前概念问题。  相似文献   

在“软体动物”一节教学中,依据课程标准和学情,基于前概念设计本节概念教学,确定核心素养目标。为实现素养目标,从学生生活经验出发,挖掘学生的前概念;通过问题呈现科学概念,引发学生认知冲突;借助实验探究,构建完善的软体动物概念,完成本节学习目标,将学科核心素养“内化于心,外化于行”,达到学科育人的目的。  相似文献   

以“运动和力关系的复习”为例,阐述以科学复习课为载体,构建大概念的教学设计,通过提炼学科大概念、解析学科大概念、设计任务链和设计评价等方面开展教学实践。  相似文献   

This study reports on the development of second-year student teachers’ knowledge of research, and the changes in their beliefs and attitude regarding research during an introductory course at an institute for primary teacher education. Questionnaires and concept maps were administered before and after the course. The results showed that student teachers’ knowledge about research grew during the introductory course and that their positive beliefs about research became more positive, while their negative beliefs about research decreased. A positive change was found concerning the attractiveness of research to student teachers. Furthermore, student teachers’ self-efficacy regarding research appeared related to their beliefs and attitude: the more the student teachers were convinced of their abilities to conduct and use the results of research after the course, the more positive their beliefs and their attitude regarding research were. This study provides guidelines for institutes for teacher education on integrating research activities into their curricula, so that their student teachers develop research knowledge and positive beliefs and attitudes towards research.  相似文献   

辅导员的科研能力包括问题意识、必要的知识储备,科学的研究方法、良好的科研品质。辅导员的科研应重点关注热点问题、交叉学科的课题,加强研究的科学化和规范化。辅导员应从加强学习、增强对问题的敏感性和前瞻性,提高团队合作意识等方面提高科研意识和能力,同时也要注意把工作和科研结合起来。  相似文献   

In higher education, despite the emphasis on student-centred pedagogical approaches, undergraduate research methods pedagogy remains surprisingly teacher-directed. Consequently, it may lead to research methods students assuming that becoming a researcher involves gathering information rather than it being a continuous developmental process. To combat this idea, a reflective student-centred pedagogical approach is evaluated for encouraging students’ development as researchers. In this study, undergraduate research methods students piloted a research method and produced a reflective essay of their research experience. Qualitative analysis of the students’ reflective essay demonstrated that students showed an awareness of both their research skills such as choosing an appropriate research instrument and their researcher identity such as the metacognition of their research competence. Pedagogical approaches that encourage ‘reflection on action’ in the research curriculum can, therefore, help students to articulate their researcher identity and build their research skills confidence and should be actively promoted.  相似文献   

开创留学生研究的新局面,应注意研究中的六个"互补":1.对留学生在以往社会变革中的巨大作用的研究和对留学生在改革开放后所起的重大作用的研究互补;2.研究留学生在政治、军事领域内的作为和研究留学生在经济、文化、科技、教育领域内的作为互补;3.研究留学生在国内的影响和研究留学生在国外的影响互补;4.研究男留学生与研究女留学生互补;5.中老年人研究留学生问题与青年人研究留学生问题互补;6.有组织的研究和自发自动的研究互补。  相似文献   

The current education policy environment places a heavy emphasis on scientifically based research. This article examines how whole school improvement models approach the development of a research agenda, including what influences and challenges model providers face in implementing their agenda. Responses also detail the advantages and disadvantages model providers see in using internal and external research teams to carry out their research agenda. In addition, the article addresses common themes about how model providers believe their research agenda interacts with the public realm, including how education consumers use research in selecting a whole school improvement model and how their models are portrayed in systematic reviews of their models' research.  相似文献   

This article highlights the ways in which arts-based approaches to research can be used in teaching and learning about the qualitative research process. Specifically, in our qualitative research class graduate students used the arts as a form of reflexivity to highlight various aspects of their research process, including their positionality, their values, any ethical issues that arose during the research process, and the various methodological steps taken. This collaborative article features the voices of the instructor and three graduate students, who used the mediums of visual art, a blog and a digital diary approach to represent their reflexivity. From the voice of the instructor, we share her rationale for using arts-based approaches in the classroom, her detailed assignment, and the ways in which we can incorporate the arts in teaching about qualitative research. In the form of case examples, three graduate students illustrate their unique qualitative research studies, describing their approach and how they incorporated various artistic mediums as a form of reflexivity within their research. Concluding thoughts will discuss the strengths, limitations and possibilities of using arts-based approaches to teaching and learning about qualitative research.  相似文献   

教育行动研究是幼儿教师成长的重要途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育行动研究是教师研究自身教育实践中的问题、改善教育活动质量的一种教育研究形式,这种研究形式使幼儿教师可以在自己的教育实践中,开展研究工作,在研究状态下进行教育工作。这对幼儿教师的成长起着重要的作用:可以提升幼儿教师的社会地位和学术声誉,促进其专业发展;唤起幼儿教师的主体意识,促进教师主动发展;幼儿教师的教育行动研究将会成为我国幼教改革“胶着期”的突破口。  相似文献   

中小学教师自身教科研知识的短缺和课题研究行为的乏力,不但阻碍了自身专业水平的提升,同时也不利于指导学生开展研究性学习,基于此必须在继续教育中加大教育科研知识培训力度,加大中小学教师“以校为本”小课题研究方法的指导。  相似文献   


The use of research evidence to inform practice has become an expectation of those working in many professions. There is a dearth of research on teacher use of scholarship to inform their practice. While there is an abundance of research that can be used to inform teacher practice, there are unknowns about how much teachers seek, access, read, apply and share evidence from research to inform their teaching. We address this gap in the literature by surveying inservice teachers about their perceptions and practices for using education research. In our analysis of the data collected from 452 teachers, we found teachers are interested in research and perceive value in research to inform their work. However, we also found that teachers struggle to identify sources of quality research and how to translate research to inform their teaching. Our findings have implications for school administrators seeking to promote teacher engagement in evidence-based practice and educational researchers hoping to have their research translated into K-12 teacher practice.  相似文献   

中小学教师应从自己的工作实际出发,实施校本研究,在教育科研中坚持“小题大作”的原则,选取自己实践体悟深刻而具体的认识和操作问题,进行全面而深刻的研究,使自己的研究达到“小题大作”的水平。  相似文献   

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