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本文从射影几何出发、利用点、直线或它们的组合图形为绝对形,推出了仿射几何、中心射影几何、中心仿射几何及旗帜几何等数种没有度量的几何,拓展了人们对几何学的认识。  相似文献   

仿射变换是<仿射几何>的重要内容,它在初等几何中有着很好的应用.有些复杂的初等几何问题,可以利用仿射变换的性质,将一般图形经仿射变换化成特殊图形,较容易地得到解决.  相似文献   

仿射变换是《仿射几何》的重要内容,它在初等几何中有着很好的应用。有些复杂的初等几何问题,可以利用仿射变换的性质,将一般图形经仿射变换化成特殊图形,较容易地得到解决。  相似文献   

探讨高等几何中的“共点线、共线点”问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从仿射几何、射影几何的理论与方法出发,探讨了共点线,共线点问题的解决方法,体现了高等几何在思想方法和论证方法上的独特性和灵活性.  相似文献   

仿射对应在解决工程问题及几何问题中均是一种很有效的工具,为阐明这一认识,本文主要讨论了平面场的仿射对应在画法几何学及几何证明上的一些应用.  相似文献   

本文从仿射变换,仿射性质、仿射量,仿射对应图形入手,通过实例,分析、探讨高等几何的群论观点对于初等几何的指导作用,在较高层面上认识几何空间的基本特性、研究方法、内在联系、确认几何学的本质,以便更深入地认识和掌握初等几何,指导初等几何的教学与研究,居高临下地认识初等几何的内涵与外延。同时,进一步认识到高等几何不仅在提高观点方面具有独特作用,而且在论证方法,思考问题等方面具有独特的巧妙、灵活等特点。  相似文献   

按照克菜因群论的观点,一个变换群对应着一种几何学,每种几何学所研究的对象是在相应变换群下,图形的不变性、不变量以及那些不变图形。由变换群的包含关系知,射影几何包含了仿射几何,仿射几何包含了欧氏几何,所以射影几何和仿射几何巾图形的性质在欧氏几何中必然成立。平行的概念只需理解为相交于无穷远点。这样我们可以利用射影几何、仿射几何的知识去解决初等几何问题,居高临下,问题就显得简单易解。  相似文献   

作为数学中的一个重要组成部分的几何学.其研究的对象是图形的性质.对于我们熟知的欧氏几何学,要判定某个命题的结论是否正确。往往要反复应用各类图形的性质和其它命题的结论以及添加辅助线等,这样证明起来很困难。本文主要是应用仿射几何学的仿射不变性.由简单的几何命题成立.通过仿射变换后得到复杂的几何命题成立。  相似文献   

本文首先论证了一切仿射几何学的内容都可通过仿射坐标来研究,并阐述了其优越性;进而导出由于仿射坐标是建立在平行射影的基础上的,因此又可通过平行射影研究仿射几何学.  相似文献   

传统图学理论的研究和发展动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪中叶以来,传统图学理论的研究已将画法几何与各种传统几何学(如射影几何、解析几何、微分几何、运动几何、多维几何、非欧几何、拓扑学等)互相渗透和融合,形成了各种画法几何学,如解析画法几何、画法微分几何、运动画法几何、多维画法几何、非欧画法几何等传统图学理论。现代图学理论如计算(机)画法几何、分形几何等研究也取得新进展。未来的图学设计将是更具有创新能力的三维数字建模设计。  相似文献   

所谓探究学习,是指在教师的指引下,学生积极主动、相对独立地对问题探个究竟的过程。探究学习的精神实质有三要义,即自得、自省和自化。自得是指主体不依外力、自然而得的过程,其实现依赖于深入思考。自省则是追问之后的省察和反思,通过内视自己而明理。白化是通过感和悟的心理过程,将外在的知识内化成为主体的思想和精神的过程。  相似文献   

本研究以乌鲁木齐市属中学维吾尔族教师为研究对象,采用定量的方法对教师教学反思能力进行研究。结果显示:教师的性别、学历、学校类型、职称、任教科目、汉语水平在教学反思不同维度上均有显著差异,并根据研究所得的结果与发现的问题提出对策与建议。  相似文献   

Despite continuing interest in teacher reflection and an extensive body of research on peer assessment, the interaction between these areas has not been sufficiently investigated. This study on reflection and peer feedback is part of an ongoing action research addressing the design and pedagogical model of a theoretically oriented teacher training course. The course comprised face‐to‐face lessons followed by written reflections of the student‐teachers concerning their learning experiences. These reflections were presented for peer feedback – thereby initiating a community of reflecting peers (‘co‐reflection’) – and were additionally subjected to instructor feedback under two conditions (full vs. diluted). Student‐teachers’ perception of their professional development that resulted from these co‐reflecting communities were quantitatively evaluated (using a self‐reported questionnaire) over a three‐year period. An enhanced positive effect over the three‐year period was found – regardless of the instructor feedback condition – as well as significant differences between parallel groups (higher for science vs. mathematics student‐teachers). These are described in the first part of the paper, followed by an in‐depth case study analysis in the second section. The case studies reported inclusive analysis of the students’ written reflections and feedback. It provides an insight into the processes of co‐reflection, identifies changes over time in the quality of reflections and feedback, as well as in the personal, professional and social development of the student‐teachers, attempting to identify the mechanisms leading to these changes. Examples are cited to illustrate the ways in which the students developed and what activated their motivation for development. The case studies reveal two developmental models, one of external orientation and the other internal. These are characterized by a willing receiver and willing donor, respectively. The importance of a ‘maturity interval’, when the student is ‘ripe’ for developmental change, was also demonstrated. Offering an appropriate trigger at this mature point may stimulate crucial development. Teacher development is further interpreted in terms of interpersonal variables. The current paper may encourage teacher educators and student‐teachers themselves to incorporate co‐reflecting in their course planning and community planning. Ways may be designed to train student‐teachers to offer and use feedback effectively. For feedback to be valuable, it should be reinforcing, challenging, thorough and sincere, radiate faith, and be of a friendly nature – it should be non‐insulting and non‐judgemental. They may be used for in‐text as well as summary remarks.  相似文献   

In this account of practice I would like to share my experiences of facilitating a Critical Reflection Action Learning (CRAL) set with a small family run business, struggling to make change and expand their services due to the problems they encountered in separating their business lives from their family lives. The account I present here is based on a 12-session project I carried out with the organisation using a CRAL methodology as part of my Doctoral studies at the University of Hull Business School (Shepherd 2011). In this particular Action Learning project participants were invited to create hand drawn images which acted as representations of the problems they faced as a business. The images were used by set members in reflective conversations on the problems they were having. Each set member cycled through a process of drawing an image and reflecting upon its meaning using individual, group and critical reflection. The whole process enabled set members to gain new insights into their problems and provided them with the opportunity to devise new, more effective ways of tackling their problems and understanding the power dynamics underpinning them.  相似文献   

关于计算机辅助中学数学教学的问题及其解决   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
随着信息技术的发展,广大中学数学教师越来越重视应用计算机辅助教学.当前,中学数学学科开展计算机辅助教学在课件制作、运用方面存在以下不足:重视演示内容,忽视师生之间的交流;贪求多媒体的形式多样,不顾及教学效果;重视演示现象,忽视揭示过程;重视教师的教,忽视学生的学.开展计算机辅助教学应使教学实践成为理论指导下的实践;要把数学实验引入数学教学。  相似文献   

哲学是反思的学问,这种反思不仅指向哲学思考的对象内容,而且也指向哲学思考本身,即哲学是思想思想。任何哲学理论、哲学研究都绕不开人与世界的关系,而研究人与世界的关系根本上是为了研究人本身,正是在这个意义上,我们说哲学是一种反思的人学。  相似文献   

生物反应器产业概况   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生物产业的不断发展,带动生物反应器产业的技术革新和产品的推陈出新,从而在生物经济时代抢占经济的制高点,促进国民经济持续稳定的发展。本文介绍了生物反应器的概念,国际、国内的生产现状,我国该行业存在的问题及对策。  相似文献   

Most conceptualizations of reflection and reflective teaching are based on logical and analytical ways of information processing during teaching. There are, however, other ways of interpreting data and making decisions in the classroom, which make use of ‘gestalts’ and seem to be located in the right hemisphere. A broader view on reflection and reflective teaching is proposed which includes the mental “mirroring” of these non-rational processes. Technical, psychological, and philosophical reasons for the underestimation of the latter type of reflection are discussed. Several techniques are described for the promotion of reflection on non-rational processes, such as the use of metaphors, drawing, or painting, making photographs, guided fantasies, and Kelly's repertory grid. It is concluded that an integration of reflection on rational and non-rational processes is important for teachers.  相似文献   

随着市场经济的不断发展,政府、企事业部门用人制度的不断变化,在当今就业形势日益严峻的状况下,研究生对自己的职业生涯规划方面会存在一些问题,这难免会引发人们的反思。基于此目的文章探讨了研究生职业生涯规划方面存在的一些问题,针对这些问题提出了相应的应对策略,以便于研究生们制定出切实可行的职业生涯规划,从而更好的服务于社会。  相似文献   

以书入画、书写性用笔是中国画"用笔"方面的一个重要体现,也是中国画区别于其他绘画画种的本质特征。古往今来,中国画对于用笔的尝试与表述经历了一个较长的探索历程,文章从线的角度入手,对中国画中笔法的成长历程作了较为深入的分析和阐述。  相似文献   

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