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课堂教学中的“规则”与“自由”,其哲学依据就是“自由”与“规则”的辩证统一。“自由”是以规则为前提,“自由”是规则中的“自由”,而“规则”是为了更好地保证“自由”。  相似文献   

“国家”是政治学说研究不可回避的论域,霍布斯曾因为《利维坦》建立了一个拥有绝对权力和主权者至上的国家而引发人们对个人与国家、自由与权威、民主与专制的关注与论争。从霍布斯“利维坦”的人性恶与苦难自然状态的逻辑预设出发,一方面在对“个人”进行界定的基础上对“利维坦”国家权力的至高性与广泛性,也即霍布斯绝对国家权力进行分析,另一方面以人们建立国家的目的为基础,对人们在“利维坦”中的自由与国家法律对主权者权力的设限,也即霍布斯相对国家权力进行探讨,以期对饱受诟病的“利维坦”作浅显的辨解。  相似文献   

提出干部素质的提高与转变问题,首先是从面向21世纪人才需求这个长远目标出发的,21世纪需要一支政治强、善协调、综合素质高、应变能力强的复合型干部队伍。其次是由目前干部队伍现状而引起的,我们的干部队伍中还存在“权力型”与“事务型”两类干部,他们都难以适应社会的发展和党的事业的要求。领导干部只有不断提高自己的综合素质,迅速实现由“权力型”、“事务型”向“素质型”的转变,才能承担起振兴中华和走向世界的历史重任。  相似文献   

概念是思维发展过程中的基本建筑材料,是认识网络上的重要环节。每门学科都有自己不同于其他学科的基本概念,正是由这些正确的基本概念出发,经过由低到高的发展过程,才建立起本学科的科学的理论体系。同  相似文献   

数学基本概念,在传授数学知识的整个过程中,是一个十分重要的内容。现在,以我教学“方程的解”和“解方程”这两个简易方程中的基本概念为例,说说我的教学体会。一般说来,数学基本概念大都是通过解析一些具体的实例后而得出的综合性的概括和结论,而课本里对“方程的解”、“解方程”这两个基本概念的出现,是先叙述了什么叫做“方程”,紧接着就出了“方程的  相似文献   

几何要研究点、线、面、体之间的关系,我觉得在中学哲学教学中也有一个“点”“线”“面”之间的辩证关系,抓住了它,就可能做到由浅入深,循序渐进,收到较好的教学效果。 “点” 所谓“点”,就是指基本概念。一切科学都是由特定的概念组成的;不理解特定的概念,也就不可能懂得这一门科学。因此,在教学中,首先要讲清基本概念。要讲清基本概念,必须注意以下几点: 第一、要把概念放在特定的科学含义中去理解。讲清同样概念在不同学科日常习惯中的区别。例如,哲学中的“物质”比自然科学中的“物质”在含义上要广泛得  相似文献   

自由是人的内在本性和精神追求,人类的历史就是人的自由实现的历史。自由是每一个思想家不容回避的问题,一切体现时代精神的哲学都不能不对此做出自己的回答。然而,国内外理论界对马克思自由观的认识和理解上存在许多混乱和误区,文中立主在理论上予以澄清。在哲学观念上研究自由问题不等同于在政治、体制上研究自由问题,自由问题无禁区,自由与人不可分离,自由的问题就是人的问题,是人的类生命的实现与发展的问题。本文力求揭示马克思立足于人的解放发展,揭示自由与人的“类生命”本质之间的联系。真正解答了哲学史上关于自由问题的“斯芬克斯之谜”——人在本性上是自由的,自由是人的存在方式,自由是人的“类生命”的实现和发展。  相似文献   

“游戏”思想在东西方都曾引起研究的强烈关注,而康德和庄子作为提出这种思想的东西方的第一人,理论既有极大的差别又不无一致性,康德高扬人的主体性,从而期望人自由拯救自已,而庄子则取消人的主体性,从而希望通过顺应“道”而由“道”来来拯救人。但是,二都体现了各自对人类的人道主义关怀。  相似文献   

伊曼努尔·康德与马克思·舍勒都提到了“偏好”问题,但二者对于偏好问题的理论差异很大。康德的“偏好”指自然欲望,舍勒的“偏好”指“善的趋向”。舍勒设定的“偏好”概念具有向善和自明的特点。“自明”特点使得偏好无须论证,构成了舍勒理论的基础。从“偏好”概念的差异出发,康德强调意志的自由,而舍勒则提出了情感的先天和绝对性。这两种理论体系都致力于寻求道德的绝对化,但是各有不足。康德实践理性理论的不足是忽视了个体的特点,舍勒的情感秩序体系的缺陷在于缺乏一种形式化的先天制约。  相似文献   

由介词“为”的兼容用法引发的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从介词“为”引进给予类动词句与事出发讨论了两个问题 :(1 )双宾语的结构层次。双宾语句中的两个宾语是并举单位 ,分别与动词发生关系 ,而不是所谓“结构带宾语”。 (2 )“为”字句与双宾语句的变换关系。“为”字句与双宾语句有相互变换关系 ,但不是自由变换关系。文中揭示了二者相互变换的条件和制约因素  相似文献   

Research in educational history has opened itself up increasingly in the past years to questions related to “space” The focus of this essay is on the current research category “educational space” and the related concept of “educational landscapes”. Both concepts are presented, beginning with a comparison of similarities and differences from an early modern historical perspective and ending with an analysis of different epochs. The study also expands upon influences of the concept of cultural transfer on the concepts of “educational space” and “educational landscape” and presents a current research project on early modern educational history using both categories.  相似文献   

Word associations were used to map the conception of high school students concerning the concepts “chemical equilibrium” and “equilibrium.” It was found that the preconception of the two concepts was differentiated on noncritical dimensions; “equilibrium” being associated with everyday life experiences and “chemical equilibrium” with general chemical concepts. After studying the subject of chemical equilibrium at school the two concepts merged towards one, i.e., becoming synonymous. This can provide an explanation for misconceptions associated with chemical equilibrium via the transfer of static attributes from “equilibrium” to the dynamic “chemical equilibrium”.  相似文献   

This article examines the various education policies in Southeast Asian countries, highlighting the underlining philosophies and current practices in the region. The conceptual framework of the presentation includes key concepts such as access and equity, unity and identity, quality and relevance, efficiency and effectiveness. Each of these key concepts will be analysed using a framework consisting of key questions, guiding philosophies, policy options as well as issues and challenges. The article reviews policies relating to questions such as “who get access to what kinds of education?”, “how to widen access?”, “how to ensure success?”, “what kinds of education for a multicultural society?”, “how to promote national integration and social cohesion through education?”, “how to improve quality of education?”, “how to manage and administer the school delivery system?”. It draws examples from different countries in the SEA region to illustrate the issues and challenges in formulating and implementing contemporary education policies.  相似文献   

The adult lexicon links concepts and labels with related meanings (e.g., dogcat). How do children's encounters with concepts versus labels contribute to semantic development? Three studies investigated semantic priming in 40 monolinguals and 32 bilinguals, who have similar experience with concepts but different experience with labels (i.e., monolinguals hear “dog,” bilinguals hear “dog” and “chien”). Similarities in performance across monolinguals and bilinguals at age 24 months, as well as across bilinguals’ two languages at age 30 months, support the position that encounters with concepts contribute more to early semantic development than encounters with labels. Findings also suggest that the effects of semantic priming are challenging to observe at 24 months but are strong in bilinguals by age 30 months.  相似文献   

An African Grey parrot, previously taught to use vocal English labels to discriminate more than 80 different objects and to respond to questions concerning categorical concepts of color and shape, was trained and tested on relational concepts ofsame anddifferent. The subject, Alex, replied with the correct English categorical label (“color,” “shape,” or “mah-mah” [matter]) when asked “What’s same?” or “What’s different?” about pairs of objects that varied with respect to any combination of attributes. His accuracy was 69.7%–76.6% for pairs of familiar objects not used in training and 82.3%–85% for pairs involving objects whose combinations of colors, shapes, and materials were unfamiliar. Additional trials demonstrated that his responses were based upon the question being posed as well as the attributes of the objects. These findings are discussed in terms of his comprehension of the categories of color, shape, and material and as evidence of his competence in an exceptional (non-species-specific) communication code.  相似文献   

林恩·埃里克森建立的“知识的结构”模型,很好地解释了以“大概念”组织单元的原理和机制。该模型分两个层面:第一层面是事实性知识,有“事实”和“主题”两个层级;第二层面是概括性知识,主要有“概念”和“概括性理解”两个层级。在教学中需依赖具体的事实性知识去发现或获得某一概念,经由理解某一概念构成一种“概念性视角”,凭借“概念性视角”去处理相应主题的具体事实。在两个层面相互作用的认知探究过程中,建立某一概念与其他概念的联系。“概念性理解”就是“由事实性实例支撑的真理”,可称为“概括性知识”。从学习内容的角度,“大概念”实际上是跨学科或学科“核心的概括性知识”。  相似文献   

《论语》中代表儒家思想核心概念的“仁”在各种英译本中出现了不同的译文,不论是中国还是西方的译者,由于自身的素质和水平差异才导致这些不同的译文,从而容易给读者产生不同的理解.中国哲学思想中的一些核心概念,如果翻译成外文,一般多音译(如道、礼、情之类),因为这类概念本身包涵的内容太复杂,所以在翻译中需采用可译限度的策略来跨域文化障碍.笔者认为,不防采取音译加释义法.本文将从中国的译者如辜鸿铭、吴国珍,西方译者如理雅各、庞德以及美国汉学著名学者史华慈这三个版本中进行“仁”的翻译对比,并总结对“仁”的翻译思考,从而对核心概念词的翻译有重要的指导意义.  相似文献   

This research focused on the concept of “force” (“CHI‐KA‐RA” in Japanese) in Newtonian mechanics. The primary objective was to develop a tool, based on metaphor, to interpret student thinking in learning scientific topics. The study provides an example of using the tool to trace the process of mutual changes in thinking during a dialog among students who have different perspectives on the same topic. “Social metaphorical mapping” was used to interpret a dialog between two groups of junior high school students with different epistemological paradigms with regard to the concept of force (CHI‐KA‐RA) in the learning environment of a computer simulation. Both source domains were recontextualized through social metaphorical mapping and the process of mutual changes in concepts was traced. Participants noticed that the Buridanian 1 1. Buridan was a French scientist in the fourteenth century who proposed a theory of impetus. concept of“force” differs from the Newtonian concept of “force,” differentiated between the concepts of “force” that use the same Japanese term “CHI‐KA‐RA,” and noticed that the Buridanian concept of “force” resembles the Newtonian concept of “momentum.”  相似文献   

“Learner-centred” and “teacher as facilitator,” among the most influential concepts (re)shaping education over the past decades, are often represented as bringing democratic participation, equality, and empowerment to learners and helping transform and liberate societies. At the same time, these concepts are constructed in binary terms with “teacher-centred” and “teacher as authority” projecting the two ends as being mutually exclusive. Drawing on data collected through interviews and scholarly works from teachers teaching Humanities and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) in Asian and English-speaking Western universities, this article examines their positionings, mode, and form of critique/criticality of learner-centred education. It demonstrates in what ways equality as the starting point (Ranciere) is not embedded in how learner-centred education has largely been promoted in these contexts. As well, while Ranciere’s concepts of equality and dissensus may empower those seen as marginalised and disadvantaged, these concepts fail to acknowledge the multiplicities and dynamics of positions of those presupposed to be “powerful” and “privileged.”  相似文献   

笔记、历史笔记与史料笔记,是三个不同的学术概念。“笔记”一词,最早见于南梁;“史料笔记”一词,是在近代以来的历史研究活动中出现的;而“历史笔记”一词,则见于近年一些学者的表述。不过,对这三个概念及内涵一直没有比较一致的认同。所以,对它们的科学厘定,于更好地认识和利用笔记的文献价值具有重要的理论和实践研究意义。  相似文献   

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