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在学生伤害事故中,最核心问题就是学校在学生伤害事故中的归责原则问题,该问题对学生伤害事故的法律处理至为关键。学校对在校学生伤害事故承担赔偿责任的一般归责原则应为过错责任原则,特殊归责原则应为过错推定原则;学校对在校学生伤害事故赔偿责任不适用公平责任原则和无过错责任原则。  相似文献   

彭容 《现代企业教育》2007,(8X):109-110
在学生伤害事故中,最核心问题就是学校在学生伤害事故中的归责原则问题,该问题对学生伤害事故的法律处理至为关键。学校对在校学生伤害事故承担赔偿责任的一般归责原则应为过错责任原则,特殊归责原则应为过错推定原则;学校对在校学生伤害事故赔偿责任不适用公平责任原则和无过错责任原则。  相似文献   

法律责任的归结问题是当前频繁发生的学校体育伤害事故纠纷及诉讼的争议焦点.作为解决学校体育伤害事故归责问题的核心和关键,归责原则的确定和适用一直存在法学争论和观点分歧.当前司法实践对学校体育伤害事故归责原则适用的规律,以适用过错责任原则为主、以适用公平责任原则为补充、共同承担责任的比例最高、学校是最主要的责任承担主体.由此引发出对“归责原则适用中‘过错’认定的标准”、“学校作为责任主体时对赔偿责任的分担”、“未成年人保护与学校监护法律关系”等有待继续深入探究的问题的思考.  相似文献   

近年来,学生体育伤害事故时有发生,伤害事故的发生严重阻碍了学校体育工作的健康开展.目前,学术界已有不少学者对学生体育伤害事故进行了研究,研究成果主要集中在伤害事故的影响因素和伤害事故发生后的责任认定及赔偿处理等方面.文章对相关研究进行梳理,主要归纳并总结了责任认定方面的研究,归责原则方面的研究,风险规避方面的研究以及学校体育保险方面的研究.  相似文献   

近年来学校出现体育伤害事故在新闻媒体上时有报道,体育伤害事故成为学校管理者一个比较头疼的问题,一方面家长的索赔给学校带来了不少经济压力,另一方面社会对学校的体育教育展开了争论。体育活动由于其对抗性、竞争性特点,因此不可避免地存在一定的危险性,但是出现体育伤害事故的原因是复杂的,所以在体育伤害事故归责问题上存在很大难度,如何做好学校体育伤害事故的归责和防范问题成为体育教学工作者和学校思考的问题。  相似文献   

从法律的视角对学校学生伤害事故法律依据及学校的赔偿责任、体育教学中学生伤害事故的防范与处理对策等问题进行探析,旨在促使学校积极履行义务,避免学生伤害事故的发生。  相似文献   

代表不同法系的主要发达国家在处理学生伤害事故时表现出一些共同点:归责时呈现出归责原则的类同性、责任范围的有限性及过失责任的情景性;确定赔偿主体时体现出公立学校学生伤害事故为学校设立者、私立学校学生伤害事故为教师个人的"二元"性。  相似文献   

在学校的体育活动中,不可避免地会有运动伤害,而一些学生家长对学生在校体育运动伤害事故的责任问题产生了误解,动辄与学校对簿公堂、索要巨额赔偿,使运动伤害事故的处理成为困扰学校的一  相似文献   

当前我国学校频繁发生学生人身伤害事故,围绕事故的赔偿与处理,引发了一些法律纠纷.对于学校在事故中的法律性质、归责原则、管理职责范围、赔偿原则等,法律界、教育界以及学术界存在较大分歧,本文拟在此基础上对学校事故作些探讨.  相似文献   

分析学校体育伤害事故产生的原因:体育活动本身的危险性;教师疏于组织管理;场地设施存在隐患;医务监督不力。阐释学校体育伤害事故的归责原则,提出学校预防体育伤害事故的措施。  相似文献   

This paper explores whether high-school sports are functional and accessible activities to keep students from school disciplinary behaviors. For this purpose, we included students racial and linguistic status, socioeconomic status, sex, and prior academic performance with the school’s proportion of free-lunch recipients and minorities, to understand how sport participation affects students of diverse groups. Additionally, the study implemented a multilevel mediation modeling to the Education Longitudinal Study (ELS) data and assessed student dropouts with sequential mediators of sport participation, school misbehavior, and suspension. The findings of the study largely revealed that White students participated in sports more than Black, Hispanic, and Asian. Likewise, students who speak English as the primary language and male students participated in sports more than their counterparts. White sport participants displayed fewer incidents of suspension than White non-sport participants. Black, Hispanic, and White sport participants had lower dropout incidents than their non-sport-participating counterparts.  相似文献   

方晓徽 《教育科学》2006,22(6):84-86
在教育教学活动中,学生因学校或教师未尽到职责而导致伤害或伤亡的,学校和教师要承担过失侵权责任。但在美国的教育法中,学校对学生究竟有什么样的责任和权利并无明确规定,只是在侵权责任的章节才略有涉及,而这个章节的内容都是通过阐述对学生伤害事故的处理展开的,故本文拟从这个视角出发去研究美国公立中小学校与学生之间是什么样的责权关系。  相似文献   

随着高校突发性事件爆发频率的上升,高校突发性事件中大学生应急素质的培养成为重中之重。主要从高校突发性事件的特征对大学生素质的要求出发,揭示高校突发性事件中大学生素质的应然要求,分析高校突发性事件中大学生素质的实然状况,并从两方面进行整合分析提出大学生在高校突发性事件中应急素质的提升方案。  相似文献   

The present study, which sought to analyse adolescent sportsmen's representations of responsibility, was mainly guided by the philosophical literature on this topic. A body of literature suggests that the contextual factors of sport practice, particularly regarding the rules that regulate play, may have a key role in the building of such representations. Semi‐structured interviews were conducted with two groups of 18 teenagers: one group of institutionalised athletes (who played soccer or basketball in a structured and official context) and one group of self‐organised athletes (who played the same sports in a self‐regulated context). The qualitative analysis showed that the institutionalised players described responsibility in functional terms; this result was explained by the rigid characteristics of their context of practice, which was based on task division and performance. In contrast, the self‐organised players described responsibility in moral terms; this result was explained by an open context of practice based on interaction. The overall results of our study raise questions about the educational capacity of institutionalised sport and the objective conditions that promote the social and moral development of young people.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study examined the power of child, perpetrator, and socio-economic characteristics to predict injury in cases of reported child physical abuse. The study was designed to assess the validity of the assumption that physically injurious incidents of child physical abuse are qualitatively different from those that do not result in injury, that their generative factors are distinctive, and that the quality of caregiving in these two types of incidents is different. METHOD: A weighted, nationally representative sample of 8,164 substantiated punishment abuse cases in Canada was used. Various models were constructed and evaluated through logistic regression. RESULTS: Of six potential predictors - child age, perpetrator sex, child functioning, parent functioning, economic stress, and social stress - none predicted injury to the child. CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that injurious and non-injurious physical abuse cannot be distinguished on the basis of the personal characteristics or circumstances of the child or perpetrator. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: A common criterion for child welfare intervention into cases of suspected physical abuse is injury or risk of injury. This criterion assumes that injurious and non-injurious assaults are qualitatively different phenomena, predicted by different risk factors. In the present study an attempt was made to differentiate between injurious and non-injurious cases of punitive physical abuse on the basis of characteristics of the child, perpetrator, family, and social context. None of these factors explained the likelihood of injury, suggesting that the prediction of injury as an intervention criterion may be questionable.  相似文献   

随着在校学习的未成年学生遭受人身损害案件的频频发生,学校面临学生人身损害赔偿的风险不断增加。本文阐述了学校在不同类型的校园伤害事件中过错确定的几种责任原则(即过错推定责任、过错责任和补充责任)以及学校应当承担的证明义务,归纳了审判实践中常见的过错情形和学校可以采用的抗辩方式,对学生伤害事故中多个过错责任人的追加和责任比例的界定,从而提高学校争取较好诉讼结果的可能性.避免校园伤害事故的发生。  相似文献   

服饰在人类社会生活中占有极其重要的地位,是民族文化的重要标志,是一个民族在特定时代的文化风俗现象,是政治、经济、心理、习惯等因素的综合表现。作为一种特殊的社会符号,其演变离不开各个时期文化思潮的影响。中国近代社会思潮对服饰文化的影响,主要表现为由引起中国社会变动的太平天国运动、维新运动、辛亥革命三次主要事件为契机,引发服饰变革。  相似文献   

The author used the concepts of academic intensity and sense of responsibility to examine whether children with low school readiness may be moderated by the amount of exposure to learning activities and the attitudes that teachers hold toward these children. Analysis of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study–Kindergarten Cohort revealed that children who experienced high levels of teachers' academic intensity and sense of responsibility displayed greater achievement growth than did their peers who did not receive this support. Furthermore, teachers' sense of responsibility moderated the association between school readiness and mathematics learning growth over the course of elementary school years, which contributed in reducing the learning growth gap engendered given low school readiness. Based on these findings the present study suggests a need for continuous support during the schooling years, as well as before the start of school, to compensate for a lower skill level at school entry.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to present a conceptual model of shared responsibility within the sport context. Focusing on issues of harm and injustice, this model proposes that organized sport can exist as an oppressive social structure that endorses ignorance through the presence of asymmetrical power relations. This ignorance reinforces oppressive structures as well as fosters vulnerability, a byproduct that, in turn, also reinforces oppressive structures. Rather than assigning responsibility to any one entity specifically, however, this article proposes that each and every individual with a vested interest in sport possess some degree of responsibility in securing safe, fair, and just sport experiences. Thus, the concept of shared responsibility is offered as a moderating factor through which the processes that result from oppressive structures may be interrupted and the structures themselves broken down.  相似文献   

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