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近年来公安题材影视作品火爆,公安知识形成需求,构建网络“中视频”平台公安知识类账号有独特的平台流量优势、视频模式优势和内容优势。本文基于内容与文本分析方法,对哔哩哔哩平台“广州禁毒”与“底层原理”账号2022年度发布的全部视频投稿作品进行比较分析,总结其内容呈现模式及表达造成的传播效果差异,并借此归纳构建网络“中视频”平台公安知识类账号的策略,以期为公安宣传工作提供参考。  相似文献   

网络自制视频节目是一种有别于传统电视节目的影视形式。网络自制视频节目具有自身独特的优势和互联网的思维方式,对于激发受众的主体性具有关键作用。本文选取了腾讯视频的自制节目《你正常吗》为研究案例,采用文本分析和问卷分析的研究方法,对该节目的受众主体性、自我认同以及对节目的认同等问题展开研究,揭示了该节目的受众收看特点,从而论证了网络自制视频节目的文本与受众的关系。  相似文献   

近年来,大量高校在哔哩哔哩视频网站开设媒体账号,发布了很多网络视频作品,影响力逐渐扩大.本文分析了"B站"高校账号的概况及发布内容,概括了这些账号的主要特征,指出其中存在的一些问题,以探究高校优秀网络视频作品的培育方法,为高校在新媒体平台上的内容制作提供一些参考意见.  相似文献   

随着移动互联网飞速发展、网民基数不断增加、5G网络的覆盖范围逐渐扩展,促使短视频成为这个内容时代的重要信息载体,引发了受众广泛关注。本文以主流媒体在短视频平台的实践为对象,以主流媒体在抖音上开设的机构账号为样本,并对其在2020年推送的视频内容进行了采集,采用聚类分析法将媒体抖音号分为三类群体。在此基础上,基于发布指数、播放指数、关注及互动指数等指标对不同行政级别的媒体抖音号的表现进行评估。  相似文献   

随着互联网的发展,具有交互性、实时性的网络视频技术正被广泛应用于管理、教育、培训、公共服务、广告、文艺及出版等领域。本文将采用FLV(Flash Video)流媒体技术,使用Http和RTMP协议实现网络视频的控制和传输,提出了基于开源的flash流媒体服务Red5的网络视频系统的实现方法。  相似文献   

<正>作为新一代互联网应用的标志,流媒体技术在近几年得到了飞速的发展。流媒体是以流方式在网络中传送音频、视频和多媒体文件的媒体形式,流媒体服务器是流媒体应用系统的基础,是运营商向用户提供视频服务的关键平台。流媒体技术主要包括对媒体内容进行采集、缓存、调度和传输播放,通过建立  相似文献   

2008年1月,DCCI互联网数据中心发布了《Netguide2008中国互联网调查报告》(以下简称"《报告》")。DCCI在对中国网络视频持续关注的基础上,在报告中分别就网络视频分享服务、P2P视频播放平台服务、视频点播/直播服务、视频搜索服务四方面对中国网络视频市场进行了分析。  相似文献   

焦以璇 《视听界》2014,(6):70-73
近几年,互联网视频行业快速发展,网络视频已成为人们休闲娱乐、获取新闻资讯的重要渠道。本文基于用户成本效用的分析视角,从视频网站发展的外部环境、技术层面、网站内容建设和定价体系四个方面探讨国内视频网站付费视频的市场前景。  相似文献   

陆地 《视听界》2011,(4):18-24
2005年以来,网络视频一直是互联网领域、传统电视领域和风险投资领域共同关注的话题。互联网领域关注它,是因为网络视频的兴起意味着互联网业务正在从文本服务向超文本服务升级,或者说正在经历着从电子报纸媒体到电视媒体和全媒体的转变,希望它能迅速成为互联网业务增长和盈利的支柱。传统电视领域关注它,是因为网络视频已渐成气候,对电视观众和广告的分流日渐明显,市场威胁越来越大。  相似文献   

本文较全面的分析了网络视频的现状.针对现有网络视频节目存在的问题,提出了充分利用网络互动性、个性化、时效性等方面的优点,开办网络视频服务、互动视频直播、网络视频广告、个人作品发布、网络视频教育等有特色的节目形式.  相似文献   

With the development and progress of Internet technology, the network has increasingly become a key part of daily life and challenged some traditional customs, and reading is one of the very significant areas. And the birth of the net literature is almost obvious, and some literary phenomena related to this are not a coincidence. At the same time, the wave of commercialization in the network has been leading the operating model of original literary websites to be mature, which has a great impact on the traditional publishing. Original literary website provides a platform for the development of net literature, along with this, the authors and readers of net literature has generally expanded and there are the new trends of resource integration and industrialization. However, a series of problem still exists, including copyright protection and content quality control. For the traditional publishing industry, original net literary websites are both partners and competitors, because they have different resources, meanwhile, the combination of them is no longer new. The operating mode of original net literary websites can also provide experience to the traditional publishing industry about how to develop digital publishing. This article will focus on the status and operating model of original literary websites, and make a comprehensive analysis.  相似文献   

电子信息资源检索课网络教学系统的研制与应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
梁红 《图书情报工作》2003,47(10):119-123
Internet与信息技术的发展推动了教学方式的改革,我馆采用流媒体技术与课程教学整合制作的多媒体网络课件,为学生提供视频、音频、文本、图片一体化的真正的多媒体互动教学。本文通过探讨电子信息资源检索课网络教学的发展趋势、特点与意义,阐述建设网络教学系统的必要性与可行性,提出组织电子信息资源检索课网络教学的具体措施,对优化网上教学资源,更好地组织电子信息资源检索课课程网上教学进行了探讨。  相似文献   

For a secondary database publisher, the imperative to provide seamless links between the bibliographic citations and the corresponding full text is unequivocal. Online publishing should, in theory, make this linkage easier to facilitate, but the reality is far more complex than the theory! CABI Publishing has been endeavouring continually to improve the linkage to full text offered by its bibliographic databases, and has encountered some obstacles which may not be immediately apparent to primary publishers. This article explains some of those obstacles and provides some insight into how secondary publishers are attempting to respond to the demands of the marketplace and the potential of online publishing.  相似文献   

因特网时代的编辑和出版特色   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:7  
陶丹  汪季贤 《编辑学报》2001,13(6):322-323
全方位地总结了因特网时代的编辑和出版特色。认为在因特网时代,编辑工作的特色是,编辑人员除了本职工作还必须具有熟练使用计算机的技能和网上冲浪的本领。出版的特色则是,网络出版更新了传统出版的观念,为出版业带来了新的印刷和发行方式,也为出版管理和出版立法提出了新的课题。  相似文献   

University presses occupy a distinctive field of publishing, heavily tied to the fortunes of the universities and colleges in which they are usually situated. COVID‐19 has catalysed their adoption of digital technologies; focused their commitments to social justice; and given new impetus to business models and formats that fully leverage the Internet, especially open access. Economic pressures on higher education that seem set only to increase are also driving university presses to more interdependent approaches and an emphasis on the contributions of the university press network to knowledge infrastructure for the humanities and social sciences. This article explores how university presses have reacted to the COVID‐19 pandemic, with particular reference to the experiences of the University of Michigan Press. It concludes that the diversity of types of university presses is one of the greatest strengths of this field of publishing and makes it resilient in a time of unprecedented change.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]从科学传播与危机传播的角度,分析影响新冠疫情期间科学信息传播效果相关因素,探索影响危机回应选择的策略机制。[方法/过程]利用Python进行数据挖掘和抓取,将具有代表性的十名医学专家作为科学传播信息来源对象,得到疫情期间科学信息的相关数据。进一步结合内容分析法,使用SPSS数据处理软件对新冠疫情期间科学信息传播与应对策略选择影响因素进行分析,得出传播效果与应对策略选择的影响因素模型。[结果/结论]以视频为主的富媒体文本形式对于疫情科学信息传播效果至关重要;内容主题、发布主体、文本形式、内容倾向与科学传播模式都与危机回应策略选择密切相关。基于此,建议在运用科学信息进行危机回应时,要善于运用视频等融媒体形式;在进行危机回应策略的选择时,需要考量文本特征选用不同科学传播模式,避免出现策略选择失当造成应对效果偏差。  相似文献   

“互联网+出版”是出版行业发展大势,对传统出版机构及互联网出版平台均具根本性影响。本文以“盛大文学”为例,研究互联网线上出版平台通过线上IP形成“IP+”,以此实现“互联网+出版”的路径。  相似文献   

针对文本信息内容结构参差不齐的问题,提出一种评价文本内容结构分析方法,该方法将文本中的句子作为节点,句子之间的共同名词作为边,构建文本复杂网络,并选取复杂网络的拓扑性质对文本结构特征进行分析。基于一个新闻文本案例构建复杂网络,并计算度、强度、最短路径、加权聚类系数等衡量指标,这些指标能很好地评价文本内容结构的好坏,也为理解和提取文本的中心思想、生成摘要、文本检索过滤提供重要参考依据。  相似文献   


The last decade has witnessed an exciting resurgence in poetry, which is due in part to its increasing accessibility on the Internet. The Web provides the text and criticism of well-known poems within the established canon as well as contemporary experimental verse that often challenges the notions of what a poem can be. This article discusses the development of traditional or academic poetry on the Internet while also covering the new cutting-edge verse that is expanding the genre into new poetic forms, and includes information on websites and databases that facilitate access to poems and poetry criticism.  相似文献   

The vast majority of empirical research on online communication, or media use in general, relies on self-report measures instead of behavioral data. Previous research has shown that the accuracy of these self-report measures can be quite low, and both over- and underreporting of media use are commonplace. This study compares self-reports of Internet use with client log files from a large household sample. Results show that the accuracy of self-reported frequency and duration of Internet use is quite low, and that survey data are only moderately correlated with log file data. Moreover, there are systematic patterns of misreporting, especially overreporting, rather than random deviations from the log files. Self-reports for specific content such as social network sites or video platforms seem to be more accurate and less consistently biased than self-reports of generic frequency or duration of Internet use. The article closes by demonstrating the consequences of biased self-reports and discussing possible solutions to the problem.  相似文献   

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