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我国科技期刊的内忧与外患   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
游苏宁  石朝云 《编辑学报》2011,23(3):189-193
科技期刊发展的主要内忧为:科技期刊功能的异化与弱化,对科技期刊的投入不足,科研工作者对科技期刊的支持欠佳,管理体制僵化,转企改制和运行机制未理顺,期刊运营能力较差,新型出版形式的冲击,出版产业人才结构失衡,拓展型、经营型的人才缺失,出版语言的限制等。外患为:科学研究评价中的不良导向,致使国内优秀科研成果大量流向国外科技期刊发表;跨国出版集团加速进入中国,进一步掠夺国内优秀稿件;国内期刊既无能力与国外期刊竞争,也未找到平等互利的合作模式。  相似文献   

本文基于Altmetrics指标、《乌利希国际期刊指南》和期刊引证报告(JCR)等数据,对中国英文科技期刊社会影响力进行统计分析.截至2020年5月,中国正式出版(取得CN号)英文科技期刊371种,约占中国科技期刊总数的7.5%.本文对当前主流Altmetrics工具进行了分析,并对中国英文科技期刊的社会影响力指标进行了统计.结果显示:有63.6%的期刊被Altmetrics的统计源提及,被提及文章数少于100篇的期刊占到58.1%.中国英文科技期刊的社会影响力相对较高的主要集中于生物医学领域,近10年新创办期刊社会影响力表现突出.本文对提高科技期刊社会影响力的途径进行了归纳,包括同国际出版商的多样性合作、提高编委国际化程度、适当扩大论文规模、加快出版流程、加强市场营销意识、塑造国际品牌形象以及关注国内外出版及评价领域新动向等.  相似文献   

4月2日,新闻出版总署副署长孙寿山会见康泰纳仕国际集团董事长乔纳森·纽豪斯一行。孙寿山谈到,中国期刊出版单位与国际期刊出版机构版权合作取得良好进展。目前,全国有26家时尚生活类期刊、32家科技类期刊、1家商业类期刊与国际期刊出版机构开展版权合作,合作空间还很广阔。  相似文献   

吴婷  王晴  王跃 《编辑学报》2014,26(5):456-458
分析四川大学华西口腔医学院编辑部出版的6种期刊数字出版与数字版权贸易的思路。建议与非营利性组织机构合作,推动期刊数字出版国际化、管理规范化,增加经济效益与社会效益,并使中国科技期刊大踏步地走向世界。  相似文献   

国际合作出版英文科技期刊的现状和未来   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯韬 《出版广角》2015,(9):56-57
与国外出版方合作出版是我国英文科技期刊快速走向国际化的途径.在合作中,外方给我方提供的服务包括内容生产、版权归属、代理发行三方面的内容.总体而言,合作出版对我国英文科技期刊利大于弊.我们要在正确认识国际合作出版英文科技期刊的基础上,正确对待其带来的机遇与挑战,促进我国科学事业的发展.  相似文献   

文章以2004—2008年被Science Citation Index——Expanded收录有文献计量学指标并且是我国正式出版的科技期刊为数据来源,进行了其中与国际著名出版集团合作的科技期刊的合作数量、合作对象、合作期刊的主办单位分布、合作期刊的学科、地域和语种分布、合作期刊影响因子和海外论文比变化的研究。  相似文献   

人工智能技术在国际科技出版领域有广泛应用,我国科技期刊出版与国际科技出版领域相比,智能技术的开发和使用相对薄弱。本文基于对当前出版领域知名智能产品的分析,发现当前智能出版工具用于我国科技期刊出版时,存在受数据平台、语言、出版水平、智能水平等限制;提出编辑部应积极主动了解智能产品,期刊集群应发挥集群优势用好智能工具,国家和相关机构应建立智能化的期刊评价体系,以及国家从政策和财政上对期刊智能化建设提供支持等建议。  相似文献   

国外STM期刊出版特点简析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从全球合作、规模效应、出版的专业化、市场运作、网络经营、品牌战略几方面分析国外STM期刊出版特点,并认为这是国外STM期刊出版机构获得竞争优势的关键所在.  相似文献   

中国英文科技期刊寻求和海外出版机构合作,其核心是寻求成熟的出版平台对其出版的内容进行收集(投稿)、遴选(审稿)、发布和传播,同时获取标准化的出版规范、办刊经验指导、数据库的申请与数据传输等服务。国内出版平台应从英文科技期刊建设需求出发加强国际化运营能力建设。以服务中国英文科技期刊建设为目的,清华大学出版社SciOpen平台从夯实平台技术基础、支持多种出版模式,创新出版模式、推广中国数据标准,加强和数据库沟通、服务学术传播,加强期刊出版标准作业程序(SOP)建设,提升全流程期刊建设能力等方面,全面提升国际化运营能力。针对当前国内出版平台建设问题,提出了以服务学术出版来明确建设定位、加强期刊与平台的相互赋能、推广我国数据标准、拥抱新技术的同时,关注出版伦理等发展建议。  相似文献   

龚旭  吴述尧 《编辑学报》1996,8(3):175-178
国家自然科学基金委员会科技期刊访问小组一行4人于1995年10月对德国、荷兰两国进行了考察访问。此次出访目的是,了解这两个国家科学基金机构在管理其出版物,尤其是主办机关刊物和科技期刊方面的经验,与两国相关的基金组织建立期刊交换关系,并加强彼此间在出版及期刊出版方面的交流与合作关系,从而为提高我国科技期刊的出版质量积累经验。  相似文献   

This study investigates the current status and attitudes towards academic e-book publishing by mainland Chinese academic publishers through an online survey. This study collected survey data from 49 authoritative academic publishers in China, focusing on their e-book sales profiles and their perceptions of how e-book sales affect publishers and libraries. The data reveals that China's academic e-book industry is still at an early development stage and has a relatively small market. The findings show significant differences in the willingness and attitudes towards e-book publishing between SSH publishers and STEM publishers, and also demonstrate that the enhancement of the demand for e-books by academic libraries promotes the process of the digital transformation of academic publishers. This study then argues that Chinese academic publishers need to further improve the quality of academic e-books, accelerate the transition from academic content providers to academic content service providers, and strengthen their cooperation with stakeholders.  相似文献   

The Chinese government initiated a policy of 'corporatization of cultural entities' in 2003. Most Chinese book publishing houses were required to complete this transformation by 2006 and journal publishers by 2012. Chinese academic publishers, who no longer receive any general subsidies and allowances from government, have struggled to survive since then. During the reform process, many Chinese journals charged their authors page fees, and academic book publishers raised the prices of their publications. The continuing existence of other subsidies, however, means that there is still a degree of dependency in the Chinese system, and it will take time for its academic publishers to grow into real market players and to enhance their competitiveness.  相似文献   

Growing cooperation between Chinese journals and international publishers invites an investigation of the effect of this cooperation, based on an analysis of journal IF changes. Data from 23 Chinese academic journals were chosen from about 50 English-language academic journals indexed by SCI or SCIE and with a long history of cooperation. The data do not suggest that cooperation has improved the journals’ IF thus far. It appears that cooperation is generally limited to international distribution, and this has a weak influence on the quality of the journal and its IF, even though the papers can be accessed by worldwide users through publishers’ international distribution networks. Cooperation with international publishers is one step, but actively working on the quality of the journals is a more important step.  相似文献   

This article starts with a consideration of the demographic and economic background to China's development. It then goes on to clarify and explain unique factors of the Chinese academic journals market which publishers need to know about and consider. It looks at this from a sales market perspective and also from that of authorship and content creation. It helps give a roadmap and outline to publishers who want to understand and improve their local footprint.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]针对大数据背景下数据挖掘所面临的版权政策问题,作为高校科研院所文献信息中心的研究型图书馆应当构建灵活的数据挖掘版权政策。[方法/过程]综合分析研究型图书馆面临的版权政策环境,从国家立法和出版商政策两个角度,分析版权许可和法定例外这两种政策构建方式。[结果/结论]我国研究型图书馆应该积极推动建立数据挖掘版权例外制度,同时完善内容采购的版权许可机制,提高与出版商的谈判能力;从宏观和微观的角度为科研人员开展数据挖掘提供灵活全面的政策支持。  相似文献   

The cooperation of Chinese and foreign magazine publishers started from 1981, featured by Computer World. However, the much more influential copyright cooperation should be the publication in Shanghai of ELLE in 1988 and the cooperation between Trends Publications and Hearst Corporation in 1998. In August 2005, working together with China Pictorial Press, VOGUE published VOGUE China in China and this can be regarded as the most influential fashion magazine. The present situation of Chinese periodical market shows that the main competition is between foreign and native capital. To some extent, the global publishers working with Chinese publishers present several areas of concern, danger and risk. In the context of globalization, what we should do is find the common points and how to integrate external business methods, not only chasing profit in a single way and only pursue immediate capital gains.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]分析国内与国际跨学科研究人员文献需求的特点并比较异同,为跨学科研究的文献保障工作提供依据,以促进跨学科研究的国际合作。[方法/过程]使用引文分析法,以1998-2016年发表在CSSCI和Web of Science上南海争端相关文章的期刊与图书类引文为样本,从年代分布、被引频次、学科分布与出版机构等方面,分析国内与国际南海争端研究引文的特点与差异。[结果/结论]国内研究对较新中文期刊和经典外文图书依赖度高,中文图书缺乏国际认同。南海争端研究整体偏向人文社会科学领域,但国际研究较国内研究在引文学科的分布上更加广泛与均衡。权威、主流出版社是国内与国际研究共同的选择,少数研究机构出版社开始进入了跨学科研究者的视野。  相似文献   

Selling journals to consortia and other large customers is increasingly difficult for small publishers, and yet libraries want their journals. The ALPSP Learned Journals Collection (ALJC) was put together, after considerable research, as an attempt to overcome this problem for ALPSP member publishers. Working through Swets Information Services, 247 journals from 25 publishers can be sold as a single package. Despite the difficulties, a single publisher agreement, customer licence, and pricing and revenue‐sharing model were all agreed upon. Customer reactions indicate that this is a real win–win solution for publishers and libraries.  相似文献   

Digital publishing has been considered as a panacea to bridge the gaps between different sized publishing companies: allowing small, independent companies to compete on an equal footing with cross-media conglomerates. However, this research discovered that Scottish publishers are not capitalising on new technology and new platforms for dissemination: this is detrimental to the authors they represent. The empirical research found that the majority of Scottish publishers are not fostering intellectual property rights (IPR) effectively across international markets and new media: The failure to do this means that the operational practices of the Scottish publishing industry are not in harmony with the burgeoning digital publishing environment. If Scottish publishers continue with current practices it will become increasingly difficult for them to compete in the national and international publishing environment. This study concludes that only by better training and knowledge exchange, in matters of rights exploitation and digital publishing, can Scottish publishers compete in the international arena and contribute to, and benefit financially from, the knowledge economy.  相似文献   

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