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新闻推理与论证的语用逻辑研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抽离语用属性、高度形式化的新闻推理与论证的分析及其评价方式已不能准确刻画、涵盖新闻报道中大量运用的、真实的推理与论证模式。当下非形式逻辑理论正在扩充和修改新闻推理与论证的既有形式化内涵,在并不排斥形式逻辑理性的前提下,致力于发现、分析和发展传受双方在日常新闻报道中所运用的论证标准、程序和模式。这些新闻推理与论证逻辑的语用价值走向对于新闻思维的具体内容和逻辑形式关系的建构有相当的现实意义。  相似文献   

毛泽东同志说过,好的文章和文件应具有准确性、鲜明性和生动性。准确性是一切语言文字的首要条件。新闻的语言更应该是这样。准确性属于概念、判断和推理问题。准确的新闻语言应该是概念明确,判断推理合乎逻辑,不致引起读者的误解和费解。鲜明性和生动性除逻辑问题外,还有词章问题。新闻语言文字的鲜明性和生动性当然也很重要,没有表现力的语言是无力的,直接影响到宣  相似文献   

新闻工作离不开采访与写作,而写作就要讲究逻辑,注意词章。词章要解决的问题是如何遣词造句,谋篇布局;逻辑要解决的问题是如何准确使用概念,恰当运用判断,合乎逻辑地进行推理,以求思想缜密,合于事理。两者既有区别又有关联,一个管表达,一个管思路。思路不清,表达必不畅达,也就谈不到文章的准确性、鲜明性和生动性。因此,搞新闻写作,除了要研究语法、修辞、写作  相似文献   

柳毓 《记者摇篮》2009,(4):11-11
数字多是经济新闻的主要特点之一,这是因为经济事件本身就与各种数字紧密相连,报道经济事件的新闻自然也需要通过数字反映事实。数字,是事物量变和质变的尺码,它是事件推理逻辑的精华和闪光点。有人说数字比文字更直观,能够提高新闻的权威性,这种说法还是相当有道理的。一些经济类专业报和一些报纸的经济新闻专版甚至开辟了数字新闻专栏,专门解析一些重要数字背后的新闻。  相似文献   

逻辑思维具有抽象性,是借助于对事实的理解、判断、推理得出结论的过程。新闻写作是记者的基本工作,也是考验记者逻辑思维力的关键所在,在新闻稿件写作中要通过缜密的逻辑思维发现有价值的信息,就需要培养独特的逻辑思维。  相似文献   

本文从语用学的角度对新闻话语的交际意义进行了阐释。语用合作原则和关联原则对话语意义推理作出了不同的解释.但是二者都暗示了交际者在意义推理中的理性行为,即话语意义的理解过程是符合逻辑规则的。话语意义的理解可以看做是在新闻语言交际语境中对交际者说话意向的还原。新闻话语意义的推理可以看做新闻交际者对信念协调性的自我辩护。基于此,作者提出如下假设:在正常新闻交际语境中,我们倾向于相信一个陈述,而不是拒绝它。即使这个陈述可能是错误的,因为证明一个陈述是错误的要付出更多的认知努力。我们只有在确定这个陈述是错误的时候才拒绝它。  相似文献   

三、“推不出”新闻稿件除了正确地使用概念外,还要正确地运用好推理这一最基本的逻辑方法。为了保证推理的正确性。有好多的推理规模规则。如果违反了这些规则,就会犯“推不出”的错误。何谓“推不出”?它的意思是说,从前一句(前提)出发,引不出(推不出)后面的结论来。1、引题“推不出”主标题。引题的作用在于一个“引”字。能不能“引”  相似文献   

张光华 《新闻知识》2001,(10):42-44
社教电视片是我国特有的一种叫法。社教电视片是除电视、文艺、广告软广告、新闻以外节目的通称,它的显著特点是纪实性。社教电视片应该以强化形象为主,要演化说教,也就是说用形象来感动,用理性来征服。要讲述实践证明的真理,不要干巴巴说教,这是纪录现实所必须的。许多社教电视片解说太多,采访太多,这是已经过时了的手法。现实生活中的画面应构成电视语言本体,因为我们是电视人,要用逻辑的思维征服观念,判断推理。推理有两种形式,一是归纳推理,也就是由个别到一般的推理。另一个推理叫演绎推理,也就是由一般到个别的推理…  相似文献   

魏猛 《青年记者》2017,(27):51-52
理性因素与非理性因素 理性“一般指概念、判断、推理等思维活动或能力”,①是人们认识世界和改造世界的思维活动,在很多情况下,是否合乎理性是人们判断事物价值的重要标准.新闻评论是利用概念、判断与推理论证自己的意见的一种文体,理性是新闻评论突出的特征.新闻评论的过程是一个典型的理性思维过程,但是并不意味着非理性因素对新闻评论没有影响或者可以忽略.所谓非理性因素,是指主体心理结构上的本能意识以及在认识过程中出现的非逻辑的思维形式,②主要包括动机、欲望、感觉、情感、意志、习惯等精神要素和直觉、幻想、想象、灵感、顿悟等菲逻辑因素.“非理性不是反理性,而是指不完全受认识者的目的和意识所支配的某种精神属性与精神活动.”③从人类精神发展的历史来看,非理性因素与理性因素互相制约,相辅相成,共同促进人们对客观世界和精神世界的认识.  相似文献   

逻辑一词源于希腊文,意思指:词,思想,理性,规律等。逻辑学研究的是:判别一个推理过程是否正确的标准。传统逻辑用以表示命题形式和推理形式的是自然语言的某些词语,而自然语言是多义的,不适于用以精确地表示各种命题形式和推理形式。数理逻辑克服了这方面的局限性,以其特有的人工符号来书写逻辑法则,突出体现了方便、精确的优势。在自然语言中,有各种各样的联  相似文献   

Two experiments tested whether exposure to partisan conflict-framed news polarizes news consumers along party lines. Partisan self-categorization and motivated reasoning were examined as potential mediators of this effect. In two samples, path analyses showed that Democrats and Republicans exposed to partisan conflict-framed news adopted more polarized opinions on a disputed issue. This polarization effect was consistently mediated by perceived argument validity, an indicator of motivated reasoning; increased partisan self-categorization also mediated the effect, though less reliably and consistently. Thus, the present study adds to the literature on polarization by providing experimental evidence that exposure to conflict-framed news may contribute to partisan polarization. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Fake news, propagated on social media platforms, is regularly used as a tool to influence political beliefs. In this paper, we investigate the impact of fake news on perceptions of election processes by drawing on the theory of motivated reasoning. We use survey data on partisan alignment, news consumption habits, and voting methods collected before and after the 2020 United States general election. Our pre-election results indicated that political alignment and the type of news a voter consumes influences their trust perceptions of election processes. These findings were replicated in the post-election results. We also found that Facebook users were more likely to consume fake and hyper-partisan news, whereas people who directly navigate to news websites consume primarily mainstream news sources. Implications for research and policy are discussed along with opportunities for future research on the impacts of fake news.  相似文献   

Policymakers are taking action to protect their citizens and democratic systems from online misinformation. However, media consumers usually have a hard time differentiating misinformation from authentic information. There are two explanations for this difficulty, namely lazy reasoning and motivated reasoning. While lazy reasoning suggests that people may feel reluctant to conduct critical reasoning when consuming online information, the motivated reasoning theory points out that individuals are also thinking in alignment with their identities and established viewpoints. A proposed approach to address this issue is adding fact-checking flags in the hope that flags could alert people to information falsehoods and stimulate critical thinking. This study examines the impact of fact-checking flags on media consumers' identification of fake news. Conducting an experiment (n = 717) on Amazon Mechanical Turk, the study finds that experimental participants with different political backgrounds depend heavily on flag-checking results provided by flags. Flags are powerful to influence people's judgments in a way that participants have blind beliefs in flags even if the flag assessments are inaccurate. Furthermore, the study's results indicate that flag assessments made by professional fact-checkers or crowdsourcing are equally influential in shaping participants' identification. These observations provide public and private leaders with suggestions that fact-checking flags can significantly affect media consumers' identification of fake news. However, flags appear to have little ability to promote critical thinking in this experiment.  相似文献   

该文研究了1930年中国工农红军第三军团主办的《红军日报》国际新闻的指导思想,概括出无产阶级的报道立场、革命化的思维方式、‘一面理'的报道技巧等特征。作者认为,应该以与时俱进的观点,分析当时这种指导思想的局限,以开放的视野做好现在的国际新闻报道。  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(4):357-372
Despite scholarly research inconsistencies in conceptualizations of hypertext, there seems to be a consensus among scholars from different epistemological grounds that hypertextuality as a communication potential refers to the interconnectivity and interlayering of textual parts in an extended nonlinear chain of integrated content that enables innovation in practices within the triad journalist–text–reader. However, within this rather large area of research, media and journalism scholars have paid minimal attention to hypertext as practice despite hypertext raising many questions regarding the processes and relations of news making. In this paper the author attempts to fill this research gap and to investigate how hypertext shapes different phases of online news making, that is, gathering, selecting, and assessing information, and how these processes influence journalist–source–audience relations. This study thus provides analysis of data gathered through participant observation in the online departments of two leading Slovenian print media organizations, Delo and Dnevnik, and in-depth interviews with their online journalists and editors. The analysis indicated that (1) lack of reasoning and a conservative mind-set prevail among online staffers when conceptualizing hypertext; (2) the normalization of hypertextual news making is subordinated to speed and timeliness in news delivery; and (3) nurtured journalist–source–audience relations bring little to strengthen the social relevance of news. These results confirmed hypertext as a commodity rather than emphasizing its public character. The practice of hypertext at the two Slovenian newspapers indicates a phenomenon that could be labelled as journalistic deskilling in online news making.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 实用的大规模地名本体数据库系统在自然语言处理、信息检索和情报分析领域具有重要的应用价值。本研究的目的是在减少人工干预的情况下,实现对地名简称、俗名以及随时间变化的复杂地名文本的自动识别与处理。[方法/过程] 以多种方法获取大规模名址数据为根基,简化地名元素间复杂关系,在开发名址元素切分、属性与关系分析及推理工具包的基础上,利用Neo4j图数据库工具开发实用地名本体数据库系统。[结果/结论] 基于所介绍的技术与方法而构建的系统具有良好的容错性和持续的数据更新能力,其地名分析、地名元素间关系推理达到了期望的精度,并在面向诸如新闻主题追踪、金融征信中的地名匹配等多种自然语言处理任务中取得良好效果。  相似文献   

Scientific news is one of the major resources that help the public to understand new scientific knowledge. The latest technology in research and development primarily utilizes English as the language of communication in academic journals and scientific communities. Compiled science news therefore has become a major agent for many non-Western societies to understand the latest technological developments. For this reason, this study aimed to investigate the meaningful change among transforming processes of imported science news from ‘original scientific research’ and ‘overseas news reports,’ to ‘domestic compiled science news.’ The research findings showed that scientific knowledge categories of compiled science news in Taiwan appeared to be apparently unbalanced, and the compiled skills present obvious weaknesses. Furthermore, more seriously compiled science news in Taiwan has continually suffered from the ‘double media distortion’ syndrome. The first distortion appeared from the ‘original scientific research’ to the ‘overseas news reports,’ and the second was from the ‘overseas news reports’ to the ‘domestic compiled science news.’ Such situations are very different from the Western world and could also be a common problem for all non-Western societies.  相似文献   

各类新闻时时都在发生,突发性灾难性事件成为新闻报道中的一个重要内容,做好重大突发事件的新闻报道,既是新闻媒体应履行的社会责任,也是新闻业务工作的重要组成部分.如何把握新闻的时效性与准确性,以及在视觉新闻报道中如何体现人文关怀,是新闻报道中诸多要素之一,也是容易被忽略的客观存在,文章就如何处理好新闻报道中的这两个环节,从不同的方面加以解析.  相似文献   

杨保军 《新闻界》2020,(4):35-42,5
新闻真实始终是新闻实践中、新闻学研究中的一个核心问题。整体真实与具体真实是当代中国新闻理论研究中的一对重要范畴,其中,理论上较难理解的、实践中较难实现的是新闻的整体真实。整体真实,既是一种新闻真实观,同时也是新闻真实实现的方法论。新闻的整体真实,不是传统上所理解的关于目标报道领域全部事实的真实报道,而是新闻意义上的整体真实,宏观上是指新闻要呈现出目标报道领域新闻事实的整体图景,微观上是指具体新闻要反映具体新闻事实的整体面目。实现新闻的整体真实,需要实事求是的精神与方法,需要客观、全面反映目标报道领域不同性质、不同类型的新闻事实,需要新兴媒介环境中所有相关新闻传播主体间的有机互动,需要形成针对复杂新闻事实的过程性报道机制。自然,更需要国家提供相关法律政策的有效保障,需要社会创造实现新闻整体真实的宽松环境。  相似文献   

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