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责任编辑一般指由初审者担任的对稿件质量负责并在出版活动中起主导作用的编辑人员。责任编辑的职责决定了他肩负着多方面的责任,既有政治责任、经济责任,又有文化责任。这里,我们只是谈谈责任编辑的文化责任。一、文字责任:语言规范出版物的质量是多方面的,但文字质量是最基本的。对出版物的文字质量,除作者要负责任以外,从编辑的角度来说,责任编辑有着不可推卸的责任。所谓文字质量,就是要求出版物合乎规范,字、词、句、标点符号等都要准确,不能有错误。责任编辑在审稿过程中,会发现许多文字方面的问题,要加以纠正。如果责任编辑不小心疏…  相似文献   

社科类学术期刊包含的内容很广,就笔者所知就包含政治学、哲学、社会学、经济学、文化、教育等等,作为社科类学术期刊的责任编辑,为了保质保量按时出刊,必须与时俱进,提高自身素质,加强思想道德文化修养,做到博、杂、专、精,为社会主义文化大发展、大繁荣贡献自己的绵薄之力。  相似文献   

刘英 《新闻爱好者》2011,(13):64-65
责任编辑一般指由初审者担任的对稿件质量负责并在出版活动中起主导作用的编辑人员。其责任范畴包括业务责任、政治责任、经济责任以及文化责任等。本文认为在转型期强调文化软实力的中国,图书的责任编辑应该从文化选择、文化创新及文化安全等几个方面担负起自己的文化责任。  相似文献   

刘磊 《出版广角》2016,(13):45-47
论文在学术期刊上发表,涉及论文作者、学术期刊及责任编辑的版权问题。论文作者的版权受我国《著作权法》保护,其一旦与期刊签订版权转让协议,也会受到相应的法律约束;学术期刊属于汇编作品,期刊的版权受到法律保护;责任编辑在汇编过程中付出了智力劳动,应该享有责任编辑署名权。期刊社只有处理好作者、期刊以及责任编辑之间的版权关系,才可能持续健康地发展。  相似文献   

传统的“责任编辑”概念,其内涵与外延目前都发生了较大变化, “责任”范畴趋于复合与交叉.重新认知责任编辑的“责任”,有益于增强编辑的社会责任意识、文化传播意识、职业光荣感,有益于促进编辑人员的专业技术能力、职业综合能力的目标设定与提升.  相似文献   

责任编辑与编辑责任   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
韩云涛 《编辑学报》2001,13(4):234-235
从“什么是责任编辑”入手,分析责任编辑的角度定位,探讨责任编辑的责任问题。认为:责任编辑应是稿件质量的主要责任者,而不应是经济责任的主要承担者;只有在经济责任上解放了责任编辑,才能促使他们对稿件质量真正负起责任,才能最终实现“两个效益”的最佳结合。  相似文献   

如今编辑前面的头衔越挂越多,尤其是“策划编辑”的出现.并在实际工作中越用越多,使得大家对责任编辑的认知似乎有些迷茫。原来的责任编辑与策划编辑是什么关系?策划编辑是不是比责任编辑更强,是领导责任编辑的,或者两者是相等的?由此而引发的责任编辑“责任”问题也越来越突出。作者以为,责任编辑的这“责任”二字重于泰山,工作中还是要重点强调这责任二字。以下,将结合作者的工作实践.谈一谈对责任编辑“责任”问题的认识。  相似文献   

笔者从事出版工作已近20年,一直担任责任编辑。多年来,笔者在思考一个问题,责任编辑的"责任"二字意味着什么,到底应该对谁负责、承担哪些责任。经过工作实践和学习总结,笔者认为,一名合格的责任编辑应主要承担4方面的责任:首先要对社会负责即社会责任,其次要对作者负责,  相似文献   

责任编辑就是对稿件内容、文字,以及书刊的装帧、版式设计等工作负主要责任的编辑."责任编辑的姓名应排在书稿的适当位置,以示负责"①.显然,责任编辑的称谓体现了一种责任意识,这是图书等精神文化产品特有的一种现象.这么做既便于出版企业直接向社会展示自己的劳动成果,履行自己对产品质量的承诺,又便于读者对精神文化产品的制作进行监督和评判.  相似文献   

卢旭 《中国出版》2012,(6):42-44
针对当前关于责任编辑负责制的认识,基于出版流程,从出版业的行业特点、实行科学化分工和专业化生产,明确编辑、校对、设计、印刷等各个环节分工,责任清晰,形成高效的生产组织体系,确保出版物产品质量,责任编辑对所编辑加工的书稿负有全面协调的责任等。只有进一步认识责任编辑的责任,才能解决图书出版质量问题。  相似文献   

新工业革命正在发生,将彻底改变现有的生产方式和产业组织形式,改变国家间的比较优势,进而重塑全 球产业竞争力和国际产业分工格局。在新工业革命背景下,我国产业结构调整的路径和进程将受到深刻影响,我国制 造业转型升级将迎来巨大挑战,亟待智库发挥重要的引领和指导作用。本文在研究分析未来智库的机遇与挑战的基础 上,对智库自身的未来发展提出具体了方向和建议。  相似文献   

赵茜 《编辑学报》2009,21(5):416-417
为提高科技论文参考文献的校对质量和效率,提出规则法、对照法、常识法、质疑法等4种行之有效的校对方法,以期提高编辑工作效率,减少参考文献著录差错.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):129-141
Although scholars have discussed the occurrence of gossip in social situations, gossip's function as a social influence tool has received little theoretical attention. Of particular interest is the issue of whether gossip is untrustworthy, leading to relational demise, or whether gossip can lead to perceived liking, trust, and expertise. The prediction was made that whether gossip acts as relational ruin or social glue depends on the valence of the gossip and the type of relationship among the communicators. It was proposed that source cue perceptions will be the function of an interaction between relationship type and gossip valence. Specifically, friends' judgments will not be affected by gossip valence, but strangers' assessments of liking, trust, and expertise will increase when gossip is positive and will decrease when gossip is negative (when controlling for propensity to gossip). An experiment was designed to test these predictions. The data indicated that both positive and negative gossip are perceived negatively for both friends and strangers.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):364-370

Concepts from Heider's “Attribution of Responsibility” theory were used to investigate the process of message source evaluation. The results of a role‐playing experiment indicate that: (1) When a message source's previous behavior has had favorable consequences for a receiver, the source will be rated more “safe,” “qualified,” and “dynamic” to the extent that responsibility for those consequences are attributed to the source; and (2) when the source's previous behavior has had unfavorable consequences for the receiver, the source will be judged less “safe” but more “qualified” and “dynamic” to the extent that responsibility for those consequences are attributed to the source.  相似文献   


The CONSER Program has been a leader in developing standards for cataloging electronic resources. Members from several CONSER institutions will discuss their experiences with the Program's interim guidelines for cataloging remote-access versions of print serials which allow the option of creating separate records for online and print versions or, alternately, of identifying the online version on the print record. Pro's and con's of each approach will be examined from the point of view of the cataloger as well as public service staff. Long-term directions will also be explored. Since the guidelines are still very much a work-in-progress, the session is designed to include input and questions from the audience.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(87-88):163-178

This paper will briefly review the canon debate in African literature, situating it within a wider context of debates on other non-Western, non-central or emerging disciplines. It will then examine ways in which reference services can respond to the challenge of canon expansion, and how librarians can impact the study of African women writers in universities and colleges. I will approach these topics from two perspectives. The first involves reference librarians in their traditional role as information mediators. Using the works of female writers as examples in instruction sessions and reference guides are ways in which traditional methods can be given a new twist. In so doing, reference librarians will be combining intercultural literacy with information literacy. A bibliography of selected works will also be given that will help general reference librarians strengthen their collections and educate themselves on the subject.

The second will be on ways in which librarians can add a layer to traditional mediating by becoming academic activists. In other words, instead of passively waiting for courses to be created and then supporting them, librarians can market to faculty ideas for possible uses of the Africana collection and thus provide impetus for new course development. Suggested initiatives include developing theme-related guides or readers' advisory based on African women's texts, and distributing them to other Area Studies faculty–an obvious way to encourage comparative, interdisciplinary research and teaching. Librarians can also hold workshops to demonstrate how works such as Aidoo's Changes or Dangaremgba's Nervous Conditions that examine the many faces of modern Africa can be discussed in social history, politics or education courses; or Alifa Rifaat's works dealing with women in Islamic communities in a religion or comparative law course. Additionally, libraries need to go beyond in-house, library-only lectures to organizing, for example, campus-wide author lecture series.

To effectively implement these initiatives, reference librarians should collaborate more closely with Africana and Area Studies bibliographers. As librarians in the 21st century, we should be more proactive in our academic communities. We can generate impetus for breaking the literary canon and broadening literary research, foster greater understanding of African culture, while still playing our time-honored roles of guide, mediator, culture-keeper, and agents of change.  相似文献   

Mary Irwin 《Media History》2013,19(2):162-177
Wednesday Magazine (1958–1963) was an innovative BBC television afternoon arts and culture strand produced by the specialist BBC women's programme unit, which had been built up and nurtured by the first dedicated head of women's programmes Doreen Stephens, who was appointed in 1953. Stephens was responsible for the development of a diverse and extensive range of women's programming; highly ambitious in the offering that it presented to its female viewers. This article will examine the series Wednesday Magazine exploring the wealth of arts and culture items broadcast, whilst considering the programme's significance in critical histories of both women's programming and arts television. The article will also make an intervention into historical debates around what constituted women's television in Britain.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):657-684
Power and dominance are widely recognized as fundamental concepts in the study of human relationships. A theory of power, Dunbar's dyadic power theory (DPT), was tested experimentally by manipulating power in interactions with confederate strangers. Participants' verbal and nonverbal dominance behaviors were coded from videotapes of their interactions. DPT proposes that individuals will display more dominance in equal power relationships than in unequal relationships and increasing an individual's relative power will increase that individual's satisfaction with the encounter. The results revealed that the equal-power and unequal high-power conditions displayed more dominance and were more satisfied than those in the unequal low-power conditions but those in the unequal-high power condition were the least affected by their partners and maintained the most control over the partnership's decisions. Implications for DPT and the relationship between microlevel dominance behaviors and the macrolevel impressions of dominant interactants are discussed.  相似文献   

儿童博物馆在过去二十年间由于种种原因,并没有在中国发展起来。一些相关的基本问题:“什么是儿童博物馆?儿童博物馆展示什么?为什么需要儿童博物馆?”在中国并不为大众熟悉,也没有受到太多博物馆专业领域人士的关注。本文将从影响儿童博物馆的理论及研究,儿童博物馆与其它场馆的区别,儿童博物馆的教育内容等几个方面来介绍儿童博物馆的核心教育理念。以期通过本文能够把儿童博物馆的精髓呈现出来,让更多的人了解并关注儿童博物馆,为中国儿童教育方式的发展提供一些参考。  相似文献   

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