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高速铁路是交通运输方式的一次革命性变革。随着中国高铁时代的到来,桂林旅游将迎来可进出性的提高、旅游市场的拓展和旅游品质的提升等重大机遇,同时也将面临高铁沿线旅游城市的激烈竞争、高铁旅游配套设施的建设完善,以及自助游产品和服务的建设完善等挑战。因此,桂林应高度重视高铁的发展和高铁旅游的研究,加强桂林旅游地的建设,加强旅游市场开发,加强与高铁沿线城市的旅游合作。  相似文献   

高铁无砟轨道在长轨铺设完后需要对线路进行全面静态调整,将轨道几何尺寸调整到允许误差范围内,使线路轨道平顺性充分满足高铁联调联试前提要求.由于过程中消除轨道病害时间短、任务重,快速查找病害位置和消除方法便成为关键.位于高寒、高海拔、风沙环境下的兰新铁路LXS-2标段及时研究并采用绝对和相对小车结合法轨道调整技术,不仅提高...  相似文献   

There are many issues surrounding the performance of critical assets on high-speed ballasted railway lines. At assets like switch & crossings and bridge transitions high track forces can be produced resulting in higher ballast settlements and hence track misalignments. The latter result in higher track forces and hence more settlement, leading to the need for increased track maintenance to ensure comfort and safety. Current technologies for solving issues like ballast movement under high-speed loading regimes are limited. However, a technique that has been well used across the UK and now increasingly overseas to stabilise and reinforce ballasted railway tracks is the application of in-situ polyurethane polymers, termed XiTRACK. This paper discusses how this technique can be used to solve these types of long-standing issues and presents actual polymer application profiles at two typical critical sites, namely a junction and a transition onto concrete slab-track.  相似文献   

近年来,高速铁路、客运专线及城际轨道高速发展,为满足新建铁路建设与运营需要,需对与铁路交叉跨越不符合技术标准的电力线路进行迁改。根据不同电力线路的迁改工作特点,提出"实物补偿"和"资金补偿"两种迁改工作模式,灵活处理各地电力迁改问题,对推进高铁、客专、城际轨道等交通工程建设具有指导意义。  相似文献   

中国高铁的快速发展催生出新时代高铁旅游的发展,关于通过构建高铁旅游生态圈来推动高铁沿线城市旅游发展的讨论和研究开始进入视野。本文以武广高铁为载体,建立联动广东、湖南、湖北旅游的高铁旅游生态圈,从树立“粤湘鄂”旅游品牌、交通服务体系、旅游服务系统、加强旅游产品创新等方面探讨了构建武广高铁旅游生态圈的策略,并提出相应的保障机制,激发粤、湘、鄂旅游在高铁时代发展的新活力。  相似文献   

论述了电气绝缘节的基本工作原理,说明无绝缘轨道电路绝缘节通过串并联谐振实现绝缘隔离的基本机理.其次阐述了轨道小轨道与主轨道电路之间的基本关系及缩短调谐区死区段的基本情况,同时针对铁路区间自动闭塞信号设备ZPW-2000A无绝缘轨道电路,在距电气绝缘节(调谐区)送电端第3个电容左右处地点,机车信号接收器收到的漏码信号达到最大值;第3个电容开路时,小轨道电路接收电压值下降最大等现象进行了理论研究,探寻上述现象的理论依据.  相似文献   

A high-speed train-track coupling dynamic model is used to investigate the dynamic behavior of a high-speed train operating on a curved track with failed fasteners. The model considers a high-speed train consisting of eight vehicles coupled with a ballasted track. The vehicle is modeled as a multi-body system, and the rail is modeled with a Timoshenko beam resting on the discrete sleepers. The vehicle model considers the effect of the end connections of the neighboring vehicles on the dynamic behavior. The track model takes into account the lateral, vertical, and torsional deformations of the rails and the effect of the discrete sleeper support on the coupling dynamics of the vehicles and the track. The sleepers are assumed to move backward at a constant speed to simulate the vehicle running along the track at the same speed. The train model couples with the track model by using a Hertzian contact model for the wheel/rail normal force calculation, and the nonlinear creep theory by Shen et al. (1984) is used for wheel/rail tangent force calculation. In the analysis, a curved track of 7000-m radius with failed fasteners is selected, and the effects of train operational speed and the number of failed fasteners on the dynamic behaviors of the train and the track are investigated in detail. Furthermore, the wheel/rail forces and derailment coefficient and the wheelset loading reduction are analyzed when the high-speed train passes over the curved track with the different number of continuously failed fasteners at different operational speeds. Through the detailed numerical analysis, it is found that the high-speed train can operate normally on the curved track of 7000-m radius at the speeds of 200 km/h to 350 km/h.  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview on the wide-ranging track structure studies at the Tampere University of Technology (TUT), Finland dealing with the key aspects of track geotechnics related to high-speed passenger traffic on ballasted tracks. Special attention is paid to ballast and sub-ballast, while also considering frost action, embankment stability, track stiffness, track geometry and transition zones. As a result, this paper states that understanding the ballast degradation mechanism and its consequences and assessment of its condition occupy an important role in the construction and maintenance of a smooth high-speed rail line. The choices related to building the sub-ballast also have a dramatic impact on later track deformations and maintenance needs. In cold climate, especially where seasonal frost occurs, understanding and taking into account the frost action mechanism is crucial. Especially in the maintenance and rehabilitation planning of existing tracks, high-class analyses of ground penetrating radar data and its integrated analysis with other data can yield considerable benefits.  相似文献   

中国铁路无砟轨道具有轨道稳定性好、平顺性好、刚度均匀性好、结构耐久性强、维修工作量显著减少、旅客列车的安全性和舒适性显著提高等优点。CRTSⅡ型无砟轨道板作为无砟轨道系统的重要组成部分,具有结构稳定,利于工厂化生产,利于提高施工效率等特点。主要阐述轨道板制作过程的质量控制,分别从原材料、钢筋制作安装、模具安装、混凝土作业、轨道板存放、轨道板打磨六个方面具体说明。同时对常见质量问题进行原因分析,提出预防及解决办法。通过有助于高速铁路建设各方工程管理技术人员对CRTSⅡ型无砟轨道板制作进行有效控制,确保高速铁路工程建设质量。  相似文献   

In this paper, both measurements and numerical simulations of railway induced vibration are discussed. A measurement campaign has been carried out along the high-speed railway track in Lincent, Belgium. The experimental determination of transfer functions and vibration velocity during train passages are discussed. A numerical model is introduced to predict the transfer functions and the vibration velocity during train passages. The comparison of experimental and numerical results demonstrates the importance of accurate numerical models and input data. The results are obtained in the framework of the development of a hybrid prediction method, where numerical and experimental data can be combined to improve the prediction accuracy for railway induced vibration.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Among the numerous components used in the railway industry for high axle load operations, wheels and rails comprise a major source of running expen- diture. The wheel/rail interaction is the main technical factor determining design procedures and mainte- nance and replacement schedules for both vehicle and track. The rail wear is one of the most important factors causing reduction of the railway track life cycle. The re-profiling and replacement of worn wheels and rails is re…  相似文献   

城市轨道交通迅猛发展,在此背景下,对智慧城轨的内涵和内容进行了总结归纳和分析,并针对智慧城轨的基本内容体系和建设目标提出了一个技术框架,构建了5个层次,包括:基础设施和技术层、公共信息平台层、能力支撑层、融合应用层、交互展示层。最后对智慧城轨发展提出了自己的粗略建议。  相似文献   

高速铁路运营过程中的关键问题:轮轨磨耗等   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着高速铁路运营里程和列车运营速度的不断增长,出现了一些和列车轨道耦合大系统密切相关的关键科学和技术问题。这些问题不仅影响到列车的运行品质,甚至威胁到安全运行,是当前高速铁路运用和发展中急需解决的问题。本文系统描述了高速铁路在运营过程中所出现的一些关键科学和技术问题,并述评了全世界有关这些问题的研究进展、现状和不足之处,提出了今后有利于认识和解决这些问题的发展方向。在长期高速运营的铁路大系统环境中,这些问题的形成的机理、发生、发展过程和预防措施的研究,需要从列车/轨道耦合大系统运营环境(速度、路况、气候和运用维修)、系统的自身参数匹配、材料选用和运营成本等全面系统考虑,并从理论、技术、工艺、监控和维修等方面解决。  相似文献   

高速铁道车辆风致安全性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目的:随着世界高速铁路网的不断扩张,高速列车的风致安全性成为高速铁路系统中的关键科学问题之一。本文利用车辆-轨道耦合动力学理论分析方法,确定强横风作用下高速铁道车辆的安全运行区域,为强风地带高速列车的安全控制提供依据。创新要点:首次提出了考虑多种影响因素和脱轨评价指标的高速列车脱轨安全域分析方法,并运用到了高速铁道车辆风致安全性研究中。研究方法:基于车辆-轨道耦合动态响应及多种安全性评价指标得到横风作用下高速铁道车辆的安全运行区域和脱轨区域。重要结论:铁道车辆安全性评价指标中,轮重减载率对横风激励最为敏感,其确定了强风作用下高速车辆安全运行区域的边界。  相似文献   

文章以京沪高铁南京南站北广场工程为例,针对传统后浇带施工中存在的一系列问题,对膨胀加强带代替后浇带的基本原理及施工工艺作了论述,阐明超长混凝土结构采用膨胀加强带是一项有效加快工程进度和降低施工成本的技术措施。  相似文献   

高铁推动了中国旅游业的"快旅"时代,另一方面,"慢游"正在成为旅游消费的新时尚。文章在梳理学界关于"慢游"的研究成果的基础上,提出了"慢游"的概念。接着指出高铁是适合于"慢游"的交通方式,高铁所带来的"快旅"一方面有助于提升"慢游"的质量,另一方面也对慢游目的地带来了潜在的威胁。最后以成绵乐城际客运专线为例,探讨了高铁时代下"快旅"与"慢游"相结合的具体措施。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a comprehensive model for the prediction of the evolution of high-speed train wheel profiles due to wear. The model consists of four modules: a multi-body model implemented with the commercial multi-body software SIMPACK to evaluate the dynamic response of the vehicle and track; a local contact model based on Hertzian theory and a novel method, named FaStrip (Sichani et al., 2016), to calculate the normal and tangential forces, respectively; a wear model proposed by the University of Sheffield (known as the USFD wear function) to estimate the amount of material removed and its distribution along the wheel profile; and a smoothing and updating strategy. A simulation of the wheel wear of the high-speed train CRH3 in service on the Wuhan-Guangzhou railway line was performed. A virtual railway line based on the statistics of the line was used to represent the entire real track. The model was validated using the wheel wear data of the CRH3 operating on the Wuhan- Guangzhou line, monitored by the authors’ research group. The results of the predictions and measurements were in good agreement.  相似文献   

高铁测量是高铁建设的基础性工作,目前高铁测量工作中存在效率低、工作时间长等问题,文章将某高速铁路CPⅢ平面控制网实测数据分成半个测回进行处理,并对半测回数据分别进行约束平差和置平,比较分析平差结果的各项精度指标,确定使用半个测回观测的方法能够满足《高速铁路测量规范》的要求,能够替代一个测回观测CPⅢ的方法。  相似文献   

研究目的:基于车辆-轨道耦合动力学理论分析方法,建立一种高速列车-轨道三维耦合动力学模型,并明确列车-轨道耦合模型与单节车辆-轨道耦合模型在高速列车-车九道耦合动力学性能分析中的差异。创新要点:建立一种高速列车-轨道三维耦合动力学模型,模型中考虑列车的纵向动力学行为以及车间连接装置对列车中不同车辆动态响应的影响,并基本明确完善的列车-轨道耦合模型在高速列车-轨道耦合动力学性能分析中的重要性。重要结论:单节车辆-轨道耦合模型会过高地估计高速列车在运营过程中的振动响应和动力学性能指标,而完善的列车-轨道耦合动力学模型的计算结果则更加接近实际情况。  相似文献   

文章从铁路设计中应注重城市轨道交通的特点、轨道结构应体现城市轨道交通的特色、路基和桥梁隧道课时的相应变动、专业基础课程内容的相应变动、实践教学和生产实践五个方面论述了在城市轨道工程专业课程设置中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

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