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对破产管理人的民事责任进行认定相当困难但极为必要。从责任性质上讲,破产管理人的民事责任应以侵权责任为主、违约责任为辅。我国企业破产法第一百三十条中的忠实勤勉义务并不明确,应借鉴其他国家认定破产管理人责任的分析框架,区分信义义务与非信义义务。对基于信义义务的民事责任,应在借鉴董事信义义务责任的基础上区分注意义务与忠实义务,追责时应注重注意义务的任意性与忠实义务的不可免除性。对基于非信义义务的民事责任,应依据破产管理人与第三方之间的行为性质进行认定。  相似文献   

孝道是中华民族优秀的传统美德之一,加强中学生传承弘扬孝道美德教育,对培养他们美好的情操和高尚人格、促进和谐的人际关系、形成良好的社会风尚具有重要意义。文章通过整理张家口市初中生所用语文、思想品德、音乐教科书中包含孝道元素的内容,调查分析张家口市初中生孝道传承存在的问题,探讨张家口市初中生传承弘扬民族孝道美德的对策。  相似文献   

山子 《中学教育》2013,(6):58-63
随着普高的扩张,普高的性质将主导甚至取代高中教育的性质,相应地普高的目标任务将主导甚至取代高中教育的目标任务。综合国内外各种因素看,这是一个总体趋势。普高是一种多重性的复合体,其本质规定性是“终端高阶性”和“普通性”两方面的合一。就其目标任务,本文认为既不是“三重任务论”,也不是原来的“双重任务论”,而提出“新双任务论”。  相似文献   

八省市学生对学校安全问题认知的调查报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学生抽样调查显示:学生在学校中最容易发生安全问题的时间依次为体育课、课外活动、晚自习后、全校集体活动、上实验课或劳动课等。学生最容易发生安全问题的地点依次为上学路上、楼梯、公共场所和校门口。学生最常遭受伤害的类型依次为:打架斗殴、交通事故、食物中毒、溺水、其他社会人员的违法犯罪等。学生获取安全知识的途径依次为:在学校上过安全课、看电视和听广播、家长讲、自己看书等。四成的学生对学校食堂的就餐环境和饮食卫生状况表示不满意。一半以上的学生反映学校没有安全通道的标志,没有防盗门窗设施。1/3左右的学生反映学校没有门卫值班室、消防器材,不知道学校规定的遇到紧急情况时的疏散路线。1/4左右的学生不知道学校规定的安全制度。1/5的学生反映学校没有围墙。  相似文献   

Schools in the US and across the globe are increasingly engaged in marketing practices to attract and retain students and families. This study examines why and how administrators and school board members in two public school systems in the US seek to market their schools. Using in-depth case studies, a socio-cultural approach to policy, and critical race perspectives, I trace administrators’ and school board members’ logics about marketing, and specifically their emphasis on marketing the racial ‘diversity’ of their students. I find that despite differences in economic circumstances and community orientations to racial inclusion, leaders in these two competitive, under-resourced, and demographically changing school districts target upper- and middle-class White families, draw on discourses of global cosmopolitanism, and commodify racial diversity as a competitive advantage for upper- and middle-class White families that leaders believe do not see inherent value in students of color. This attempt to use racial diversity as a ‘selling point,’ varies in its particularities in each district–one district acknowledges and emphasizes how all students may gain from interracial and intercultural interactions and knowledge while the other district leverages abstract notions of diversity, removed from actual children of color – a consequence, in part, of district leaders’ uniquely racialized marketplaces. I conclude with a discussion of the implications of these findings.  相似文献   

This formative intervention documents the emergence of a hybrid activity aiming at student engagement and academic achievement. In this context-bound study, early stages of this activity consisted in establishing PénArt meant to enable high school students with difficulties to start up their own business at school. It involved reaching agreements between a high school and a youth centre so that high school students engage in the production and selling of their branded t-shirt. At the frontiers of their respective activity system, students, youth workers, special education teachers and members of the school board took actions to cross boundaries and redefine their interrelations. Cultural historical activity theory was fruitful to document the development of a new object-oriented activity. Tensions and contradictions revelaled to be the key moments in the emergence of the hybrid activity. Expansive learning led us to understand that, in a conflicting situation, a collective’s agentive actions create an expansive form of learning and leads to a successful entrepreneurship experience. Change laboratory capacity to foster change for cooperative education in Quebec was successful. The students enrolled in a regional entrepreneurship contest and won it. That was a significant event for students with low self-esteem linked with their performance at school.  相似文献   

论中小学校体育伤害事故及预防   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中小学安全工作是确保中小学健康成长,实施科教兴国战略的首要前提和重要保证。分析校内发生体育伤害事故的法律责任,明确学校与在校学生的关系及学校担负的法律责任。使学校安全工作遵循"预防为主、防治结合、加强教育、群防群治"的方针,做到安全教育制度化、经常化、科学化,确保学生能在安全的环境快乐健康地成长。  相似文献   

引导学生在学校教育中认识生活、学习生活,是班主任工作的要求,也是社会发展的需要。班主任要学会改变,改变传统角色定位,转换角色意识,与学生在生活教育中形成价值认同;还要学会等待,在宽容、鼓励、信任中,走进学生的生活。只有走进学生生活的教育,才是真正的教育。起点是爱。  相似文献   

论股份公司控制股东诚信义务的法理基础   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国公司法必须规定控制股东的诚信义务。规定控制股东的诚信义务不仅有其坚实的公司法理论基础,而且有着夯实的法哲学和民法学理论基础。深入研究控制股东诚信义务的法理基础,对于我国及时规定控制股东的诚信义务,限制和纠正资本多数决的滥用,进一步巩固和完善公司的法律人格,保障公司和中小股东的合法权益等都具有极为重大的意义。  相似文献   

This study reports the findings of an electronic exploratory survey of National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Student Representatives. The purpose of the survey was to gather information about the perspective of graduate students concerning problematic peers and their experiences with them in school psychology training programs. Findings suggest that (a) students are unsure whether or not their training programs have an official procedure in place for dealing with problematic students; (b) the problems they observe most commonly involve poor interpersonal skills; (c) consistent with other mental health programs, school psychology graduate students most often talk with their peers or avoid contact with the problematic peer when they have concerns rather than go to faculty; (d) the majority (49.4%) of the respondents feel that faculty or training directors have the most responsibility for the identification of problematic peers but that students have an ethical duty to provide information to the teaching staff if they feel they have a reason to believe there is a problem of which the faculty is unaware. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

德国中小学教师对学生承担监管而非监护义务.该监管义务不仅指教师有义务使被托付的学生免受损害,而且也指教师有义务避免他人受到学生的侵害.教师的监管义务以学校的实际生活为界限.应该根据教师职务的公职性质,依据侵权赔偿责任原则,并结合学生的教育教学实际,深刻认识具体情境中的教师监管义务.  相似文献   


This article examines a summer institute curriculum that was developed for and used with handicapped students who were identified as gifted in the area(s) of visual arts, performing arts, engineering, or life sciences. The students and the summer institute were part of a federally funded Javits program, Project High Hopes. The curriculum was real world, multi‐disciplinary and problem based in that it used a decaying water feature on the school grounds as its focus. Using a creative problem solving process, students identified problems with the water feature, developed solutions, created presentations, and presented their solutions to the school board. Student products are described as are conclusions, results and possible implications for other educational settings.  相似文献   

Perry C 《National forum》1999,79(3):22-25
The relationship between physician and patient, as generally delineated by the Hippocratic Oath and the American Medical Association's 1994 Principles of Medical Ethics, is one between a fiduciary and a principal. In such a relationship, the duties of loyalty and trust run from the fiduciary to the principal. The fiduciary (physician) is the person to whom the relevant interests of the principal (patient) are entrusted. It is the medical best interests of the patient, not the physician, that are in trust. The relationship, while usually gratifying and financially rewarding, is essentially one of professional altruism. Nevertheless, the satisfaction of this fiduciary obligation requires the performance of general duties at levels dictated by the nature and scope of medical intervention.  相似文献   

Under new school-choice policies, schools feel increasing pressure to market their schools to parents and students. I examine how school leaders in New Orleans used different marketing strategies based on their positions in the market hierarchy and the ways in which they used formal and informal processes to recruit students. This study relied on qualitative interviews, observations of board meetings, and board-meeting minutes from a random sample of 30 schools in New Orleans. Findings indicate that marketing was a very common strategy. Yet even though choice policies were meant to give parents, not schools, power in selecting where their children attend school, some schools found ways to avoid enrolling disadvantaged students, often by not marketing. Faced with the pressure of accountability and charter renewal, these schools traded greater funding for potentially greater averages in student achievement. At the same time, some schools that were oversubscribed invested in marketing and recruitment anyway to draw less affluent parents to the school, who might not be aware of the open application and enrollment process. I discuss the implications of these marketing strategies.  相似文献   

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, China's Ministry of Education embarked on an ambitious program of primary school mergers by shutting down small village schools and opening up larger centralized schools in towns and county seats. The goal of the program was to improve the teacher and building resources in an attempt to raise the human capital of students in poor rural areas, although it was recognized that students would lose the opportunity to learn in the settings of their own familiar villages. Because of the increased distances to the new centralized schools, the merger program also entailed building boarding facilities and encouraging or mandating that students live at school during the week away from their family. Given the magnitude of the program and the obvious mix of benefits and costs that such a program entails there has been surprisingly little effort to evaluate the impact of creating a new system that transfers students from school to school during their primary school period of education and, in some cases, making student live in boarding facilities at school. In this paper, our overall goal is to examine the impact of the Rural Primary School Merger Program on academic performance of students using a dataset from a survey that we designed to reflect transfer paths and boarding statuses of students. We use OLS and Propensity Score Matching approaches and demonstrate that there is a large “resource effect” (that is, an effect that appears to be associated with the better facilities and higher quality of teachers in the town and county schools) that appears to be associated with the transfers of students from less centralized schools (such as village schools) to more centralized schools. Boarding, however, is shown to have negative impacts on academic performance. However, students who transfer to county school benefit from the transfer no matter where they start and whether they board or not.  相似文献   

《统计基础》是高职院校经济管理类专业的一门必修基础课,因此,必须加强统计基础技能的训练。任务驱动教学法是以学生的自主性、探索性学习为基础,采用实践的方法,促进学生主动积极发展的一种新型的教学方法。对如何加强高职《统计基础》的实践教学,笔者提出了任务驱动教学法,旨在提高教学效果,培养高职学生统计技术的综合技能。  相似文献   

A series of interviews and classroom observations were conducted with a group of in-service science teachers, students, school principal, and computer lab supervisors, from a “Discovery” female school in Jordan to assess their utilization of information and communication technology (ICT) in teaching science. The study also intended to determine how these participants were using ICT and if they had any internal and external impediments in the way of the effective integration of ICT in the teaching of science. Results showed that some participants were using ICT creatively in their science teaching. However, despite considerable political pressure to increase ICT use in the classroom, most expressed frustration at the lack of ICT tools, support from the school, from the Ministry of Education, and from the surrounding community. The article proposes possible resolutions to help these participants overcome their impediments. Some of the suggested resolutions for the internal impediments include involving teachers in preparing the school’s time-table, equipping the school with more ICT tools and offering more training courses for teachers. However, the suggested resolutions for the external impediments involve (1) The Ministry of Education to rethink the administration of board examinations, (2) The school to sacrifice scoring higher in board examinations for preparing more creative and more versatile students’ perspectives.  相似文献   


The study sought to examine the current Zimbabwean school system; establish the extent to which it is conducive to students making decisions about the selection of subjects they learn at school; to examine the nature of children's rights and the extent to which these rights are practiced in schools and in the prevailing socio-economic and political milieu. A stratified random sample of 100 pupils, 24 teachers and five school heads was used in this study. Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected using a questionnaire, an interview schedule and observing both pupils and teachers. The study found that teachers and pupils seemed to be aware of pupils’ rights to participate in deciding the subjects they studied; and most teachers and school heads felt it was more of their duty to decide for pupils because of their immaturity. Therefore, determining the school curriculum content should involve school heads, teachers and pupils instead of choices being made and the content dictated to pupils.  相似文献   

独立学院办学初期就应该加强档案意识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
独立学院作为高校办学的一种新尝试,在学校管理和教学活动中形成了大量的见证学校发展历史的档案材料.本文介绍了独立学院办学初期档案管理的现状及其负面影响,呼吁独立学院加强档案意识.尽快建立档案室,由专门的档案管理人员整理、保管和利用教职工、学生的人事档案及学校主要职能部门在履行职责过程中形成的文书档案.  相似文献   

随着农村剩余劳动力的大批转移,农村“留守学生”教育问题成为社会必须关注的一个突出问题。调查表明,农村“留守学生”的基本情况主要表现为人数多、比重大、成绩差与心理行为不够健康等,其直接原因主要在于家庭教育存在严重缺陷,社会生活环境欠佳,学校未能弥补家庭教育的不足并帮助学生有效抵御社会消极因素的影响。解决农村“留守学生”的教育问题既是教育界的重要课题,也是全社会义不容辞的重要职责,必须引起全社会各方面的高度关注。  相似文献   

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