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大型组合根雕《梁山一百零八将》最近在民间艺术之乡一一浙江嵊州问世。作品取材于我国古典文学名著《水浒传》,主创者是我国著名根雕艺术家郑剑夫。  相似文献   

木雕、石雕、竹雕、根雕等等,人们已经知道得很多,然而雕刻师郑剑夫用埋藏于水底千百年的乌木作为雕刻材质,却显得别出心栽,他用这种独特的材质和独特的雕刻艺术所雕刻出来的作品,成了人们收藏的珍品,以致许  相似文献   

“以匾研史,可以佐证;以匾习书,可获笔意;以匾读辞,可得精髓”,请看——早就知道根雕艺术大师郑剑夫情系古匾,收藏古匾近千块,是个“匾迷”,  相似文献   

嘉庆末道光初 ,浙派在江浙词坛继续活跃着 ,常州派是在道光二十年( 1 83 2 )前后才逐渐取代浙派成为词坛盟主的。以周济为代表的常州派词人 ,继承发展了张惠言“意内言外”的词学主张 ,对浙派谨守声律的创作倾向提出严厉的批评 ,又吸纳了浙派词学中重词格的合理成分 ,创造性地提出了融意格于一体的“寄托出入”说和“宋四家词”论 ,这说明道光年间词学思想呈折中融合的发展走向  相似文献   

早年,吴作人先生曾笔书评语“陆鹤龄的作品对中国画的传统有继承又有发展”,他的导师方增先曾在评文中称誉他“用笔简洁、厚重、墨法灵动,可谓已得‘浑厚华滋’之妙。”如果说类似《牧归》、《牛歌》这些人物小品中陆鹤龄只是熟稔地演绎了方氏画风的精髓,那么,到了《骏马奔驰》、《草原上的风》、《烛光》、《女娲补天》这些作品时,陆鹤龄已完全从浙派人物小品中破茧而出,创出了气势撼人、韵味别出的具有个人风格的大写意人物画。这些画中,我们不难发现,陆鹤龄成功地运用了艺术跨类别的融合与中国画传统的现代共生资源,在传统与现代、在“势”与“韵”的链接上,创造出了一种整体性与多元绘画基因互相支撑、互相生发的创作模式。  相似文献   

上个世纪中国画最突出的成就在人物,水墨人物画以“现代浙派”为一大劲旅,而出身于“现代浙派”的吴山明,又开创了不同于师辈的画风,贯通了传统与现代,融会了人物与山水,神韵生动,淡远空明。其意象、境界和笔墨之美,显现出特有的艺术魅力,在当代画坛上独树一帜。“现代浙派”中的佼佼者吴山明是“现代浙派”第二代中的佼佼者。正当他寻找更适合于自己的审美方式与造型方式之际,新时期对古今传统的反思、对西方现代艺术的开放,为水墨人物超越前辈提供了多种可能,题材选择从聚焦英雄人物扩展到芸芸众生,意蕴表达从思想感情的高亢昂扬到精神生…  相似文献   

23岁时,他创作出了中国第一支描写出租车司机生活的歌曲《的士之歌》,后来他一连创作了十几首的士歌曲,在的哥们中间广为传唱,被的哥们亲切地称为“的士歌手”,从而当之无愧地成为中国“的士”歌曲的代言人!26岁时,他从“的士歌手”摇身一变,又变成了吉林省彩铃第一写手,年收入  相似文献   

以传承、发展为宗旨的“浙派意笔人物画邀请展暨浙派人物画学术研讨会”10月26日在浙江美术馆开幕。浙派意笔人物画的开创者李震坚、方增先、周昌谷和梁平波、冯远、刘文西、吴山明、吴永良、王庆明、李山、刘健、张品超、冯运瑜、王赞、尉晓榕等26位画家的近180幅作品,展示了中国绘画史上一座丰碑的缔造历程和累累硕果。  相似文献   

1913年,吴昌硕被公推为西泠印社首任社长。他在印社观乐楼题写长联道:“印讵无原,读书坐风雨晦明,数布衣曾开浙派;社何敢长,识字仅鼎彝瓴甓,一耕夫来自田间。”  相似文献   

一位68岁的老妇人,时而手握大型锯割切刀在粗大的树根上来回切割、取料,时而用粗糙的双手打磨一件件根艺作品。经过她的这双粗糙的巧手摆弄和打磨,原来粗糙和杂乱的树根,顿时成了一件件美轮美奂的艺术品!不久前,这位农家老妇人还站在中国美术最高殿堂——中国美术馆敞亮的展厅里领奖,她的根艺作品《幻》,获得中国第三届根艺美术作品大赛铜奖和“刘开渠根艺奖”。此外,她的根雕作品《神鹿》,还荣获浙江省96’根雕作品大赛金奖,并获“省根雕新星”称号。老妇人叫欧阳小慧,一头白发,一脸沧桑,你似乎很难把根雕这个需要艺术眼光与体力的行当与这…  相似文献   

陈伟权 《文化交流》2014,(11):67-70
"非遗"石雕基地花落浙江余姚市大隐镇。那里精美的石材与石雕工艺流动着文化血脉、闪烁着人类社会的文明之光。大隐有浙东小九寨的自然风光,又在青山掩映的河姆渡文化遗址附近,横卧的巨石上书有"浙江省非物质文化遗产项目石雕传承基地";2013年11月浙江省文化厅批准宁波市18名"非遗"传承人,其中石雕石刻项目仅金星乔一人,他就在这个基地。  相似文献   

郑朝 《文化交流》2009,(6):52-55
今年1月10日至2月10日,在北京中国美术馆举办了中国工艺美术大展。一件题为《孩子,就是老师的生命》的黄杨木雕,被展览艺术委员会作为重点作品进行推介和宣传。一批又_批的观众对创作这件作品的郑胜宁大师“表示敬意”,专家也当着郑胜宁的面赞许道:“你创作的地震中的教师形象是活生生的,有激动人心的思想感情,  相似文献   

在人类文明史上,印刷技术的发明居功甚伟,而我国是雕版印刷、活字印刷的发明国,在当代电脑激光排版技术发明前,承载人类文明的书籍典册,都是靠传统的印刷术来印制的。在卷轶浩繁的文献典籍中,吴越刊刻的佛教典籍璀璨夺目,光耀古今。五代吴越国时,杭州的佛经雕版印刷兴起,著名的雷峰塔藏经堪称佛教典籍的精品。吴越王钱弘俶仿效古印度阿育王铸造8.4万个小佛塔即阿育王塔,同  相似文献   

The presence of a diffuse biodeterioration phenomena can be observed across large areas of the outer surface of the limestone walls of the Church of the Virgin in Martvili. A differential erosion phenomenon was detected, suggesting a possible association with biological colonization. The erosion phenomenon is characterized by a circular discoloration leading progressively to the detachment of flakes of limestone at its center. Since the aforementioned process has not been described in the literature until now, the present study was focused on the interpretation of its origin and evolution. Three sides of the Church are affected by a variety of occurrences of circular differential erosion which display different stages of the process, whereas the western side is affected by epilithic growths across its entire surface. Surveys of the petrographic, mineralogical and physical features of the stone were made, and parameters such as density and porosity were recorded. Samples were analyzed by optical microscopy and SEM analysis in order to detected the presence of microorganisms whose species were then identified by means of morphological and molecular examinations. The study of cross-sections stained using the PAS method has confirmed the causal connection between microorganisms and the deterioration phenomena, providing information about their spread of penetration into the substrate and their substantial potential for causing damage. Dryness appears to be the main ecological condition favoring endolithic rather than epilithic growth. The most common isolated microorganisms were cyanobacteria (Chroococcales) and, to a lesser extent, meristematic fungi. The characteristics of the stone, and especially some endogenous discontinuities related to the accumulation of sedimentary layers and to the action of stone carving tools, might explain why the same differential erosion phenomenon occurs in specific areas of the block stones. The development of the differential erosion phenomenon shows a variety of stages of biological colonization. The progressive evolution of the deterioration process has been observed in detail: (a) firstly, white circular discolorations appear on the stone, which darken over time eventually becoming almost black; (b) circular perforations appear around the perimeter; (c) and finally a flake detaches from the center, leaving a deep depression in the stone.  相似文献   

Damages to hypogeal archaeological monuments, caused by the growth of tree roots, are frequently reported in the city of Rome. Problems of compatibility between trees and underground structures may become complex in the case of historical gardens. The Jewish catacombs of Villa Torlonia show relevant conservation problems, some of them arising from damages due to root growth, and consolidating interventions seem to be urgent. Some species in the gardens, especially Ficus carica L., but also Quercus ilex L. and Pinus pinea L., have developed a strong root system, growing for many meters in lateral distance and for some meters vertically. The plants responsible for the various alterations were identified by their wood anatomy and a methodology to treat similar problems has been proposed. Data collected aim to avoid errors made in managing the plant cover of an archaeological site.  相似文献   

Structure and organization seems to be at the root of many of the questions raised about institutional behaviour; however, with respect to research on university capacity building, few studies have examined research organizational problems, particularly in developing countries. This study investigates academic reactions to the structure and organization of research at four leading Vietnamese universities. Through document analysis and semi-structured interviews with 55 participants, the study finds that the four case-study Vietnamese universities have accomplished a number of the more visible tasks of research management such as creating research and research management positions; deciding primary organizational units for research delivery; creating a research office; and creating research oversight committees. However, they seem to neglect the other less visible tasks of organizing and structuring research such as developing rules for research integrity; developing a mechanism for evaluating the quality of research outcomes; preparing researchers and research managers for the necessary skills and knowledge; and deciding vertical and horizontal decentralization. The study concludes that even though research has been formally structured and organized, the management of research has not yet been professionalized. The key problem in organizing and structuring research is the lack of an effective system for research behaviour formalization. A more effective system for better formalizing research behaviours should be developed so that Vietnamese universities can integrate more successfully into the global research.  相似文献   

The Public Values Failures of Climate Science in the US   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ryan Meyer 《Minerva》2011,49(1):47-70
This paper examines the broad social purpose of US climate science, which has benefitted from a public investment of more than $30 billion over the last 20 years. A public values analysis identifies five core public values that underpin the interagency program. Drawing from interviews, meeting observations, and document analysis, I examine the decision processes and institutional structures that lead to the implementation of climate science policy, and identify a variety of public values failures accommodated by this system. In contrast to other cases which find market values frameworks (the “profit as progress” assumption) at the root of public values failures, this case shows how “science values” (“knowledge as progress”) may serve as an inadequate or inappropriate basis for achieving broader public values. For both institutions and individual decision makers, the logic linking science to societal benefit is generally incomplete, incoherent, and tends to conflate intrinsic and instrumental values. I argue that to be successful with respect to its motivating public values, the US climate science enterprise must avoid the assumption that any advance in knowledge is inherently good, and offer a clearer account of the kinds of research and knowledge advance likely to generate desirable social outcomes.  相似文献   

韦凌 《文化交流》2009,(2):67-69
无锡地域属太湖水网平原和沿江平原,间有低山或残丘。1912年,实业家荣德生和族叔荣吉人、荣鄂生计划兴办社会公益事业,决定在东山地区造一景园。适有前清进士徐殿遗留一处桃园旧址,荣德生遂将其买下。此后数年,他又在横山与浒山间购置山粮田共150亩,植梅3000株,陆续建造了天心台、香雪海、诵豳堂、招鹤亭、乐农别墅、念劬塔、宗敬别墅、豁然洞等景点。  相似文献   

阿友 《文化交流》2009,(3):20-24
我国西部百姓把那些最美丽、最芬芳的花儿,统称为“格桑花”,它被藏族乡亲视为爱与吉祥的象征。有个爱心志愿者组织叫格桑花助学协会,她以格桑花西部助学网为平台,经过3年多的运作已筹集捐助资金达1000多万元,使数万名贫困学生受到资助,成为一个响当当的公益慈善品牌。而她的创始人却是一名极其普通的女性,追寻她的生命足迹不难发现,这是一部大爱无疆、催人泪下的生命宣言。  相似文献   

哗啦啦的小桥流水弥漫着浓郁的江南风,一扇挂着古老铜锁的大门在悠远的音乐声中缓缓开启。在强烈的聚光灯照射下,一排又一排相继呈现的红妆家具,各式各样的箱笼、红桶及其他红妆之物辉煌耀眼,一一闪亮登场。其中最醒目的,要数那张美轮美奂的千工床了,只见它慢慢前移、到舞台最前端,坐在床上的越儿正等待着远方的阿甬归来…一。  相似文献   

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