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大学生艾滋病健康教育效果评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:对大学生艾滋病健康教育效果进行分析,为高校开展艾滋病健康教育提供参考与依据.方法:采取整体随机抽样的方法抽取宜春学院2003级部分学生作为研究对象,以开展专题讲座和印发艾滋病健康教育处方为教育方式,使用同一问卷调查大学生教育前后的艾滋病相关知识及态度.结果:绝大多数大学生渴望了解更多的艾滋病知识,健康教育能有效地提高大学生对艾滋病的认识并能转变部分态度,同时大学生存在对艾滋病传播途径认识不清楚的问题.结论:充分利用大学生对艾滋病知识需求高的特点,针对他们的问题所在,开展艾滋病健康教育,提高大学生对艾滋病的认知水平,引导他们正确对待艾滋病。  相似文献   

民族地区高校大学生艾滋病相关知识调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解民族地区高校大学生对艾滋病相关知识的掌握情况,为探索和推广可行的健康教育和行为干预提供科学依据.方法:采用整群抽样法抽取河池学院一至三年级2 300名在校大学生进行匿名自填问卷调查.结果:被调查的大学生中,对艾滋病的三大传播途径知晓率为79.61%;非传播途径知晓率为82.66%;预防知识知晓率为82.09%;82.66%的学生认为对HIV/AIDs值得同情;8.87%学生有过性行为;83.06%的学生希望通过学校获得系统的相关AIDS知识.结论:学生对艾滋病相关知识了解尚不够全面深入,健康教育亟待加强.  相似文献   

对襄樊市1819名大、中专学生进行了艾滋病防治有关知识、性观念、对艾滋病患者的态度、获得艾滋病知识途径的问卷调查,调查结果显示:高职学生对艾滋病传播途径的正确回答率为81.1%。对艾滋病的非传播途径认识较为模糊;艾滋病预防知识的平均正确回答率仅为66.1%;高职学生对艾滋病防治知识的认知程度高于中专学生,而医学类学生又明显高于非医学类学生。襄樊市高职学生对艾滋病的防治知识已有不同程度的了解,但仍需大力加强学校艾滋病健康教育,以阻断艾滋病在青年学生中的传播。  相似文献   

在师范院校开展预防艾滋病同伴教育的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解在师范院校大学生中开展预防艾滋病同伴教育的效果,寻求便捷有效的预防艾滋病健康教育方式。方法:同伴教育采用不计名问卷调查,对教育前、后大学生回答预防艾滋病相关知识、态度正确率进行统计分析。结果:同伴教育后大学生回答预防艾滋病知识和对待艾滋病患者态度的正确率显著提高。结论:同伴教育是师范院校非常有效的预防艾滋病健康教育方式,成立学校健康教育社团组织切实可行。  相似文献   

目的了解医药专科院校大学生对艾滋病知识的掌握情况,为后期进行健康教育提供参考。方法对300名在校一年级大学生进行艾滋病知识及相关问题的问卷调查。结果对血液传播、性接触传播、母婴传播知晓率分别是95.3%、94.0%和92.7%,对胎盘、母乳和产道三种母婴传播的方式知晓率分别为85.3%、76.7%和75.3%。学生获取艾滋病相关知识的主要途径以电视、网络、广播的有85.3%、学校教育的有71.7%、相关书籍的有67.7%、医务人员的有46.0%。65.3%的学生希望学校教育给予艾滋病相关知识分学生对有关防治性病和艾滋病的基本知识以性知识有较高的需求。结论:医学院校大学生对艾滋病相关知识认知情况仍不足,需要进一步加强教育。  相似文献   

了解衢州地区高职学生艾滋病相关知识认知情况,为有效开展高职学生艾滋病健康教育提供依据。方法:按照分层整群抽样的方法对衢州地区2所高职院校502名不同专业学生进行问卷调查。结果:艾滋病相关基础知识,医药类专业学生总体知晓率80%,非医药类学生总体知晓率为65.5%。两者差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);艾滋病相关法律知识,医药类专业学生总体知晓率60.9%,非医药类学生总体知晓率为54.7%。两者知晓率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:衢州地区高职学生艾滋病基础知识认知水平总体良好,但相关法律知识认知情况不容乐观,应积极探索并构建艾滋病健康教育平台,有针对性地开展艾滋病健康教育。  相似文献   

运用自编问卷调查了川北教育学院大学生防治艾滋病健康教育效果,结果健康教育后较教育前学生对艾滋病一般知识及传播途径的了解率有了明显的上升,但在艾滋病相关的有些问题调查中教育前和教育后无明显差异。  相似文献   

为了解武汉大学医学职业技术学院中高职医学生对艾滋病相关知识、态度情况,为学校进一步开展预防艾滋病健康教育提供科学依据,随机选取武汉大学医学职业技术学院中职1~3年级、高职1~2年级医学专业学生,自行设计问卷,以匿名式自填问卷的方法,当场填写并整体回收,调查共发放问卷1121份,收回有效问卷1091份。被调查学生对"共用注射器是否会传播艾滋病"(93.30%)、"输入含HIV的血液是否会感染艾滋病"(92.30%)、"艾滋病病毒是否会母婴传播"(91.66%)三个问题知晓率较高,对"蚊虫叮咬是否会传播艾滋病"知晓率最低(41.61%)。艾滋病知识获取途径依次为大众传媒(90.6%)、学校教育(83.7%)、书籍(73.0%)、医务工作者(64.7%)、同学朋友(56.5%)、家人(22.9%)。对于艾滋病患者,表示愿意与其继续交往的学生占51.7%,表示愿意与其共同进餐,共同学习的学生占30.9%。该院学生对不同艾滋病知识的知晓情况不理想,对艾滋病患者的态度有待改变,需要继续加强艾滋病教育。  相似文献   

运用自编问卷调查了川北教育学院大学生防治艾滋病健康教育效果。结果健康教育后较教育前学生对艾滋病一般知识及传播途径的了解率有了明显的上升,但在艾滋病相关的有些问题调查中教育前和教育后无明显差异。  相似文献   

大学生生殖健康与预防艾滋病的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解大学生生殖健康与预防艾滋病相关知、信、行水平及教育和服务需求情况,采用定量与定性研究的方法,以永州市人口和计划生育委员会编制问卷和访谈提纲调查湖南科技学院学生。结果显示:学生掌握一定的生殖健康知识,但不全面。对婚前性行为、恋爱持开放宽容的态度。14.71%的人表示有过性行为;94.12%的学生认为开展生殖健康和预防艾滋病相关知识教育很有必要。因此,加强对大学生性观念的正确引导、防止大学生成为新的艾滋病高发群体是高校健康教育的重要议题。  相似文献   

对在校大学生艾滋病宣传教育效果的调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着艾滋病在我国的蔓延,经性传播感染艾滋病病毒的高学历人群比例显著增加,在校大学生应该成为预防艾滋病重点人群.本文通过对广东6所高校在校大学生的问卷调查发现:在校大学生的艾滋病相关知识认知度偏低,艾滋病相关态度较为积极,艾滋病相关行为风险性较高;同时由于在校大学生对艾滋病的知识与态度具有显著相关性,且不同的宣传途径对相关的知识、态度、行为的影响不同;因此艾滋病预防教育需要学校、媒体、社会等多方面的配合,政府在其中应起协调和促进作用.  相似文献   

A sample of 34 deaf undergraduate college students at Gallaudet University and 46 hearing undergraduate college students at the University of Maryland Baltimore County completed a questionnaire that asked about their knowledge and sources of information concerning the human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS). The deaf students had significantly lower scores on an "HIV/AIDS Knowledge Index" than the hearing students. This difference could not be explained by the deaf students' gender, class standing, family structure, or father's or mother's education level. The deaf students obtained more of their information about HIV/AIDS from family and friends than the hearing students, who relied to a greater extent on teachers, television, and reading material. The interpersonal sources used by the deaf students are more prone to factual errors than formal sources. Deaf students need methods of educating themselves about HIV/AIDS that are more accurate and that recognize the importance of sources as well as the content of information.  相似文献   

The Life Skills course is offered to Namibian students in grades eight through twelve. It includes lessons on HIV/AIDS, imparting information and equipping them with the necessary psycho-social skills to assist in reducing the risk of becoming infected. Teachers are the impetus for the success of the course. As such, research was undertaken to understand the knowledge, attitudes, and concerns of Namibian Bachelor of Education students in order to be effective HIV/AIDS educators. Findings determine a gap in knowledge about HIV/AIDS-related issues. Moreover, many students indicated reluctance and a lack of self-efficacy to properly implement HIV/AIDS education.  相似文献   

This research investigated the incidence of HIV/AIDS anxiety among students in Botswana. The sample comprised 240 randomly selected students from six schools in three districts in Botswana, with data collected via a questionnaire. Percentages and Chi-square were used to analyze the extent to which the students were anxious about HIV/AIDS and if there was a significant gender difference in this regard. Findings showed that the students were anxious on several fronts about HIV/AIDS; specifically that they and their relations might contract the virus and that they might lose family members. There was gender difference in terms of anxiety about the possibility that relations might become infected. The role of the counsellor in reducing HIV/AIDS anxiety among students in communities living with HIV/AIDS is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper qualitatively compares the responses concerning knowledge about HIV/AIDS prevention methods that were obtained from two cross-culturally different samples of students who were of a sexually active age. Canadian and Zimbabwean education students were sampled. The responses are presented and analyzed with the main purpose of placing the findings in the context of Balmer's (1991) proposal of a unified theory for HIV/AIDS counselling. The major focus of this paper is on HIV/AIDS infection prevention strategies. The differences in responses across the two groups sampled suggest that it would be important to begin individual and group-based prevention strategies with exploration of individual levels of knowledge. Finally, implications for research are discussed.  相似文献   

目的:了解云南戒毒所内吸毒人员开展减低毒品危害,预防艾滋病教育的相关信息,为在该人群中开展艾滋病预防"同伴教育"提供基础资料。方法:采用随机抽样的方法,对2007年1月—2007年3月在云南四个地州市的强制戒毒所的324名戒毒人员进行问卷调查。结果:本次调查的戒毒人员中男性比例高于女性;以20-岁的青壮年未婚初中文化者居多;30-岁注射吸毒比例较高,参与预防艾滋病同伴教育培训率低。结论:加大艾滋病预防"同伴教育"的覆盖范围,开发适合该人群的培训教材,培养大量的同伴教育工作者,落实减低危害预防艾滋病措施势在必行。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to determine the attitudes of Hindu students from a government women's college of South India toward people with AIDS, to assess their beliefs about HIV/AIDS, to determine their knowledge level about HIV/AIDS and to determine how they gain information about HIV/AIDS. The sample consisted of four hundred female students at a government funded Women's University in Southern India who participated in an AIDS survey research project. Participants completed a survey asking about their knowledge, attitudes and beliefs about HIV/AIDS. Results indicated that a majority of the participants learned about HIV/AIDS from reading material while some learned about HIV/AIDS from school classes, and only a few learned from family members. Thirty-nine percent had never communicated to any one about HIV/AIDS. The results indicated that the majority of Indian women in this study did not know about explicit sexual behaviors which transmit the virus. The study also showed that those Indian women university students, by and large, are accepting of people with AIDS but still have fears of getting HIV/AIDS. This data suggest a need to increase educational efforts at the university. It was suggested that counselors take responsibility for helping this population of Indian women become self advocates, particularly in a society which permits men to have multiple sexual relationships. Educators and counselors working with this population must initiate programs that impart accurate and specific knowledge to these female college students and begin to address the multiple psychosocial issues related to HIV/AIDS.  相似文献   

Studies across fields such as science education, health education, health behavior, and curriculum studies identify a persistent gap between the aims of the school curriculum and its impact on students’ thinking and acting about the real-life decisions that affect their lives. The present study presents a different story from this predominant pattern in the literature. Through a year-long ethnographic investigation of a health-focused New York City public high school’s HIV/AIDS and sex education program, this study illustrates a case in which 20 12th grade students respond positively to their education on these topics and largely assert that school significantly influences their perspectives and actions related to sexual health decision-making. This paper presents the following interpretation of this positive influence: school culture influences these students’ perspectives and decisions around sexual health by contributing to the formation of students’ identities. This paper further shows how science learning in particular becomes important for students in relation to decision-making when it is linked to issues of identity. These findings suggest that, in addition to attending to the design of classroom curriculum, HIV/AIDS and sex education researchers and curriculum developers (as well as those in science education focusing on other controversial science topics) might also explore the kinds of relational and school-wide factors that potentially influence students’ identities, decisions, and responses to school learning.  相似文献   

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