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Teacher knowledge: The relationship between caring and knowing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
While everyone acknowledges the importance of the “caring teacher,” little acknowledgment of caring as an issue exists at the level of educational policymaking. This paper presents teacher and researcher stories which describe a teacher's knowledge in practice and argues for recognition of an epistemological role for caring in teaching. The teacher's narratives describe what she knows from caring and being in relationship with her students - her relational knowing (Hollingsworth et al., 1993, 1994)- and how this knowledge alters her pedagogy and the curriculum that is constructed with each student. Caring for the person (Noddings, 1984, 1992) is revealed as central to what the teacher knows. The findings of this research suggest that for the teacher, the relationship between caring and knowing is complex and involves a constant reflective process. In attempting to situate caring within existing theories for teacher knowledge, Elbaz' (1983) structures are found to be too neat and the boundaries too well defined. A construct of teacher knowledge as relational and dynamic is described. This builds upon Lyons' provisional characterization of the epistemological relationship between students and teachers as nested knowing: “that is, students and teachers are considered to have nested, interacting epistemological perspectives” (1990a, p. 162). In this view, knowledge is not limited to what one person knows, but the intersection where the knowing of two persons in-relation overlap and the consequences for student learning (and teacher development) when one of those persons is a teacher.  相似文献   

The teacher's role in the transformation of students' understanding   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The application of constructivist referents for teaching science has received some recent unwarranted criticism. To counter some of the pedagogical criticisms, the teacher's role and actions within a Year 6 science classroom learning community are described. In particular, my interpretation of two teaching episodes shows how the teacher helped a group of students transform their understanding of electrical circuits. The teacher in this study mediated learning by monitoring the transformation of student understanding and negotiating scientific practices—teaching practices which need to be illustrated more fully by researchers to avoid further confusion about the application of idea-based social constructivism. I argue that the teacher's role, from a social constructivist perspective, is to employ whatever strategies are needed to help students develop a deeper understanding of canonical science.  相似文献   

新课程改革对教师的挑战   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前正在进行的基础教育课程改革对教师提出了三个挑战。一是教育观念的转变,要求教师树立新的课程现、学生观、教学观、评价观;二是教学行为的改变,要求教师学会理解,学会宽容,注重帮助和引导,学会反思,学会合作;三是角色的转换,要求教师成为学生学习的促进,成为研究和课程的建设、开发。  相似文献   

During their years of schooling, students develop perceptions about learning and teaching, including the ways in which teachers impact on their learning experiences. This paper presents student perceptions of teacher pedagogy as interpreted from a study focusing on students' experience of Year 7 science. A single science class of 11 to 12 year old students and their teacher were monitored for the whole school year, employing participant observation, and interviews with focus groups of students, their teacher and other key members of the school. Analysis focused on how students perceived the role of the teacher's pedagogy in constructing a learning environment that they considered conducive to engagement with science learning. Two areas of the teacher's pedagogy are explored from the student perspective of how these affect their learning: instructional pedagogy and relational pedagogy. Instructional pedagogy captures the way the instructional dialogue developed by the teacher drew the students into the learning process and enabled them to “understand” science. How the teacher developed a relationship with the students is captured as relational pedagogy, where students said that they learned better when teachers were passionate in their approach to teaching, provided a supportive learning environment and made them feel comfortable. The ways in which the findings support the direction for the middle years and science education are considered.  相似文献   

针对学生认为“在大学英语课堂里学到的不如中学”这一现象,我们对中学和大学英语教与学的各个方面调查了在校大学生的看法。定量、定性分析结果表明:(一)从中学进入大学,影响英语教与学的主要因素发生了变化,在中学依次是教师、学生、教材.教学管理,在大学依次是学生、教师、教学管理、课程设置:(二)影响大学英语教与学的四大要素——学生、教师、教学管理和课程设置,岢未能有效地发挥其在该阶段应该发挥的作用.最后,作者指出在学习阶段的转换中,有效地实现学生角色的转换、教师角色的衔接、教学管理和课程设置的衔接是解决问题的关键,并提出了改齿当前大学英语瓣学的具体措施。  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate first-year student teachers’ teacher identities through their practical theories and ask what these practical theories reveal about their emerging teacher identities? This study approaches teacher identity from a dialogical viewpoint where identity is constructed through various positions. The empirical part of this study analysed the practical theories of 71 first-year student teachers in order to determine what kinds of positions are involved in their teacher identity at the beginning of their teacher education and what positions are emphasised. The results showed that when student teachers begin their teacher education, the majority of positions concern didactical issues, that is, how to promote pupils’ studying and learning processes. In addition, student teachers’ teacher identities as teachers strongly emphasise the moral nature of teaching. Contextual issues about school and society and matters related to content, such as the curriculum, had little representation in first-year student teacher identities. On the basis of the results, the role of teacher education is considered in the process of promoting development of student teachers’ teacher identity during their studies.  相似文献   

教师实践知识形成于教育教学活动中,其完善与发展同教师建构课程的过程具有一致性。教师实践知识是教师在教学中实际运用的知识,它影响课程的诸多要素,比如教师对课程的价值判断、目标定位、内容组织、课程组织方式方法的选择以及课程运行的进程与结果。因此,教师实践知识影响教师对课程的整体建构,它是教师进行教育教学活动的重要资源,是教师解构不合理的课程因素,重新组织课程资源,进而不断生成新课程的知识基础。  相似文献   

Our investigation explored a pedagogy for supervision through a case study of one prospective middle school mathematics teacher during her student teaching semester. Classroom observations by the university supervisor, teaching episode interviews between the supervisor and student teacher, and focused journal reflections by the student teacher were coordinated to challenge the student teacher's existing models of teaching. The emerging pedagogy of the teaching episodes, a central focus of this study, was characterized by (a)the use of open-ended questions that centered the student teacher in the process of sense making; (b) a shift away from the supervisor's direct, authoritative evaluations of the student teacher's practice; (c) a sustained focus throughout supervision derived from the student teacher's classroom experiences; and(d) an effort to maintain sensitivity to the student teacher's zone of proximal development. We found our approach to be coincident with the notion of instructional conversation (IC)advanced by Gallimore and Goldenberg (1992).The nature of the teaching episodes seemed to open the student teacher's zone of proximal development so that her practice of teaching could be mediated with the assistance of a more knowing other. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This study explored the efficacy of promoting a beginning chemistry teacher's curriculum development and teaching practices through the use of computers. Using pictorial analogies, historical cases of science, and discrepant events in a web site designed by the researchers as curricular samples, the beginning teacher was asked to develop similar curriculum for his own teaching. After taking the researchers' advice into account and making adjustments, the beginning teacher implemented the curriculum in his classroom teaching and shared his experience with the researchers by e-mail communications. The teacher's teaching practices both before and after the web site treatment were observed and analyzed. It was found that before the treatment the teacher used the textbook as the only resource of his teaching. Extra curriculum was rarely seen, there were not many student-teacher interactions, and analogies or examples used in his explanation of abstract concepts were not preorganized. On the other hand, after the treatment, the teacher was able to develop suitable curricula by himself for the purpose of increasing student involvement. He also explained the applications of chemical concepts in daily lives and his analogies and demonstrations were well organized. Although the beginning teacher was able to develop curricula after the treatment, many aspects of his teaching can be improved, especially in the areas of student-teacher interaction and the implementation of students activities in science teaching.  相似文献   

What constitutes a good teacher is construed as one who knows content, pedagogy, and student cognitive and emotional development sufficiently. Such role discourse pervades talk about effective teaching among policymakers, the lay public, and to some degree, institutions of teacher education that abide by NCATE-like formulations of program and candidate evaluation. Student teaching is a critical period for identity development of beginning teachers, yet it often lacks the space to work through this process with their peers. We engaged a semester length phenomenological narrative study of ten student teachers in an onsite student teaching seminar. Participants’ stories revealed that a more complete sense of self arose through conflicts encountered and the disjuncture of perceptions and realities of beginning to teach. Based on our analysis of the data, we argue that field-based, reflexive, and situational discourse space has merit as part of the larger teacher education curriculum.  相似文献   

历史新课程与教师角色的转变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着基础教育课程改革的深入,教师角色的转变成为人们日益关注的问题。课堂教学是全面实施素质教育的重要渠道,而教师又是课堂教学的关键。本文围绕教师角色转变这一核心,思考了在新的教育理念的号召下教师角色的几种基本转变形式:一、由“演员”变为学生学习的“导演”;二、由“权威”变成学生学习的“朋友”;三、有时甚至要做“学生的学生”。指出了只有改变过去以教师为教学主体的观念,真正发挥学生的主体作用,才能把素质教育落实到实处,从而真正培养出创造型的科技人才。  相似文献   

Aydeniz and Hodge investigated how college professors negotiate their responsibilities as teachers and as researchers and the rationales behind their pedagogical approaches. Their findings illustrate how difficult it can be to keep the balance between these two responsibilities in a university that does not support professor??s enactment of teaching goals. Thinking identity as a dynamics in self and institutional boundary, Albrecht and Fortney in their forum contribution, expand the analysis of Professor G??s professional identity and conclude that in his case, institutional boundary is impermeable as it values research scientist more than teacher identity. In this forum contribution I emphasize the role of institutional culture in the identitarian process, interpreting the identity and identity formation of a science college teacher within the dynamics of the academic field. I expand the discussion to the other side of the problem, bringing excerpts of an interview with a Physics student from a Brazilian university as an illustration of how the academic habitus can impact the formation of a student??s identity.  相似文献   

课程改革要求教师成为教学过程中的组织者、合作者 (交流者 )、激发者、引导者、革新者。实现教师角色转变是当前课改实验深入发展的关键。全新的语文实验教材为教师角色转变提供了良好基础 ,而创造性地使用教材则是教师角色转变的重要标志 ;建好培训和实验指导网络 ,开发与利用信息化课程资源是教师角色转变的重要支持。  相似文献   

This essay explores my role as a teacher educator within a changing policy and curriculum landscape, including managerial attempts to define acceptable educational ‘outcomes’ and other globalising pressures to regulate education. I interrogate my professional knowledge and experience as a teacher educator, raising questions about the adequacy of my support for student teachers as they enter this new landscape. I conceive the key challenge facing me at the moment as a challenge to my professional identity that requires me to find new ways of understanding and talking about my work (cf. Teaching and Teacher Education 19(1) (2002) 5). The essay might be read as a ‘self study’, in which my ‘self’ is conceived as a function of the networks or relationships in which I operate as a teacher educator and the larger structures that shape my professional world.  相似文献   

伍雪晖 《培训与研究》2006,23(1):103-105
教师在教学过程中,选择和决定作为哪一种角色完成自己的教学行为,将会影响整个课堂的教学效果。新课程理念下,教师的角度定位可以从忠实的倾听者、群体中的首席者、聪明的应变者和改革的引导者等方面进行全新阐释。  相似文献   

罗杰斯的"非指导性"教学模式对大学英语教学的启示   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本从介绍罗杰斯的“非指导性”教学思想着手,通过分析目前我国大学英语教学存在的问题及原因,论述了罗杰斯的教师观、学生观、师生关系观以及他的情感教育学说对大学英语教学的启示。  相似文献   

全面理解教学的含义是理解现代教学论的基础。在现代教学论看来 ,教学是师生和谐共创的意义过程。可以从发展与社会两个方面理解教学的价值。教学的发展价值是其社会价值的前提 ,教学的社会价值是其发展价值的归宿。教学论的主要研究对象是揭示教师、课程与学生之间相互作用的基本原理。教学论具有一定的理论性 ,但更具有鲜明的实践性。师范生学习教学论是教师教育专业化的客观要求 ,有利于他们系统了解比较完整的教育学 ,有利于他们以后搞好教学工作 ,使他们对自己未来的职业有一定的了解 ,增强他们的职业自信。  相似文献   

课程改革由课程开发走向了理解课程,教师在课程改革中的角色与地位也经历了三个发展阶段:课程知识的复制者和传递者;课程的研究者;课程的决策者和开发者.教师已经从一个课程的局外人、中介人变成了真正意义上的主体.在教育实践中,需要从制度、技术、师资等方面不断完善,以切实促进教师主体性作用的发挥.  相似文献   

The main aim of this research is to examine the basic features of student teachers’ professional beliefs about the teacher’s role in relation to teaching mainstream pupils and pupils with developmental disabilities. The starting assumption of this analysis is that teacher professional development is largely dependent upon teachers’ beliefs about various facets of their professional work. These concepts strongly influence the way that teachers teach and the way that they develop as teachers. The participants in the research are 314 student teachers at the Faculty of Teacher Education of the University of Zagreb who are being prepared to teach in lower grades of primary school. The beliefs were explored using a metaphor technique derived from cognitive theory of metaphor. The differences between beliefs about the perceived teacher role in general, and the perceived teacher role in the education of pupils with developmental disabilities were analysed. The results indicate that the dominant belief about the teacher’s role in teaching mainstream pupils is of the teacher as a transmitter of knowledge, while the findings regarding the dominant belief about the teacher’s role in teaching pupils with developmental difficulties appeared to be self-cantered orientation. No differences were found between student teachers at different study levels. The findings are discussed in the light of the curriculum of initial teacher education.  相似文献   

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