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女性期刊作为女性阅读的重要文本,是否具有社会性别意识,对于传播先进性别文化、促进男女平等意义重大。女性角色"出场"的定型化和"在场"的缺席、女性话语介入的矛盾体现、女性期刊编辑社会性别意识的缺失是女性期刊社会性别意识缺乏的主要表现。女性期刊内容应注重女性意识的提炼、加强对女性期刊编辑主体社会性别意识的培训、社会协同支持系统的培育是女性期刊构建社会性别意识的主要路径。  相似文献   

女性期刊“巾帼不让须眉”,成为目前期刊市场的“潮流”。从发行来看,女性读者一直是期刊的最有力的支持者,传媒界一直有“男人看报,女人读刊”的说法;从广告方面,商家都在盯着女人的钱包,所以对女性期刊的广告投入也远远大于其它类别的期刊,这从另一方面支持了女性期刊的蓬勃发展。 因此从内容定位上迎合女性的期刊是大多数。直接定位于女性的“纯女性期刊”仅全国各地妇联系统主办的妇女期刊  相似文献   

刘学峰  陈雄涛 《传媒》2009,(3):52-53
女性期刊大体分为两大类:一类是老牌的妇联系统期刊,大多以《家庭》、《知音》为榜样,另一类则是新型的时尚消费类期刊。本文所谈的是前者,也就是传统的女性期刊,是指靠婚恋、情感、家庭等题材来营造卖点并以女性为主要读者对象的刊物。  相似文献   

近现代女性期刊是研究中国近代女性变革的重要资料,虽冠名"女性"但其主编及主要撰稿人均为男性,这体现了近现代女性解放运动中男性的主导启蒙地位。而以综合性期刊的定位与服务女性的宗旨,客观上夯实了女性解放的学识基础,具有奠基作用。  相似文献   

女性期刊作为女性阅读的重要文本,是否具有社会性别意识,对于传播先进性别文化、促进男女平等意义重大。女性角色"出场"的定型化和"在场"的缺席、女性话语介入的矛盾体现、女性期刊编辑社会性别意识的缺失是女性期刊社会性别意识缺乏的主要表现。女性期刊内容应注重女性意识的提炼、加强对女性期刊编辑主体社会性别意识的培训、社会协同支持系统的培育是女性期刊构建社会性别意识的主要路径。  相似文献   

女性意识缺席是女性期刊的致命伤   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
女性期刊是以女性为目标受众的大众传媒。在我国,女性期刊大多由各级妇联组织主办,以“向女性宣传社会,向社会宣传女性”为办刊宗旨。尽管女性期刊灵活的市场化运作在经营上取得了不小的成就,但女性角色定型化描述造成的女性意识缺席导致了女性期刊一直未能改变文化身份的边缘化状态,并开始成为女性期刊进一步发展的瓶颈。女性期刊的崛起中国女性传媒的真正勃兴发生在20世纪的80年代。1983年广东省妇联的《广东妇女》杂志改名《家庭》与1985年湖北省妇联创办《知音》杂志是女性传媒发展历程中的重要事件。两种期刊以有关婚姻家庭方面的软新…  相似文献   

龙源期刊网是中国目前较大的期刊数字化销售网站之一,目前汇集有国内期刊超过3000余种,由自治区妇联主管主办的《伴侣》杂志自2005年加入其中,在龙源期刊网的点击排行至2011年,已经连续7年排名在前100名。在女性分类项目的点击甚至进入前10名。作为边疆地区的一家女性刊物,在期刊市场激烈  相似文献   

我国的大多数杂志创刊于改革开放初期,就像各级作协有自己的文学刊物一样,各级妇联也创办了自己的机关刊物,这就是今天大部分女性刊物的前身。妇联这种特殊机构的存在本身就昭示着女性的弱势地位,它像三八妇女节一样是一个触目惊心的提醒,是一个性别意味很强的标志性符号,这种意识也不可避免地带进了女性刊物的叙事想象。  相似文献   

许建平 《传媒》2002,(4):31-32
笔者在这里将要谈论的女性期刊,是指妇联机关主管主办的综合类社会文化期刊,它们普遍创刊于20世纪80年代初期或中期,90年代以后,又普遍得到了长足进步与健康发展,成为中国整个期刊市场上的一道亮丽风景线,并且,仅从其在期刊市场上的销售份额来  相似文献   

我国女性期刊经历了繁荣发展后,现已进入焦虑的转型期,内容的定型化、同质化和引领功能的蜕化,使其已经不能满足读者的阅读需求和社会的发展要求,究其原因在于女性刊物中社会性别意识的缺失,而我国传统的男尊女卑的性别秩序则是造成这种缺失的深层机制.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):353-358
The audio and videotapes of actual employment screening interviews conducted at a university placement center were analyzed in order to determine the relationships among certain interviewer verbal behaviors, applicants’ perceptions of their interviewers as empathic listeners, and actual interview outcomes (receiving/not receiving a second interview offer). Analyses revealed the frequency with which interviewers made interruptive statements to be significantly and negatively associated with applicants’ perceptions of empathic listening. However, screening interviews from which second interview offers were eventually made were not differentiated either by applicants’ empathie listening perceptions or interviewers’ empathie listening behaviors from interviews from which no offers were forthcoming.  相似文献   

Sex for Success     
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

文章主要论述女子大学的文化氛围具有明显的性别文化教育作用以及图书馆如何在这种性别文化教育中发挥作用.参考文献4.  相似文献   

The first official transaction of the Institute for Sex Research, when it was incorporated in 1947, was to purchase the research materials and erotica collected by Dr. Alfred C. Kinsey. These materials now form the core of the largest collection of materials relating to human sexual behavior. The library, art, film, and photograph collections are open to qualified scholars and professionals with demonstrable research needs. Although the collections are not open to the general public, access to information contained in the collections is possible through the Information Services Department of the Institute.  相似文献   


Bernstein's theory of code restrictedness was used to predict differences in problem solving efficiency among dyads structured to assure a comparison of messages crossing or not crossing code boundaries. A small set of dyads (16) were drawn from three subcultures represented in a high school equivalency training program and from middle class age mates. Dyads were tested on their success in communicating the solutions to two puzzles. While small sample size made statistical tests insensitive, results and even trends within the data largely failed to confirm expectations based on Bernstein's theory.  相似文献   

This study predicted that (a) male recipients evaluate aggressive messages as more appropriate than female recipients, and (b) the magnitude of this difference varies as a function of contextual parameters. A total of 249 college-aged students responded to hypothetical scenarios to evaluate the influence of sex of the message recipient, sex of the message source, relationship type, and privacy level of the communication setting on recipients’ evaluations of appropriateness of aggressive communication. Results indicated that male recipients evaluate aggressive messages as more appropriate than female recipients, and this main effect was moderated by sex of the message source, relationship type, and privacy level. The discussion highlights the subjective experience of aggression for male and female recipients.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the empirical evidence of sex differences in stress dynamics and proposes a framework for examining the sources of these differences. Nineteen studies indicate that women tend to report higher rates of psychological distress and that men are more prone to severe physical illness. Explanations for these findings are posited and reviewed. They indicate gaps, ambiguities, and inconsistencies in the existing research. An agenda for future research is suggested.  相似文献   


This article analyzes data gathered over a year-long survey of library employees' opinions of sexually related materials in library collections. Surveys generally examine patron attitudes rather than the attitudes of library employees, whose attitudes and beliefs can have a strong effect on the collection. The researchers discovered themes in the data, such as varying definitions and differences between pornography and erotica, legality issues and misconceptions, differing perceptions of censorship dependent on library type, and a possible lack of acceptance of non-heteronormative material. The survey and analysis serve as a contribution to the ongoing discussion of appropriateness of sexually related materials in libraries.  相似文献   

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