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噬菌体抗体库技术是一种以噬菌体为载体,将外源抗体库基因插入到噬菌体衣壳蛋白基因中,并组装出具有扩增能力且在噬菌体表面无缺损表达抗体的融合噬菌体的技术。噬菌体抗体库技术已广泛运用于单克隆抗体的研发,它相对于传统的筛选技术,在时间周期,抗体类型,筛选范围,经济成本等有较为突出的优势。本文主要介绍噬菌体抗体库技术的原理、类型、运用以及最新研究进展。  相似文献   

噬菌体展示技术是制备人源抗体、小分子抗体和其它各类抗体的重要平台,在抗体药物研发中有着广泛应用,本文就噬菌体展示技术的基本原理、优势及其应用现状进行综述。  相似文献   

介绍了利用DNA重组技术将具有特定功能的外源基因导入乳酸菌受体,改善菌株在噬菌体抗性、产细菌素、胞外多糖等生理特性的最新进展,以及在食品发酵生产方面的应用前景。  相似文献   

介绍了利用DNA重组技术将具有特定功能的外源基因导入乳酸菌受体,改善菌株在噬菌体抗性、产细菌素、胞外多糖等生理特性的最新进展,以及在食品发酵生产方面的应用前景。  相似文献   

中科院天津工业生物技术所江会锋研究组运用核糖体图谱技术获得了λ-噬菌体基因表达的高分辨率图谱。该研究将核糖体图谱技术应用于λ-噬菌体的溶菌生长过程中,以获得λ-噬菌体蛋白表达图谱,  相似文献   

正迄今最大噬菌体被发现病毒到底是不是生命?目前未有定论。主流观点认为,病毒不是生命。是否拥有核糖体和蛋白翻译功能是区分细菌和病毒、生命与非生命的主要特征之一。然而,新发现的一些巨型噬菌体却令生命与非生命的界限变得模糊起来。噬菌体是一类专门感染细菌的病毒。研究人员检索了一个噬菌体DNA数据库,  相似文献   

近年来,发展起来的噬菌体呈现抗体库技术,为人源性抗体的制备提供了保证。我们采用G杆菌J内毒素类脂A蛋白为抗原免疫健康志愿者,结合噬菌体表面呈现抗体库技术,构建了人源性噬菌体Fab抗体库,用固相抗原递减法经“吸附-洗脱-扩增”3轮富集筛选获得34个阳性克隆。在噬菌体pcomb载体DNA中有重、轻链基因片段的插入,其大小为660bp,任选2个阳性克降制备可溶性表达Fab抗体重组质粒,  相似文献   

1962年生物反应器动物细胞培养的浪潮席卷全球,其可以作为生物工厂进行外源蛋白的大规模生产。目前,生物反应器技术在全世界范围内发展较为迅速,并在生物制药领域有了较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

毕赤酵母具有原核生物易于培养、繁殖快、便于基因工程操作和高密度发酵等特性,同时又具有真核生物中蛋白正确折叠所需的细胞内环境和糖链加工系统,还能将外源蛋白分泌到培养液中,利于纯化,因此,毕赤巴斯德酵母成为近年来发展最为迅速,应用也最为广泛的外源基因表达系统。本文主要介绍了毕赤酵母常见表达载体,提高表达量的对策,以及该表达系统在基因工程抗体方面的一些应用现状。  相似文献   

双向凝胶电泳(2DE)是公认的分离效率高的整体蛋白质分离技术,是复杂蛋白及其蛋白组学研究的标准分离技术,2DE与生物质谱结合被认为是展示和规模化分析蛋白质,特别是蛋白质组的常规技术.并且,2DE的第一向等电聚焦电泳(IEF)和第二向聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE)等可单独用于上述领域的日常分离分析与生物制品质量控制等工作,应用广泛.  相似文献   

在上个世纪二、三十年代,曾经有一场轰轰烈烈的关于噬菌体发现优先权之争。参与者分别来自法国、英国和比利时。最终尘埃落定则是在四十年代,美国的噬菌体群体的研究工作发表之后。时隔半个多世纪,重新审视这段历史,当年很多谜团的答案都已经成了生物学常识,但它所昭示的科学发现规律却历久弥新:突破性的成就,往往是由一些非正统的研究者作出的,因为他们最少受到既定理论藩篱的限制。然而这样的学者,又总要为其特立独行付出代价——科研群体组成中属于大多数的正统学者在相当长的时间内很难接受他们的观点。这一方面源于知识发展的惰性,毕竟他们的理论太超前了;另一方面也源于科研群体的门第观念。再伟大的学者也不可能超越人性,科学的世界里没有神。  相似文献   

BackgroundLytic bacteriophages are bacterial viruses that upon infection kill their host cells and therefore have re-emerged as biological control agents of bacterial pathogens, particularly in the field of food related infections. Here, we investigated the stability in different food matrices of five phage isolates capable of controlling the foodborne pathogen Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis (SE).ResultsWe found that two phages, originally isolated from food sources, were up to 5 logs more stable than three phages isolated from sewage, in ten food matrices (fresh and processed) at both 4°C and 18°C.ConclusionLytic phages isolated from contaminated food sources seem to be a better choice when structuring phage cocktails to be used in the control of SE in food management protocols.  相似文献   

The most important objectives that are frequently found in bio-analytical chemistry involve applying tools to relevant medical/biological problems and refining these applications. Developing a reliable sample preparation step, for the medical and biological fields is another primary objective in analytical chemistry, in order to extract and isolate the analytes of interest from complex biological matrices. Since, main inborn errors of metabolism (IEM) diagnosable through uracil analysis and the therapeutic monitoring of toxic 5-fluoruracil (an important anti-cancerous drug) in dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase deficient patients, require an ultra-sensitive, reproducible, selective, and accurate analytical techniques for their measurements. Therefore, keeping in view, the diagnostic value of uracil and 5-fluoruracil measurements, this article refines several analytical techniques involved in selective recognition and quantification of uracil and 5-fluoruracil from biological and pharmaceutical samples. The prospective study revealed that implementation of molecularly imprinted polymer as a solid-phase material for sample preparation and preconcentration of uracil and 5-fluoruracil had proven to be effective as it could obviates problems related to tedious separation techniques, owing to protein binding and drastic interferences, from the complex matrices in real samples such as blood plasma, serum samples.  相似文献   

人造生命是多种学科交叉、高新技术集成的系统工程,随着科学技术的发展,特别是基因组全人工合成技术的形成,这个梦想的实现开始变得可能。噬藻体是原核藻类(蓝细菌)的病原,结构相对简单,人工合成噬藻体、阐明其感染并杀灭蓝细菌的分子机制,有望实现对水华蓝藻的噬藻体控制,并可为人工合成更复杂的生命形式奠定理论基础和技术基础。  相似文献   

通过如何避免PowerBuiler9.0弹出系统错误的实例,阐述DataWindows错误处理机制,介绍一些关键数据处理技巧。  相似文献   

The growing field of miniaturized diagnostics is hindered by a lack of pre-analysis treatments that are capable of processing small sample volumes for the detection of low concentration analytes in a high-throughput manner. This letter presents a novel, highly efficient method for the extraction of low-molecular weight (LMW) proteins from biological fluids, represented by a mixture of standard proteins, using integrated microfluidic systems. We bound a polydimethylsiloxane layer patterned with a microfluidic channel onto a well-defined nanoporous silica substrate. Using rapid, pressure-driven fractionation steps, this system utilizes the size-exclusion properties of the silica nanopores to remove high molecular weight proteins while simultaneously isolating and enriching LMW proteins present in the biological sample. The introduction of the microfluidic component offers important advantages such as high reproducibility, a simple user interface, controlled environment, the ability to process small sample volumes, and precise quantification. This solution streamlines high-throughput proteomics research on many fronts and may find broad acceptance and application in clinical diagnostics and point of care detection.  相似文献   

BackgroundJatropha curcas is a wide-spreading latex-rich biodiesel plant with high oil content in seeds that have always been under intense studies. However, studies are lacking on the latex component that is considered rich in proteins with potentially important physiological functions and secondary metabolites that are a promising source for new drugs. The proteomic analysis, which would be the first step to study these substances, was hampered by the presence of interfering components. Phenol extraction and Trichloroacetic acid (TCA)/acetone extraction, two major plant proteomic isolation methods, were used and compared in this study.ResultsWe identified 459 proteins from the J. curcas latex proteome using the combination of the two extraction techniques. Although more number of latex proteins were identified by the phenol extraction (401 proteins vs. 123 proteins by the TCA/acetone extraction), only 65 proteins were commonly isolated by both methods. Analysis of the biochemical properties revealed that relatively more number of lower isoelectric point (pI) proteins were isolated by the TCA/acetone method (pI mode: 4.79, 6.51 for phenol). Moreover, GO, COG, and KEGG analyses showed that certain classes/categories/pathways annotated more number of proteins than others, and most of them had proportionally comparable protein counts by both the methods, however, with exemplified exceptions.ConclusionsA large number of proteins were found and exclusively identified by either method, indicating that a better proteome coverage of plant samples in a similar context needs the combined use of multiple isolation methods. In addition, the core biological function of the latex may be uncovered by certain GO, COG, and KEGG classes/categories/pathways that annotate more proteins.  相似文献   

Until comparatively recently the only systematic means of discovering new biologically active substances was laboriously to screen very large numbers of compounds. Now, however, computer graphics is replacing this crude shotgun technique and making it possible to display in some detail the conformation of substances before they are synthesized and determine how far they match the essential features of those in which the biological activity desired has already been demonstrated.  相似文献   

生命科学发展日新月异,伴随着大量实验技术的更新,生物大数据逐渐产生并在生命科学研究中扮演着日益重要的角色。首先,生物大数据具有多样性和复杂性,包括基因组数据、表观基因组数据、蛋白质组数据等多种类型。这些数据为研究人员提供了更全面的信息,有助于揭示生命现象背后的规律。其次,数据驱动的生命科学新发展和应用涵盖了基因编辑、精准医疗、药物研发等诸多领域,为人类健康和生命质量提供了前所未有的可能性。然而,生命科学研究大数据时代也面临着包括数据存储、数据共享、隐私保护等多方面的问题,以及如何将海量数据转化为可靠的科学发现等挑战。文章简要概括了生物数据推动生命科学的发展规律,梳理了生物大数据组成、特点及来源,阐述并讨论了数据驱动的生命科学研究新范式下的共性问题和我国面临的挑战。  相似文献   

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