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利用logit模型,对国内某高校1874份博士学位论文盲审结果进行统计分析,探索影响博士学位论文盲审合格率和总体评价的关键影响因素。实证结果表明,论文所能体现的作者的科研能力是影响论文盲审合格率的最显著因素,而论文研究内容的创新性则和论文的总体评价息息相关;不同学科的学位论文水平有明显差异;不同专家对论文合格线的把控差距较大,盲审环节存在无法完全筛选出合格学位论文的问题。  相似文献   

博士学位论文评审是关乎博士生能否获得博士学位的重要环节,既关乎公民受教育权又涉及高校自主管理权。我国20世纪90年代引入与确立博士学位论文盲审制度,在加强博士学位论文质量管理、保障和提升博士学位论文质量方面发挥了重要作用,但从首批42所一流大学建设高校的规范性文件中发现,我国博士学位论文盲审制度存在合法性与合理性两个方面的正当性问题,为此从主体、行为、程序、救济四个层面提出了优化路径。  相似文献   

基于问卷调查,分析了我国部分高校博士学位论文的评审情况、论文评审制度及实施效果.提出如下政策建议:按照学科特点细化评价指标、增强评审专家的责任意识、继续推行论文盲审、建立和完善盲审复议制度以及加快评审工作信息化.  相似文献   

学位论文盲审是提升研究生培养质量的重要手段,公平盲审是发挥盲审裁定权的重要前提。采用统计调研法,以B高校两专业45位博士生合计135份学位论文盲审数据为样本,对样本中分项内容的盲审分歧、盲审结果的最大分差、熟悉程度对盲审结果的影响、盲审结果与论文后期表现的关系等方面展开分析,并对盲审制及改进策略展开讨论。研究表明:盲审有利于自由裁量权的发挥,在盲审中普遍存在轻微分歧,个体遭遇的中等分歧比重偏高,可接受的盲审结果却未必是公正的结果。不公正的评价更容易发生在平均成绩较差的学位论文中,权威的可谬性更容易发生在高估的场景中。对评审内容自我感觉越熟悉,越敢于给出负面或正面评价,而熟悉程度仅为"一般"的评阅人,其评审结果未必精准。从学位论文的后期表现而言,对于被延期学生而言,否定性的盲审结果是相对客观的,但对于非延期学生的评价,盲审分歧之中有可能存在不当评价。未来,有必要在建立统一的网络化评审平台的基础上,改善盲审评审前、评审中、评审后的各个环节,让盲审更大程度地回归学位论文本体的评价之中。  相似文献   

博士学位论文是博士生培养成果的集中体现,博士学位论文质量代表高校人才培养的质量,而聘请同行专家评阅论文是检验和确保博士学位论文质量的重要手段,也是当前各高校进行博士学位授予的主要依据。通过回顾与分析现行的博士学位论文评阅工作,探讨建设与高水平大学相适应的博士学位授予管理模式,研究和思考了论文评阅中存在的问题,提出了问题和解决思路。  相似文献   

通过对某“985工程”建设大学1716篇博士学位论文评阅结果的统计分析,探求了博士学位论文质量评价的内容要素和影响因素.实证结果表明,博士生掌握理论基础知识方面得到的评价最高,而在创新性方面得到的评价最低;明审的各项评价指标均明显高于盲审,但盲审专家对论文质量的分歧更大;分年度统计指标均值差别不大,分学科统计方面,理学、工学、管理学论文得分依次降低,且评阅综合评价和四项分指标的走势完全一致.对评阅综合评价与分项指标之间进行了多元线性回归分析,进一步探讨了博士学位论文质量评价体系问题,反思了现行博士学位论文评阅制度存在的问题,提出了具体的改进措施与建议.  相似文献   

全国优秀博士学位论文评选是教育部《面向二十一世纪教育振兴行动计划》的一个重要项目。评选工作在教育部和国务院学位委员会领导下,由教育部研究生工作办公室负责组织进行。全国学位与研究生教育发展中心评估所受教育部研究生工作办公室的委托,负责具体实施全国优秀博士学位论文评选的通讯评议等工作。根据《全国优秀博士学位论文评选办法》(见教研[1999]2号文件)的有关规定,全国优秀博士学位论文经学位授予单位推荐、初选和复评(通讯评议和专家审定会审定)后产生。评选结果向社会公布,并设立为期60天的异议期,接受社会各界的监…  相似文献   

刘进等学者对我国教育博士学位论文进行文本分析,认为其学术化的趋势不断恶化,影响到教育博士生的培养以及专业学位的声誉。对北京大学、北京师范大学两校教育博士学位论文的内容分析以及同行评议表明,教育博士学位论文具有较为明显的专业化特征,但仍存在理论素养欠缺等误区,限制了教育博士专业学位的专业性。学位论文作为教育博士的终极性评价依据,迫切需要发展其有别于学术学位论文的独特属性。我国教育博士生培养可以借鉴美国等国的行动研究、团体研究报告等学位论文新形式,并对课程设置、教学方法、培养模式等进行相应改革。  相似文献   

自2010年至2012年,合肥工业大学化工学院连续三年实施硕士研究生学位论文盲审制度。本文通过介绍学院盲审实施的过程,肯定了盲审对提高研究生论文质量,促进研究生高水平论文的发表有积极的作用,同时也分析了现存盲审工作中的不足,并进一步阐述了改进与优化盲审制度的探索性建议。  相似文献   

学位论文盲审区域合作的实践研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
学位论文盲审是研究生学位论文质量保障体系中的重要环节.认为现有论文盲审方式存在着评审专家的研究方向、论文评价体系、论文传递方式等方面的不足.提出学位论文盲审区域合作的办法,认为这是符合研究生教育区域合作新要求和有效解决现有不足的有效措施之一.  相似文献   

Involving students in peer review has many pedagogical benefits, but few studies have explicitly investigated relationships between the content of peer reviews, student perceptions and assessment outcomes. We conducted a case study of peer review within a third-year undergraduate subject at a research-intensive Australian university, in which we examined: (1) students’ perceptions of the peer review process before and after peer review, (2) content of the peer reviews and what kinds of feedback were adopted and (3) the effect of participation in peer review on performance (grades) in the assessment task. Students overwhelmingly perceived peer review to be beneficial, and the opportunity to participate in peer review resulted in a significant improvement in the quality of work submitted for assessment. Students who benefited most from peer review were those of below-median performance, and the magnitude of benefit was related to the degree to which students engaged with the peer review process. Our study confirms that participation in peer review can lead to important improvements in performance and learning outcomes.  相似文献   

提高科技期刊专家审稿质量的途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了使专家审稿的过程更加快速有效,从审稿专家的选取、审稿方式和方法的选择、审稿过程的控制等方面对提高科技期刊专家审稿质量的途径进行了分析,只有在正确的审稿专家选择原则的指导下,采用正确的审稿方式和方法,并对审稿过程进行合理的控制,才能使审稿专家对刊物有更加深入的了解,从而更加准确地把握稿件的学术质量。  相似文献   

本研究在某高校英语专业二年级泛读课程的名著阅读活动中引入同伴互评方法,结果发现:同伴在语言形式方面的批阅多于内容方面的批阅;同伴互评的正确率较高,而且有逐渐提高的趋势。同伴互评在一定程度上提高了学生阅读和撰写文章的认真程度。与教师评阅相比,同伴批阅没有明显的劣势。学生通过互评深化了对名著的理解,拓宽了思路;相互启发和督促,提高了写作水平,增进了彼此的了解,而且为未来的职业训练作了一定的铺垫。  相似文献   

This article argues that the pedagogical and scholarly benefits of open peer review far outweigh those of traditional double-blind peer review, but require a shift in our perspective of the function and value of peer review – from a gate-keeping process, toward a supportive, constructive process of collaboration between peers and mentors.  相似文献   

The Paradox of Peer Review: Admitting too Much or Allowing too Little?   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Peer review – the means by which one's equals assess the quality of one's scholarly work – has been used to determine academic merit for more than three centuries. Although the results of academic peer reviews are frequently challenged, peer review continues to be a commonplace of academic life. In the present scholarship climate, challenges to peer review come primarily from two sides. On one side there are those who believe that high academic standards are not being upheld by peer review panels, thus admitting weak proposals, people, programs, and articles. On the other side there are those who believe that review panels uphold conventional standards, thus disqualifying innovative projects and worthy people with diverse perspectives. In this article, I take up these two challenges. Together, they reveal a paradox of the current system of peer review: Both sides are right. And, the paradox has led to increased fragmentation within the field of educational research. Yet, despite the limitations of peer review, no viable alternatives exist. Thus, I will argue that the best we can do is to re-consider what we mean by merit in educational research, and to train new educational researchers in ways that expand their ability to judge merit broadly.  相似文献   

This paper describes the teaching of psychological report writing at Karolinska Institutet and the efforts to improve it through the introduction of formative assessment applied as peer and teacher review. 48 fourth-year psychology students were required to write a psychological report. Half of the students also participated in a non-mandatory peer review of a first draft. All students handed in a preliminary version of the report, had it reviewed by the teachers and made alterations before handing in a final version. The results showed that both peer review and teacher review were valuable methods in the teaching of psychological report writing.  相似文献   

本研究的目的是探讨同伴互评作文对中国非英语专业本科生写作能力的影响。为了达到研究目的,进行了一项准实验研究。实验组在写作中采用同伴互评作文的方法,控制组采用自评作文的方法。本实验发现:除了两组学生都不能对作文的宏观方面进行有效的修改外,同伴互评作文在其它方面显著优于自评作文。  相似文献   

The aim of this review in the form of a realist synthesis is to understand what makes peer (student) teacher learning activities effective. Three types of peer learning were explored: collaborative, coaching, and assessment activities. Hypotheses were developed and tested against a set of 63 studies. These hypotheses indicated what mechanisms (i.e., characteristics of the activities) would influence the effectiveness of the activities and which contexts (i.e., factors) influenced this process. Findings showed that activities wherein participants gain subject matter and pedagogical content knowledge and apply this into practice made such learning effective. Peer learning is also reinforced by facilitators, reflection, and feedback, and influenced by personal and interpersonal factors. The main contribution of this realist synthesis is the practical implications for developers of peer learning activities, for school leaders and teacher educators, and for (student) teachers.  相似文献   

运用独立样本T检验的研究方法,在对同伴互评在英语专业一年级学生写作课的功效进行实证研究基础上,通过同伴互评对学生写作能力影响的评价,发现大部分同学对写作课上同伴互评的教学模式持肯定态度,表明同伴互评是英语写作教学的一种有效方式。  相似文献   

As part of a mixed-methods doctoral project, this study drew on an interview, bracketed by two surveys, with experienced Australian reviewers. It explored questions about the contributions of peer review, the need and possibility to improve it and the driving factors for reviewers to contribute voluntarily. The respondents emphasised the essential status of peer review, especially for ensuring quality in research and publication. They also acknowledged its contributions of gatekeeping, establishing credibility and authority, building capacity, improving quality and facilitating disciplinary dialogue. They indicated there had been no significant change to peer review, and nearly half of them indicated no change was needed. A strong sense of faith and a high level of tolerance of the deficiencies in peer review were evident, which appeared to be related to the awareness that for most problems there was no obvious solution and to an appreciation of the voluntary nature of the task. This faith and tolerance, along with the complex nature of peer review, partially explained why it was so difficult to make any change to it. There is one area where the respondents were keen to see improvement – they called for their contribution as reviewers to be recognised in a more explicit manner, especially by employing institutions. The study calls into question how long a voluntary system can endure.  相似文献   

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