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美国教师教育之“品性”标准探微   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当代美国教师教育的标准可分为三个维度:知识、技能、品性。它与传统标准不同之处在于"品性"取代了原有的"态度"成为新的一维。"品性"标准的提出克服了教师道德教育忽视实际工作表现的缺点,把教师道德教育的理论标准与实践紧密结合起来。教师品性的评价主要借助观察。"品性"标准最大问题在于缺乏一个明确的评价标准。  相似文献   

2002年全美教师教育认证委员会提出将专业品性纳入教师教育标准,使得这一概念成为当代美国教师教育中倍受关注和争议的新元素,虽然至今尚无统一的专业品性定义,但是品性内涵突出教师专业道德,聚焦教师行为表现,获得了广泛的认可,美国教师教育理念由此刷新。  相似文献   

2002年全美教师教育认证委员会提出将"专业品性"纳入教师教育标准,使得这一概念成为当代美国教师教育中倍受关注和争议的新元素,虽然至今尚无统一的专业品性定义,但是品性内涵突出教师专业道德,聚焦教师行为表现,获得了广泛的认可,美国教师教育理念由此刷新。  相似文献   

“品性”是美国教师教育评估中的新标准.文章阐述了品性评估的内涵.在实践层面,论述了美国威斯康星州艾尔福娄学院(Alverno College)品性评估的实践操作情况.探讨了影响品性评估的因素,并对品性评估进行了思考.  相似文献   

教师倾听是一种"润物细无声"的实践活动,智慧是其内在和必然的品性,教育目的的实现与个体的完善都离不开教师的智慧性倾听。教师倾听的"智慧"品性主要表现为教师对教育的敏感性、理解力,对学生的关怀力,对知识的贯通力。在具体的教学过程中,通过聆听学生,谛听自我,细听"他者",教师倾听的"智慧"品性能够得到提升。  相似文献   

论教师实践智慧   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
教师实践智慧的三个要义及各自的实现途径为 :一是教师对教育合理性的追求。从教育主体看 ,它要求教师在经验和公共教育理论之间有意识地建构合理的个人教育理论 ;从教育过程看 ,它要求教师把课程文本当作师生进行理解的“引子”,在师生已有前理解的基础上建构共有知识 ,发展共享理解 ;从教育评价看 ,它要求教师对学生进行基于形成性评价的终结性评价。二是教师对当下教育情景的感知、辨别与顿悟。这要求教师首先要打破对教育常规的过分依赖 ;其次要树立在教育情景中反思的意识 ;再次要确立更具弹性的新教育常规。三是教师对教育道德品性的彰显。在目的维度方面 ,教师要消解认知主义 ,注重学生德、智、体和知、情、行的共生共长 ;在关系维度方面 ,教师要在课堂教学和主题班会中发展主体间意义的师生关系  相似文献   

一、美国公民教育教师项目简介 在美国,尽管家庭、宗教机构、媒体、协会、社区等机构会影响到学生的公民知识和参与,但学校对于公民的培养负有特别的职责。学校通过开设正规和非正规课程对学生进行完整系统的教育,培养学生成为有知识、有能力和有品性的公民。公民教育对保存和改进宪政民主是至关重要的。  相似文献   

"通过设计促进理解",是目前美国学校广泛推行的一种教育教学理念。其课程的设计完全取决于教师的品性,即专业、亲切和责任三大品性。以美国加利福尼亚州立大学长滩分校物理课教学为例,阐述了该教学理念"以生为本"的教学模式及其技术支持环境,并据此提出了促进我国大学教学改革的几点建议。  相似文献   

美国通过评价来切实保障教师教育课程的质量。美国的教师教育课程评价大体可以分为教师教育机构外部专业组织开展的认证和机构内部的学生学习评价两部分。美国专业组织开展的教师教育认证由于标准的清晰性、人员的专业性、过程的规范性、结果的透明性,能够对教师教育专业及其课程起到重要的指导与监督作用。美国教师教育机构内的各门课程都非常重视对学生学习过程和结果的评价,作品评价、表现性评价和成长记录袋评价等评价策略得到广泛使用。这启发我们,应该重视对教师教育课程评价的研究并切实改进我们的评价实践。  相似文献   

互联网时代为在线教育的发展带来了新契机,在线教学环境也催生出新型教学方式.教师品性作为教学实施的行动理念与行为评价准则,不仅规范着教师的行为表现,也影响着教师的专业发展.本研究对欧美国家教师品性相关理论及实践研究进行梳理,构建了以社会互动理论为基础,以认知临场、教学临场、社交临场三维临场为框架,以多层次教师行为表现为核心的在线教师品性特征模型,并对特征模型中的要素进行相关性量化验证分析.在线教师品性的研究是对在线教师价值观体现、特质倾向、潜在教学行为的描述,能够促进在线教师加强教学反思、完善教学策略、提升教学效果,也有利于教师的专业发展.  相似文献   

A standards-based admission process for qualifying caring and competent candidates for teacher preparation is presented. The major elements of the admission process include prerequisite standards that address the knowledge, dispositions, and skills candidates should possess upon entrance to the teacher education program; multiple assessments that evaluate the prerequisite standards; and an admission interview process that involves collaboration of arts and sciences faculty, education faculty, undergraduate students, and professionals from the field. A unique aspect of the admission process is its strong focus on dispositional standards. Emphasis is placed on qualifying future teachers into teacher education programs based upon demonstrated evidence of their meeting defensible and education community supported admission standards.  相似文献   

This study is based on an intervention designed to enhance early childhood teacher candidates' critical thinking abilities. The concept, elements, standards, and traits of critical thinking were integrated into the main course contents, and the effects of the intervention were examined. The results indicated that early childhood teacher candidates' dispositions toward critical thinking significantly increased after the intervention. In addition, their knowledge about critical thinking and ability to apply critical thinking in their own learning showed growth as well. Curricula implications for early childhood teacher preparation programs and instructional practices for teacher educators are discussed.  相似文献   

Recently, schools of education throughout the country have struggled with how to infuse, teach, and assess dispositions in systematic ways within their teacher education programs. This necessary and important work has proved to be time-consuming challenging. The following article describes the four-step process that the authors are currently engaged in, which includes clearly defining dispositions; determining how this definition is best operationalized; determining the types of assessments needed to evaluate the desired degree of competence; and analyzing the data on these assessments for the purpose of program revision. Throughout each of these steps, the critical process of communication and support is discussed.  相似文献   

This article highlights the importance of nurturing preservice teachers as they develop the dispositions essential to establish empowering relationships with children’s families. The authors identify and describe several key dispositions necessary for working with families and offer suggestions for ways that these elements might be integrated into early childhood teacher preparation programs.  相似文献   

四年制和五年制教师培养方案是美国教师职前培养的两种主要方式。文章从学制和学位、录取条件、课程设置和培养效果等方面对两种教师教育方案进行了比较分析。中国可以借鉴关国的经验,设置多样化、多层次的教师培养方案,要注意师范教育课程中学术性和专业性课程的均衡以及加强教师培养中对实地经验的重视。  相似文献   

This paper reports on a case study of an online pre-service teacher education course in a New Zealand university aimed at exploring the potential of student-generated podcasts as a form of interactive formative assessment at a distance. The study was part of a wider two-year funded project with the overall goal of documenting, developing, and disseminating effective and innovative e-learning practice. Findings from lecturer and tutor interviews, student focus group (FG) discussion, and course evaluations indicate that the podcasting task provided opportunities for the course lecturer, tutors, and students to learn and share ideas with one another. The experience empowered students to develop the skills and confidence to initiate more independent inquiry into technologies to support their pedagogical purposes. The study contributes to a better understanding of the skills, dispositions, and knowledge needed to prepare teacher candidates for teaching-learning contexts where information and communication technologies are increasingly pivotal.  相似文献   

In this conceptual paper, we provide a heuristic that organizes dispositions in a manner that is useful for prospective teachers and teacher educators. The heuristic is organized around three domains of dispositions – intellectual, cultural, and moral. We use a small sample of teacher candidate journal entries to ground the discussion of each disposition domain. Our goal is to explore how teacher candidates are inclined to think through issues of content and pedagogy, the cultural backgrounds of their students, and the values driving their moral reasoning. A significant part of this exploration includes examining teacher candidate assumptions. We offer recommendations for how teacher education programs can provide opportunities for prospective teachers to consider their dispositions and to identify how their dispositions influence teaching decisions.  相似文献   


This research examined the legal climate regarding admissions and retention in teacher preparation programs as well as the current practices of selected programs. The study utilized legal/archival research and an on‐line survey of 27 universities. Findings indicated that the legal parameters regarding admission and retention fall under the expectations established for other types of professional training. University officials have great latitude to make professional judgments. The survey found that most institutions have formal admission and retention policies, though the admission policies are more fully developed. Many universities reported having formal policies to consider student dispositions for teaching, though no single policy is used by more than one third of the universities surveyed (most employ informal means). Conclusions include that teacher preparation programs have more legal latitude than is being employed for admission and retention decisions, and it is recommended that the field establish professional norms for retention policies and assessing student dispositions for teaching.  相似文献   

美国从颁布《不让一个孩子掉队》法案以来,教师质量问题成为改革的中心议题。美国教育改革者主张,师范生如果在大学里准备不够充分,就不可能达到优质教师的标准。21世纪初美国教育部建立"有效的教师准备课程国家奖励项目",目的是通过优质教师教育课程评选,有力推动师范生达成高学术性标准,成为有效教师。因而,教师教育课程开发和变革成为当前美国教师教育改革的重大主题。  相似文献   

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