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CAS在阿达穆诉国际足联一案中揭示了认定证据可采性的主要法律依据与援引方式,仲裁庭对此具有较大裁量权。法律依据包括瑞士《联邦国际私法典》、《瑞士民法典》、《国际足联纪律准则》、《欧洲人权公约》、学者著述以及瑞士联邦最高法院、欧洲人权法院、CAS、国际仲裁与投资争议解决机构的判例,呈现出以瑞士法律规范为中心,综合适用其他相关规范的多元化特征;认定刑事法律规范及诉讼程序法律不适用于体育仲裁、体育组织规则中的证据规定将得到优先适用、仲裁庭可以采用非法证据,且证据可采性的判断结果须受到瑞士程序性公共政策的限制。然而,CAS仲裁庭援引法律和裁量说理并无标准,适用刑事法律存在疑惑,体育纪律处罚案件的性质、CAS处理纪律案件的矫正目的,要求其适用相对稳定的法律规范,降低裁量的灵活性,对此,CAS应制定相关的裁量标准及证据规则,并可通过建立指导性案件查询系统在一定程度上弥补仲裁法律规则的不足,从而规范仲裁庭裁量,确保体育争议的公正有效解决。  相似文献   

无正当理由终止合同赔偿是职业足球的常见问题。通过解决此类争议,国际体育仲裁院(CAS)形成了无正当理由终止合同赔偿的独特法理。采用案例分析法、比较研究法和归纳法,对职业足球无正当理由终止合同赔偿的CAS法理进行研究。研究认为,CAS首先适用特殊条款和不可抗力原则,然后适用"积极利益"原则并根据客观标准计算赔偿,通过遵循基于公平、诚信的"有约必守"原则和适用"积极利益"原则的威慑作用,以维持职业足球的合同稳定。通过对涉中国俱乐部的典型判例进行分析,提出:适用中国法律在理论上是可行的,但实际上适用中国法律冲突导致适用国际足球规则成为一种共识;对于CAS仲裁可能的中国当事方,不能忽略公平和诚信原则,应遵守国际足球规则、CAS法理和中国法律的基本原则。  相似文献   

CAS是当今世界上解决国际体育纠纷最权威的仲裁机构,它通过设立普通仲裁庭、上诉仲裁庭和临时仲裁庭来解决产生于体育领域的争 议。目前,上诉仲裁程序已经成为近年来使用最广泛的程序。运用文献分析和逻辑分析的方法,介绍了苏亚雷斯纪律纠纷处罚案的起源及纠纷解 决过程,分析、评介了CAS对苏亚雷斯纪律处罚上诉纠纷仲裁案涉及的3个争议焦点问题,即作为案外第三人的俱乐部是否享有上诉主体资格、对球 员处罚是否存在规则适用的错误,以及该纪律处罚是否符合错罚相当原则。研究发现,CAS确定了作为案外第三人的巴塞罗那俱乐部的上诉主体 资格,这一仲裁实践完善了FIFA纪律处罚案件中上诉人的主体范围,维护了当事人上诉的平等权;厘清了FIFA纪律准则第48条与第57条之间的相 互关系,确认FIFA纪律准则第48条相对于第57条而言构成特别法,而第57条则属于一般法,通过这一仲裁实践,CAS纠正了体育组织内部裁决的 规则适用错误,促进体育组织规则得以完善;通过确认FIFA纪律处罚措施的有效性,表明CAS在作出裁决时充分尊重体育组织的自治权,但仍需继 续发挥监督、制约职能,并及时提出建议以完善体育组织的规章,从而促进仲裁裁决的客观、公正,保护当事人的正当权益。  相似文献   

“广州恒大淘宝足球俱乐部诉亚洲足球联合会”案从新法与旧法以及特别法与一般法两个方面,展现了体育纪律处罚规则在适用中产生的冲突。解决此种冲突,不仅要明确国际体育仲裁院仲裁庭的规则选择权,还需借鉴法律冲突适用规则——有利法优于不利法以及特别法先于一般法。其中,要注意有利法优于不利法存在的限制。另外,国际体育仲裁院仲裁庭在运用特别法先于一般法规则,讨论两个法条是否构成包容与被包容关系时,突破了法条竞合的传统判断,此处的裁决理由需要补充。该案启示中国体育界人士要善用体育纪律处罚规则适用规则;同时,为使中方当事人日后能更好应对此类案件,国内体育纪律处罚规则应该与国际、区际的体育纪律处罚规则保持一致。  相似文献   

目前学界对《欧洲人权公约》(ECHR)与国际体育仲裁的关系研究,主要从ECHR对国际体育仲裁院(CAS)仲裁程序、CAS案件实体问题的适用两个方面展开。除了ECHR第6.1条对CAS仲裁程序具有直接横向效力这一已为实践支持的结论外,学界对ECHR的刑事程序性条款和实体性人权条款在CAS仲裁中的适用效力,仍存在争议。虽然否定其效力者解释了当前实践的合理性,但是支持其效力者的论述更有说服力,他们通过分析体育纪律处罚的准刑事性、体育仲裁的强制性和体育组织规则与人权保护的冲突,呼吁国际体育纠纷解决机构以合体系的方式统一直接适用ECHR相关条款,并建议改革CAS内部机制。既有研究为未来研究奠定了坚实的基础,未来研究可以补充国际法视角:联结ECHR与国际人权法,丰富CAS仲裁的法源;结合传统法理学和新兴国际法学理论,加强规范研究;从不同主体、具体条款着手探索ECHR在CAS仲裁中的适用,以及CAS仲裁对ECHR的作用。  相似文献   

《体育仲裁规则》第R58条规定了体育仲裁院上诉程序的实体法律适用规则。该条款于2013年修订,内容上不同于国际商事仲裁的实体法律适用。首先,它虽然尊重当事人选择的法律规则,但优先适用有关的体育规则;其次,在当事人没有选择的情况下,主要适用作出被上诉决定的体育联合会、体育协会或其他体育组织住所地的国家法,仲裁庭认为适合的法律规则仅仅是补充。此种实体法律适用的差异是由体育行业纠纷的特别性质造成的,应该引起重视。  相似文献   

杨楠 《体育科研》2021,42(2):11-22
在世界反兴奋剂机构诉孙杨和国际泳联一案中,双方争论的焦点之一是对《检查与调查国际标准》第5.3.3条及相关条款的解释。国际泳联反兴奋剂听证庭采用了严格的文义解释和体系解释,作出了有利于运动员的裁决。而国际体育仲裁院仲裁庭采用了文义解释和目的解释,认为样本采集人员资质符合规定。根据瑞士联邦最高法院的判例,解释重要国际体育联盟的规则应当遵守对法律规则的解释方法,因此对于反兴奋剂规则条款的解读应遵循“客观解释”,以理解文本的措辞为起点,辅之以其他解释方法。由于不同的规则解释方法之间没有严格的位阶顺序,仲裁员的价值观、法律背景,以及案件的难易程度、影响力等将会影响仲裁员对规则解释方法的选择。解释学上的形式推理无法根除抽象规则适用时的不确定性,适用不同解释方法可能得出相互冲突的结论,这就要求仲裁员运用衡量法则权衡各方利益,提高规则解释的合理性和稳定性。面对反兴奋剂规则文本含糊不清的特殊情形,可以将不利解释规则作为补充适用的解释方法,但必须符合相应的适用条件,放宽对仲裁员自由裁量权的限制。  相似文献   

国际体育仲裁院(CAS)仲裁庭认定澳大利亚埃森登足球俱乐部34名运动员构成兴奋剂违规且对违规行为有重大过错,推翻了澳大利亚足球联盟(AFL)的决定,并对违规运动员均处以2年的禁赛期。区别于样本检测阳性的案件,CAS仲裁庭认定在非检测阳性案件中运用的证明标准是“放心满意标准”(Comfortable Satisfaction),认为世界反兴奋剂机构(WADA)可以通过运动员的承认、证人证言、书面证据等任何可靠的方式对兴奋剂违规事实加以证明。CAS仲裁庭在上诉审理中对证据审查适用的是全面审查原则,上诉程序中可以提交新证据的条件是申请方不存在对诉讼权利的滥用和主观恶意。研究认为:在非检测阳性案件中,有必要加强间接证据的独立定案功能,对放心满意标准确立统一的认定规则,并且完善证据排除规则的相关规定。  相似文献   

国际体育仲裁院适用比例原则已形成长期传统。适用依据包含仲裁法典、体育组织规则和瑞士法律。比例原则的适用领域包含先验性规制措施、纪律处罚措施、合同违约罚金三个方面。比例原则的适用受到四个方面的限制:固定限度的处罚措施、自动适用的处罚措施、不可被用作二次处罚和权利主张超过时效等。国际体育仲裁院仲裁庭在适用比例原则时的不同考量因素导致了个案结果的相互冲突,应对此加以调整。  相似文献   

体育运动中的限制贸易抗辩及其对运动员权益的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体育争议中的限制贸易主要出现在签订职业体育合同或违反体育运动规则而被处罚的事例中,理由是有关规则或裁决限制了运动员参赛资格及继续依靠体育运动谋生或劳动的权利.限制贸易理论的适用导致的问题和争论较多,从法院的判决中也较难找到普遍的法律适用标准.因兴奋剂违禁而提出的限制贸易抗辩通常得不到法院的支持,而在非兴奋剂原因的案件中,法院通常会支持当事人提出的限制贸易请求.限制贸易理论能否适用,需要具体问题具体分析.我国体育组织在制定体育处罚规则和做出裁决时,应充分维护被处罚运动员的基本权益.  相似文献   

Jon Dart 《Sport in Society》2016,19(10):1402-1418
Until relatively recently, the state of Israel was preoccupied with its military security and paid little attention to cultural politics. However, the emergence of other ‘battlegrounds’ has seen a shift to ‘soft power’ in an attempt to generate a more benevolent global image. This paper spotlights an international sporting event which ordinarily attracts very limited interest from the mainstream media. However, when held in Israel, it created much greater interest. The paper identifies the UEFA’s Men’s U-21 tournament, held in Israel in 2013, to assess how different groups responded to the event: celebratory by the host nation and its supporters, the Israeli Football Association and UEFA; critical amongst Palestinians and their supporters in the international community. The paper identifies how the Israeli state is using ‘hasbara’ in an attempt to arrest its deteriorating international image and shows how the concept is empirically operationalized (‘hasbara in action’).  相似文献   

In 2013, Gibraltar was accepted as a full member of UEFA after long years of struggle. The accession period was marked by a strong Spanish veto that successfully led to the rejection of the application in 2007. This article tries to answer how Spain lost its influence on UEFA decision-making. Referring to the lobbying literature on influence mechanisms, I argue that Spain’s main strategy of withdrawal threat was not credible anymore after 2007. It was a period when La Liga was losing its competitiveness, UEFA was increasing the amount of monetary distributions to football clubs, and Spain was suffering from an economic crisis. As a result, a threat of withdrawal became less influential than Gibraltar’s repeated litigation strategy and Gibraltar became UEFA’s 54th member.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate how coaches perceived and responded to the content knowledge and assessment processes that they were exposed to during an advanced level soccer coaching award programme. In-depth interviews were conducted with six coaches who had successfully completed the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) ‘A’ Licence in the UK. Using the concepts of the ‘dialectic of socialisation’, ‘studentship’ and Goffman's (1959) work on ‘the presentation of the self’ as analytical pegs, the discussion highlights how the coaches were far from ‘empty vessels’ waiting to be filled. Rather, the findings reveal the active role that the respondent coaches played in terms of accepting, rejecting and resisting the knowledge, beliefs and methods espoused by the coach educators. Finally, perceiving of coach learning as a negotiated and contested activity is discussed in terms of its implications for existing and future coach education provision.  相似文献   

The 14th running of the UEFA European Championships represented a watershed moment for football, and sport more broadly, in Eastern Europe. Whilst the competition itself might have been restricted to Europe’s elite national teams, world football’s gaze was drawn towards the joint hosts, Poland and the Ukraine, for the duration of the tournament. At this juncture, therefore, this paper seeks to consider the ‘place’ of football in Eastern Europe, and in this case, Poland specifically, by conducting an analysis of the economic value of Poland’s top division – the Ekstraklasa, and by examining the factors that influence foreign players’ decisions to migrate to that particular league. The paper identifies that whilst the Ekstraklasa might sit outside of Europe’s core football economies, it still offers much as a migration destination for certain sorts of players. However, the paper also shows that whilst the 2012 UEFA European Championships provided significant exposure for Poland in the football context, it is less clear if hosting the event will have a lasting effect on the development of Poland’s top league and its desirability to foreign players.  相似文献   

The concept of justice has gradually colonized sports’ narratives in general and professional football ones in particular. Discourses on justice often give rise to ambiguous, unclear narrations with a great deal of noise and opportunism. The aim of this article is to apply the concept of justice devices to clarify the range of measures used and link these to the diverse agents that attempt to gain legitimacy and power through them. In an initial characterisation, we highlight conventional and post-conventional models of ethics of justice. Subsequently, we compare these models to the systems of justice employed by football’s governing institutions, FIFA and UEFA. Finally, we analyse a paradigmatic event of judicial interpretation by various actors using the case of ‘Luiz Adriano’. In this article, we reveal some of the specific uses, settings and strategic aims of justice devices employed by the main actors involved in international football.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2020,23(3):509-520
Women’s football struggles to build a solid platform in terms of fan interest. However, while an increase in gate receipts can help assist its long-term sustainability, there is limited evidence in the academic literature on the factors influencing spectator demand in women’s football. The authors investigate determinants of stadium attendance for UEFA Women's Champions League (UWCL) matches. Using regression models deployed on 554 UWCL games played between 2009/10 and 2017/18, the authors examine contextual and sport-related variables as the main predictors of stadium attendance. Findings show that there is no continuous growth of attendance over the period examined, and highlight that spectators’ interest is positively associated with five factors: stage of the competition, uncertainty of match outcome, competitive intensity, away club’s reputation and weather conditions. Football governing bodies should put in place initiatives to ensure match outcome uncertainty is maintained as this represents a key determinant to maximise stadium attendance. Based on the specific context of European women’s football, recommendations to foster its development are discussed. These include incentivising investment into the elite women’s game and designing sport policies to encourage participation at grassroots levels.  相似文献   

《Sport in History》2013,33(3):475-488
This article is a response to the revisionist view of the history of the professionalization of association football in Lancashire as proposed by Peter Swain in a recent article in Sport in History. It expands on some of the arguments first proposed in my PhD thesis and subsequent articles during the 1990s, and suggests that Swain based his arguments on a number of misconceptions and misinterpretations of my original work. Apart from the flaws in Swain's reasoning and analysis, this article also criticizes his use of evidence in his attempted proof of this reinterpretation. It focuses particularly on his confusion of the concepts of ‘invention’ and ‘innovation’, and the idea of business innovation and its diffusion according to Rogers's classic theory. It also attempts to show the errors in Swain's ‘continuity’ concept as a theoretical structure. In conclusion, it is argued that Swain's ‘new direction’ is in fact a dead end, and that subsequent research should avoid these misinterpretations and misdirections.  相似文献   


Since the 1920s, many European exchanges began to exist in the domain of football. However, it was during the 1950s that a European scale was established primarily due to the creation of UEFA (Union of European Football Associations) in 1954, which quickly organized the first European tournament in the game’s history– The European Champions Clubs’ Cup. The present essay argues that Europeanization of the game has to be understood in a long-term perspective. The papers examines the creation and development of three competitions as key defining events, which represented different stages of the Europeanization of the game: Mitropa Cup (created in 1927), European Champion Clubs’ Cup (created in 1955) and UEFA Cup (created in 1971). Thus, afocus on these cases can help us better understand the background of the Europeanization of the game which happened during the 1990s.  相似文献   


The following paper will map the memetic lineage of the football chant that evolved from The White Stripes song ‘Seven Nation Army’ (2003) and analyse the various adaptations and composite readings it has accrued since its release. In The Selfish Gene (1976), Richard Dawkins proposed that the spread of cultural phenomena follows a comparable process to genetic reproduction. The term Dawkins uses to describe these cultural ‘genes’ is ‘memes’ and one of the examples he gives are melodies (1976, 192). The simple and memorable seven note progression which forms the central riff of ‘Seven Nation Army’ has proved to be extraordinarily successful in terms of memetic transmission. It first appeared as a terrace chant in Europe, but spread to the UK as football supporters adapted it to match their team colours and players’ names. The guitar riff was also remixed, looped and used as the official goal song for the UEFA European Cup in 2016. In the summer of 2017 the chant took on a political dimension. Following a speech by Jeremy Corbyn at the Wirral Music festival, the crowd sang the labour leader’s name to the tune. This then spread to other music festivals, most notably Glastonbury where the chanting crowds received extensive media coverage. This paper will explore the propagation and adaptation of this musical meme. It will align the meme’s lineage with an exploration of the sociological and performative factors that inform terrace chants, and identify how these traditions and conventions influenced the various manifestations that permeated through popular culture. From a musicological perspective it will consider what it is about these seven notes that gives the meme such versatility and identify how changes to the content and context of the chant alter its function and meaning.  相似文献   

欧足联(UEFA)有权对操纵国内足球比赛的俱乐部及其成员实施行政处罚与纪律处罚。UEFA行政处罚决定,能够被国家足协先前作出的、已经生效的,并且能够起到相同制裁效果的裁决所替代;UEFA在国家足协已经实施纪律处罚的前提下,再次实施纪律处罚的行为并不违反一事不再罚原则。再者,UEFA行使处罚权时采纳的严格责任原则是对刑法自我答责原则的补充;刑事法院的判决可以确证UEFA的裁决;刑事法院予以排除的证据仍然可以被UEFA采信。  相似文献   

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