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The country-wise distribution of papers, which cite certain scientist is a sum of typical distribution for his/her branch of science and excessive citations from one or from a few countries. A new Hirsch-type index h_int is defined as the number of countries, h_int, from which at least h_int papers cite certain scientist, but from the country ranked h_int+1 in citing the scientist, less than h_int+1 papers cite that scientist. The h_int index reflects broad international recognition of a scientist, and prevents overrating of a citation record earned chiefly by self-citations or by citations received from a narrow circle of co-workers.  相似文献   

基于WEB OF SCIENCE的理科学者H指数实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过ESI中科学家的Citations排序和CPP排序取交集选出数学、物理、化学、生物、地球科学5个理科学科代表性学者,基于Web of Science(WoS)查出这些学者的累积被引篇数P、被引次数C、篇均被引次数CPP和h指数。分析表明被引篇数P和被引次数C与h指数都有一定相关性;计算表明所有理科学者的h指数落在Hirsch公式和Egghe-Rousseau公式估计值之间,Egghe-Rousseau公式估计值、Hirsch公式估计值和真实h指数之间存在Pearson相关性。  相似文献   

The Hirsch index and the Egghe index are both numbers that synthesize a researcher's output. The h-index associated with researcher r is the maximum number h such that r has h papers with at least h citations each. The g-index is the maximum number g of papers by r such that the average number of citations of the g papers is at least g. Both indices are characterized in terms of four axioms. One identifies outputs deserving index at most one. A second one establishes a strong monotonicity condition. A third one requires the index to satisfy a property of subadditivity. The last one consists of a monotonicity condition, for the h-index, and an aggregate monotonicity condition, for the g-index.  相似文献   

In this article we examined the scholarly output and impact of 81 women scientist at the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at Mount Sinai. The group was divided into three career level sub-groups based on the first year of publication of each scientist. We examined the number of publications, citations, readership and social media attention per each group. Our findings show that although senior faculty have more publications and overall citations, junior faculty receive more citations and more readership per paper. We also found that different career level faculty members receive different social media mentions. Mid-career faculty see more tweets that mention their research while senior faculty get more likes, shares and clicks via Facebook.  相似文献   

以SJR为数据来源,比较分析了1996-2008年巴西、印度、中国、韩国4个国家发表科技论文数量、可引用文献量、文献被引量、自引量、篇均被引量、去除自引后的篇均被引量、H指数、文献引用率、国际合作量等9个指标。中国发表论文数最多,2003年后每年增加约3万篇。巴西、韩国文献引用率、篇均引用量高,且自引率低;印度居中等水平;中国文献引用率、篇均引用率低且自引率高;国际合作度巴西最高、中国最低。可见中国的科技论文质量与其他3个国家相比,还有一定的差距。  相似文献   

The citation distribution of papers of selected individual authors was analyzed using five mathematical functions: power-law, stretched exponential, logarithmic, binomial and Langmuir-type. The former two functions have previously been proposed in the literature whereas the remaining three are novel and are derived following the concepts of growth kinetics of crystals in the presence of additives which act as inhibitors of growth. Analysis of the data of citation distribution of papers of the authors revealed that the value of the goodness-of-the-fit parameter R2 was the highest for the empirical binomial relation, it was high and comparable for stretched exponential and Langmuir-type functions, relatively low for power law but it was the lowest for the logarithmic function. In the Langmuir-type function a parameter K, defined as Langmuir constant, characterizing the citation behavior of the authors has been identified. Based on the Langmuir-type function an expression for cumulative citations L relating the extrapolated value of citations l0 corresponding to rank n = 0 for an author and his/her constant K and the number N of paper receiving citation l  1 is also proposed.  相似文献   

The study intends to examine the publication patterns of International Information and Library Review from 2004 to 2013 and to predict the impact and influence of this established journal in the field of library and information science over the last decade. The study finds that International Information and Library Review has published the majority of papers in single authorship mode followed by in two-authorship mode while, contributions in three authorship and more than three-authorship mode are found less. The degree of collaboration in International Information and Library Review publications is found to be 0.45, indicating less intensity of collaborative trend of research. The study reveals that the University of Pittsburgh of the United States is the top performer with 12 authors followed by University of Wisconsin Milwaukee of the United States (10 authors), Universiteit van Pretoria of South Africa and University of the Punjab Lahore of Pakistan (7 authors each). In regard to geographical distribution of contributions, the United States is represented by contributions from 63 authors followed by India with 61 authors. Interestingly, 22 countries like, Argentina, Bhutan, Brazil, Cuba, and others have contributed one paper each. The study further reveals that Britz, J. J. of South Africa is identified as the most prolific author with a significant contribution of five papers followed by Bagheri, M. of Iran, Megnigbeto, E. of Benin, and Tuamsuk, K. of Thailand (four papers each). Moreover, the 2013 impact factor of International Information and Library Review based on records of Scopus citations is 0.588 and immediacy index is 0.09.  相似文献   

Women have long suffered in both academia and industry from lower status, underrepresentation, unequal treatment, and other challenges based on gender. This paper explores whether a gender-neutral name is associated with the research impact of a scientist by examining three years of citations. The data for this study are derived from publications indexed in ISI's Web of Science (WoS) database from 2009 to 2015. By assigning a name neutralization index score to each author, we investigate the relationship between the neutralization index and citations and find the following results: (1) generally, the more neutral the name, the more citations the publications received; (2) the neutral effect was more pronounced for authors with feminine names than for authors with masculine names.  相似文献   

Scientific impact indexes like h are responsive to two parameters: the researcher's productivity given by the number of her published papers (an aspect of quantity) and citations (an aspect of quality). In this paper I prove that the two parameters can be treated separately: the index h can be axiomatized by appealing (1) only to axioms that allow for productivity changes, but do not require taking into account distinct situations in which a researcher's papers received different numbers of citations or (2) only to axioms that allow for changes in the number of citations received by the researcher's papers, but do not require changes in scientific productivity. The axioms used are weak. Specifically, monotonicity is avoided.  相似文献   

Based on an idea by Kosmulski, Franceschini et al. (2012, Scientometrics 92(3), 621–641) propose to classify a publication as “successful” when it receives more citations than a specific comparison term (CT). In the intention of the authors CT should be a suitable estimate of the number of citations that a publication – in a certain scientific context and period of time – should potentially achieve. According to this definition, the success-index is defined as the number of successful papers, among a group of publications examined, such as those associated to a scientist or a journal. In the first part of the paper, the success-index is recalled, discussing its properties and limitations. Next, relying on the theory of Information Production Processes (IPPs), an informetric model of the index is formulated, for a better comprehension of the index and its properties. Particular emphasis is given to a theoretical sensitivity analysis of the index.  相似文献   

There is, little doubt that most library collections on broadcasting history are incomplete, a condition that manifests itself in incomplete (or even incorrect) documentation in many student papers and even professionally written books. The following list is, as its compilers point out, a selective one. It is hoped that readers of the Journal will transmit to the Editor any citations they feel should not have been omitted. (The editor, inordinately proud of his personal library that includes 88 of the 149 entries below, has already slipped in a handful of additional items.)  相似文献   

Rankings of journals and rankings of scientists are usually discussed separately. We argue that a consistent approach to both rankings is desirable because both the quality of a journal and the quality of a scientist depend on the papers it/he publishes. We present a pair of consistent rankings (impact factor for the journals and total number of citations for the authors) and we provide an axiomatic characterization thereof.  相似文献   

The scientific impact of a publication can be determined not only based on the number of times it is cited but also based on the citation speed with which its content is noted by the scientific community. Here we present the citation speed index as a meaningful complement to the h index: whereas for the calculation of the h index the impact of publications is based on number of citations, for the calculation of the speed index it is the number of months that have elapsed since the first citation, the citation speed with which the results of publications find reception in the scientific community. The speed index is defined as follows: a group of papers has the index s if for s of its Np papers the first citation was at least s months ago, and for the other (Np ? s) papers the first citation was ≤s months ago.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]在学术交流日趋国际化的背景下,本文拟探索引文国际化与被引量之间的关系,力图回答良好的国际视野是否有助于提升论文的学术影响力这一学界普遍关注的问题。[研究设计/方法]以社会科学为研究对象,选取管理学、图书情报学和新闻传播学的181,406篇CSSCI论文为研究样本,采用相关分析、非参数检验与回归分析的方法研究引用外文期刊论文的数量、学术质量、学科领域、时效性对论文被引量的影响。[结论/发现]在控制了文献类型、期刊声誉等若干可能影响论文被引量的因素后,发现样本论文的引文国际化水平对其被引量具有显著的正向影响。具体而言,引用外文期刊论文的数量越多、平均学术质量越高、学科专属度越高、平均时效性越强的论文具有更高的被引量。[创新/价值]证实了国际视野有助于提升中文社科论文的学术影响力,并提出了有针对性的建议。  相似文献   

A model is proposed for the creation and transmission of scientific knowledge, based on the network of citations among research articles. The model allows to assign to each article a non-negative value for its creativity, i.e. its creation of new knowledge. If the entire publication network is truncated to the first neighbors of an article (the n references that it makes and the m citations that it receives), its creativity value becomes a simple function of n and m. After splitting the creativity of each article among its authors, the cumulative creativity of an author is then proposed as an indicator of her or his merit of research. In contrast with other merit indicators, this creativity index yields similar values for the top scientists in two very different areas (life sciences and physics), thus offering good promise for interdisciplinary analyses.  相似文献   

To explore the citation evolution of papers published in the same year but different month, we selected papers from a discipline (physical geography), a subject (diabetes: endocrine and metabolism) and a journal (Journal of Biological Chemistry) published in 2005 as research objects. These papers were divided into six groups according to the difference in publication month, and we analyzed citations to these papers for the 9 years after publication. The results showed that within 5 years after papers from physical geography were published, the overall differences in citations of papers in different groups were statistically significant (P < 0.05); after that, the differences were not statistically significant. Within 5 years after papers from diabetes (endocrine and metabolism) were published, the overall differences in citations of papers in different groups were statistically significant (P < 0.05); thereafter, the differences were not statistically significant. Within 7 years after papers from the Journal of Biological Chemistry were published, the overall differences in citations of papers in different groups were statistically significant (P < 0.05); thereafter, the differences were not statistically significant. Citations of papers followed the same pattern irrespective of discipline, subject or journal: citations of papers published in the same year but different month were obviously different in the first few publishing years, but as time went on, only the difference in publication month in a calendar year did not affect the papers' longer‐term citation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To conduct a bibliometric evaluation of the Journal of Ayub Medical College (JAMC), Abbottabad, Pakistan. Methods: The data of articles, citations and authors of JAMC from 1997 to 2006 were collected and analysed in terms of bibliometric parameters. RESULTS: The number of articles published per year ranges between 27 and 97; most of the articles (47.2%) have 11-20 citations. Three-author contributions ranked the highest (134; 23.43%); the most prolific authors contributed seven articles; 295 (51.57%) of the authors are geographically affiliated to the North West Frontier Province (NWFP), Pakistan; the most popular subject is Internal Medicine; journal self-cited references are 43; 7769 (77.94%) of the citations were from foreign journals; the most productive institution is Ayub Medical College, Abbottabad, Pakistan. CONCLUSION: The number of papers published in JAMC per issue has been increasing over the last 10 years, and the core region is NWFP, Pakistan. Original articles are the main type of papers for this journal. The publication is open for all fields of medical sciences.  相似文献   

The minimum configuration to have a h-index equal to h is h papers each having h citations, hence h2 citations in total. To increase the h-index to h + 1 we minimally need (h + 1)2 citations, an increment of I1(h) = 2h + 1. The latter number increases with 2 per unit increase of h. This increment of the second order is denoted I2(h) = 2.If we define I1 and I2 for a general Hirsch configuration (say n papers each having f(n) citations) we calculate I1(f) and I2(f) similarly as for the h-index. We characterize all functions f for which I2(f) = 2 and show that this can be obtained for functions f(n) different from the h-index. We show that f(n) = n (i.e. the h-index) if and only if I2(f) = 2, f(1) = 1 and f(2) = 2.We give a similar characterization for the threshold index (where n papers have a constant number C of citations). Here we deal with second order increments I2(f) = 0.  相似文献   

In order to take multiple co-authorship appropriately into account, a straightforward modification of the Hirsch index was recently proposed. Fractionalised counting of the papers yields an appropriate measure which is called the hm-index. The effect of this procedure is compared in the present work with other variants of the h-index and found to be superior to the fractionalised counting of citations and to the normalization of the h-index with the average number of authors in the h-core. Three fictitious examples for model cases and one empirical case are analysed.  相似文献   

The journal impact factor (JIF) is the average of the number of citations of the papers published in a journal, calculated according to a specific formula; it is extensively used for the evaluation of research and researchers. The method assumes that all papers in a journal have the same scientific merit, which is measured by the JIF of the publishing journal. This implies that the number of citations measures scientific merits but the JIF does not evaluate each individual paper by its own number of citations. Therefore, in the comparative evaluation of two papers, the use of the JIF implies a risk of failure, which occurs when a paper in the journal with the lower JIF is compared to another with fewer citations in the journal with the higher JIF. To quantify this risk of failure, this study calculates the failure probabilities, taking advantage of the lognormal distribution of citations. In two journals whose JIFs are ten-fold different, the failure probability is low. However, in most cases when two papers are compared, the JIFs of the journals are not so different. Then, the failure probability can be close to 0.5, which is equivalent to evaluating by coin flipping.  相似文献   

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