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This review offers a critical analysis of John Ogbu’s Black American Students in an Affluent Suburb: A study of academic disengagement. In his study, Ogbu explains the Black-White achievement gap as one born from the cultural attitudes held by Black middle-class students toward academics. Despite Ogbu's intent to further the scholarly discussion on this issue, the study falls short and is itself replete with limitations. Ogbu’s utilization of a deficit-oriented modality and an unsound methodology, coupled with his failure to critically analyze the interplay of identity formation, culture, and history, together severely restrict the study’s scope and utility. * This paper is a revised version of article (Doi:) which appeared online July 7, 2006. Ogbu, J. Black American Students in an Affluent Suburb: A study of academic disengagement (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates: New Jersey, 2003). Eddie Comeaux is a Lecturer/Postdoctoral Study in Graduate School of Education and Information Studies at University of California, Los Angeles, USA. Eddie Comeaux examines comparative race/ethnic, marginality, gender, and class relations with an emphasis on access and learning opportunities for underrepresented minorities and student athletes in education. Uma M. Jayakumar is a Doctoral Candidate in Graduate School of Education and Information Studies at University of California, Los Angeles, USA. Her research interests include: issues of access and retention for graduate students and faculty of color, educational outcomes of racial diversity, organizational culture and campus racial climate, transformative resistance, service-learning, and higher education for the public good.  相似文献   

One hundred and sixty college students read three fictitious biographical passages according to either imagery-mnemonic or no-strategy control instructions. In one mnemonic condition, subjects formed separate images involving each biographical name and its associated facts: in another mnemonic condition, the biographical name and its associated facts were integrated within a single composite image. Relative to an interference-control condition, integrated mnemonic subjects recalled more factual information, whereas separate mnemonic subjects did not. In addition, the recall of integrated mnemonic subjects was statistically no different from that of a noninterference control condition, whereas the recall of separate mnemonic subjects was lower. Both theoretical and educational implications of the results are discussed. The first author’s contribution to this work was supported by an Organized Research Grant from the Graduate School of Illinois State University. The second author’s contribution was supported by the National Institute of Education under Grant No. NIE-G-81-0009 to the Wisconsin Center for Education Research and was facilitated by a Romnes Faculty Fellowship from the Graduate School of the University of Wisconsin, Madison.  相似文献   

This article provides a critical look into national trends of the achievement gaps between Whites and Blacks and between Whites and Hispanics over the last 3 decades based on the National Assessment of Educational Progress mathematics assessments. It examines multiple facets of inequity underlying the racial and ethnic achievement gaps from 3 perspectives: equality, adequacy, and reciprocity. Although the Black-White and Hispanic-White mathematics achievement gaps narrowed significantly over the last 3 decades, there was some setback in the national progress during the last decade and the achievement gaps remain substantially large. The study finds that the racial and ethnic achievement gaps are highly inequitable, as it turns out that schools do not measure up to essential conditions of equity: Minority students do not (a) get fairly equal educational opportunities, (b) achieve minimally adequate level of competency, and (c) learn in a racially integrated school. The recent trend of widening racial achievement gaps is also seen as a real setback in equity as there was little systemic improvement in those 3 conditions of equity during the last decade. Implications of the findings for educational policies to enhance broader equity and justice are discussed.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,智利政府以质量和公平为政策导向,对中小学进行了一系列的改革,如教育改进项目、“全天制学习”计划、900所学校项目、农村教育项目。同时,政府对中小学课程也进行了相应改革,稳步提高了教育质量,缩小了地区之间的差异。  相似文献   

Research on pubertal development among Black boys is limited. Addressing this gap, we examined associations between three pubertal domains (e.g., voice change, hair growth, and perceived relative timing), depressive symptoms, self-esteem, and self-efficacy, among a nationally representative sample of 395 African American and 164 Caribbean Black boys (Mage = 15 years). Moderation by ethnic–racial identity (e.g., racial centrality, racial regard) was also explored. Results indicated that for both ethnic subgroups early voice change increased self-esteem; whereas early voice change increased depressive symptoms among boys who felt society views Blacks more negatively. Buffering effects of ethnic–racial identity also varied significantly between the two groups. Findings suggest that the meaning Black boys ascribe to their ethnic–racial group may explain puberty-linked outcomes.  相似文献   

尤金·鲁宾(Eugene Rubin)博士,现任美国马里兰大学大学学院(University of Maryland University College,UMUC)管理和技术研究生院远程教育硕士教学计划主任。此前,他曾经在加拿大阿萨巴斯卡大学(Athabasca University)担任研究生导师长达十二年之久。鲁宾博士在远程教育和培训、教育技术、教学设计和课程开发与实施等方面拥有宽厚的知识和经验。他负责主持的在线远程教育硕士学位教学计划已经赢得了多项荣誉奖励,其中包括2003年度远程教育实践界优秀教学计划UCEA奖(UCEA Award for Program of Excellencewithin the Distance Education Community of Practice)和2003年度斯隆-C(Sloan-C)最优异的在线教学项目奖(Sloan-C MostOutstanding Online Teaching &Learning Program)。马里兰大学大学学院也因此在2004年2月召开的国际开放与远程教育协会(ICDE)第21届世界大会上获得了成就突出机构奖(ICDE Prize of Excellence for Institutions)。  相似文献   

This article describes the establishment in fall 2002 of a School of Education Research Center designed to support faculty in increasing productivity and quality in research. Details are provided about center goals, services, staffing, space, resources, and logistics during the first year of operation. In addition, data are shared about faculty usage of the Center, the level of faculty satisfaction with center services in the first year, and initial increases in faculty productivity. The article concludes with plans for continued data collection to monitor the impact of the Center, a discussion of lessons learned at this point in the Center's development, and possibilities for the evolution of the Center. All authors are at the University of Colorado, Denver. Laura Goodwin, Ph.D., University of Colorado at Boulder, is Interim Associate Vice Chancellor for Faculty Affairs and continues to serve as a Faculty Research Associate. Elizabeth Kozleski, Ed.D., University of Northern Colorado, is the Associate Dean for Research in the School of Education. Lynn Rhodes, Ed.D., Indiana University, is the Dean of the School of Education. Rodney Muth, Ph.D., Claremont Graduate School, is a professor of Administrative Leadership and Policy Studies in the school and chaired the Research Center Advisory Board. Kim Kennedy White, M.A., University of Oregon, was the original School of Education Research Center Coordinator and was responsible for collecting most of the data included in this study.  相似文献   

A neighborhood in Philadelphia, PA, hard hit by violence, approached the local chapter of Physicians for Social Responsibility on behalf of its youth. The chapter responded by developing a psychosocial after-school intervention for early adolescent males, which participants named Peaceful Posse. Youth showed up consistently for the groups, after school and on their own, sometimes for years. Yet the program recognized that there was a great deal not fully understood about the lives of its participants. The present study used a careful analysis of individual interviews conducted with a sample of boys to extend the program’s understanding. Including the perspectives of these participants offered a deeper appreciation of the challenges youth face when exposed to chronic violence and of their resourcefulness at finding relationships to help themselves through these challenges. Their perspectives helped the program to broaden its understanding of healing. The key role of identity as an embodiment of the hopes of the young men helped the program to better appreciate this particularly important locus of healing for urban youth exposed to violence.Michael C. Reichert is the Executive Director of the Center for the Study of Boys’ Lives, Haverford, USA. Brett Stoudt is a Senior Research Associate in Center for the Study of Boys’ Lives, Haverford, USA. Peter Kuriloff is a Professor in Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA.  相似文献   

Using critical discourse analysis, this study assesses reader comments to newspaper articles on the Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin Supreme Court case. The Fisher case challenges the consideration of race in the college admissions process at UT. Findings show that this racial equity practice was framed as being antithetical to individualism, merit, and competition. Many comments, divorced from social and historical contexts, used colorblind rationale to justify their opposition to affirmative action yet relied heavily on popular polarizing racial discourse in their argumentation. Social policy implications related to facilitating college diversity and promoting educational equity are presented.  相似文献   

In this paper, I reflect on equity research in order to describe a perspective on the mathematics classroom as a non-neutral place where issues of power and identity play out in teaching and learning processes. This view of the mathematics classroom takes seriously issues of equity in the form of power and what becomes constituted as legitimate mathematics while attending to the out-of-school practices in which students engage. This orientation and its related issues are significant in that they provide an alternative perspective on investigating equity in mathematics classrooms that is in contrast to efforts that focus specifically on comparing standardized test scores of specific groups based solely upon racial classifications.Lynn Liao Hodge is an assistant professor in mathematics education. Her research interests include issues of equity and identity in mathematics education and how classroom practices create opportunities for students to develop both an appreciation and a deep understanding of mathematics. Additionally, she is interested in investigating experiences that support the increased participation of women and minorities in mathematics, science, and engineering related professions. Address correspondence to Lynn Liao Hodge, Department of Theory and Practice in Teacher Education, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996-3442, USA; e-mail: lhodge4@utk.edu  相似文献   

In this article, I examine the role of teacher racial identity on teaching strategy and the treatment of race in classroom discussions. I explicate how the pattern of minimizing the negative racial comments made to English language learners played out in participants’ teaching and how it is reflective of socially constructed notions of race and racial discourse. The treatment of racial issues, in this sense, can be seen as a microcosm of larger social, historical, and political factors that shape individuals’ thinking about equity and diversity. I argue that by analyzing these underlying factors in teacher education courses, the unconscious and often subtle ways that stereotypes based on race, culture, or English language proficiency, can be demystified and disrupted.  相似文献   

通过对2020年度人大复印报刊资料《中小学教育》转载论文的统计分析可以看出,文章来源较为广泛,在被全文转载的文章中,其源报刊所占篇目较多的依次为《课程·教材·教法》《教育发展研究》《教育科学研究》。从第一作者所属单位性质来看,高校仍然处于绝对主体地位。基础教育研究的热点主要集中在疫情下的在线教育研究、教研转型、综合素质评价、教师培训专业化、学生学业负担与精准减负等方面。  相似文献   

美国医学院校的课程整合改革方兴未艾.加州大学旧金山分校医学院从2001级新生开始对课程体系进行大幅调整,本研究调查了该校参与改革的不同群体,包括教育改革的领导者、受到直接影响的学生、新建课程的负责人等对课程改革的态度,了解其对课程整合实施一年内的成绩和挑战的看法.结果表明,他们对跨学科教学、跨学科系室协作、课程关联的建立、课程内容的排序及框架构建等四个主题有相同的看法,也有不小的分歧.  相似文献   

民族教育及其学校教育机构承担着民族文化传承的重要使命.学校教育培养人的使命与文化发展是不相矛盾的,学校教育是发展文化的基础.由于民族学校文代使命的特殊性,必须通过学校文化建设传递和延续民族文化,具体通过课程建设、课堂教学活动和文化环境建设等途径进行.  相似文献   

One point of intersection in ethnic and racial identity research is the conceptual attention paid to how positively youth feel about their ethnicity or race, or positive ethnic–racial affect. This article reports results of a series of meta‐analyses based on 46 studies of this dimension and psychosocial, academic, and health risk outcomes among ethnic and racial minority youth. The overall pattern of results suggests that positive ethnic–racial affect exhibited small to medium associations (r range = |.11| to |.37|) with depressive symptoms, positive social functioning, self‐esteem, well‐being, internalizing, externalizing, academic achievement, academic attitudes, and health risk outcomes. Implications for theory and research about the role of positive ethnic–racial affect among youth growing up in an increasingly diverse society are discussed.  相似文献   

In this case study, we examine a teacher’s journey, including reflections on teaching science, everyday classroom interaction, and their intertwined relationship. The teacher’s reflections include an awareness of being “a White middle-class born and raised teacher teaching other peoples’ children.” This awareness was enacted in the science classroom and emerges through approaches to inquiry. Our interest in Ms. Cook’s journey grew out of discussions, including both informal and semi-structured interviews, in two research projects over a three-year period. Our interest was further piqued as we analyzed videotaped classroom interaction during science lessons and discovered connections between Ms. Cook’s reflections and classroom interaction. In this article, we illustrate ways that her journey emerges as a conscientization. This, at least in part, shapes classroom interaction, which then again shapes her conscientization in a recursive, dynamic relationship. We examine her reflections on her “hegemonic (cultural and socio–economic) practices” and consider how these reflections help her reconsider such practices through analysis of classroom interaction. Analyses lead us to considering the importance of inquiry within this classroom community.
Jennifer GoldbergEmail:

Jennifer Goldberg   is an assistant professor in the Graduate School of Education and Allied Professions at Fairfield University. She received her PhD in educational research methodology from the University of California, Los Angeles. Her teaching and research focuses on the importance of teaching for social justice and the relationship between identity, talk, and interaction on student opportunities for learning. Kate Muir Welsh   is an associate professor in the University of Wyoming’s College of Education. She received her PhD in education from the University of California, Los Angeles. Kate teaches math and science methods courses to pre-service and in-service elementary teachers and graduate courses on Action Research. Her research focuses on social justice teaching. She is also Chair of the University of Wyoming’s Shepard Symposium on Social Justice.  相似文献   

Executive Summary Foreword Acknowledgments The Development of Doctoral Students: Phases of Challenge and Support Why Do We Need to Understand Doctoral Students' Development? Why Have Doctoral Students Been Forgotten? How Do Doctoral Students Develop? A Model of Doctoral Student Development Organization of the Monograph Student Development Theory: A Primer Defining Student Development Psychosocial Development Social Identity Development Racial Identity Development Cognitive Development Conclusion Understanding Doctoral Education Doctoral Degrees and Their Purposes The Structure of the Doctoral Program Today's Doctoral Students Key Constituencies in the Doctoral Program Phase I: Entry Challenge: The Initial Transition Support: Orientation Challenge: Coursework Challenge: Changes in Thinking Challenge: The Transition from Undergraduate to Graduate School Expectations Support: Initial Relationships with Peers and Faculty Student Departure in Phase I Conclusion Phase II: Integration Challenge: Coursework Support: Peer Relationships Support: Advisor Relationship Challenge: Examinations Challenge: Changing Role Student Departure in Phase II Conclusion Phase III: Candidacy Challenge: Transition to Candidacy Challenge: The Dissertation Experience Challenge: Isolation Support: The Dissertation Advisor Challenge: The Job Search Challenge: Transition to Professional Role Student Departure in Phase III Conclusion Summary and Recommendations Implications for Phase I Implications for Phase II Implications for Phase III Implications for Future Research Conclusion Appendix: Details of Research Conducted to Construct the Model References Name Index Subject Index About the Author  相似文献   

Questions pertaining to racial and cultural identification are salient among social work educators in their role as teachers in the classroom. In the context of the 21st century, as an increasing number of people cannot be classified by race, an awareness of the complexities of cultural and racial identity is more important than ever. For social work pedagogy there is a need for critical reflection, increased awareness, sensitivity to multiculturalism, and cultural diversity. As social work educators, it is crucial for us to teach through the lens of multiculturalism and create spaces for voices of students who belie traditional racial and ethnic categories. This article elevates the voices of Black ethnic women, underscoring the complexity of identity construction within the United States. Qualitative interviews explore the dynamic social constructions of identification for 10 women who identify as Black and ethnic, as one example of a nuanced differentiation of race and culture. This article is a discussion of research findings and includes implications for teaching social work practice that broaden our range of understanding and highlight representations of women with marginal identities, thus furthering our social justice mission.  相似文献   

In the United States, racial‐ethnic differences on tests of school readiness and academic achievement continue. A complete understanding of the origins of racial‐ethnic achievement gaps is still lacking. This article describes social equity theory (SET), which proposes that racial‐ethnic achievement gaps originate from two kinds of social process, direct and signal influences, that these two kinds of processes operate across developmental contexts, and that the kind of influence and the setting in which they are enacted change with age. Evidence supporting each of SET's key propositions is discussed in the context of a critical review of research on the Black–White achievement gap. Specific developmental hypotheses derived from SET are described, along with proposed standards of evidence for testing those hypotheses.  相似文献   

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