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This study aims to examine the influence of personality on second language learning.The whole study was based on the researcher’s regular interviews with two ESL Chinese students and the observation of their performance during their first semester.Additional data was collected via a simplified Myers Briggs Type Indicator(MBTI)and interviews with their teachers and a native speaker of English.Overall English proficiency was assessed using two Institutional TOEFL tests and their current GPA during their ESL studies.A positive relationship was found between extraversion and spoken English while a slight but passive correlation emerged between extraversion and overall English achievement.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore what salient characteristics can be found in some university teachers' approaches to teaching in Finland, Japan and India, and in what ways university teachers in Finland, India and Japan use ICTs (information and communication technologies) in their own teaching. Furthermore, this study aimed to investigate what ICT applications these same teachers use in their teaching. The data were collected via an electronic survey and interviews. The participants (N=21) were university teachers from Finland (N=8), Japan (N=I0) and India (N=3). Their approaches to teaching were explored by applying the ATI (approaches to teaching inventory) and its modified version focusing on the use of ICTs in teaching. The study reported in this paper was a pilot study, thus the results are based on the limited number of respondents. The ATI and ATI ICT subscales and ICT inventory applied in this study have been confirmed to be valid. The university teachers in Japan and Finland differed in their approaches to teaching: The Finnish teachers scored higher on the CCSF (conceptual change orientated, student-focused) approach to teaching than the Japanese teachers, while the Japanese teachers scored higher on the ITTF (information transmitting, teacher-focused) approach to teaching. Two Indian teachers were classified as having a teacher-focused approach to teaching, while the third was classified as having a student-focused approach to teaching. The teachers' differences in their use of ICTs related more to their disciplinary status than to their cultural background.  相似文献   

A measurement model based on torsion pendulum was established,in which nonlinear damping and nonlinear restoring force were considered.The calculation method of the moment of inertia was based on Hilbert transform.The motion of torsion pendulum showed the time-frequency characteristics due to the nonlinear factors,which were validated by the experimental data.The analytical signal was formed by Hilbert transform of the angular displacement signal of the test object.The moment of inertia can be computed by the instantaneous undamped natural frequency with Hilbert transform.Prior to the implementation of Hilbert transform,the empirical mode decomposition was used to filter the experimental signal.The moment of inertia of the test object was measured by the torsion pendulum system.The experimental results show that the relative measurement error of the moment of inertia was within 0.7%,which indicated the validity of the measurement method.  相似文献   

Zhu  Yu  Song  Yang  Xu  Likun  Qin  Zhenbo  Song  Shizhe  Hu  Wenbin  Xia  Da-Hai 《天津大学学报(英文版)》2020,26(3):218-227
Stainless steel(SS) is one of the most widely used engineering materials in marine engineering. However, its corrosion in the marine atmospheric environment due to the high concentration of Cl~- is a problem. The SS corrosion is a threat to the development and security of marine industry; therefore, evaluating the corrosion resistance of SSs is necessary. In this work, atmospheric corrosion detection probes based on a symmetrical electrode system were used to study the corrosion behaviors of 304 SS and 2205 duplex stainless steel(DSS) in a simulated marine atmosphere. A theoretical model for electrochemical noise(EN) data analysis based on the Thevenin electrochemical equivalent circuit(EEC) model was established. The relationship between the EN characteristic parameters and the corrosion rate was obtained. The Thevenin EEC model analysis showed that the relationship between the noise resistance( R_n), the noise impedance [ R_(sn)(f)], and the impedance modulus(| Z( f)|) was R_n≈ R_(sn)=■. Thus, R_n and R_(sn) can be used as indicators for quantitative corrosion evaluation. The results of EN detection for the 304 SS and 2205 DSS showed that in a simulated marine atmospheric environment, the passive fi lms on the two SSs were relatively intact at the initial exposure stage, and their dissolution rates were slow. The corrosion resistance of the 2205 DSS was higher than that of the 304 SS. With the deposition of Cl~- on the SS surface, pitting was initiated and the dissolution rate increased. The pitting initiation process on the SS surface was random, and part of the active pores could be repassivated.  相似文献   

This study explores how the Chinese learners apply the learning strategies in the language learning.The research examines how to understand EFL learners uses of learning strategies in language learning.The SILL(the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning) was the instrument of this study.The results show that the frequency of strategy use does not vary among the different levels of learners based on the SILL’s mean scores.The results suggest that as the learners’ levels become higher,the EFL learners tend to choose more strategies which are reflective of their active learning.  相似文献   

Combined with the printing application, an image registration method based on the multi-resolution morphology contour detection was proposed. First, a direction based multi-resolution gray morphology in the scheme was proposed to realize the contour extraction. Then, based on the contour features, the subspace image registration was proposed to deal with issues of the computing complexity appeared in the traditional image registration methods. The proposed image registration was efficiently applied in the defect inspection of printing images.  相似文献   

The main aim of the study was to evaluate trainee teachers working commitment in their teaching practicum. There were seven component teaching practices and eleven demographic factors. The instrument of the study was extracted from various sources to suit the research design based on Units, Treatments, Observing, and Surveying (UTOS) model modification. The reliability index obtained for both research instruments were reasonably good ranging from 0.7030 to 0.9053. A total of 276 trainee teachers who were doing their practical teaching in one of the state in Malaysia (Kelantan). Stratified random sampling was used. They made their self-assessment by using the working commitment instrument. At the same time, their teaching processes were guided through conferences, observations and finally evaluations to get their comparative scores of teaching performance. The data were analyzed by using statistical multiple regression at significant ofp 〈 0.05. As a result, a linear equation of trainee teachers' commitment comprises contribution of work load, work satisfaction, study opportunities, teachers' prospect, marital status, teaching practices, planning and preparation teaching procedure, and religious studies. Furthermore the findings of this study led to some suggestions for future teachers development and become more efficient and adaptive.  相似文献   

A cluster analyzing algorithm based on grids is introduced in this paper,which is applied to data mining in the city emergency system. In the previous applications, data mining was based on the method of analyzing points and lines, which was not efficient enough in dealing with the geographic information in units of police areas. The proposed algorithm maps an event set stored as a point set to a grid unit set, utilizes the cluster algorithm based on grids to find out all the clusters, and shows the results in the method of visualization. The algorithm performs well when dealing with high dimensional data sets and immense data. It is suitable for the data mining based on geographic information system and is supportive to decision-makings in the city emergency system.  相似文献   

Two men,both seriously ill,occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour a day to drain the fluids from his lungs. His bed was next to the room's only window. The other man had to spend all his time flat on his back. The men talked for hours on end. They spoke of their wives and families,their homes,their jobs,their involvement in the military service,where they had been  相似文献   

英语世界学者对苏轼文赋的研究和题画诗的研究,不如对苏轼其他文学成就的关注那么广泛和深入。本文从英语世界的苏轼《赤壁赋》研究概述、“赤壁赋”的英译、《赤壁赋》的英译注释与评论、苏轼《赤壁赋》原文本的解读等方面对英语世界学者对苏轼《赤壁赋》的译介做了梳理,并对译介过程中出现的误读、误释的原因进行了分析。  相似文献   

王铁先生为上海古籍出版社和安徽教育出版社2002所版的《朱子全书》之《阴符经注》的校点说明中,扼要阐述了将此文以《阴符经注》而不以《阴符经考异》收录的原因,并提出《阴符经考异》其实是蔡元定的《阴符经注》的观点。本文在作了进一步的考订后认为,王铁先生的论证不可谓不力,但其结论还是未能令人信服。现在通常所说的朱熹《阴符经考异》,最初名为《阴符经注》,它既不是朱熹作的,也不是蔡元定作、朱熹校正的。  相似文献   

美国国家科学基金资助大学科研的机制、特点及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国国家科学基金会是联邦政府资助高等教育的主要政府机构,对美国研究型大学的基础科学研究和人才培养给予了长期重要的资助。美国国家科学基金会基于价值评议择优资助模式,以及重视研究与教育相结合,不断引领大学学科建设,有力地提升美国科研创新水平,其运行机制、特点对我国政府科研基金管理模式具有借鉴和启示意义。  相似文献   

儒家经典著作《论语》,是中国传统文化的基础,两千多年来对中国社会的各方面都产生了深远的影响。从汉代开始,历朝历代都有不计其数的学人孜孜不倦地对其进行研究与阐释。本文即简要概述了古代对《论语》的注疏情况及新中国成立后对《论语》的解读情况。  相似文献   

网络高等教育内容主要包括:什么是网络高等教育;网络高等教育的平台既有传统高校校园网络教育平台和网络远程教育平台,也有企业或社区等创办的网络大学平台;网络高等教育的基础是计算机互联网络,关键是网络课程、教育软件等资源建设,采用的学习方式是在线学习——E-learning。从互联网的发展、从教育信息化和产业化的要求、从人们对教育的需求等各方面都可以看到网络高等教育的巨大发展空间。  相似文献   

素质教育是相对于应试教育提出来的,从教育价值上说,素质教育必须同时满足社会、个体对教育的需求,这既是素质教育实施的目标,也是素质教育思想指导下考试改革的目标。在考试目的上,要实现从甄别选拔到育人为本的转变;在考试的过程上,要实现从课程教学向全方位学习、从注重书本知识向注重实践创新的转变;在考试标准上,要实现相对标准向绝对标准与个体标准相结合的转变;在考试方法上,要实现从一元化向多样化的转变。  相似文献   

比喻论证和类比论证的辨析持续不断,但大都未能从根本上澄清问题。写作学研究结果的差异,是引起分歧和争辩的直接原因;逻辑学研究的理论缺环现象,是造成写作学观点各异和辨析时各持己见的根本原因。辨析比喻论证和类比论证的根本原则是,必须依据公认的概念界定和阐释;有效方法是,站在作者对论据的选取和运用的角度来思考分析。  相似文献   

学术界对高职院校校企合作相关问题的研究已有十多年,校企合作在制度缺陷、现实障碍、动力机制和合作模式等方面取得了阶段性研究成果。但是,校企合作研究存在缺乏一定的深度与广度,没有形成系统研究框架,应用研究缺乏经验和实证支持等问题,进而提出以企业视角进行校企合作的研究,进行校企合作理论模式的系统性研究和校企合作政策制度的创新性研究以及校企合作绩效评价的实证性研究。  相似文献   

本文记叙了青岛第四十一中学教学管理及校本研训过程中的实际做法,即依托大学教育资源成立教师发展学校,依托专家,进行以"一课多人上"的课堂实录为主载体的评课式研讨;以"同课异构"式的集体备课为主载体的备课式研讨;开展以读好书写随笔为主要形式的教师自我研训;以及开展以生成性问题为中心问题的"行动教学研究"等校本研训活动。并对开展校本研训取得的效果进行反思。  相似文献   

本文分别从以下几个方面论述甲骨文的美感:1)甲骨文契刻时求美;2)甲骨文用笔、结体与结体类型、甲骨文的形式美、甲骨文的章法;3)甲骨文的象形字是如何展现美的;5)甲骨文的结构.  相似文献   

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