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利用自创的"科学"概念和误读科学概念或误导消费者来宣传产品,利用科学的标签把"伪科学"市场化,模糊了科学、非科学和伪科学之间的界限,无视科学划界问题将会造成严重的社会后果。本文通过浅谈这种伪科学市场化现象与科学划界问题,警示现实的和潜在的伪科学消费者,应以证伪主义科学观来看待伪科学的市场化现象。  相似文献   

科学哲学中的一个重要问题是科学划界问题(demarcation problem of science)。虽然人们认为这个问题不可能有完美的形而上学解答,但是瑞典科学哲学家图奥梅拉还是力图尝试找到一些标准,来刻画科学的本性或科学研究活动及科学方法的特征,把科学与伪科学加  相似文献   

科学哲学中的一个重要问题是科学划界问题(demarcation problem of science)。虽然人们认为这个问题不可能有完关的形而上学解答,但是瑞典科学哲学家图奥梅拉还是力图尝试找到一些标准,来刻画科学的本性或科学研究活动及科学方法的特征,把科学与伪科学加以区分。  相似文献   

科学与非科学划界问题是科学哲学的基本问题,也是科学哲学争论的焦点问题。逻辑实证主义的可证实标准和波普尔的可否证标准,提出了绝对的划界标准;库恩和拉卡托斯则模糊了划界要求,主张一种相对标准;费伊阿本德从相对主义与非理性主义的立场出发,提出要消解科学与非科学的划界标准。最终,科学划界被置入更为广阔的视界,萨伽德的三要素标准与邦格的十要素标准为科学划界提供了更为可信的多元化准则。然而,科学的最终目的是造福人类,只有建立在科学道德基础上的科学划界才是有意义的。  相似文献   

从实证论和还原论两个基本条件来看,经济学并不符合西方主流社会所理解的科学含义;如果从这个视角来强调经济学的科学性,那么只会强化它的"伪科学"特征.当然,无论是证实主义还是证伪主义作为科学划界的标准都存在缺陷,对包括经济学在内的社会科学尤其如此.在某种程度上,迄今为止,人们对科学概念的理解和使用几乎是实用性的和政治性的,而非学术性的和哲理性的,经不起思辨逻辑的耙梳.因此,对科学的划界应该寻找另外的标准.一般地,科学本质上可理解为实现某种目的的一组逻辑自洽的理论体系,从这一角度上讲,经济学也是一门科学.  相似文献   

科学划界问题是科学哲学的基本问题,它用来判别某种知识类型是不是科学知识,其目的是将科学与非科学、伪科学区分开来。科学哲学界对科学划界标准的讨论也是各抒己见,不拘一格。对此虽然没有一成不变的标准,但是明确辨析科学与非科学以及伪科学之间的区别,不断深化对科学划界问题的研究,可以使人们对科学的本质和特性的认识更加清晰,有利于丰富科学的形象,捍卫科学的尊严。  相似文献   

一、证伪标准论证伪标准论是波普尔哲学逻辑的基础,也是其历史方法论的前提。波普尔的伪证理论是与他的"划界"理论密切联系的。波普尔所说的"划界"是指科学与非科学的划界。他说:"找到一个标准,使我们能够做到以实验科学为一方,以数学、逻辑、形而上学系统为另一方而区分开来。这个问题我称之为划界问题。"[1](p11)  相似文献   

科学划界是科学哲学的核心问题之一。围绕这一问题 ,西方科学哲学各个流派都提出自己的划界标准 ,并因此引发了一场旷日持久的争论。这些划界标准可以概括为 :绝对经验主义标准、相对实用主义标准、社会历史主义标准和多元综合标准 ,并认为科学划界将最终走向语境化。  相似文献   

科学如何与伪科学划界   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对科学概念历史演进的回顾与反思的基础上,提出了区分科学与伪科学的实践性、科学认识观、理性观、科学的社会性和历史性等标准.  相似文献   

通过比较对科学与伪科学进行了界定,有助于人们进一步了解二者之间的区别。科学与伪科学在客观性、理性、可检验性、可重复性、逻辑完备性、批判性、思维原则、精确性等方面是根本对立的。这些内容的把握可以提高人们对伪科学的辩识能力,杜绝现实生活中打着科学招牌,以科学自居的一些歪理邪说。  相似文献   

The paper discusses the use of systemic networks as a basis for the construction of a questionnaire. The subject of the questionnaire was teachers' views of the philosophy of science. It is argued that systemic networks have potential value in questionnaire construction in such problematic areas, offering help in dealing with both construct and face validity.

The networks used, and the questionnaire based on them, were derived from an analysis of various philosophical positions. The analysis identified distinctions depicting the main philosophical differences, which were then represented in a network. The main systems described are inductivism, hypothetico‐deductivism (e.g., Popper, Lakatos), contextualism (e.g., Kuhn) and relativism (e.g., Feyerabend). Major distinctions turn on the issues of the unity of scientific method, criteria of demarcation, patterns of scientific change and the status of scientific knowledge.  相似文献   

Thomas Kuhn draws the distinction between textbook history of science and history of science proper. The question addressed in the paper is whether Kuhn recommends the inclusion of distortive textbook history in science education. It is argued, pace Fuller, that Kuhn does not make normative suggestions. He does not urge the teaching of bad history and he does not aim to deceive the scientists. He highlights the significance of the retrospective history of the textbooks as a condition for the practice of science. If science is to be seen as a practice and not as a set of propositions, then textbook history is instrumental in establishing and expanding the new paradigm. The other kind of history, the history of science proper, can only be taught as part of the students’ general education and not as part of science education.  相似文献   

库恩和伽达默尔对语言的重视、“先见”和范式在认识中的相似作用、是否可通约的分歧等 ,使我们直接把握到侧重于自然科学的库恩哲学与伽达尔的哲学解释学在文化领域的相通。这有可能导致将科学置于人的生活世界之中而不再超然  相似文献   

This paper analyzes how Thomas Kuhn's writings are used by others, especially science education researchers. Previous research in citation analysis is used to frame questions related to who cites Kuhn, in what manner and why. Research questions first focus on the variety of disciplines invoking Kuhn and to what extent Structure of Scientific Revolutions (SSR) is cited. The Web of Science database provides material from 1982 for this analysis. The science education literature is analyzed using back issues from 1985 of the Journal of Research in Science Teaching and Science Education. An article analysis reveals trends in terms of what Kuhnian ideas are most frequently invoked. Results indicate a wide array of disciplines from beekeeping to law cite Kuhn – especially generic citations to SSR. The science education journal analysis reveals pervasive use of the term paradigm, although use is quite varied. The two areas of research in science education most impacted by Kuhn appear to be conceptual change theory and constructivist epistemologies. Additional uses of Kuhn are discussed. The degree to which Kuhn is invoked in ways supporting the theoretical framework of citation analysis, whether his work is misappropriated, and the impact of Kuhn are discussed.  相似文献   

In contrast to Thomas Kuhn, the work of Ludwik Fleck, a Polish-born physician, microbiologist, and epistemologist, is conspicuously absent from the science education literature. His originally obscure monograph first published in German in 1935, Genesis and Development of a Scientific Fact, anticipates a number of views explicated by contemporary philosophers of science, cognitive psychologists, and learning theorists, and Fleck’s main thesis is, is many respects, strikingly similar to the oft-cited thesis developed later by Kuhn in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Fleck’s work is perhaps the best example of the social influence on scientific commitment and thinking and is one of the first works to suggest different scales or varieties of change in science. At the same time as Fleck’s work gains recognition, momentum, and force in philosophical circles, some educators are calling for a critical appraisal of Kuhn’s impact on science education. This climate provides an ideal opportunity to assess (or perhaps in some cases reassess) the value of Fleck’s work in a science education context. The primary aim of this article, therefore, is to introduce educators in general, and science educators in particular, to the main ideas developed by Fleck in his Genesis and Development of a Scientific Fact. Throughout this article, Fleck’s ideas are compared and contrasted to those of Thomas Kuhn—arguably one of the most popular referents in nature of science studies over the past decade. As will be discussed, many of the ideas developed by Fleck anticipate central issues and perspectives in philosophy, epistemology, sociology, education, and cognitive psychology.  相似文献   

Saving Kuhn from the Sociologists of Science   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nola  Robert 《Science & Education》2000,9(1-2):77-90
For many in the science education community Kuhn is often closely identified with a sociological approach, as opposed to a philosophical approach, to matters raised in his book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. This paper is an attempt to liberate Kuhn from too close an association with the sociology of scientific knowledge. While Kuhn was interested in some sociological issues concerning science, e.g., how to individuate communities of scientists, many of his other interests were not sociological. In fact in later writings he was quite hostile to the claims of the Strong Programme. This difference in his post-Structure writings is explored, along with his model of weighted values as an account of theory choice. This model has little in common with the model of theory choice advocated by Strong Programmers and much more in common with traditional philosophical concerns about theory choice.  相似文献   

An e-mail survey of two samples of the world's astronomers was conducted in order to determine the familiarity of the astronomical community with the work of Thomas Kuhn. As anticipated, only a minority of a representative sample of the astronomical community had more than a vague familiarity with Kuhn and his work. An unanticipated result of this investigation was the extent and type of influence of Kuhn on the research and teaching lives of the minority of astronomers who were familiar with his work. The depth and thoughtfulness of the responses indicated that for some astronomers at least, Kuhn's thought resonated well with their picture of how science is done and provided some useful perspectives on their scientific careers. These responses may be of value in encouraging scientists to become more familiar with the history and philosophy of science.  相似文献   

托马斯·库恩是美国著名的科学哲学家和科学史家,他提出的科学发展模式,一方面强调了常规科学和科学革命的不断交替的过程,另一方面又突出了新旧范式的更替依靠科学共同体对新范式的信念或信仰。这种动态发展模式是对卡尔·波普尔的一大推进。全方位研究库恩的范式及其科学发展模式,可以为我们从事科学研究和科学管理提供方法论指导。  相似文献   

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