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本文在介绍仲裁的起源及在国际上发展概况和我国仲裁制度发展历史的基础上,分析了我国仲裁法颁行后重组的国内仲裁机构运行中的若干问题,并对仲裁制度在中国的前景作了乐观的展望,指出我国仲裁制度在立法、受案范围,对仲裁的监督、仲裁程序,临时仲裁,仲裁协议等方面都将更加规范和完善。  相似文献   

近年来我国的仲裁制度得到了很大的发展,但也存在不容忽视的问题。仲裁机构的性质不确定;仲裁机构不统一;仲裁裁决的制度不统一;仲裁的立法不统一。解决这些问题,应该修改与现行的《仲裁法》相抵触的法律和法规,建立民间的仲裁机构,加强仲裁队伍的建设,建立统一的仲裁制度。  相似文献   

仲裁制度起源于临时仲裁,只是到了近现代社会才异化为机构仲裁。我们不难发现,临时仲裁、机构仲裁、诉讼这三种争端解决方式依次呈现出的当事人自主性、灵活性渐次降低,公权力介入程度、经济成本逐渐增大的曲线,三种制度各有其优缺点,为世界大多数国家所承认,而我国在国内立法中却不承认临时仲裁,建立临时仲裁制度实有必要,且目前也可行。  相似文献   

第三人制度的产生是经济社会发展、法学理论研究和司法实践探索的共同产物。近年来我国仲裁法学界和司法实践中对仲裁第三人制度存在的价值与途径争议颇多,这一制度的设立并未否认当人的意思自治与仲裁程序的保密性,仲裁的快捷性与经济性优势仍可得到发挥,同时也有助于维护裁决的确定性与司法的权威性。在我国设立仲裁第三人制度需从主体、时间、方式、权利等方面加以必要的限制。  相似文献   

网上仲裁的出现不仅是在形式方面需要对传统仲裁进行突破,而且更需要人们深入研究仲裁法律制度所面临的新课题,包括网上仲裁的形式要求、仲裁地、承认与执行等法律问题,以及网上仲裁是否适用现有的国内和国际仲裁法律制度。  相似文献   

李才锐 《惠州大学学报》2001,21(3):25-28,34
我国《仲裁法》在对本国仲裁裁决的承认和执行制度方面,与世界法制较健全的国家仲裁法律制度相比,存在一定差距,为了更好地与国际接轨,必须在立法和司法制度建设方面作必要的改革。  相似文献   

独立性既是仲裁的基本特点之一,又是仲裁法的一项基本原则,更是保障仲裁裁决公正、科学、快捷的前提与维系仲裁制度长存的基石。仲裁独立适用于仲裁机构、仲裁庭、仲裁员、仲裁协议。仲裁独立相对于司法独立而言,其独立性更强,但这种独立也是相对的,它会受到一国政治、经济、文化等因素的制约,也会因不同历史时期而有所不同。纵观仲裁制度的发展史,仲裁的独立性呈现逐步加强与完善的趋势,并受到法律保障。  相似文献   

现代社会经济交往日趋深入,争议也越来越复杂。仲裁第三人问题不仅是理论研究的热点,也是仲裁实务领域亟待解决的问题。适当引入仲裁第三人制度是仲裁发展的必然趋势.仲裁实践已经对仲裁第三人制度提出了立法要求,建立仲裁第三人制度在理论上也有其合理性。一些国家、仲裁机构已有关于仲裁第三人制度的立法规定,我国可以适当借鉴已有立法的有关规定,根据实际情况制定出符合我国实践需要的仲裁第三人制度。  相似文献   

我国人事争议仲裁制度在程序设置上不符合基本法治精神.在具体裁判过程中.适用的实体法依据与司法裁判依据严重脱节,并且人事仲裁庭设置缺乏中立性,仲裁员业务素质不高。改革的目标应是实现人事仲裁制度与劳动仲裁制度合一。统一由劳动法规范。当前的保守措施则可以由国务院制定人事仲裁法规.提高人事仲裁机构在人事部门中的相对独立.以及提高人事仲裁员的素质。  相似文献   

临时仲裁是仲裁的重要组成部分,是相对于机构仲裁而言的。这种仲裁形式具有灵活性、便捷性、经济性等优点,更符合作为投资者的当事人的心理。当事人选择临时仲裁将具有更大的自主性。临时仲裁制度在世界范围内都是通行的,其在国际上解决经济纠纷中起着与机构仲裁同样重要的作用。目前我国还不承认临时仲裁制度。随着我国与国际经济交往的日益频繁,我国仲裁制度也应与国际惯例或者国际通行规定相符合,以利于我国对外经济贸易的发展和改善我国的投资环境。  相似文献   

利用安徽省2005—2016年的面板数据,分析安徽省利用FDI的时空差异,运用Theil指数探寻其利用FDI的差异来源,并用空间面板模型检验了安徽省利用FDI区域差异的收敛性。研究表明:从时间维度来看,安徽省各市的FDI逐年增加;从空间维度来看,安徽省各区域的FDI分布不均匀,皖南地区实际利用FDI总量高于皖北地区;皖南和皖北两区域间利用FDI的差异总体呈现下降趋势并趋于平稳,安徽省利用FDI区域差异的主要来源是皖南地区地带内差异。应加强基础设施建设,扩大服务业利用FDI比重,重视人才培养和交流,促进各地市的协调互动。  相似文献   

As a result of reported failings in the care of people in the health and social care sector in the UK, HE providers who produce professionals to work in these areas are being challenged to address caring values in the student body. As values are subjective and affective, this requires the learning environment to not only promote critical thinking and the development of professional competencies, but to facilitate personal growth and change within students at cognitive, emotional and spiritual levels. As the latter dimensions are frequently ignored in education, this is very challenging: it requires a curriculum that supports students to understand, reflect on and, if necessary, restructure their own caring values in order to develop a transcendent lens i.e. the ability to put others before their own self interests and that of the organisation in which they work. It also requires students to develop the skills to challenge others in situations where caring values are not achieved or sustained. This can only be accomplished as a co-produced phenomenon, as it requires students who are prepared to engage in the process and educators, in both HE and practice settings, who are able and willing to role model appropriate skills and facilitate a learning relationship in which students can grow. However, if the true wisdom of caring values is to be realised in everyday practice, then this kind of transformational learning has to be supported at wider structural levels, and this just may be its Achilles heel.  相似文献   

我校图书馆期刊利用的调查及建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高等学校课程体系的改革,要求给学生更多的自学时间和思考的空间,以提高学生的自学能力,适应未来社会发展的需要。如何引导在校师生高效率、快节奏地获取最新信息,做好住处服务工作,是高校图书、期刊管理中急需探讨和研究的问题。笔者通过8个多月对我校过刊利用情况的实际调查,针对当前期刊订阅中存在的问题,提出了期刊订阅和有效利用的建议。  相似文献   

A resurgence of national and international interest in citizenship education, citizenship and social cohesion has been coupled with an apparent emergence of a language of crisis (Sears & Hyslop-Margison, 2006). Given this background, how can or should one consider a subjective sense of membership in a single political community? What this article hopes to show is that confining the subject of citizenship or patriotism to a national framework is inadequate in as much as there are grounds to argue for a more expansive and, at the same time, integrated outlook. Patriotism, like Citizenship, is still open to interpretation and potentially in danger of falling short of a richer conception. Education, therefore, needs to incorporate inclusive practices and encourage an integrative mindset in order to accommodate: increasingly complex identities, associations, experiences and continuing changes in the political landscape. In this article, the author argues for the importance of learning ways in which to value and respect diversity while working towards a principle of unity in diversity. Cultivating a subjective sense of membership in a single world polity is vital in matters pertaining to sustainability and justice.
In response to considering possible ways of sharing a subjective sense of membership in a single community and some implications for Citizenship, Patriotism and Citizenship Education, this article looks to three areas: ways in which to understand the notion of citizenship and patriotism, cultural crises and the notion of a cosmopolitan nation and, finally, the personal dimension to education for world citizenship.  相似文献   


The purpose of the article is to contribute to the discussion about the relevance of existential issues in contemporary education. Analysis presented in the paper is related to the problems of self-awareness, becoming oneself and self-development. First, the author begins by depicting the meaning of human existence in the light of philosophy. The following aspects have been analyzed: being true to one’s own beliefs and values, recognizing personal truth, making existential choices and finding one’s own voice. A special attention is paid to the language as an essential, constitutive element of being. Second, the article attempts to consider some educational implications resulting from the existential approach to education. Some of the issues discussed are learning to philosophize and to discover meaning, the concept of encounter in education and the role of language in self-development. While describing them the author indicates that the ignoring of crucial existential questions in education contributes to spiritual vacuity in life of young people and reduces educational thinking merely to instrumental, pragmatic problems concerning qualification and transfer of communicative skills.  相似文献   

The eight-year-long period from Japan’s initiation of the Second Sino-Japanese War in 1937 to its unconditional surrender in 1945 forced Japan to invest its national economy and industrial and scientific technologies in the war. In addition, in the name of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, Japan initiated its assimilation and Kominka (Japanisation) policies (皇民化政策) in the colonies Korea and Taiwan. Japan used education as a tool to expand its influence over members of society, and attempted the frequent use of Japanese and Kominka (皇民化) in daily life to penetrate the awareness of people in the colonies. Japan also started to enforce various assimilation policies. A comparison of the implementation of Kominka policies (皇民化政策) in Taiwan and Korea shows that, in terms of school admission rates and frequency of use of Japanese, the proportion of school admission rates for frequent speakers of Japanese to primary education in Taiwan are significantly higher than those in Korea. Moreover, in terms of primary education, national schools were implemented in both Taiwan and Korea according to the “National School Order” promulgated in 1941. Japan made use of the term “education equality” to win people over. In fact, it aimed to strengthen the concept of Kominka (皇民化), the education of militarism, and to force the Taiwanese and Koreans to become “imperial citizens” loyal to the Emperor. Japan’s ultimate objective was to create an environment that met military needs for civilian and military resources.  相似文献   

Developments in the field of gender theory as applied to education since the 1970s are briefly reviewed in order to highlight key challenges and debates around gender categorisation and identification in gender and education. We argue that conundrums of categorisation have haunted, and continue to haunt, the field of gender theory, and empirical applications (such as the case of education) in particular. We explain how we have attempted to address some of the conundrums arising in our own theoretical work, and analyse remaining challenges that we feel the field of education needs to address in order to advance theoretically. Identifying two key tensions underpinning this empirical dilemma of gender categorisation – the tension between agency and determinism in gender identification, and that between gender deconstruction and gender analysis – we seek to weave a path through some of these complex debates, and to indicate ways in which they may be addressed in future work. We argue that in order to avoid essentialism and reification of gender distinction, we need to apply a ‘three-fold’ analysis that incorporates three different elements in our categorisation of gender: spectator perspective; respondent perspective and social context.  相似文献   

《全日制义务教育数学课程标准》中指出:通过义务教育阶段的数学学习,使学生能获得适应未来社会生活和进一步发展所必须的重要教学知识;学会运用数学的思维方式去观察分析现实社会;体会数学与自然及人类社会的密切联系。同时要求学生具有初步的创新精神和实践能力。这是新大纲和课程标准的新提法。如何对学生进行创新思维能力的培养,结合长期的数学教学尝试,以四个方面提出一些体会。  相似文献   

基于集群理论的高校专业设置   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于集群理论探讨高校专业设置具有一定的理论和实践意义。专业集群式设置有利于正确处理专业稳定性与灵活性的关系,促进专业协调发展;有利于专业资源融通共享,促进专业和谐发展;有利于提高专业人才的培养质量,促进专业创新发展。实现专业集群式设置,要在高校专业发展规划中确定战略重点,在高校组织结构中构建有利于专业集群化发展的平台,在高校环境氛围中孕育竞争与协作的文化。  相似文献   

中国近代大学校长与自由主义教育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
20世纪初 ,由于受西方自由主义思潮的影响 ,加之部分著名大学校长的身体力行 ,中国近代大学教育逐渐滋长了一种自由主义教育的倾向。这种倾向 ,在教育目的上崇尚个性主义 ,在教育过程上坚持学术自由 ,在教育管理上力求教授治校。它反对封建教育对个人发展的专制 ,具有进步意义。但是 ,由于它生不逢时 ,加之其本身的软弱性 ,因此在半封建半殖民地社会条件下 ,它也就不可避免其最终的失败命运  相似文献   

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