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SUMMARY This paper examines two approaches to quality in engineering higher education. The first is based on the use of industrial quality systems standards, such as BS 5750 and the ISO 9000 series. Such standards are reviewed and criticisms of this approach noted. The other approach is total quality management, which has become very popular in both manufacturing and service industries. The total quality concept is described and the central elements identified. Two practical quality improvement processes are described. Conclusions are drawn concerning the suitability of each approach for engineering higher education.  相似文献   

精益管理理念是提升来华留学生教育管理工作的新方法,文章提出了运用精益管理理念可以完善留学生招生、教学、生活和毕业管理程序,优化课程设置,整合学校后勤管理资源,提高留学生管理工作人员素质,以提高来华留学教育管理工作效率,减少浪费,促进来华留学生教育事业可持续发展.  相似文献   

高校应打破那种"传道、授业、解惑"的传统教育理念,构建一种新型的教育管理模式。即培养学生自主学习、个性发展,激发学生的创新性思维;用先进的教育理念来更新教师的教学思维和知识结构,从而推动教育管理模式的创新。文章主要以高校教育管理的理论和原则为出发点,来探究当今我国各大高校教育管理存在的主要问题,并据此提出相关的建议。  相似文献   

以人为本教育理念作为学生教育理念的核心理念,内涵丰富,不仅顺应时代要求有利于高等教育发展,还是学生成长成才的必然需要。在实际教育管理工作中,以人为本要贯彻体现在每一个教育环节,也只有在实践中的切实运用,才能真正促进大学生的成长成才。  相似文献   

高等教育质量观本质上是一个高等教育哲学问题。精英教育阶段的高等教育质量观以认识论哲学为基础,奉行学术至上的质量观。随着高等教育哲学由认识论逐渐向价值论转变,大众化阶段的高等教育质量观是合多样性与合需要性的统一。长期以来,高等教育机构作为政府部门的一部分必须为政治服务,高等教育奉行的是一种合规定性的教育质量观。当高等教育走出"象牙塔"面向市场后,以实用主义哲学为基础的面向市场的高等教育奉行的是合满意性与合适应性相统一的高等教育产品质量观。  相似文献   

我国成人高等教育实施全面质量管理探微   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从全面质量管理的广泛适用性、我国成人高等教育产业属性的确立、全面质量管理的几个核心理念与我国成人高等教育管理实际的契合等方面来看,我国成人高等教育实施全面质量管理是可行的;从应对新世纪的机遇和挑战、适应高等教育发展需要等方面来看,我国成人高等教育实施全面质量管理是必要的。  相似文献   

哲学是追求生活中的智慧。哲学教育的目的和功能在于使人学会思考、教人经得起痛苦和磨炼。在素质教育视域中,哲学教育是心理素质教育和人文素质教育。当前中国高校普遍存在以"非哲学"的方式进行所谓的哲学教育。哲学教育改革的关键在于以"哲学对话"的方式恢复哲学教育的应有功能。  相似文献   

适应时代需求,我国职业教育不断发展,但其教学管理存在诸多问题。本文主要从职业教育学生管理和教师管理两个方面浅析其存在的问题所在,并提出职业教育管理应该树立的理念和切实可行的方法。  相似文献   

高等教育质量管理新进展:质量文化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高等教育质量已经成为高等教育领域的核心话题,各种高等教育质量管理程序和技术开始建立并推广,对保障高等教育质量起到了一定的作用。然而,欧洲的研究者提出,质量管理程序和技术最终不能解决质量的改进问题,而只有由下而上地建立高等教育质量文化,使追求和提升质量成为成员的自觉观念和行动,高等教育质量才能持续提升。围绕"质量文化"这一概念,对欧洲高等教育领域近年的质量文化研究进展进行考察,并从这些新进展中捕捉对中国高等教育质量管理的启示与意义。  相似文献   

The field of management education has been the focus of much debate in recent times. Issues relating to the real world and a lack of relevancy in business schools have caused much of this debate. In particular, questions have been raised regarding why business schools should endeavour to bridge this relevancy gap? However, it is important to define what is meant by relevance. How we define relevance has implications for all stakeholders of management education. As a result, this raises questions about the content and process of management education. For example, how applicable are the alternative approaches to management education such as action learning. How does such an approach translate into the professional practice of educators? What are the benefits and challenges of engaging in such an approach? In particular, what impact does it have for both management educators and their students? When we question what and how we teach it has the potential to open up new questions to be explored and insights to be revealed. This paper reveals a side of management education that is ever present in the philosophy and practice of action-learning practitioners. By exploring the impact of their practice it can inform our understanding and shape future practice. Management education like all education should be open to such exploration. Such an exploration is both timely and relevant for today's educators, students, managers and ultimately society.  相似文献   

省属普通本科院校是我国高等教育的重要力量,在高等教育大众化进程中发挥了重要作用,其自身也得到了较快发展。然而,数量和规模空前壮大的背后却是质量发展的滞后。省属普通本科院校内部的管理理念落后、管理体制不舍理、管理队伍不完善、管理制度不健全是影响教学质量管理的主要因素。而树立先进的管理理念,落实“以人为本”的发展观,实行“全面质量管理”;废除“科层制”,实行“扁平化”管理,适当引入“市场机制”;加强教学管理队伍建设,提升教学管理的专业化水平;完善教学管理制度,健全教学质量监控体系,规范教学行为是增强省属普通本科院校教学质量管理的有效措施。  相似文献   

In adopting a customer‐oriented approach to higher education, quality function deployment (QFD) is one of the total quality management techniques which can be applied for process and design improvement. Following a review of some practices in this sector, this paper outlines a QFD model in which the opinions of three groups of customers are utilized for quality planning. A developed framework for the dimensions of quality in engineering education was used in conjunction with the quality processes in a departmental quality management framework proposed by the Engineering Professors’ Council. The results from the QFD led to a strategy for prioritizing the different quality processes within a school/department.  相似文献   

Considered as a major management approach for improving organizational performance and competitive advantage, Total Quality Management (TQM) poses a challenge to dynamic institutions to adopt a systemic philosophy that places emphasis on customer needs and a commitment to a culture of excellence. Higher education institutions (HEIs) as learning organizations are expected to respond proactively to this challenge by examining closely how their educational centerpiece operates in an environment of quality. This inquiry aims to determine how the oldest university in Asia implements TQM as regards its Vision, Involvement, Continuous Improvement, Training and Education, Ownership, Reward, Yearning for Success, and Customer Focus (VICTORY-C). Moreover, it documents the best practices of the institution under study, categorized in the light of TQM principles and identifies implications for total quality education.  相似文献   

人本管理被认为是一种全新的管理理论,在教育工作中把人本管理理念引入到班主任的工作中是现阶段实施素质教育的必然要求。文章从人文管理的内容探讨了高中班主任在工作中人本管理的策略运用。  相似文献   

Accompanying the removal of the binary divide between polytechnics and universities, the Department of Education and Science (DES) also specified the requirement that the British higher education sector should give more emphasis to the effective management of quality. Some writers have suggested that this can be achieved by institutions introducing the concept of Total Quality Management (TQM). A vital aspect of TQM is the integration of multiple functions across the organization with the objective of establishing a quality conscious workforce. A recommended practice is to use the concept of internal marketing as a mechanism to persuade departments to work together in the creation of internal customer chains. To determine the current status of internal customer management practices in British Universities, a survey of academics was undertaken using a modified version of the Parasuraman SERVQUAL model. The majority of respondents indicated the existence of Type 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Gaps in the internal customer management process within their institution. Major influencers of these service gaps include minimal effort to gain further understanding of internal customer requirements and a lack of formal quality standards for managing internal customer relations. Respondents consider their faculties are unable to enhance internal quality if the issue was given higher priority by senior management. Identified obstacles to greater emphasis on an internal customer philosophy include insufficient trust between departments and low confidence levels of ability to manage the process. Under these circumstances, it does not appear that for the foreseeable future, British universities are in a position to adopt TQM philosophy. Hence it seems more advisable that these institutions should restrict their quality management activities to the simpler assessment-based approach recommended by the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals (CVCP) Academic Audit Unit.  相似文献   

随着时代的进步,科学的发展,体育教育的社会化和终生化理念被越来越多的人们所接受,而作为高校的体育教育也体现出越来越重要的作用,高校对于体育教育的管理就显的十分重要。鉴于高校体育教育管理的重要性,本文就高校体育教育管理进行了分析,并作出了对现有管理的反思。  相似文献   

在高等教育全球化及国内高等教育适龄人数不断下降的背景下,我国高职院校在生源市场面临巨大的挑战。因此,把营销理念引入到高职招生中,对高职教育营销进行介绍,针对生源数量少、质量差的问题进行了市场细分和产品定位,提出有效的营销组合策略等方面的建议。  相似文献   

教学质量监控及管理是卓越工程师培养规划的重要研究内容之一,以天津职业技术师范大学机电技术教育专业卓越工程师培养为研究对象,进行了教学质量管理概念及现状的分析。  相似文献   

全国引进ISO9001质量管理体系和相关质量标准的学校已有近300所,与此同时,也引进“顾客”概念,所有学校都将学生作为了“顾客”之一。重庆文理学院也是如此,提出了“学生即顾客”的观点,并且与“教育即服务”、“质量即生命”一起凝练为学校的办学理念。籍此,在得到普遍认同的同时,也受到部分学者对“学生即顾客”的质疑。文章针对质疑,从哲学视角、学理视角、逻辑视角和现实视角进行了全面分析,以正悬疑。  相似文献   

关于建筑机电设备安装管理教学思路的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
机电安装是一个广义的概念,也就是说它涉及的范围十分广泛,虽然具有自己的特点,但是其通用性也十分强,因此对于建筑机电安装管理教学问题而言,一定要抓好工程的施工技术和项目的质量管理的理论教育,本文主要分析了建筑机电设备的安装、以及建筑设备安装管理的相关内容,分析教学手段,并对其进行了总结。  相似文献   

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