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通过知识演化的文献计量分析,基于Web of Science核心库中关于开放获取和开放科学的913篇论文引文数据,使用CiteSpace对相关论文发表数量、涉及学科、合作网络以及研究内容聚类等知识演化研究指标展开比较分析,并基于实证研究对转变过程中的相关挑战展开理论探讨。结果表明,开放科学作为开放获取的新发展,在相关研究的内容上面存在着继承和发展,仍需要展开更多具体的实证研究以增强其实践意义。  相似文献   

张新兴 《现代情报》2016,36(11):109-113
我国的科学数据共享平台建立了完善的管理机制,基于分布式组织架构整合海量科学数据,利用元数据对科学数据进行全方位的描述,提供多种资源组织方式、检索方式、结果排序方式、数据获取方式。科学数据共享平台的用户数和使用量逐年扩大,为科技、经济、社会发展做出了重要贡献。今后科学数据共享平台应拓展和深化数据资源、加强服务能力建设、提高定制化服务水平。  相似文献   

Adopting an agnotological perspective, this article extends the critical literature on APIs (application programing interfaces) by systematically showing that social media APIs are largely blind to acts of disconnectivity such as unfriending and unliking. We do this through analysis of the traces of social media usage that are not accessible through APIs as gleaned from the technical documentation published for developers by 12 major SNSs. Our findings make two main contributions. First, we show for the first time that APIs offer virtually no access to data about disconnectivity. Second, we show that APIs offer a very limited historical perspective, particularly regarding disconnectivity. However, for types of users that might spend money on advertising, far more historical and disconnectivity-oriented information is accessible through the API. This has practical consequences for research and contributes to an agnotology of social media that sheds critical light on the advertiser-friendly atmosphere of connectivity that social media try to create.  相似文献   

The increasing commercialization of university discoveries has initiated a controversy on the impact for scientific research. It has been argued that an increasing orientation towards commercialization may have a negative impact on more fundamental research efforts in science. Several scholars have therefore analyzed the relationship between publication and patenting activity of university researchers, and most articles report positive correlations between patenting and publishing activities of scientists. However, previous studies do not account for heterogeneity of patenting activities. This paper explores the incidence of patenting and publishing of scientists distinguishing between corporate patents and patents assigned to non-profit organizations for a large sample of professors active in Germany. While patents assigned to non-profit organizations (incl. individual ownership of the professors themselves) complement publication quantity and quality, patents assigned to corporations are negatively related to quantity and quality of publication output.  相似文献   

尹增宝 《学会》2010,(8):16-19
社会转型时期,非营利组织在我国迅速发展,其在公益性信息服务中的作用和地位日益突显。然而,随着社会主义市场经济体制的深度发展,非营利组织在开展公益性信息服务方面陷入了困境。该文在概述非营利组织开展公益性信息服务的基础上,分析了其在公益性信息服务方面遇到的困境,并提出了相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

马宁  严根荣 《现代情报》2011,31(9):112-115
基于文献计量方法, 针对中国知网(CNKI)学术文献网络出版总库收录的门禁系统研究论文,分别从论文年代分布、著者及机构、关键词、期刊、学科类别、研究层次、被引频次7个方面对门禁系统的文献进行了统计分析,从一个层面揭示了国内门禁系统科学研究的情况。  相似文献   

摘要:组织文化是非营利组织竞争中重要的软实力。本文旨在揭示非营利组织创新不是依赖于非营利组织文化中某一条件变量的强度,而是依赖于不同条件变量的组合。本文选取北京市23家非营利组织为研究对象,基于Dension组织文化模型所构建的非营利组织文化模型,运用定性比较分析(QCA)方法分析非营利组织文化对组织创新的作用机制。研究发现:非营利组织创新的文化基础是包含高参与性与高适应性两个因素的组合;在非营利组织文化外部因素和内部因素联动作用下,“高参与性*高适应性*高使命感”或者“高参与性*高适应性*高一致性”是促使组织创新的有效条件,在一定程度上,非营利组织文化要素中的员工高使命感和员工高一致性间具有替代性,但超过一定阈值,替代性将不再发挥作用;相同的非营利组织文化因素组合得分,带来的组织创新的最终得分可能相同,但组织创新内部指标得分不同。研究建议加强非营利组织组织文化中的适应性和参与性建设,协同非营利组织文化因素促进组织创新,大力培育非营利组织特色创新文化环境。  相似文献   

The critical factors in the big data era are collection, analysis, and dissemination of information to improve an organization’s competitive position and enhance its products and services. In this scenario, it is imperative that organizations use Intelligence, which is understood as a process of gathering, analyzing, interpreting, and disseminating high-value data and information at the right time for use in the decision-making process. Earlier, the concept of Intelligence was associated with the military and national security sector; however, in present times, and as organizations evolve, Intelligence has been defined in several ways for the purposes of different applications. Given that the purpose of Intelligence is to obtain real value from data, information, and the dynamism of the organizations, the study of this discipline provides an opportunity to analyze the core trends related to data collection and processing, information management, decision-making process, and organizational capabilities. Therefore, the present study makes a conceptual analysis of the existing definitions of intelligence in the literature by quantifying the main bibliometric performance indicators, identifying the main authors and research areas, and evaluating the development of the field using SciMAT as a bibliometric analysis software.  相似文献   

In this paper we present the results of a study on the potentialities of “bibliometric” (publication and citation) data as tools for university research policy. In this study bibliometric indicators were calculated for all research groups in the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Leiden. Bibliometric results were discussed with a number of researchers from the two faculties involved.Our main conclusion is that the use of bibliometric data for evaluation purposes carries a number of problems, both with respect to data collection and handling, and with respect to the interpretation of bibliometric results. However, most of these problems can be overcome. When used properly, bibliometric indicators can provide a “monitoring device” for university research-management and science policy. They enable research policy-makers to ask relevant questions of researchers on their scientific performance, in order to find explanations of the bibliometric results in terms of factors relevant to policy.  相似文献   

Keith Pavitt has made pioneering contributions to the study of science, technology and innovation. This paper aims to examine some of them on the basis of a bibliometric analysis of Keith Pavitt's work and the impact that he has had. First the paper follows how Pavitt's publication profile develops over time. Then we trace his most cited works and explore the sets of references in his papers. Author and journal co-citation maps illustrate the intellectual environment associated with Pavitt and the central role Research Policy played in this context. An analysis of the most frequently cited authors in Research Policy and Scientometrics underlines Keith Pavitt's role as both a shaper of, and a bridge between, science and technology policy and bibliometric analysis.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 在信息检索、科技论文评价和知识结构演化方面,引文分析都起着至关重要的作用。随着格式化全文数据库的出现,引文分析迈入了4.0时代——全文引文分析阶段。但是,目前还没有中文的格式化全文数据库,这极大地制约了全文引文分析在我国科技文献中的研究和应用。[方法/过程] 在本文中我们提出建立高效的中文全文引文分析依赖的数据集和检索平台的方法,主要包括:1)提出了基于规则和SVM分类方法的论文元数据和引用提取方法;2)提出基于Spark平台的实现高效引文内容分析标准化数据集生成方法;3)提出建立引用内容的科技文献检索平台。[结果/结论] 引文内容分析标准化数据集的建立将全面提升全文引文分析在我国科技领域中的研究效能,提高科技文献查找精度。  相似文献   

李盼  翟军  陈燕 《现代情报》2016,36(8):37-43
开放政府数据能够促进政府透明和社会创新,已成为国内外研究和实践的热点。本文针对我国地方政府开放数据门户网站在元数据规范和数据格式上的不足,设计并建立基于Drupal的政府开放数据平台。在分析平台核心功能的基础上,引进W3C的通用元数据标准DCAT。重点说明平台建立元数据模式的映射过程,并介绍如何为关联数据集提供Sparql端点。以来自浙江省开放数据网站的一个具体数据集的发布为例,表明该平台支持机器可读的通用元数据格式,为我国各类开放数据网站的建设和升级提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

在科技政策研究中,评价活动不但需要大量的数据和事实支撑,更需要科学合理、准确规范的评价方法。针对评价者在实践中面对日益多样化的理论工具而无所适从的困境,本文在简要回顾科技政策研究评价方法发展轨迹的基础上,将评价方法按照在科技政策研究中常用于否、出现先后的顺序,简单合理地归并为社会学方法、统计学方法、经济分析法及文献计量法四大类方法,并就方法应用进行了总结和讨论。  相似文献   

吴胜  郝丽 《学会》2010,(7):15-17
改革开放以来,我国的非营利组织在有利的国际国内环境中得到了前所未有的发展,非营利组织在公共服务和公共物品的供给中扮演了十分重要的角色。规范的非营利组织必须要具备自主性的特征,它的自主性对我国政府职能转变、非营利组织的自身发展以及我国公民社会的成长都有积极的促进作用。我国的非营利组织缺乏自主性有其独特的背景和根源,该文对此进行了细致的分析并提出了相应的解决途径,主要从观念的转变、政府与非营利组织关系的重新界定、提高非营利组织自身能力以及完善相关法制入手,保持独立自主的特性,对目前及未来我国非营利组织的发展都至关重要。  相似文献   

科技类社会组织是科技人员基于学术自由、平等交流、互动自主机制自愿结合而成的非盈利社会组织,在参与国家治理方面具有其他社会组织不能比拟的天然优势。 秉持多元包容、协同互惠的新时期科技产业价值,顺应国家建设科技强国的战略要求,科技社团作为社会组织的组成之一,有能力也有理由更加积极地参与国家治理。本文聚焦新冠疫情期间中外科技社团参与疫情应对的程度和方式,通过多案例比较研究方法具体分析了对科技社团参与社会治理的情况进行了国际比较,并得出探讨了我国科技社团参与社会治理的优势和不足,并对此从科技社团自身、政策环境和科技社团与上级部门的关系三个角度提出相应建议。  相似文献   

伯琼  钟国祥  胡飞 《现代情报》2009,29(6):124-129
DC和MARC元数据如何进行转换,从而将它们集成在一个系统里面实现无缝检索是业界探讨的热点话题之一。文章试着利用XML、RDF、XSLT对DC和MARC的转换进行句法描述和探讨,并介绍了XSLT处理器在转换中的应用,以期对网络信息资源的组织和检索提供有益建议。  相似文献   

王冠 《学会》2010,(5):13-17
非营利组织在中国获得了快速的发展,但仍然面临很多发展的困扰,这些困扰无疑与非营利组织的运行机制密切相关。非营利组织无论在资源的获取、组织结构与运作,还是服务的提供,这些领域都存在漏洞,进而导致员工的需求得不到满足,阻碍组织的发展壮大。因此,建构合理的非营利组织运作机制成为解决非营利组织发展问题的必要条件。除此之外,还应该重视非营利组织的外部慈善文化和内部组织文化的建设。  相似文献   

周爱萍 《学会》2012,(2):16-20
作为一类重要的社会行动主体,非营利组织要与不同的行动主体发生互动交换行为。政府作为比较特别的行动主体,与非营利组织的关系已经引起了学术界的广泛关注,但我国政府与非营利组织的关系不能简单地套用已有的西方模式。笔者通过一个具体个案来探讨其与政府在互动中交换着怎样的资源?这种交换对非营利组织的发展有何影响?哪些因素会影响两者之间的交换等问题。  相似文献   

The name ambiguity problem is especially challenging in the field of bibliographic digital libraries. The problem is amplified when names are collected from heterogeneous sources. This is the case in the Scholarometer system, which performs bibliometric analysis by cross-correlating author names in user queries with those retrieved from digital libraries. The uncontrolled nature of user-generated annotations is very valuable, but creates the need to detect ambiguous names. Our goal is to detect ambiguous names at query time by mining digital library annotation data, thereby decreasing noise in the bibliometric analysis. We explore three kinds of heuristic features based on citations, metadata, and crowdsourced topics in a supervised learning framework. The proposed approach achieves almost 80% accuracy. Finally, we compare the performance of ambiguous author detection in Scholarometer using Google Scholar against a baseline based on Microsoft Academic Search.  相似文献   

对国家科学数据共享工程中地球系统科学领域数据资源的元数据信息进行抓取和处理,从不同的角度进行统计分析,展现当前地球系统科学领域已共享科学数据资源的基本情况,然后重点研究了科学数据资源的采集、生产和发布机构的特征及地域关系。结论表明:此领域科学数据的共享已具有一定的数据采集、生产和发布流程,相关机构及数据涉及的研究区域分布也形成一定的特征,但已共享科学数据资源量比较小,对科学数据的管理和共享处于初级阶段。  相似文献   

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