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在当今网络流行文化中,尚未婚育的年轻女孩却热衷于以另类的方式“养娃”。少女文化碰撞母职研究,引发了我们关于“母职”在数字时代内涵和外延拓展及变革的思考。本研究聚焦于棉花娃娃玩家群体近年来形成的“赛博母职”实践,并通过深度访谈和参与式观察的方法收集经验性材料。既往的“数字母职”研究关注技术如何影响生物性育儿,区别于此,“赛博母职”指向赛博格隐喻下人和技术双向交织的视角。研究发现,媒介技术、社会结构与少女的能动性共同塑造了以手作实践和视觉操弄为核心的“赛博育儿”实践,在与社会中的母职制度回响的同时,也在消解母职的神圣性。当“赛博母职”成了少女面对生活压力的一种柔性策略,流动的爱欲从顽固的二元论逻辑的裂缝中涌现出来,形成微弱短暂同时广泛流展的力量,为多元的性别主体-位置提供新的可能性。  相似文献   

张燕 《兰台世界》2012,(15):6-7
对于《周礼》女官群体的记载与讨论,学者们多以内官、内人、妇官等词汇代指女官,但通过与先秦其他文献的比较研究可知:内官可指天子、诸侯之御妻或近侍之臣;内人多指女御;妇官除指御妻之外,亦可指代与女事相关的男职。  相似文献   

兵书略“兵家”一般是指我国古代的军事家,但在《汉书·艺文志》中是专指先秦、两汉时期研究军事理论、从事军事活动的学派及其著作。《汉书·艺文志》云:“兵家者,盖出古司马之职,王官之武备也。”《艺文志》将兵家分为权谋、形势、阴阳、技巧四家:其中兵权谋家是专论用兵之战略  相似文献   

数据意识、数据能力和数据伦理构成了图书馆员的数据素养.图书馆员数据素养主要包含三个方面的价值意蕴:在图书馆内部营造良好的数据文化,提高馆员领导力;改进馆员决策方法,提升服务绩效;适应科研范式之变,提升馆员科研能力.另外,职前培养、职中实践、职后培训以及标准制定和政策保障是图书馆员数据素养培育的有效路径.  相似文献   

莫国成 《大观周刊》2012,(48):235-235
人生于世.立德为先:教师之职.师德为上。教师作为人类灵魂的工程师.不仪要教好书,还要育好人,各个方面都要为人师表。作为一名教师必须具备高尚的师德.使自己思想、品德、道德、行为均为学生的表率、社会的表率。古人云:“师者,所以传道、授业、解惑也”。可见中华民族注霞师德传统。随着教育的不断改革和发展.师德的内涵也存不断地丰富和发展,一名师德高尚的教师.传道。不仅传学问之道,更要传为人之道;授业,不仅要授学业.更要激发学生的求知欲望:解惑,不仅要解共同之惑,更要解个体的特殊之惑。  相似文献   

张胜英 《今传媒》2012,(5):73-74
采用广受欢迎的《职来职往》和《非你莫属》两档大型求职节目,组织学生系统观看就这两个栏目在学生中进行了调查,分析了两档电视求职节目受学生欢迎的原因,并就存在的问题给出了一些解决的建议。  相似文献   

随着高职生教育不断地发展扩大,如何提高职生教学质量已经成为社会的一个热点话题.学生成绩是教学质量的衡量标准,但现如今学生成绩分析不能很完全的提供有效信息,本文通过总结归纳数据挖掘的相关技术,探索数据挖掘技术如何应用于高职生成绩分析与预测.  相似文献   

面向成人在职学生的开放与远程教育考试改革是远程开放教育领域的新课题,基于网络的考试是今后实现考试公平与考试服务的主要趋势。福建广播电视大学针对成人在职学生考试方面进行积极的探索与实践,建成了基于互联网的、适合成人在职学生的一场多科、随到随考、智能组卷、提卷亮分、现场补考及成绩查询等功能的网络考试系统。网络考试系统立足在集中考试的前提下,改革了传统的考试场次观念,既确保了考试的公平、安全性,解决了学生的工学矛盾,同时又大大提高了考试效率,为保证成人远程中职教育的办学质量提供有力保障。  相似文献   

徐引篪,上海市人。1964年北京大学图书馆学系本科毕业,分配至中国科学院文献情报中心(原名中国科学院图书馆)工作至今,1985年作为访问学者公派在日本图书馆情报大学进修一年?历任研究发展部主任、业务处处长中心副主任、主任(馆长)之职,  相似文献   

张志骞 《大观周刊》2012,(8):200-200
师生角色互换,形成一种意识的平等。教师甘做学生的学生,可使师生各得其所:第一,生之所益:①学生为老师之老师,激发生之探究动力;②老师向学生请教,给学生信心;③学生为老师之老师,感师之感,体师之痛,理解老师之难。第二,师之所益:①老师为学生之学生,激发师之探究动力;②老师为学生之学生,学会从学生角度看问题;③教师为学生之学生,感生之感,体生之痛,理解学生之难。  相似文献   

为更好地发挥出版专业技术人员职业资格考试对高校编辑出版专业教育的影响,文章从出版理念和出版实践两方面分析了出版专业技术人员职业资格考试对我国高校编辑出版专业教育具有的引领和规范作用,并就进一步加强考试工作对高校编辑出版专业教育的影响力提出建议:第一,鼓励高校编辑出版专业学生参加出版专业技术人员初级职业资格考试;第二,倡导编辑出版专业的师生将出版专业技术人员职业资格考试辅导教材作为必备的专业教学辅导用书;第三,把参加出版专业技术人员职业资格考试纳入编辑出版专业专任教师的岗位培训范畴,并将获得出版专业技术人员中级职业资格证书作为专任教师晋升高级职称的重要条件之一。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(72):137-154

Much has been written about the education of reference librarians. Lamentations have been long, frequent and loud regarding library school education, and on-the-job training. Little, however, has been written about the education of librarians before they reach library school. If predictions regarding education are only half true, the future pool of reference librarians will be shallow indeed. Moreover, it is not entirely out of the question that those remaining in the pool may be so poorly educated as to require not on-the-job training, but a remedial education so extensive as to foreclose real on-the-job training for several years. Definition of the problem coupled with focused follow-up may help current reference librarians prepare now for the not-so-rosy future we may inherit.  相似文献   

A Canadian national survey of 788 library staff doing instructional work revealed that most participants expected to be doing some teaching in their workplaces, and the largest proportion of participants have been teaching for more than 10 years. Most instruction continues to take the form of short presentations to groups of learners. On the whole, preparatory experiences are informal—on-the-job experience, reading professional literature, and attending workshops. The majority of respondents identify instructional work as integral to their professional identity, but nearly one-third see this work as a duty or expectation, and a small proportion view it as an imposition. The study results have implications for design of programs that prepare library staff for the workplace, and for library managers who need to support effective instructional practice.  相似文献   

How's the Water?     
《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(38):175-181
There has been little literature written about the on-the-job training of reference librarians. This article includes a survey of training practices in the Albany, New York area. As with a previous national survey, the findings indicate that new reference librarians are not receiving basic training components.  相似文献   

This article reports the outcomes of an ethnographic study in a public broadcasting company exploring on-the-job learning and knowing in journalistic practice. We use practice perspective and social learning theory to study how knowing in everyday work is achieved within journalists’ communities of practice and in relation to other practices around journalism. A year-long study involved analysis of 19 on-site observations, 25 interviews, over 30 textual company based documents and over 120 photos. We found that journalists’ communities of practice are actively negotiating a shared understanding of good practice. At the same time, individual journalists are relatively free to choose how they use this collective knowledge resource, enabling a creative tension between shared understanding of good practice and individual performances of that practice. Journalists are also responsive to ongoing and anticipated future changes within the practices they align with—practices that are reported about, journalistic practices of other public broadcasting companies and practices of the audience. We, therefore, argue for an understanding of journalistic practice as open-ended and performative, rather than fixed and routine.  相似文献   

Just as there are many types of library environments, the librarians working within those spaces represent a variety of experiences, job skills, and perspectives. Librarians develop these qualities through library curricula and on-the-job experience. While some librarians spend their careers in one type of library, others may travel between library environments and gain a wider range of experiences and skills. Decisions to transition between library types may be triggered by personal and professional motivators. Results of this survey confirm some librarians are actively and successfully transitioning between library environments as an alternative career path.  相似文献   

公共图书馆工作人员保障机制研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
我国公共图书馆队伍存在着人员数量不足、整体素质偏低等问题.建立公共图书馆工作人员保障机制,主要涉及人员编制、职业资格、人员结构和在职教育四个问题.应根据服务人口、公共图书馆建筑规模、馆藏资源数量等因素,确定公共图书馆人员编制数量标准;通过实施职业资格准人制度,规范人员结构比例,完善在职教育制度,确保公共图书馆工作人员的整体素质.<公共图书馆法>应针对上述方面作出法律规定.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(72):195-206

Training, supervision, and evaluation of student assistants is not a topic covered in most library school curricula; it is a skill that it is assumed one will have or acquire through on-the-job experience. This article focuses on the hiring, supervision, training, and evaluation of student information assistants in the reference/electronic resource setting. Student Information Assistants are known by many names-reference assistants, peer counselors, research assistants, and database assistants, to name a few-but within this article I will use the name Student Information Assistants (SIAs).  相似文献   

基于技术接受模型和已有研究,从感知的有用性易用性、人口统计因素、感知风险,网络直接使用经验几个方面分析我国格尔木在职人员采纳网络购物这种行为意向的影响因素,还针对地区差异增加了区域文化、快递服务两个因素,构建网络购物采纳意向影响因素的研究模型,并对结构模型进行实证分析。  相似文献   

While the study of the ethical use of new technologies in journalistic work is imperative given the widespread use of such technology, such studies are few and far between, particularly for the developing world. This paper provides results of an exploratory, qualitative study of Indian journalists’ views about the ethical use of new computer and Internet-based technologies for news gathering and reporting in India. New digital technology was widely accessible to the respondents, but not all journalists were given the tools by their employers. Opinions about ethical news practices using new technology were mixed and revealed a few grey areas. English language national newspapers tended to indicate that their standards were strict and that ethical violations, exacerbated by new technology, occurred mostly in vernacular newspapers. On the whole, respondents had not heard often of other organizations or individuals committing unethical practices such as plagiarism and lack of attribution using new technology. Still, some beliefs indicated uncertainty about ethical practice or breach of ethical principles. The findings of this study have implications for journalism education and on-the-job training of Indian journalists, as well as for formulating ethical codes of journalism, particularly with regard to new media. Indian codes focus more on the roles journalists should play in society and do not provide very specific tactical guidance for everyday news gathering. Coupled with lack of training, this creates a situation where perceptions about journalistic ethics are sometimes vague and variant.  相似文献   

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