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近十年齐梁咏物诗研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
咏物诗是中国古代诗歌领域中一个重要门类,齐梁咏物诗是咏物诗史上一个重要时期。但从研究实际来看,历代对此关注不够。近十年来,随着研究领域的深化与细化,研究者们开始重视齐梁咏物诗,出现了可喜局面:咏物诗评注、鉴赏作品集中相应选取了一部分齐梁咏物诗;个人研究论著陆续问世;齐梁咏物诗研究的单篇成绩显著。但对齐梁咏物诗的研究尚存在不足,有不少问题还有待深入探讨。  相似文献   

Learning objects are instructional materials found on the Internet that can be used to illustrate, support, supplement, or assess student learning. Small in size, they can provide instruction that is just enough, just in time, just for you. Is it time to move your classroom into the twenty-first century? In this article, the author explores what learning objects are, where one might find them, and attributes of a twenty-first century curriculum. Today's students expect to use technology when learning; learning objects are a natural way to integrate technology into your classroom.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the difficulties involved in processing deformable objects is necessary if learning activities are to be devised which develop visualisation skills in spatial aspects of mathematics. The research reported here attempts to determine an ordering in terms of complexity of tasks involving the mental manipulation of deformable objects, tasks which require the same skills as those employed in mathematical imagery.Subjects performed a series of spatial tests involving the comparison of diagrams of interlaced ropes, or knots at varying orientations. Knots were chosen not only because there is a mathematical structure to describe their properties but also, since they are deformable, the tasks differ from those in earlier work based upon the rotation of rigid objects.Results indicated that certain knot shapes are processed faster than others and, as with rigid objects, greater relative rotation of one of the deformable shapes increases the decision time. Tasks with more crossings were predicted to be of higher complexity, and to require longer decision times. However, this was found not to be the case, particularly where strong bilateral symmetry existed which significantly reduced decision time.  相似文献   

《金文的世界》是日本学者白川静依据铜器铭文论述殷周社会历史的著作,该书见解独到,影响深远。笔者在该书中译过程中,将其金文释文、注解、断代及古代史实,与国内卓工成就的金文考释著作仔细核对、彼此验证,于此翻译与校补13器,纠正白川先生援引文献的错误一处。  相似文献   

BSP树在计算机图形学中应用于视点运动三维场景显示的计算。一般BSP树以递归的方式对平面进行分割,但实际应用的三维场景复杂度较高,也就使得树的复杂度非常高,预处理时间长。文章针对三维场景模型渲染速度慢的问题,基于空间BSP树的理论基础,通过引入包围体的方法使场景中的物体能够快速实现空间二分树划分,进而提高渲染速度。通过实验比较直接渲染和包围体渲染的速度,验证了引入包围体能够缩小预处理时间,提高场景的渲染速度。  相似文献   

Associations between infants' transition to walking and object activities were examined. Fifty infants were observed longitudinally during home observations. At 11 months, all infants were crawlers; at 13 months, half became walkers. Over age, infants increased their total time with objects and frequency of sharing objects with mothers. Bidirectional influences between locomotion and object actions were found. Walking was associated with new forms of object behaviors: Walkers accessed distant objects, carried objects, and approached mothers to share objects; crawlers preferred objects close at hand and shared objects while remaining stationary. Earlier object activities predicted walking status: Crawlers who accessed distant objects, carried objects, and shared objects over distances at 11 months were more likely to walk by 13 months.  相似文献   

The present study examined developmental differences in the effect of route extensity on the memory for the locations of objects in a spatial array. Kindergarten and adult subjects were trained to remember the locations of 4 objects. During this training, objects were either connected by a combination of indirect, looped train tracks and direct train tracks (experimental subjects) or connected by entirely direct train-track routes (control subjects). Analyses of actual interobject distances, from subjects' reproductions of object locations on a response board (without train tracks), revealed that children, but not adults, distort distance in terms of the nature of travel observed between objects. Further testing revealed that differences in the amount of time taken for travel could not account for the results obtained with children.  相似文献   

This paper draws on the presentation of three online pilot ‘series’ of learning objects aimed at offering university staff convenient updating opportunities around issues connected with e‐learning. The ‘Hot Topics' format presented short themed sets (series) of learning objects to a wide‐range of staff, encouraging sampling strategies to support variable levels of engagement and re‐scheduling within the series which reflects each participants’ personal preferences, time or other constraints. Developed by the Institute of Educational Technology (IET) at the UK Open University, and delivered using IET's knowledge‐sharing Knowledge Network, this format suggests a new way of facilitating continuing professional development in HEIs, and also offers fresh insights into the consequences of using learning objects for staff development and the difficulties of evaluating staff development activity based on learning objects. This paper is particularly concerned with the consequences of offering choice to the series' participants and more flexible options for dissemination to potential contributors.  相似文献   

Infants' visual short‐term memory (VSTM) for simple objects undergoes dramatic development: Six‐month‐old infants can store in VSTM information about only a simple object presented in isolation, whereas 8‐month‐old infants can store information about simple objects presented in multiple‐item arrays. This study extended this work to examine the development of infants' VSTM for complex objects during this same period (= 105). Using the simultaneous streams change detection paradigm, Experiment 1 confirmed the previous developmental trajectory between 6 and 8 months. Experiment 2 showed that doubling the exposure time did not enhance 6‐month‐old infants' change detection, demonstrating that the developmental change is not due to encoding speed. Thus, VSTM for simple and complex objects appears to follow the same developmental trajectory.  相似文献   

Multimodal instruction with text and pictures was compared with uni-modal, text-only instruction. More specifically, 44 students used a visual or a textual manual to learn a complex software application. During 2 103-116-min training sessions, cognitive load, and time and ability to recover from errors were measured. After training, the authors tested students' learning on trained and untrained tasks. The results for cognitive load, training time, and learning effects initially supported dual coding theory. The results show that even in this complex situation, multimodal instruction led to a better performance than unimodal instruction. That is, the multimodal manual led to a stronger mental model of the computer program, improved identification of window elements and objects, and speeded up the location of window elements and objects.  相似文献   

多目标跟踪的概率假设密度滤波   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在多目标跟踪技术中,当目标数未知或随时间变化时,可将目标集看作随机集.阐述了随机集的有限集统计(FISST)理论,研究了用PHD滤波实现跟踪随机集的方法.实验表明,在杂波环境下,概率假设密度滤波可以稳健地跟踪目标状态和目标数.  相似文献   

张爱玲是一个具有鲜明的"现代性"倾向的作家,时间的飞快流逝经常成为她的小说的主题,因此也就出现了众多时间性场景的描述。其中以服饰、镜子等物象为代表的"隐性时间"和以时钟、月亮等物象为代表的"显性时间",在这些时间性场景中尤为突出。张爱玲正是借助这些不同的物象,表达了她对时间的独特感悟。  相似文献   

The features of collaboration in design education include effective and efficient communication and reflection, and feasible manipulation of design objects. For collaborative design, information and communication technology offers educators the possibility to change design pedagogy. However, there is a paucity of literature on relative advantages and disadvantages of online collaboration for real‐time manipulation of design objects and prototypes, particularly in web design education. Using survey instrumentations, this study investigated online collaborative design practices with an application by measuring experiences of communication and interaction among twelve designers who are enrolled in a Master's programme in interactive design. The study identified barriers to online collaboration design: (1) real‐time manipulation of design objects and prototypes may increase complexity of communication interaction; (2) records of communication and invisibility of team members may attenuate quality and frequency of critical feedback to each other; (3) students’ attitudes towards collaboration, individual students’ learning goals, and completing tasks in a timely manner could reduce their engagement and increase their reliance on teacher intervention.  相似文献   

足球机器人比赛环境中,对系统的实时性要求很高,快速而有效的识别并跟踪目标系统,是能否取得比赛成功的关键一步.文中在传统的全局网格搜索和动态窗口搜索方法基础上提出了基于连通区域标记的动态窗口搜索算法.实验证明,该搜索方法能够快速而有效的跟踪机器人目标,具有较好的实时性.  相似文献   

Sixty-two second-, fourth-, and sixth-graders were asked to judge the temporal duration of objects and events when the objects were changed in height or subjected to decay, when an event was reversed, and when an event was given an affective dimension. Nonconservers of time were those who judged that these irrelevant transformations affected the temporal aspects of the objects or events. The shift from nonconservation to conservation of time occurred between the second and fourth grades for most problems. The results indicated that young (under eight or nine years) children's concept of time is surprisingly defective. The relation of these findings to other conservation concepts was discussed.  相似文献   

The present research investigated the development of word retrieval abilities late in the second year when most children display a marked increase in word production. When asked what was hidden in a given box, children with still quite limited productive vocabularies were reliably less likely to produce the labels of the hidden objects than were children with larger productive vocabularies even though (1) all children could name those objects and (2) all children did well when asked to find those same hidden objects. Additionally, the provision of pictorial cues facilitated word retrieval, especially in the early stage of lexical development. Naming errors during a naturalistic book-reading session peaked in children whose productive vocabularies had recently begun to expand, further suggesting that word retrieval processes undergo significant changes at this time.  相似文献   

高等教育困难群体权益保护是一个理论性和政策性都很强的领域。美国在这一领域表现出下列鲜明的特点:在维护对象上兼顾中产阶级和特殊群体;在资助目标上照顾多方面比例的平衡并保障院校与专业的自由选择;在资助主体上以政府为主但院校和社会也发挥重要作用;在资助历程中各阶段资助理念的变化主导法规政策的发展;在资助手段上法律、市场、技术、税收多管齐下;在资助成就上从认识到实践都达到了较高水平。借鉴美周经验,我国高教困难群体权益保护应重审高教权益观,逐渐拓宽资助对象,完善高教资助目标结构;综合运用多元权益保护手段;进一步探索和改进权益保护操作方法和技术。  相似文献   

以多移动机器人大规模搜索搬运为背景,探讨机器人异构、目标物异构情况下,多移动机器人协作系统的构建.通过改进合同网协议,实现动态局域网招标,并根据期望值投标,以期望值作为确定任务执行者的重要指标.仿真实验结果表明,该方法能大幅减少系统通信开销,有效缩短任务响应时间与任务完成时间,提高了系统效率.  相似文献   

《艺文类聚》是初唐时期的官修类书,书中收录保存了大量的南朝咏物诗,并首次将咏物题材的诗歌进行独立类分编排,确立了一种关于咏物题材文献汇编的基本模式,因而具有特殊的文学史意义。同时,通过《艺文类聚》这一工具书性质的媒介,南朝咏物诗作为可被效仿的创作范式与可被征引的文辞来源,对初唐宫廷咏物诗的创作产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of limited oral and physical teacher intervention on object manipulation by preschool and early elementary children. The population consisting of 70 children, three, four, five, and six years old from two preschools and two kindergarten classes were randomly assigned to control and experimental groups. Children were observed as they manipulated magnets in classroom settings. Experimental students had the objects placed in their hands and were orally invited to explore. Results showed that there were significant differences between the groups in total time spent with the objects, number of activities performed, and cognitive level of operation. No significant differences were found in the number of contacts or in the interactive effects of treatment and testing day. The findings suggest that teacher roles may have an effect on student exploration and quality of interaction with unfamiliar objects.  相似文献   

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