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郁小平  夏洪胜 《体育学刊》2004,11(4):136-138
单纯从中美高尔夫球俱乐部的发展与国民经济发展和人均GDP关系的比较,中国的高尔夫球俱乐部发展的数量与美国有很大差距,其中主要原因包括人口数量不同、人均占有土地资源不同、国民收入不同以及政府相关的产业政策和高尔夫球运动在我国发展时间较短等;但在对日本、韩国、台湾等国家和地区高尔夫球运动的研究分析认为,高尔夫球运动与亚洲文化,特别是中国文化具有很强的共融性。综合这些因素,可初步预测中国的高尔夫球俱乐部至2015年的发展情况。  相似文献   

本文从市场学的视角 ,结合我国高尔夫球俱乐部的实际情况 ,对高尔夫球俱乐部的消费、消费动机进行了分析 ,同时对高尔夫球俱乐部的市场定位、市场营销战略了做了较为全面的探讨。1 .消费者市场特点的分析 :首先消费者市场需求具有极大的扩展性。据统计 ,到 2 0 0 2年 9月份为止 ,中国的高尔夫球手已达 1 0万人之多 (其中未包括香港的 1 2万球手 ) ,消费者市场需求表现出了强大的生命力。其次消费者市场需求具有很强的可诱导性 ,因为这一高贵、优雅的运动本身具有极大的魅力 ,加之广告媒体的诱导宣传 ,于是在外界的刺激诱惑下 ,很多人  纷…  相似文献   

英雄出少年──首届少年高尔夫球公开赛侧记张立北京华歌尔高尔夫球学校的选手们在练球(崔志强摄)八月初的北京,仍是炎暑逼人,而在北京国际高尔夫球俱乐部举办的公开赛,却给闷热的京城带来一丝清凉。洒脱、高雅的高尔夫球被一群不更世事的少年击打,别有一番趣味。国...  相似文献   

查阅近年来高尔夫球文献资料,到中国、新西兰各地的高尔夫球俱乐部考察,发现球场的人均占有率和经济水平的发展高度相关.高尔夫球观念是阻碍我国高尔夫球发展的影响因素之一.建设不同层次高尔夫球场,以满足不同层次民众的需要.我国高尔夫球的发展需要大力发展高尔夫球教育,建立完善的高尔夫球教育体系.  相似文献   

本文运用文献资料法、实地考察法等方法,对韶关银山高尔夫球俱乐部的运营管理现状进行了相关研究。结果表明,韶关银山高尔夫球俱乐部在球场规模和配套设施等相当完善,但在运营管理上仍需改善和提高;以会员制为主,配套散客应该成为其主流的运营模式;同时引进一批具有较高文化素养且具备相关专业素质的人才有利于推进该俱乐部发展;在加强对外宣传的同时更应该注重对本土的宣传。  相似文献   

赵贻贤老师现任北京高尔夫运动学校教务长、北京高尔夫俱乐部顾问、北京窑上高尔夫俱乐部服务总监,并兼任北京、厂东、河北、天津、重庆等十几个高尔夫球俱乐部的顾问。80年代中期由于工作需要,他接触到高尔夫球运动,从此,他便全身心投入了这项运动,并为这项运动在中国的发展做出了贡献。他的学生可谓桃李满天下,他的教学水平得到了各方面的好评。学生家长和高尔夫俱乐部送给赵老师的锦旗上写着“敬业奉献高球伯乐”、“因材施教教球育人品德高尚无私奉献”等。笔者慕名到北京高尔夫运动学校对他进行了采访。  相似文献   

本刊讯由北京李宁体育用品有限公司独家赞助,中国高尔夫球协会、中国国际体育旅游公司和华彬庄园联合举办的第十届“贺龙杯”高尔夫球邀请赛,9月22日在北京华彬庄园高尔夫球俱乐部举行。  相似文献   

李孟苏 《新体育》2003,(7):56-57
女人抢了男人的饭碗?苏格兰一家历史悠久的高尔夫球俱乐部里挂了块牌子:“女士会员请尽量为绅士们提供方便,在每年9月到第二年4月的下午4点以后除外。”斐济男高尔夫球运动员赛恩大概从来没有去过苏格兰的这家俱乐部,没见过这块牌子,但他一定很同意这个规则。今年5月,在美国高尔夫球公开赛开赛之前,赛恩退出了比赛——因为瑞典高尔夫球运动员阿尼卡·索伦斯坦作为惟一的女选手决定参加比赛。此举为高尔夫球比赛的性别歧视增加了新的注脚。赛恩说,让这个女人参赛,就意味着要一个老资格的男选手放弃比赛,好比抢走人家盘子里的吃的,简直就是个…  相似文献   

第41届世界杯高尔夫球决赛11月9日至12日在风景秀丽的深圳观澜湖俱乐部举行。这是中国首次承办世界高水平的高尔夫球大赛。来自32个国家和地区的64名高手进行了激烈的争夺。  相似文献   

5月15日,青山环绕的北京昌平高尔夫球俱乐部碧草茵茵的场地上,杆起球飞。来自23个国家和地区的140多位高手正在角逐VOLVO中国高尔夫球公开赛。场边人头攒动,观者如云,然而不少中国观众对这项运动还不甚了解。 高尔夫球在世界各地开展得十分普通,在中国开展得如何呢?  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法对长沙市高尔夫俱乐部教练员进行了现状调查与分析,研究结果表明:(1)在年龄结构上,长沙市高尔夫俱乐部教练员呈现年轻化趋势。年轻教练占较大比例。(2)在性别结构上,长沙市高尔夫俱乐部教练员中呈现男多女少的现象。这与全国其他地方的高尔夫教练员的情况类似。(3)长沙市高尔夫俱乐部教练员中教龄较长的教练员学历水平普遍不高,而教龄较短的教练员学历集中在本科阶段。(4)与其他城市相比,长沙高尔夫俱乐部的教练平均月薪处于中等水平,与长沙在全国的城市排名来看是较为相符的,与其他体育项目的教练员薪资水平相比相对较高。(5)长沙市高尔夫俱乐部教练员资格认证情况不够乐观。(6)长沙市高尔夫俱乐部教练员中的外籍教练年龄都在40岁以上,平均教龄为20年左右,平均月薪为10000元左右,学历方面,外籍教练员均是本科,资格认证方面,外籍教练员有显著优势。  相似文献   

A device was created to enable a quadruple amputee golfer to securely hold a golf club and play the game. The device also offers a way to easily and independently switch one golf club for another during the round. It comprises a spring-loaded cylindrical fixture to hold the club to the prosthetic arm and a J-slot to twist and release the club to exchange it for a different club on the course. The device has been used to play golf for 5 years. The engineered solution attaches to the golfer’s right arm and he swings using a right-handed stance. It includes a bend in the prosthetic arm to enable a more functional golf swing. A series of club fittings were conducted over a number of years and experiments were conducted on both driving ranges and golf courses with the aim of optimizing performance. The complete set of club specifications is included along with typical shot results for selected clubs.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法和访谈法回顾我国(大陆地区,下同)高尔夫赛事发展的历程,分析高尔夫赛事开发的意义,以及制约我国高尔夫赛事发展的因素,主要有政策限制、经济落后等宏观因素,也有球会规模小和分布不均、行业协会职能局限、高尔夫人才匮乏等微观因素。在此基础上,对我国高尔夫球赛事的开发提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

在高尔夫球运动中,由于球道边救球、果岭边劈球都得使用短杆,因此短杆使用的几率更大。运动员在短杆击球时的心态跟全挥杆击球时的心态大不相同,需要更多的想象力和创造力。影响高尔夫球员短杆效果的影响较多,运用表象训练法有助于提高高尔夫球员短杆的挥杆效果。  相似文献   

我国高尔夫运动参与者社会特征及场地选择影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以我国高尔夫运动开展较好地区高尔夫俱乐部、练习场的参与者为研究对象,主要采用访谈法、数理统计法等研究方法,对我国高尔夫运动参与者的社会特征及其场地选择影响因素进行调查和探讨,为人们提供高尔夫消费市场发展与管理的科学依据;同时对高尔夫运动参与者自身来讲,在体育消费多样化的基础上,有助于高尔夫运动参与者认识到高尔夫运动参与行为的内在价值,增强健康意识,提高高尔夫运动参与效果.从而进行健康理性的高尔夫消费.  相似文献   

通过文献资料法和访谈法了解北部湾经济区高尔夫产业的行业动态以及高尔夫俱乐部现状。研究发现广西北部湾经济区高尔夫产业具备一定的优势,也存在着不足,面临大好的机遇,同时也存在着挑战。在分析高尔夫产业化发展的动因后,根据广西北部湾经济区的实际情况,提出了北部湾经济区高尔夫产业化发展的对策。  相似文献   

Effects of fatigue on golf performance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this study was to determine if body position, weight transfer, and/or pelvis/trunk rotations changed as a result of a golf specific fatiguing protocol and whether these changes affected resultant club head velocity at impact and shot consistency. Six male golfers and one female golfer participated in the study, who had a mean age, height, and body mass of 23.9 +/- 3.9 years, 177.4 +/- 4.9 cm, and 75.3 +/- 9.9 kg, respectively. Path analysis was used to determine the relationships between fatigue, biomechanical variables, and resultant club head velocity at impact and shot consistency. In the statistical models representing the effects of biomechanical variables calculated at the top of the swing and ball contact, golf specific fatigue was associated with a 2.0% and 2.5% reduction in the club head velocity and a 7.1% and 9.4% improvement in the shot consistency, respectively. These data suggest that golf specific fatigue was not related to the initial lower body sagittal plane angles at address nor was simulated golf specific fatigue related to peak transverse plane pelvis and trunk rotational velocities (or their timings) in a manner that indicates a relationship to resultant club head velocity and shot consistency.  相似文献   

In this article, the notable, but forgotten, history of the Royal Isle of Wight Golf Club (RIWGC), founded in 1882, is used to examine the cultural and social shifts that enabled the development of the sport's popularity across late Victorian and Edwardian society in Britain. The club can justifiably be described as notable because for a brief period this small island club was at the centre of developments which helped shape golf during this era and framed its development in the twentieth century. Two archetypally entrepreneurial Victorian gentlemen, Captain Jack Eaton and Charles John Jacobs, were central to the club's success and their endeavours underpinned the club's illustrious status. This paper examines newspaper records, periodicals and local archives to explain how the RIWGC originated and then prospered in tandem with the development of the Isle of Wight as an upmarket holiday destination. Moreover the article shows how the club provided access for both sexes of the English upper middle class to a sport and an environment that delivered the cultural benefits and the social kudos which could be derived from association with a golf club, and particularly one that was one of a select group of ‘Royal’ golf clubs. However, research also demonstrates that the club provided an environment where enterprising and talented men from less privileged backgrounds could seize the opportunity to become famous on the national and even the international stage. Finally it will demonstrate that the RIWGC had a significant role in codifying the rules of golf in the 1880s when the R&A appeared hesitant to take the lead.  相似文献   

Previous research indicates that the motion of the golf club is not planar and that the plane traced out by the club is different than that of the golfer's hands. The aim of the present study was to investigate how the position of the club, relative to the golfer's swing plane, influences the motion of the club by using a four-segment (torso, upper arm, forearm, and club), three-dimensional forward dynamics model. A genetic algorithm optimized the coordination of the model's four muscular torque generators to produce the best golf swings possible under six different conditions. The series of simulations were designed to demonstrate the effect of positioning the club above, and below, the golfer's swing plane as well as the effect of changing the steepness of the golfer's swing plane. The simulation results suggest that positioning the club below the golfer's swing plane, early in the downswing, will facilitate the squaring of the clubface for impact, while positioning the club above the plane will have the opposite effect. It was also demonstrated that changing the steepness of the golfer's swing plane by 10 degrees can have little effect on the delivery of the clubhead to the ball.  相似文献   

目的:从生物力学角度探究声音反馈训练(teaching with acoustical guidance,TAGteachTM)和传统训练方法对高尔夫初学者击球效果和挥杆动作的影响。方法:21名无高尔夫训练基础的大学生受试者随机分为声音反馈训练组(clicker training group,CG,n=11)和传统训练组(traditional training group,TG,n=10),由一名韩国职业高尔夫教练员进行5周的高尔夫挥杆动作教学训练,使用7号铁杆。训练后,对受试进行挥杆动作生物力学测试,对比两组受试者的击球效果和挥杆动作。结果:5周声音反馈训练后,CG杆速、球速、杆面角度、击球距离等击球表现指标显著优于TG(P<0.01)。挥杆动作方面,CG从上杆阶段到随挥初期挥杆时间显著小于TG(P<0.05),骨盆转动速度显著大于TG(P<0.05);CG骨盆转动角度和COM-COP倾角的标准化角加速度变化率显著小于TG(P<0.05)。结论:声音反馈是一种有效的训练辅助手段,可提升高尔夫初学者的挥杆练习效果。  相似文献   

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