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地名作为日常生活用语,其读音变化非常缓慢,再加上语流音变的影响,因而,与其他词语相比,地名的读音会表现出明显的不同。明清时期大量山西移民进入河南,使河南方言深受山西方言影响,这在地名中会有所反映。  相似文献   

地名作为日常生活用语,其读音变化非常缓慢,再加上语流音变的影响,因而,与其他词语相比,地名的读音会表现出明显的不同。明清时期大量山西移民进入河南,使河南方言深受山西方言影响,这在地名中会有所反映。  相似文献   

通过以通江县(八家坪)为个案进行实地考察,我们可发现在不同历史时期,由于该地区人口迁移、人口数量的变化而对森林变迁所产生的重要影响.此外,从通江县的地名研究中也可以透视出人口迁移与森林变迁之间存在的紧密联系.研究表明,自明代到20世纪初,由于整个通江地区人口的增减,其森林面积也在随之发生改变,该地区各时期森林覆盖率的变化无不烙上人口迁移及人类生产生活的印记.  相似文献   

甘孜州九龙县是多民族聚居地,不同民族语言文字标识的地名丰富多采,历史悠久。地名承载着丰厚的历史文化信息,不仅包含了不同民族的文化传统和风情习俗,还蕴含着不同民族的文化心理、审美情趣。地名从形成到变更、定格,有其自身的规律性。对地名进行多角度、多方面、多层次的探讨,也是对一方水土上民族文化形成、发展的探讨。"康巴学"是一个庞大的知识体系,进入"康巴学"研究一定有多种途径,从地名研究开始或许就是其中一条。对地名的研究与探讨在本质上是在对"康巴学"进行研究和探讨。  相似文献   

以地名为据来考察地方区域文化是基于一种人类文化学的理念:地名之来源往往与当地的自然和人文地理环境密不可分。不同的历史环境,人们对所在区域的认知与命名自然存在着不同的特点,地名自然必有其鲜明的历史特征。从人类学视野的角度,将雷州半岛某处地名作为考察对象,有助于认识本区域某段历史。"红毛番岭"地名考察表明,明清时期雷州半岛曾与欧洲发生通航往来的历史,反映在地方文化上,区域内存在多处带有欧洲色彩的地名。"番"字地名特征深刻地反映了这段历史交往特征。  相似文献   

地名是一种文化形态,地名文化包含历史的、地理的和乡土的文化要素,表现出民族不同历史时期的文化含义。基于比较文化学视角,运用语言学的历史比较方法,对英国和宁波海岛命名进行了研究,通过对海岛命名溯源,包括海岛命名方法、海岛命名语源或词源等方面进行比较,揭示不同的地理和历史环境下产生出不同的海岛名字,以及中英民族对海洋不同的认知和不同的海洋文化发展轨迹。  相似文献   

伊犁地名在新疆地名谱系中最具特色,学界对伊犁地名有过许多研究。拟以改革开放新时期以来,伊犁地名系统构建成果为起点,对近年学界有关伊犁地名的研究,特别是在伊犁地名史源学的探索为重点,进行评述。  相似文献   

地名作为一种特殊的语言现象,同时也是文化的重要组成部分,他不仅承载着某一地理区域的文化的痕迹,也包含着此地区在不同历史发展时期的多元文化。作为在我国有着悠久海盐文化的重要代表——盐城,其海盐文化也在其地名中得意充分的体现。笔者以地名文化的语用功能为出发点,从文化层面展现盐城地名之中蕴含的文化内涵。  相似文献   

地名本是人们赋予某一特定空间位置上自然与人文地理实体的专有名称,是人们对特定的地理位置、范围和其形态特征形成的语言符号,具有相对的稳定性。一个地区出现重复地名,或称异地同名、地名重名,本是历史上的一种常见现象。但是几条同发源于六盘山的河流,在不同的时期都叫葫芦河,这种历史地理现象却极为少见,因此有必要对这一历史地理现象进行澄清。可从古今葫芦河历史名称的演变,葫芦河命名的原因,河流间的相互关系等方面分析。  相似文献   

现阶段国内对古代时期(宋元时期至清早期)中国地名英译的系统性研究相对较少。通过对国内外现有英文版中国古地图资料进行分析和研究,发现古代时期我国地名的英译以对各地方言的音译为主,拼写方法由最初照搬其他语系、语族语言的译名,逐步向以英语自身的语言因素和特点进行拼写过渡,最终形成了比较完整的古代时期我国地名英文翻译方法。  相似文献   

推进异地高考成为今年的热门话题,它涉及大量流动人口随迁子女升学这一现实性问题。本文分析了推进异地高考面临的三点阻力因素和相应的解决对策;同时推导出三条实现异地高考的方法,它们可能带来更为公平的高考招生录取结果。  相似文献   

人口流动规模膨胀、分地定额制的推行导致异地考试成为越来越普遍的社会问题。清代对异地考试实行部分放开的政策,允许符合条件的移居年久者入籍参加当地考试,对人口稀少的边地采取变通性措施,设立商籍解决盐商子弟异地考试问题,许可具有特定身份而非直隶籍者参加顺天乡试。通过为异地考试者单独确定学额或中额的措施,使不同阶层或不同地区间科举利益的冲突趋于弱化和隐蔽。清政府严格限制制度范围外的异地考试,采用防惩结合的思路治理冒籍跨考问题。研究清代异地考试制度对当前异地高考政策的改革及决策有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

通过对语文学科在各个历史时期地位的简单考察,提出语文学科的定位问题。社会转型期语文学科面临着挑战,要找准自身的位置;进而提出高职语文学科也要与时俱进,调适与改革,明晰目标,确立针对性,从两个方面展开教学活动。  相似文献   

在刑事简易程序中 ,被告人失去了在普通程序情况下可以获得的很多权利 ,那么 ,简易程序是否是正当的程序 ,当然会引起很多人的质疑。从简易程序的程序正义背景、诉讼效率意义、实体公正结果来看 ,简易程序是正当的。  相似文献   

在素质教育中 ,美育具有十分重要而又特殊的地位。美育与德育、智育、体育结合、使受教育者得到全面发展。美育的核心是艺术教育。迄今为止 ,我国学校教育中的美育仍是薄弱环节。应根据不同类型高等院校的要求 ,完善高校美育课程体系。  相似文献   

《入定关》二幅手迹之差异,乃因书写时间、地点和心情不同缘故,却由此清晰地反映被押解路线.从而证明苍水蒙难地悬岙,决不可能在定关海域内,而必在定关外之南田花岙.不然,有悖常识,有违逻辑.  相似文献   

汪汲是清代著名经学家之一,一生著述颇丰。但其籍贯一直以来众说纷纭,未有定论。最近有人考证汪汲是淮安府清河县人,但论证有所不足,未能解决山阳县人为何称他为同乡这一问题。其实,汪汲祖先乃徽州人氏,后迁居淮安清江浦,而汪汲又由清江浦移居山阳河下镇,这是其里籍变迁情况。  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been a significant growth in the volume of research production in education ethnography in Scandinavia due partly to a regionally financed network. The present article makes some comparisons between Scandinavian and other education research contexts in relation to aspects of general ethnographic design to try to analyse this production. It suggests some typical points of identity for Scandinavian educational ethnography, such as a distinct role for theories in fieldwork. But it also suggests that these characteristics are even apparent outside Scandinavia. Some blind-spots in ethnography are also suggested around quantitative aspects, but again, these are not unique. Scandinavian ethnographic research in education is broadly influenced by a range of different traditions in different parts of the region that have travelled with key people and from place to place, but it is also noted that there is seepage between ethnography and other traditions.  相似文献   

It is difficult for rats to learn to go to an arm of a T-maze to receive food that is dependent on the time of day, unless the amount of food in each daily session is different. In the same task, rats show evidence of time–place discriminations if they are required to press levers in the arms of the T-maze, but learning is only evident when the first lever press is considered, and not the first arm visited. These data suggest that rats struggle to use time as a discriminative stimulus unless the rewards/events differ in some dimension, or unless the goal locations can be visited prior to making a response. If both of these conditions are met in the same task, it might be possible to compare time–place learning in two different measures that essentially indicate performance before and after entering the arms of the T-maze. In the present study, we investigated time–place learning in rats with a levered T-maze task in which the amounts of food varied depending on the time of day. The first arm choices and first lever presses both indicated that the rats had acquired time–place discriminations, and both of these measures became significantly different from chance during the same block. However, there were subtle differences between the two measures, which suggest that time–place discrimination is aided by visiting the goal locations.  相似文献   

Argumentation can be defined at different levels and serve different purposes, but its role in knowledge understanding and construction has given it a central place in education, particularly at tertiary level. The advent of computer-supported text-based conferences has created new sites where such educational dialogues can take place, but the quality of the interaction and whether it is serving its educational purpose is still uncertain. This paper reports on a framework of analysis that has been developed to illuminate the arguing process within an asynchronous electronic conferencing environment, showing how it is both similar to, and different from, argumentation in the more traditional forums of multi-party, face-to-face discussion and traditional written essays. The framework develops earlier work by the authors and is applied to two electronic conferences within the same postgraduate course, comparing overall patterns of argumentation. Findings are presented on the extent to which the technology of electronic conferencing shapes and supports students’ participation in academic literacy practices relating to argumentation, proposing, at the same time, that the teaching strategy adopted by the lecturer is also an important variable.  相似文献   

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