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"在场阅读",一种基于课堂研究的阅读方式,确切地说,它是一种教学研究方式。研究的场域设定为课堂,研究的对象也即这个场域当中的一切教学活动,既有教师的"教",也有学生的"学"。"在场阅读"读什么,如何读,这便是本篇论文探讨的问题。  相似文献   

在场研修是指在区域研修活动中,通过卷入的方式聚焦师生在场的真实情境,力求通过创设的学习场、问题场、情境场、互动场、空间场,让每一位教师不仅是人在现场,更要给他们营造能够裹挟身心的场域,在充分的感受体验中努力提升教学力。  相似文献   

"场"是布尔迪厄理论起核心组织作用的概念。他把整个社会世界解释为诸多场域的集合。一个场域可定义为在各种位置之间存在的客观关系的一个网络。"场域"这一概念现已被广泛用于教育学领域,学校教育系统也是一个由客观关系:教师、学生、行政管理者、组织制度等所相互构成的关系所塑造的独立社会空间,其内部同样充斥着矛盾、冲突与压迫。因此,可以说教育系统本身就是一个独立的"场域"。  相似文献   

“场域”压迫与教师的职业倦怠   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
教师通常必须面对来自学生、家长、上级管理者以及学校组织制度等各方面的压力.这些压力在教师的周围构筑了一个压迫性的"场域",从而引发教师在职业生涯中的职业倦怠.本文分析这一场域结构中存在的不合理因素及其对教师职业态度的影响,并希望能由此激发起人们对现存的教育场域结构的反思.  相似文献   

<正>这个时代,并不缺乏理念,不缺乏"标新立异",不缺乏"特立独行",也不缺乏对教育本质的认识。那么,我们的学校管理究竞缺什么呢?我们需要坚守的又是什么呢?我想借用"场"和"在场"来阐述。什么是"场"?它是一个物理学概念,是指一种特殊的物质,看不见,摸不着,但它存在着。"场"是物质存在的一种基本形式。这种形式的主要特征在于,"场"是弥散于全空间的。而"在场"是一个哲学概念。对于"在场"这个词,  相似文献   

基于皮埃尔.布迪厄的场域理论,集中探讨地方高校特殊场域中青年教师所处的地位境况及其生成原因。首先在分析地方高校场域的基础上,探讨置于这一场域的青年教师持有的资本状况,然后通过地方高校青年教师"入场"资本争夺、"在场"生存境遇的动态过程来分析地方高校场域中青年教师弱势地位的生成原因,最后认为资本的数量和强度决定了地方高校青年教师在场域中的基本状况。  相似文献   

姜汉荣 《福建教育》2024,(17):13-16+32
适应性是衡量职业教育发展质量的重要指标,其与职业院校的专业建设、课程建设、教师队伍建设等诸多发展要素密切相关。教师作为职业教育高质量发展的决定力量,是增强职业教育适应性的重要主体,需要实现真正在场。教师在场的内在诉求是教师要具备教学场域的自适应能力、形成专业素养的新结构、掌握教育教学的新方法。促进教师在场的行动路向在于推动教师企业实践落地、推进教师参与教学改革、开展教师专业素养培训,提升教师在场的感知力、实践力和行动力。  相似文献   

人工智能正在对教师的专业性存在发起有力挑战,"何以为师"成为教育研究的热点.已有研究主要从教师智能教学素养的视角进行阐述,而忽视了从社会学意义上对教师面临场域变革挑战的观照.人工智能与教育的融合本质上是传统教育场域的解构,是新的智能教育场域的建构.基于此,文章以场域中的变革性能量"资本"为统领,剖析了场域演进的"蝴蝶效应",对比了传统与智能教育场域在价值取向、运行逻辑、教师角色定位等方面的差异,提出智能教育场域中教师专业资本是教师重构专业身份的能动力量,是教师用以实现智能时代创新人才培养价值的价值,它包含三个要素:智能教学人力资本,表征教师个体系统的主体实践力;智能教学社会资本,表征教师人际系统的能动整合力;智能教学决策资本,表征教师人机系统的协同决策力.在价值意蕴上,智能教学人力资本赋予教师从传统到智能教育场域跃迁的能量,社会资本赋予教师借助他人专业资本开展智能教学的权力,决策资本赋予教师合理、合法地开展智能教学的专业自主性.  相似文献   

高职思政课是构建高职生世界观、人生观、价值观的主阵地,其幸福感在场与缺场关系到高职生感受幸福、创造幸福、享受幸福的能力高低。然而,幸福课堂构建不能只立足于纯粹意义上的批判,更应是理念上的重塑、行动上的重构。因此,幸福课堂要求教师和学生都以被嵌合于在场的正当自在存在而产生意义。首先,思政教师须有幸福理念;其次,变"被"范式为主体间平等的对话和交往范式;再次,思政课教师须修炼内功主导幸福课堂;最后,幸福思政课堂成为师生共同构建指向生命场最佳共振的精神场域。  相似文献   

师范生在"国培计划"中的"在场"既是师范生专业学习的重要方式,又是国培成效提高的可能路径。师范生的"在场"主要是指"国培计划"应当为广大师范生所感知,并能积极作用于"国培计划"。师范生从"国培计划"的"缺场"到"在场",需要高师院校及其它相关部门提升师范生理论及实践方面的素养,做好"在场"的准备;需要采取具体的措施,使师范生以多样化的方式真正实现"国培计划"中的"在场"。  相似文献   

教师测评素养是教师教育和教师发展的重要组成部分。通过对国外有关教师测评素养研究文献的梳理和分析,其研究内容主要包括教师测评素养的构成、现状及培训需求、测量工具的开发和验证、测评素养发展途径和影响因素等。这些研究对我国开展教师测评素养相关研究有一定的参考价值,同时也启示我们可以在研究对象、研究方法和研究内容上进一步拓展,要基于我国国情,开展教师测评素养及其测量测量工具的本土化研究。  相似文献   

教师职业发展会受到个人所持职业价值观的影响,积极的教师职业价值观会促进其职业的发展,消极被动的职业价值观会阻碍其职业的发展。从理论者和实践者相关概念界定;现阶段小学教师职业价值观现状分析;我国教师职业价值观研究现状和现存的小学教师职业价值观与其职业发展相辅性思考与建议四方面阐释现阶段一线小学教师所持的职业价值观对其职业发展的影响。  相似文献   


This review aimed to illustrate the development in the teacher expectation literature and discuss the major avenues of research in the teacher expectation field from 1989 to 2018. Four analytical themes emerged from a narrative synthesis based on a systematic literature search: (1) influential factors on teacher expectations; (2) mediation mechanism of teacher expectations; (3) moderating factors of teacher expectation effects; (4) teacher expectation effects on student socio-psychological, behavioural, and achievement outcomes. On the whole, most studies confirmed earlier research findings regarding the 4 themes, although there were some studies that found results contradicting earlier work. In addition, new research topics and directions raised in the past 3 decades were identified in this review, especially regarding the mediation of teacher expectations and the socio-psychological and behavioural outcomes of the expectation effects. The review concludes with a set of recommendations for future research directions on teacher expectations.  相似文献   

This action research article shares the story of a student teacher and the arduous, but rewarding process of self-reflection. The authors integrate real life examples of the implementation of self-reflective strategies of a student teacher with self-efficacy, teacher life cycle, and effectiveness literature to analyze the student teacher's perspective. Strategies that encouraged positive changes during the student teaching semester are examined and discussed along with implications.  相似文献   

This collaborative self-study, told through email excerpts and reflections, explores a teacher educator's return to high school teaching. In this study, we juxtapose our voices and alternate between past and present to develop insights that reveal how going back can lead to moving forward with respect to educating prospective teachers. While the story is Lisa's, we work together to use self-study as a research approach methodologically aimed at improving practice. As a teacher educator, Lisa's experience of being a first-year teacher with her former students was one of the most powerful experiences of her professional life. Being a new teacher for a second time forced her to face novice-teacher issues as a participant rather than as an observer or researcher. At times Lisa had no choice but to put aside her doctoral training. When she subsequently returned to teacher education, she did so with renewed passion and enriched understanding of the challenges facing new teachers.  相似文献   

近十年来,大学英语教师专业发展研究主要集中在:需求或现状调查,发展途径探究,发展模式建构以及外部影响因素分析四个方面。研究存在着对研究对象的理解不一致,引介、评述性论文多,实证研究少,关注外部因素,忽略教师内心等不足之处。西方理论与研究模式如何本土化仍需探索。聚焦课堂教学关键问题,促进大学英语教师专业发展的实证研究仍需加强。探究影响英语教师专业发展的外部因素的同时,还需关注教师的内心世界。  相似文献   

教师发展学校建设标准参考纲要   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
为了推动教师发展学校的建设,积极适应基础教育改革的需要,进一步推进素质教育,本文提供了一个教师发展学校建设标准参考纲要。该标准包括:实现大学和中小学的合作,促进教师教育专业化、一体化和终身化的实现;建有务实有效的教师专业发展制度;编制以教学研合一教师专业工作方式为核心的教师专业发展目标系统;将研究与理解学生作为教师专业发展的中心;拥有多学科的专家队伍,实现大学学术文化和中小学实践文化的互动;重视并拥有有效的教师评价等。  相似文献   

传统学习观基于现在与未来、学校与社会、手段与目的等对立的二元认识论,窒息个体及其职业的生命发展;时代的进步和人性的觉醒则赋予学习是人之存在和发展的生命属性,学习不仅丰富了人的生命内涵和人生意义,而且彰显着人类向善的美德。因此,教师作为学习者,既是教师之为人的生命写照,也是教师职业专业化的特色所在,其学习者角色是学生学习的内在诉求,也是教学相长的机理所在,更是教师职业伦理的美德。践行学习者专业化发展理念,教师学习的路径包括学习的时空内生于教育实践,学习的老师即"不教之师"--学生,学习的机理则是自我教育。  相似文献   

Although teacher education has undergone radical reforms in many jurisdictions, who teacher educators are, their lives, and their work, continue to be a somewhat underexplored area internationally, while remaining a ‘secret garden’ in the Irish context. In order to address this lacuna in Irish research, this paper adopts a life history, phenomenological approach to the exploration of teacher educator identities. It considers the articulation of identity relative to prior teacher identity and current roles and institutional context. From nine in-depth interviews with teacher educators in a college of education in Ireland, we examine continuities and discontinuities between past and present roles and responsibilities, and identities. We tentatively explore the diverse pathways, values and experiences that construct them as teacher educators in the present, and gain insight in to the strength of former teacher identities: the old overshadowing the ‘new’. We conclude that privileged primary school teacher identities continue to shape teacher educator practices and values despite global and diverse influences at play. The implications of these findings for initial teacher education are considered.  相似文献   

Relationships between teachers' biographical experiences and their beliefs and practices have become central concerns in the area of teacher life history and teacher socialization research. Unfortunately, few teachers from cultural minority backgrounds have been included in this research. In the present study, the life and career narratives of two Chicana teachers are examined in order to identify the influences of biographical experiences on how they define their teacher role identity. In recognition of and building from the narrative form of the written and interview data from which the life and career narratives are constructed, teacher role identity is defined as a narratively constructed self-image that presents an identity-in-action in which teachers' competence to act is demonstrated through their actions across various occupational challenges and demands. The competence to act is the product of teachers' biographical experiences and is based on the appropriation of family values through which the case study teachers make connections between their family socialization and their current professional educator role.  相似文献   

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