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如今第三产业已经成为21世纪我国新的经济增长方式,赛马产业也是第三产业的形式之一,赛马产业能够带动一个地区经济的快速发展。本文通过查找近些年海南地区赛马相关文献,根据海南省关于赛马产业的发展规划,从海南省发展赛马产业的意义、规划、优势和不足探索海南省赛马产业的发展路径,希望有利于海南省赛马产业的发展。  相似文献   

李克建  王伟 《精武》2012,(28):61-61,63
体育赛事旅游是一种将体育产业和旅游产业进行有机融合的新型旅游形态。本文以海南体育赛事旅游发展为样本,采用SWOT分析分析方法对海南省体育赛事旅游发展的优劣性、发展机遇和挑战等进行相应分析,试图为海南省乃至全国的体育赛事旅游发展提供参考。  相似文献   

运用实地调查法等探讨韩国赛马产业的发展情况,为我国赛马事业提供参考.韩国有着90多年的赛马历史,近年来韩国赛马产业飞速发展,形成了稳定的体育产业链.韩国赛马产业公益形式多样,由国家主导、管理和监督,赛马形式合理多彩,社会回馈丰富并且不断积极地引导大众的消费观念,这些都对我国赛马运动的发展有借鉴意义.赛马产业的稳定快速发展需要政府和民众的共同努力,尤其需要政府的健康引导.  相似文献   

通过文献资料法、调查法、统计法等研究方法,从乡村排球运动的功能和特点出发,对海南省乡村排球运动开展现状进行调查,就海南居民对该运动的认知度、参与度及参与目的进行分析,找出影响该运动项目开展的相关因素,提出相应的发展对策。为促进海南乡村排球的发展提供一定支持,为相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

阮威  刘勇 《体育科技》2013,(1):24-26
通过文献资料法、实地调查法、专家访谈等研究方法,探究赛马运动与武汉城市的历史文化渊源,分析武汉赛马运动特征和赛马本体产业及其延伸产业的发展现状,以期为营造武汉赛马运动良性发展环境,促进区域经济发展及城市文化建设提供借鉴。  相似文献   

在海南建设国际旅游岛背景下,为了探求海南业余网球运动走出一条适合省情的发展之路,从网球场地状况、网球人口、业余网球赛事、教练员和裁判员情况等方面进行调查分析。结果表明:海南业余网球运动开展不均衡、普及程度较低等现状,并发现业余网球运动开展过程中存在的问题,为海南省业余网球运动的发展提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

十八大以来,人民生活水平出现新的提高,大众对于生活品质的追求更加强烈.在此背景下,我国的旅游行业出现新的机遇,过往观赏型的旅游已不再能完全满足游客的需要.在我国产业升级的背景下,各相关产业之间出现融合发展的局面,追求合作共赢.受此启发,旅游业与体育行业展开合作,创造出新的旅游增长点——体育旅游产业,为大众提供更加新颖的休闲运动方式.随着产业融合的不断深入,体育旅游产业也在不断发展,需要不间断地开展研究探索.  相似文献   

海南体育休闲旅游产业的开发优势与主题设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海南是一个旅游大省,旅游业是海南省的支柱产业,但海南旅游特色还没有充分凸现出来,体育休闲旅游的发展还没有形成规模。体育休闲旅游在我国才刚刚起步,具有巨大的市场发展前景,充分利用海南独特的地理和自然旅游资源优势,对海南体育休闲旅游进行精心设计,开发度假娱乐、探险野外生存、乡村生态、医疗康复养生等为主题的体育休闲旅游模式,将对海南经济的发展起到巨大的推动作用。  相似文献   

海南传统体育养生保健业弱小但影响和潜力巨大,大众体育养生保健业和现代体育养生保健业活跃但发展空间不大,旅游体育养生保健业发展迅猛前景广阔。制定海南体育养生保健产业发展规划、扶持政策和人才培养计划,进行跨行业、跨部门、跨地区整合,大力发展旅游体育养生保健产业、传统体育养生保健产业、国际化的海南体育养生保健产业是海南体育养生保健产业发展的必然选择。  相似文献   

江西是新中国航空工业的摇篮,具有良好的航空产业发展基础,航空运动产业是江西建设航空强省的重要突破口之一。通过文献资料和调查研究方法分析了江西省航空运动产业发展概况。研究显示:江西省航空运动产业发展基础良好,社会经济条件成熟,自然条件得天得厚,规划布局因地制宜,具备航空运动赛事经验;规模小经济效益不佳,通用机场设施不足,产业人才流失严重,缺乏系统产业理论体系,这些因素是影响江西省航空运动产业快速发展的主要障碍;借鉴“不平衡增长理论”并在坚持多中心协同发展战略的条件下,优先发展航空运动产业的主体市场,加快航空运动产业+旅游文化的复合型发展,推动航空运动产业的集群化、智能化、本土化。  相似文献   

通过对我国赛马产业现状进行分析,提出我国赛马产业的发展对策,即:加大宣传,改变旧的思想观念,重新认识赛马和审视赛马产业;放宽政策,对赛马产业做适度倾斜;健全法制,将赛马产业纳入法制轨道;加快赛马专业人才的培养;加快赛马用品市场的发展。  相似文献   

岳春波 《精武》2013,(36):120-121
赛马运动历史悠久,在最早的为军事和劳动服务之外,只有在很少的娱乐项目中出现,而今的赛马不单单是为了测试马匹的优良程度,也为娱乐和商业增添了新的血液,也是属于比较频繁的大众体育娱乐之一。在处于赛马之乡的内蒙古,赛马体育文化产业已经逐渐占据重要地位,本文将简单阐述赛马运动在内蒙古的发展优势和地位。  相似文献   

现代赛马产业性质与特征探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界现代赛马已成为一种休闲文化活动。赛马业具有显著的福利性特征,是一种强大的集资手段,成为当代经济中的一项支柱产业,对经济、社会发展和繁荣体育事业日益显示出巨大作用。赛马的投注与股票、彩票是同类性质的经济现象,带有一定投机性,然而马迷投注的心态更注重于休闲文化与社会福利事业的参与,而不是博彩本身。政府通过政策指导和宏观管理,可以使这项经济活动的投机性缩小到最低限度,引导赛马市场健康发展。  相似文献   


Bicycles are now gradually losing their attraction for utilitarian use, but in recent years, cycling for tourism and recreation has gained in popularity. However, the experiences and well-being involved in cycling tourism from a theoretical perspective have received little attention. This article intends to explore the relationships between cycling tourism and well-being by studying cyclists on Hainan Island in China. Interviews and participation observations were used to collect data. The types of cycling tourists were firstly identified and classified, followed by analysis of how the tourists obtained well-being through physical and social activities and their contexts. The study finds that human–bicycle relationships and China’s collectivistic culture play important roles in how cycling tourists obtain well-being. This study provides a mobility perspective on cycling tourism and well-being.  相似文献   

基于迪拜迈丹赛马场的发展经验,运用实地考察、参加记者招待会、文献资料等方法对成都温江赛马主题旅游空间进行研究分析。发现成都赛马旅游空间存在问题有:赛事举办方对赛马赛事的宣传力度不足;未组建专业的赛事组织管理团队;赛马场没有固定的年赛事周期;国内赛马、骑师不能参与成都迪拜世界杯的竞逐感到遗憾。建议:通过新闻媒体等方式加大赛马赛事的宣传,努力提高赛马赛事的知名度;借助明星效应来提高旅游目的地和赛马赛事的影响力;加强赛马场的科学化、现代化管理;政府做好引导作用,开展慈善公益性马彩。  相似文献   

Women’s participation in adventure tourism is growing, yet few studies have explored this group of tourists. This conceptual paper seeks to extend our understanding of female adventure tourists by examining the empowering journey women can take through constraint negotiation to enjoy the benefits of adventure tourism. Using content analysis to review the literature on women’s adventure experiences in tourism and recreation settings reveals prominent themes that have been consolidated to propose constraint, negotiation and benefit categories. A conceptual model is presented that illustrates the opportunities for women’s empowerment within these categories and examines the interrelationships and interdependency between them. The model shows that constraints, negotiations and benefits can be experienced simultaneously, at different points in a woman’s adventure tourism journey and used as a vehicle for empowerment. Women will also re-evaluate these categories before, during and after their adventure tourism experience. Therefore, the categories are not fixed and evolve each time a woman participates in adventure tourism throughout her life. Suggestions are made for further study in this under-researched area.  相似文献   

Sport tourism experiences are subjective and emotional, laden with symbolic meaning. This study explores the experiences of participants who adopted the multiple roles of both an active participant and event spectator, within the parameters of one chosen sporting event. A professional cycling race event, the Tour Down Under in South Australia was chosen for this investigation, and 20 face-to-face individual interviews were conducted with cycle tourists. The three main themes emerging from the data were the interaction of people and temporary spaces on a sport tourism ‘stage’; the co-creation of authentic personal experiences and meanings; and identity reinforcement and the development of a sense of belonging. Consequently, a model for understanding sport event tourism experiences is proposed. The findings suggest that providing tourists with authentic and memorable experiences lies at the heart of what constitutes sport tourism. Whilst the results demonstrate that cycling events provide the individual with a sense of belonging or membership to a wider social group, they also illustrate that there is a continued need for more focused and nuanced approaches towards understanding sport tourism experiences that reflect the ever-increasing diversity and complexity of the interaction between sport, events and tourism.  相似文献   

随着滑雪体育休闲旅游的日益升温,参与的人数和损伤人数均呈上升趋势,大众滑雪者意外伤害事故的不断发生,使旅游安全成为滑雪产业发展的制约因素。通过文献资料法、问卷调查法、实地考察法、数理统计分析法等分析大众滑雪运动损伤的原因。结果表明:每个滑雪场所都会发生大众滑雪者人群的安全事故,自我防范意识较差、思想上对运动损伤不够重视是诱发意外事故的主要原因;意外伤害事故所引发的滑雪安全问题,会导致游客对滑雪丧失兴趣,降低滑雪爱好者的滑雪旅游出行率,滑雪安全问题会对滑雪休闲旅游产业链条的发展产生不良影响。滑雪场所要加强安全意识,建立自己的滑雪俱乐部或与上述滑雪俱乐部合作,积极引导与组织大众滑雪者参与滑雪运动,提高大众滑雪的安全度;滑雪爱好者应增强预防观念,提高个人保护能力,提高个人技术,从而避免或减少大众滑雪者事故的发生。  相似文献   


In April 2014, for the first time since the event was established, over 200 foreign recreational runners participated in the Pyongyang Marathon, which is part of Day of the Sun commemorating the birthday of Kim Il-sung. The decision of the North Korean regime to open the event to foreign amateurs was unusual, thus the paper examines this new approach to the marathon, and to tourism in general, by contextualizing them within an historical perspective. It is argued that tourism policy under Kim Jong-un, the third leader of the ‘Kim dynasty’, was unprecedented in terms of its systematic approach to the development of a meaningful tourism industry while also particularly emphasizing Western tourism and sport tourism. With the inclusion of the marathon into its tourism industry, North Korea strengthened its place in the worldwide trend of sport event tourism, yet the Pyongyang Marathon has stood out by being more about branding a country than a city. In this regard, this sport tourism event has offered the visitors a look into a ‘different normality’, which was indicative to the rationale of the regime that benefited from the attention it drew through its image as ‘unexpected’ and ‘mysterious’.  相似文献   

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