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The secrecy performance of cooperation with an untrusted relay under a quasi-static fading channel is analyzed in this paper. An achievable secrecy rate is provided and the influence of selfish behavior of untrusted relay is analyzed. Furthermore, the secrecy performance of the scheme is discussed and compared with that of the case where the relay is just an eavesdropper. Simulation results show that the untrusted relay’s cooperation in the fading case reduces the outage probability from 1/2 to 1/3 and achieves a higher outage secrecy capacity.  相似文献   

This study focused on peer sensitivity to differences in social behaviors between hyperactive and normal comparison peers and, especially, to medication-related behavioral differences. In Study 1, normal sixth graders rated videotapes of normal and hyperactive boys playing a social interaction game. Half of the hyperactive boys were taking methylphenidate, and the other half placebo. In Study 2, fourth- and sixth-grade children rated a different sample of hyperactive boys (seen on both methylphenidate and placebo) playing the same interaction game. Hyperactive boys taking placebo were perceived as exhibiting more externalizing problem behaviors than either medicated hyperactive boys or comparison boys. The medication effects were robust, spanning many behavioral domains and emerging consistently across the 2 studies. There were few grade or gender differences. Discussion focused on children's detection of treatment-related differences in the social behaviors of their peers, as well as on the imperfect relation between social behavior and social standing.  相似文献   

网络游戏对女大学生诚信影响的调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用问卷调查法调查了女大学生对网络“偷菜’’游戏的参与情况、态度,分析了网络“偷菜”的负面效应,及其对女大学生诚信品质的影响。’结论是:第一,女大学生对网络“偷菜”持理性、谨慎态度;第二,“偷菜”的负面影响主要体现在与现实生活的诚信规范不一致;第三,女大学生具有高度的诚信行为,诚信意识略低于诚信行为,体现出诚信意识的弱化;第四,“偷菜”的负面影响并不直接影响诚信观念,但其负面示范作用,潜在地影响女大学生“钻空子”的想法。  相似文献   

Ostracism negatively affects fundamental psychological needs, induces physiological and behavioral changes, and modulates the processing of social information in adults. Yet little is known about children and preverbal infants' responses to first-person experiences of ostracism. The current study aimed to explore the efficacy of a triadic ball-tossing game in manipulating social inclusion and ostracism with 13-month-old infants (N = 84; 44% males; mostly White; tested from 2019 to 2022) by developing an observational coding system. Infants' behaviors were recorded while participating in a ball-tossing game where they were either included or ostracized from the game. Ostracized, but not included, infants showed an increase in negative emotionality and involvement behaviors, thus suggesting that behavioral responses to being ostracized emerge early in life.  相似文献   

The current study examined the hypothesis that group size can influence whether children display self-assertive versus self-deprecating responses to interpersonal competition, especially under stress. Twenty same-sex play-groups (N = 120) of 9- to 10-year-old children played a competitive game in groups and in dyads. Stress was induced by causing some of the children to lose the game and watch as their opponents received psychological and material rewards. Results demonstrated that both the dynamics of the game and individual reactions to stress varied consistently as a function of the social context. Individuals displayed more assertive behaviors in groups than in dyads. In contrast, individuals exhibited more self-deprecating behaviors in dyads than in groups. Given that under naturalistic conditions males are more likely than are females to interact in groups and females are more likely than are males to interact in dyads, group size provides one possible mechanism for the development of sex differences in self-assertive versus self-deprecating behaviors.  相似文献   

散户在股市中只有仔细分析庄家发出各种信号的涵义才能制定出正确的买卖决策,获取收益.从博弈论的信号博弈理论出发,对散户与庄家之间这种信号博弈关系进行了研究,找出他们之间的均衡博弈关系,对散户的买卖抉择提供指导.  相似文献   

散户在股市中只有仔细分析庄家发出各种信号的涵义才能制定出正确的买卖决策,获取收益.从博弈论的信号博弈理论出发,对散户与庄家之间这种信号博弈关系进行了研究,找出他们之间的均衡博弈关系,对散户的买卖抉择提供指导.  相似文献   

在利己心理的驱使下,经济行为是否只具有利己的一元性,或者是利己与利他二元属性相互博弈的结果?本文运用改进的支付矩阵模型与KMRW声誉模型来分析市场经济环境中利己心理会导致怎样的经济行为,以及经济人的行为对个人和社会的影响问题。模型考虑了信息的不完全性,局中人的理性程度以及博弈的次数等影响因素,得出合作共赢才是最优策略的结论,并提出相关具有现实意义的建议。  相似文献   

本研究采用探索性因素分析,对网络游戏行为的心理因素进行探析。分析结果表明,网络游戏的心理因素由成就体验、缓解压力与宣泄、寻求刺激、逃避现实和交往与归属五个维度构成。游戏者的性别和游戏龄在心理因素上无显著差异;大学生在成就体验和逃避现实这两个因素上的得分显著高于高职生。  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to examine the relations of reactive versus proactive aggression to children's anger, as assessed using observational, physiological, and self-report measures. Anger was hypothesized to be related to reactive aggression, but not to proactive aggression. Children (N = 272 second-grade boys and girls) participated in a procedure in which they lost a board game and prize to a confederate who cheated. Skin conductance reactivity and heart rate reactivity were measured throughout the procedure. Following the interaction, children viewed a videotape of the game and self-reported on their level of anger after each turn of the game. Observational coding of children's angry facial expressions and angry nonverbal behaviors was conducted. Reactive aggression, but not proactive aggression, was positively related to skin conductance reactivity and angry nonverbal behaviors, both at an aggregated level and in terms of rate of increase over the time span of the game.  相似文献   

运用"囚徒窘境"博弈模型,对"学评教"机制下教师间的行为进行分析,结果显示:在"学评教"机制影响下,NASH均衡说明多数教师的理性行为是互相妥协、迎合学生,教师是政策的被动接受者,是一个弱势群体。但是,教师之间以及教师与学生间极易达成合作博弈。"学评教"改变了正常的教学秩序,损害了师生关系。  相似文献   

篮球竞赛规则是指导篮球运动向健康方向发展的条文规定。它提倡公平竞赛、文明比赛、积极进取、团结合作精神以及优良的体育道德作风,它限制了不正当的行为和不合理动作,是规则的精神实质。学习规则是成为篮球裁判员进入篮球裁判领域的第一步,也是最重要的一步,只有理解规则的精神和实质,才能真正地学习到规则的精髓。  相似文献   

面对当前严峻的就业形势,大学生的就业问题被高度关注.然而,大学生就业过程中的失信行为屡有发生、愈演愈烈,这给大学毕业生群体造成求职障碍,也给用人单位、高校和社会带来不同层面的危害.诚信就业是大学生就业的永恒主题,大学生就业过程中充满了诚信博弈,结合经济学的博弈论,全方位了解、分析大学生在就业过程中的行为,从理论和实践角度对大学生的诚信就业提供建设性意见和建议,减少就业失信问题.  相似文献   

Maternal behaviors within mother-infant games were examined to determine the amount, type, and functional value of maternal helping behaviors. 17 mother-infant pairs were videotaped on monthly visits from 8 to 16 months as they played 5 separate games. 2 of these games, roll the ball and peekaboo, were analyzed in terms of "rounds" of each game. Results show that dyads play more rounds of both games in the first months that infants perform game-relevant behaviors (e.g., returning a ball, performing uncovering or covering-uncovering). Maternal attention-getting and physical "stage-setting" behaviors occur in the early rounds of both games. In roll the ball, maternal hands-out and reinforcement behaviors increase in the months after the child begins to return the ball, while the percentage of rounds in which dyads play nonreturn variants decreases. Infants are more likely to return a ball when mother holds out her hands than when she does not. Infants are also able to perform returning or uncovering in game contexts before they perform similar behaviors in cognitive tests. The general similarity of findings in the peekaboo and roll-the-ball games, in spite of differences in the amounts of scaffolding, attention-getting, stage-setting, and reinforcement behaviors between the 2 games, indicates that the types and functions of maternal helping behaviors may be generalizable to other contexts of mother-infant interactions.  相似文献   

为了有效地进行投资者行为分析和证券投资专业实践教学,设计了具有独立撮合系统、功能多样和操作便捷的大学生模拟交易所,其分为3个部分:独立撮合系统、交易账户管理和实验控制系统。其中独立的撮合系统是模拟交易所的核心,是所有实验完成的必备条件。通过对实验数据的采集处理,可以量化分析投资者的行为特征。模拟交易所还可以用于证券投资专业实践教学和炒股模拟比赛,所有参加专业实践教学和模拟比赛的学生都可以成为行为金融实验的被试对象。  相似文献   

Debugging is an over-looked component in K-12 computational thinking education. Few K-12 programming environments are designed to teach debugging, and most debugging research were conducted on college-aged students. In this paper, we presented debugging exercises to 6th–8th grade students and analyzed their problem solving behaviors in a programming game – BOTS. Apart from the perspective of prior literature, we identified student behaviors in relation to problem solving stages, and correlated these behaviors with student prior programming experience and performance. We found that in our programming game, debugging required deeper understanding than writing new codes. We also found that problem solving behaviors were significantly correlated with students’ self-explanation quality, number of code edits, and prior programming experience. This study increased our understanding of younger students’ problem solving behavior, and provided actionable suggestions to the future design of debugging exercises in BOTS and similar environments.  相似文献   

尽管有大量研究已经证明暴力视频游戏与攻击行为之间的密切联系,但是有关亲社会视频游戏的潜在影响却没有引起重视。理论上讲,游戏角色采用非暴力方式互相帮助和支持的游戏会增加游戏者短期或长期的亲社会行为。Gentile等人采用3个国家不同年龄段的被试进行的相关研究、纵向研究和实验研究得出了一致的结果,验证了理论设想,同时为一般学习模型提供了强有力的支持。  相似文献   

论文以毒豆角事件为例,利用博弈理论对政府体系中存在的多方博弈现象进行分析,解释各级政府在食品监管领域中集体失灵现象出现的原因。从豆角的生产流通环节人手,分析基层监管部门、农产品生产者及收购商、农药销售方等多个利益相关者在此过程中的多方博弈和行为选择。在分析的基础上,对食品安全问题的解决提出一些政策建议。  相似文献   

研究采用个案研究的方法,探讨在生态化的环境中,在专业研究人员的指导下,由幼儿教师编制并实施幼儿集体游戏,通过改善人际关系和提升退缩幼儿自我效能感来消除幼儿的社会退缩行为的可能性。结果显示,游戏干预不仅改变了退缩幼儿的交往质量,而且提高了其适应水平。最后,文章从角色游戏和退缩幼儿自我效能感的提升上阐迷了游戏干预的机制。  相似文献   

This paper is a response to ??Challenges and Opportunities: Using a science-based video game in secondary school settings?? by Rachel Muehrer, Jennifer Jenson, Jeremy Friedberg, and Nicole Husain. The article highlights two critical areas that I argue require more research in the studies of video games in education. The first area focuses on the need to better understand how children interact with non-educational games, outside of the school setting. This includes issues such as ??gamer culture?? and game play styles. The better we understand these issues, the better educational game designers and implementers can imagine the kinds of behaviors that might be elicited from students when we bring educational games into their classroom. In this focus, the student is the unit of analysis, but it is the student in and out of the classroom: the way the student understands video games when she is at home, playing with friends, and at school. The second area focuses on the study of the classroom as a unit of analysis. As the authors of this study reveal, classroom cultures affect the reception and success of an educational game. This is to ask, how does a game play when students have to play it in pairs or groups for a lack of resources? What is the role of the teacher in the success of video game implementation? How does a game react to multiple server requests in a short period of time? These are issues that are still largely unexplored in the educational game design literature.  相似文献   

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