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校长的课程领导在学校课程领导具有举足轻重的作用。校长的特殊身份不仅决定了其在学校行政事务中是决策者,也使得校长在学校的课程发展中处于一种主要的领导地位,发挥重要的作用。文章研究分析了在我国新一轮基础教育课程改革的背景下,中小学校长课程领导的现实状况,探讨其存在的问题与不足,并就如何加强校长的课程领导提出相应对策。  相似文献   

校长的课程领导力是深化课程改革、促进学校课程建设的重要力量。当前全国中小学校长的课程领导力普遍较弱,存在着课程价值理解力薄弱、课程规划引导力不足、课程内容研发力缺乏、课程实施组织力不足、课程评价指引力欠缺以及课程环境创设力缺失等问题。导致校长课程领导力不高的因素主要有教育制度、支撑环境以及校长自身等三个方面。要提升校长的课程领导力,也须从上述方面入手。  相似文献   

This paper attempts to identify the leadership practices and qualities of school principals engaged in implementing a curriculum reform in Hong Kong. Based on interview data of school principals, this paper shows that the types of instructional leadership practices that school principals adopt and the contextual conditions in which these practices occur are key factors explaining the differential effectiveness of implementation efforts. Six efficacious instructional leadership practices and two contextual conditions critical to their development were identified. This paper reconceptualises instructional leadership as a collective and transformational endeavour, functioning in communities of practice to support school development at different levels.  相似文献   

Reforms such as technology-enhanced instruction require principal leadership. Yet, many principals report that they need help to guide implementation of science and technology reforms. We identify strategies for helping principals provide this leadership. A two-phase design is employed. In the first phase we elicit principals’ varied ideas about the Technology-enhanced Learning in Science (TELS) curriculum materials being implemented by teachers in their schools, and in the second phase we engage principals in a leadership workshop designed based on the ideas they generated. Analysis uses an emergent coding scheme to categorize principals’ ideas, and a knowledge integration framework to capture the development of these ideas. The analysis suggests that principals frame their thinking about the implementation of TELS in terms of: principal leadership, curriculum, educational policy, teacher learning, student outcomes and financial resources. They seek to improve their own knowledge to support this reform. The principals organize their ideas around individual school goals and current political issues. Principals prefer professional development activities that engage them in reviewing curricula and student work with other principals. Based on the analysis, this study offers guidelines for creating learning opportunities that enhance principals’ leadership abilities in technology and science reform.  相似文献   

本文结合中职学校实际情况,从职业教育人才培养目标出发,论述了课程体系改革的必要性,分析了学科式课程体系存在的问题,结合国家级示范校建设的建设目标,介绍了因地制宜开发基于岗位工作任务的模块化课程体系,从岗位能力的角度,研讨了中职模块化课程体系建设的方法。  相似文献   

随着我国基础教育阶段三级课程管理体制的建立与运行,中小学校长的课程领导能力日益成为一个重要的现实问题。在课程决策、实施、评鉴、运作机制构建等方面,校长要扮演好“首席教师”和课程领导的角色,承担领导课程改革的职责。教育行政部门应在评价、培训等方面为校长课程领导能力的提升提供外在支持;校长自身要通过自主学习、专家合作、同伴互助、校际联系等多种方法与途径,努力提高课程领导能力,这不仅是有效推进基础教育课程改革的重要保障,而且也是校长专业发展的重要向度。  相似文献   

Instructional leadership practices in Singapore   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a review of the literature on principal instructional leadership in Singapore. The authors investigated the dimensions of instructional leadership in the practices of Singapore principals and highlighted the strategies these leaders adopt to enact their instructional roles. Singapore principals were found to play an active role in defining the school vision and promoting the school climate. However, in the areas of curriculum implementation and classroom instruction, the middle management team in the school played more active roles as compared to principals. Five broad conclusions were discussed to provide perspectives on instructional leadership practices in Singapore. This paper also highlighted limitations on current instructional leadership research in Singapore and pointed to areas of future research.  相似文献   

校长课程领导力是学校课程发展、教师专业发展与学生素养提升的重要保障。基于校长课程领导力的概念解读与维度分解,研究探讨了校长课程领导力的构成要素以及作用机制。以中小学校长为调研对象,采用描述性统计、PLS-SEM分别进行现状分析与模型检验,探究校长课程意识等对课程领导效能的关系。研究发现:中小学校长的课程规划与管理能力较强,课程意识与课程评估能力则较为薄弱;校长课程管理能力与课程评估能力直接影响课程领导效能,而校长的课程意识会经由六条中介作用路径正向影响课程领导效能。基于以上研究结果,提出了注重校长课程领导力培训的科学精准、加强对校长课程领导情智要素的实证研究、构建基于叙事的校长课程领导力提升机制的建议。  相似文献   

Many countries design and implement school change with a focus on the fundamental reconfiguration in the structures of schooling. In this article, we examined the relationship between principal leadership and teacher resistance to school reforms driven by external interveners. For an empirical analysis, we took advantage of extensive data derived from 967 teachers and 32 principals in Korean vocational high schools that are now experiencing school reforms launched by the government. Our results revealed the importance of human aspects of school changes and reforms, in particular, driven by the external intervener. We first showed that a principal's initiative leadership is significantly related to the reduction of teacher resistance to change, in particular on the emotional and behavioural dimensions. Not surprisingly, teachers showed a higher level of resistance when their schools participate in the government-driven reform. Finally, teacher resistance depended upon characteristics of teachers as well as principals. These findings provide some useful policy implications for facilitating successful school reform efforts. Foremost, school reformers are advised to rethink the school change model design in a way of fully capturing human aspects in the reform process.  相似文献   

针对当前高职课程和教学内容体系改革现状,本文分析了能力本位美国职业教育课程构建膜式的内涵,论述了如何应用能力本位来构建我国高职课程模式,并结合张家口职业技术学院设置的相关专业的课程模式构建进行阐述。  相似文献   

高等院校和普通高中的不断扩大招生,使中职院校面临着越来越大的竞争压力和困难。面对着职业教育发展的要求,课程改革成为了中职教育的当务之急。课程设置是课程改革的重要环节。通过分析中国中等职业教育现状的基础上,结合教育教学改革的目标和素质教育的基本要求,以学生就业为导向,对中职教育中的课程设置从观念和方法上进行研讨,为中职教学给予参考意见。  相似文献   

论学校课程领导的范式转型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新课程改革使课程领导逐渐成为学校的一项重要实践活动,而这种实践活动在当前正面临着一种范式的转型,即由“官僚-控制”范式转向“反思-自主”范式。其中,“官僚-控制”范式的特点主要表现为:科层式的学校组织、法定知识范围的领导实践、官僚权威的充分运用以及技术理性的解题逻辑。而“自主-反思”范式的特点主要表现为:领导共同体式的学校组织;“经验”范围的领导实践、道德与专业权威的充分运用以及反思性实践理性的解题逻辑。  相似文献   

学习领域课程要"遵循行动导向原则实施教学",对高职院校教学保障体系提出了新的要求。为此高职院校必须深化学校管理体制改革,做好学习领域课程教学保障体系的顶层设计;建立事前预防性教学保障体系;深化校企合作,搭建沟通顺畅、运转有效的校企合作平台。  相似文献   

Principal’s hands-on strategies reflecting their theories of changing have a substantial effect on the development of their schools and on how the large-scale reform takes root. The study explores five comprehensive school principals’ leadership strategies during a large-scale school reform in Finland. The principals’ strategies in the middle of reform acknowledged the process nature of leading and involved coherence-making. The inclusive and learning-oriented strategies were applied quite consistently in terms of the horizontal, but not so much in the vertical coherence-making. Exclusive strategies we used to decrease teachers’ workload. Principals’ theories of changing seem to focus on creating and protecting teachers’ opportunities for meaningful learning.  相似文献   

On-going curriculum reform in China demands that teachers and principals shift their norms of practice to facilitate student learning. Principals are expected to take a more hands-on approach and work more collaboratively with teachers towards curriculum change. This paper presents case studies of how principals in three different schools in Shanghai shaped teacher development activities which built teacher understanding and capacity to meet the requirements of the curriculum reform. The analysis provides insights into how principals proactively promoted teacher development and identifies some of possible gaps in their strategies. Implications are drawn about the relationships between curriculum reform, school leadership and teacher development.  相似文献   

Considering that some university-based principal preparation programmes may not be properly training principals for leadership roles, “grow your own” leadership development programmes have become more popular across the US. This study provides a contribution to previous research in terms of the specific components a district leadership development programme may incorporate into its curriculum in order to positively influence school principals’ effectiveness as school leaders. A purposeful sample of second-, third- and fourth-year campus principals working in a large urban school district in the south-west region of the US who had participated in their district’s leadership development programme were administered the Principal Effectiveness Survey and participated in semi-structured interviews to examine the influence of the programme on the participants’ effectiveness as leaders. Survey results indicated that principals consider training activities related to human capital, executive leadership, school culture and strategic operations as having a “high” influence on their effectiveness as school leaders. In addition, interview data revealed the importance of supervisor support and building relationships with peers as critical to their continued success as leaders.  相似文献   

Secondary School Principals in Curriculum Reform:Victims or Accomplices?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Shanghai Municipal Education Commission convened an important conference in early 2010. A major focus of the conference was the apparent failure of the New Curriculum Reform to take root in schools. One of the conclusions presented at the conference was that school principals were responsible for the gap between the intent and effect of the curriculum reform. This article uses data collected from a group of Shanghai secondary school principals to examine the state of the curriculum reform from “the inside.” The main purpose of the article is to identify why the principals themselves believe that the reform is not working as intended and indeed whether they are in some way complicit in the slow rate of reform implementation. Principals involved in the study suggest the contradictory messages they receive from government officials about how principals’ work should be formally and informally assessed do little to promote meaningful reform implementation. Therefore, it is suggested that one of the main reasons why curriculum reform has so far not been able to bring about deep change at secondary school level is the enduring cultural norms which continue to underpin societal expectations and accountability, rather than a lack of curriculum leadership on the part of school principals.  相似文献   

中学校长培训课程是为校长完成工作任务提供的专门知识体系和知识结构,应是任务导向的培训课程,其构建应以实践知识为主,以中学校长的工作结构为设计依据。目前,中学校长培训课程存在偏知识本位、知识广度不足、层次不清晰等问题。任务导向的中学校长培训课程具有统一性、层次结构性和实践操作性,门类设置采用模块制课程,分为基础课程模块、专题课程模块。在校长工作任务分析的基础上,对课程模块进一步分解,形成课程库。根据训前诊断,学员选择培训课程,将具有相同需求的校长组成学习共同体,共同设计课程学习方案。  相似文献   

通过对我国化学课程改革后的普通高中《化学课程标准(实验)》、全日制普通高级中学《化学教学大纲》、大学化学教科书的内容比较研究,以知识点——"化学反应与能量"为例,指出了目前实施高中化学新课程方案可能出现的基础化学教育与高等化学教育"断层"现象和"重叠"现象,对大学化学课程改革提出建议。  相似文献   

高职教育改革同其他任何教育类型的改革一样,都是以课程改革为核心的,在课程改革中必然遭遇人才培养模式、课程设计或开发和理想课程的教学可能性等问题,在课程模式与人才培养模式、课程基本依据与技术方法、理想课程与实践的教学可能性等一系列关系中,存在着:课程模式与人才培养模式相适应的"应为"与"难为",课程开发符合课程规律的"应为"与"难为",理想课程与教学可能性的"应为"与"难为"等问题,处理好课程改革的"应为"与"难为"是深化高职课程改革的必然选择。  相似文献   

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