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举重竞赛是按体重的大小来分级别进行比赛,因此降体重是比赛中的关键环节,不合理的降体重会对运动员的身体造成伤害,使运动能力下降,对比赛成绩的发挥有很大的影响,提出合理的赛前快速减体重和比赛期间营养补充的方法,为运动员的成绩能更稳定地发挥,教练员在赛前及时了解、掌握运动员降体重后对体能的影响和比赛期间的营养补充,提出建议与参考。  相似文献   

举重比赛是按运动员体重分级别进行的,如何科学有效的控制运动员赛前体重,同时,又不影响运动成绩的发挥,是举重界一直关心的话题,因此,在实践中以自己所带队员为对象做了一些探索,获得一点体会,仅供参考。  相似文献   

随着竞技举重运动成绩的不断提高,教练员所采取的举重战术越来越显示出重要性。竞技举重竞赛是按体重分级别进行的运动项目,又是以成绩相等,按体重论胜负,为此,赛前降体重成了战术运用的较普遍的方法之一。少年女子举重运动员过量降体重对其参赛有何影响,本文结合多年实践谈几点看法。  相似文献   

本文从举重运动员竞技心理特点出发,阐明了影响青少年举重运动员竞技心理状态的主要因素,探讨了赛前心理训练的方法,为青少年举重运动员比赛水平的发挥奠定了基础。  相似文献   

拳击、举重、摔跤等重竞技运动员以及散打运动员在比赛时按照体重参加不同级别的比赛,因此,运动员在比赛前希望获得比较明显的体重控制,争取参加较小的比赛级别,从而获得优异的比赛成绩。然而,赛前体重控制的效果往往不尽如人意。  相似文献   

通过文献综述法和专家访谈法就举重运动员称体重后到赛前能量补充进行探讨分析。提出通过合理安排赛前营养的摄入来提高运动员的比赛能力和水平。  相似文献   

在散打比赛中,大部分运动员在赛前都会控制体重,这对散打运动员能否取得理想成绩有一定程度的影响。科学合理的控制体重能发挥运动员的优势,保持运动员良好的竞技状态;而不科学合理的控制体重,不仅会抑制散打运动员在比赛中技术水平的正常发挥,而且还会影响运动员的身体健康,减短运动员的运动寿命,对竞技能力保持阶段产生负面影响。文章运用调查问卷、文献资料等研究方法,对运动员赛前控制体重问题进行分析,探索科学控制体重的手段与方法,为散打运动员取得优异的比赛成绩提供参考。  相似文献   

如何安排少年女子举重运动员的赛前训练   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赛前训练的好与坏,训练安排是否得当,将直接决定比赛的结果,运动员的赛前训练,要在思想上、体能上、专项技术上和心理方面作好比赛的准备,培养良好的竞技状态和能力,力争在比赛时最大限度地调动身体的各部位肌肉力量,尽可能有效的发挥出更为理想的成绩。少年女子举重运动员赛前训练及安排尤为重要,因为少年女子举重运动员的肌肉能力相对薄弱;专项技术不够成熟;身体机能变化较大;心理因素不稳定等特点。根据自己多年对女子运动员的训练情况,对赛前训练及安排提出自己的观点和看法,供大家探讨。1确定赛前的训练时间,要因人而异,要考虑运动员的…  相似文献   

在备战2005年第十届全国运动会期间,利用肌酸激酶指标对山东省优秀女子举重运动员进行了训练监控。结果发现,女子举重运动员在赛前控降体重情况下,大强度训练对血清CK活性的变化产生显著影响。血清CK能比较灵敏地反映举重运动赛前训练的强度。大强度训练周血清CK总活性高于我国女运动员的参考范围,应注意监控及疲劳恢复,防止疲劳积累。  相似文献   

本文采用文献资料法、访谈法、观察法、数理统计法等研究方法对淄博市青少年男子举重运动员的赛前体重调节进行调查研究。减体重不宜超过6%,降体重少则成绩下降少。控制体重一般在赛前6-7天开始进行,合理的营养搭配结合科学的训练使体重控制在该级别正负0.5—1KG左右。赛前和比赛期间合理的营养补充和科学的训练是增加体重的最佳方法。  相似文献   

Adverse effects of energy restriction on myogenic enzymes in judoists   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In this study, we examined the effects of weight reduction by restricting energy intake on muscle function and serum concentrations of myogenic enzymes in judoists. Twenty-seven male judoists aged 19.3 +/- 0.6 years (mean +/- s) were divided into three groups based on the extent of body weight reduction: high weight reduction (height 1.70 +/- 0.05 m, body mass 78.5 +/- 13.6 kg), low weight reduction (height 1.70 +/- 0.05 m, body mass 80.7 +/- 13.1 kg) and a group that maintained body weight while continuing to perform exercise training (height 1.78 +/- 0.07 m, body mass 78.7 +/- 8.8 kg). Body composition, blood biochemistry, energy intake and anaerobic power were assessed on four occasions: 20 days (baseline data), 4 days and 1 day before and 7 days after competition. Compared with baseline, body mass and fat-free mass were significantly lower 1 day before competition in the high and low weight reduction groups (both P < 0.01); these changes persisted for 7 days after competition in the high weight reduction group. Serum creatine kinase was significantly elevated 1 day before competition in all groups (all P < 0.05), and remained higher 7 days after competition in both the high and low weight reduction groups. Compared with baseline, maximal anaerobic power was significantly lower 1 day before competition only in the high weight reduction group (P < 0.01). Our results suggest that energy restriction in addition to intense exercise training before major competition has an adverse effect on anaerobic power and elevates serum creatine kinase concentration, leading to an impairment of muscular function and an increased susceptibility of muscle tissue to injury.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the effects of weight reduction by restricting energy intake on muscle function and serum concentrations of myogenic enzymes in judoists. Twenty-seven male judoists aged 19.3±0.6 years (mean±s) were divided into three groups based on the extent of body weight reduction: high weight reduction (height 1.70±0.05?m, body mass 78.5 ±13.6?kg), low weight reduction (height 1.70±0.05?m, body mass 80.7±13.1?kg) and a group that maintained body weight while continuing to perform exercise training (height 1.78± 0.07?m, body mass 78.7±8.8?kg). Body composition, blood biochemistry, energy intake and anaerobic power were assessed on four occasions: 20 days (baseline data), 4 days and 1 day before and 7 days after competition. Compared with baseline, body mass and fat-free mass were significantly lower 1 day before competition in the high and low weight reduction groups (both P?<0.01); these changes persisted for 7 days after competition in the high weight reduction group. Serum creatine kinase was significantly elevated 1 day before competition in all groups (all P?<0.05), and remained higher 7 days after competition in both the high and low weight reduction groups. Compared with baseline, maximal anaerobic power was significantly lower 1 day before competition only in the high weight reduction group (P?<0.01). Our results suggest that energy restriction in addition to intense exercise training before major competition has an adverse effect on anaerobic power and elevates serum creatine kinase concentration, leading to an impairment of muscular function and an increased susceptibility of muscle tissue to injury.  相似文献   

通过文献资料、专家访谈等研究方法,探究举重竞赛规则重要条例的变化对运动员试举成功率的影响。结果表明:中国男子举重队认真研究新规则,合理有效地运用战术,提高比赛中的试举成功率,为运动员获得比赛优异成绩奠定了基础。  相似文献   

王建明 《冰雪运动》2011,(6):49-51,56
在竞技体育比赛中,运动员的体重对比赛成绩具有较大的影响作用,科学、合理控制运动员体重对训练和竞赛具有重大意义。利用文献资料、训练实践等方法,探索运动员体重的合理控制。认为运动员不合理降体重易产生的负面效应有:免疫系统受到破坏、易出现感冒等疾病,降低运动能力,影响肾脏与肾脏的代谢等;提出合理控制体重应遵循以缓慢的能量负平衡为主、建立日常体重控制目标等原则;把握降脂的安全界限和脱水的安全界限等注意事项;采取限制膳食热能摄取、运动员的体重与体脂形成合理配比、控制不同阶段血液生化指标的变化等方法、手段,使运动员身体机能达到最佳的状态。合理控制运动员体重不仅是重竞技运动项目急需解决的课题,对速度滑冰等体能类项目和花样滑冰等技巧类项目也具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Olympic combat sports separate athletes into weight divisions, in an attempt to reduce size, strength, range and/or leverage disparities between competitors. Official weigh-ins are conducted anywhere from 3 and up to 24?h prior to competition ensuring athletes meet weight requirements (i.e. have ‘made weight’). Fighters commonly aim to compete in weight divisions lower than their day-to-day weight, achieved via chronic and acute manipulations of body mass (BM). Although these manipulations may impair health and absolute performance, their strategic use can improve competitive success. Key considerations are the acute manipulations around weigh-in, which differ in importance, magnitude and methods depending on the requirements of the individual combat sport and the weigh-in regulations. In particular, the time available for recovery following weigh-in/before competition will determine what degree of acute BM loss can be implemented and reversed. Increased exercise and restricted food and fluid intake are undertaken to decrease body water and gut contents reducing BM. When taken to the extreme, severe weight-making practices can be hazardous, and efforts have been made to reduce their prevalence. Indeed some have called for the abolition of these practices altogether. In lieu of adequate strategies to achieve this, and the pragmatic recognition of the likely continuation of these practices as long as regulations allow, this review summarises guidelines for athletes and coaches for manipulating BM and optimising post weigh-in recovery, to achieve better health and performance outcomes across the different Olympic combat sports.  相似文献   

上挺技术是举重竞赛动作的一部分,也是挺举的重要环节,无论是高水平的国际或国内比赛中,上挺的失败总是很高,抓住上挺的主要矛盾,去处理好力量和技术上的相关问题,使二者有机地结合起来,拟解决上挺的成功问题。本文通过文献资料、专家访谈、现场观察等方法对上挺技术及提高上挺能力进行研究,发现直接影响上挺失败的原因有1.技术不正确;2.选材单一;3.体力与专项力量不足;4.赛前上挺能力训练的不足。  相似文献   

Throwers, jumpers, and combined events athletes require speed, strength, power, and a wide variety of technical skills to be successful in their events. Only a handful of studies have assessed the nutritional needs of such athletes. Because of this, recommendations for nutritional requirements to support and enhance training and competition performances for these athletes are made using research findings from sports and exercise protocols similar to their training and competitive events. The goals of the preparation cycle of nutrition periodization for these athletes include attaining desirable body weight, a high ratio of lean body mass to body height, and improving muscular power. Nutritional recommendations for training and competition periods include: (1) meeting energy needs; (2) timing consumption of adequate fluid and electrolyte intakes before, during, and after exercise to promote adequate hydration; (3) timing consumption of carbohydrate intake to provide adequate fuel for energy demands and to spare protein for muscle repair, growth, and maintenance; (4) timing consumption of adequate protein intake to meet protein synthesis and turnover needs; and (5) consuming effective nutritional and dietary supplements. Translating these nutrient and dietary recommendations into guidelines these athletes can apply during training and competition is important for enhancing performance.  相似文献   

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