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 选择中国复序苔草亚属6组4亚组的代表植物14种,进行了叶片解剖学研究,观察了其横切面 和表皮特征,证明上述特征在各类群之间存在差异,具有一定的系统学意义。这14种植物叶片的横切 面和表皮都具有一些原始的性状,表明复序苔草亚属中的植物可能在苔草属中是较原始的。在所观察 的植物中,Sect.Polystachyae植物叶片解剖学特征比较一致,说明此组的建立比较合理;而Sect.Indicae 组已有明显分化,尤其是Carex scaposa C.B.Clarke和C.densifimbriata Tang et S.Y.Liang 与其它植物明显不同,而且其外部形态特征在复序苔草亚属中也比较独特,因此赞成将它们及其近缘类群做为一个组而非亚组。  相似文献   

论中国-喜马拉雅植物亚区乌头属植物地理分布特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
         本文对乌头属Aconitum L.植物分布区内各地区的分布作了分析,统计了各地区不     同等级分类群的频度,认为中国-喜马拉雅植物亚区是乌头属植物地理分布最大的频度中心、     多样性中心和特有种的分布中心。  文中还讨论了乌头属内的演化关系,以及本属与邻近属的     系统发育关系,发现在中国-喜马拉雅植物亚区既有许多原始类群,又有大量的进化类群,提出     了本亚区不但是本属植物原始类群的保存中心,而且是活跃的分化中心。产生上述结果的原因可能与喜马拉雅山脉的抬升以及本亚区复杂的自然条件有着密切的关系。  相似文献   

 本文对鸢尾属Iris 22个种(基本上包括了各个亚属的代表)及其近缘属植物射干属Belamcanda的 射干 B.chinensis(L.)DC.进行了根茎的异黄酮类成分的比较分析研究。结果表明,鸢尾属植物和射干 中普遍具有异黄酮类成分,这是它们的特征性成分之一。根据化学成分的特征,鸢尾属可以分为两大类 群:只含异黄酮甙元的类群和既含异黄酮甙又含甙元的类群。从化学成分的分布特征来看,无附属物亚 属subgen.Limniris只含异黄酮甙元,是一个比较自然的类群。鸡冠状附属物亚属subgen.Crossiris,除小 花鸢尾 I.speculatrix Hance外,是一个较自然的类群。野鸢尾亚属subgen.Pardanthopsis和射干属的成分 非常相似,有着密切的亲缘关系,是鸢尾属中原始的类群。从化学成分特征来看,野鸢尾亚属与琴瓣鸢 尾亚属subgen.Xyridion、鸡冠状附属物亚属、须毛状附属物亚属subgen.Iris都有着一定的联系。根据化 学成分、孢粉学、细胞学等特征,认为:华夏鸢尾I.cathayensis Migo和长白鸢尾I.mandshurica Maxim.为无附属物亚属与须毛状附属物亚属两亚属之间的过渡类型。小花鸢尾是无附属物亚属向鸡冠状附属物亚属过渡的中间类型。扁竹兰I.confusa Sealy和扇形鸢尾I.wattii Baker可能是同一个种。  相似文献   

 本文以秦岭地区所产的金丝属  (Lethariella),桔色亚属  (Subgen.  Chlorea) 地衣为材料,通过形态分类和化学检定两方面的初步研究,对本亚属种群划分的问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

本文对蓝钟花属Cyananthus及整个狭义的桔梗科Campanulaceae(s.str.)的花粉、   染色体和形态性状作了深入的系统研究,表明蓝钟花属是该科的最原始类群,它的亲缘属有党   参属Codonopsis和细钟花属Leptocodon。  对蓝钟花属中各个种及它的亲缘属的地理分布分   析,揭示了该属是典型的中国-喜马拉雅区系的成分,横断山地区是该属的频度和多样性中心;   认为中国西南部及其邻近地区至少是桔梗科原始属的保留中心,甚至可能是该科的起源中心。   作者最后对蓝钟花属各个种的性状作了生物统计分析,在此基础上对全属进行了全面的分类   修订,把原有的26个种9个变种归并为19种(包括2亚种);对该属的次级分类也作了修订。   首次报道了该属的染色体数目和细钟花属的花粉形态。  相似文献   

本文着重运用聚类分析的方法,对河北地区堇菜属植物进行研究,确定本属中组和亚     组的划分界限,并通过对形态学特征和地理分布式样的分析,确认蒙古堇菜(V. mongolica     Franch.)和北京堇菜(V.pekinensis(Regel) W.Beck.)实属同一个种,北京堇菜不应作为     独立的种存在。通过将美丽堇菜组(Sect.Melanium Ging.)与其它类群进行比较,发现差异     很大,超出了组和组间的相似性范围,因而支持Juzepczuk(1949)将它提升为亚属的分类处    理。  相似文献   

 橐吾属Ligularia Cass.是菊科千里光族款冬亚族的一个大属。在款冬亚族中本属与大吾风草属 Farfugium Lindl.亲缘关系最近,但进化程度较高。本属包括6组,11系129种。所有种类均分布在 亚洲,仅2种扩散至欧洲。在东亚地区有119种,占该属总种数的96%。高度集中在横断山区的有4组、 6系67种,其中61种为特有种,占该属总组数的66%,总系数的54.5%,总种数的52%。这个事实 表明了横断山区是该属的多度中心和多样化中心。通过性状分析,伞房组伞房系Sect.Corymbosae, Ser.Calthifoliae叶肾形,具掌状叶脉,头状花序大而少,排列呈伞房状,总苞半球形,被认为是该属的 原始类群。原始种齿叶橐吾L. dentata和鹿蹄橐吾L.hodgsonii的分布区从我国四川东部经过湖北、湖 南、安徽、福建等省至日本。这个分布格局与近缘属大吴风草属Farfugium一致。     根据共同起源原理,这两个属的祖先极有可能就发生在这一地区。因此我们推测东亚地区从中国四 川东部至日本这一地区是本属的发源地,然而根据地质历史和现代分布,作者认为中国中部(包括四川 东部)是本属的初始起源地。该属起源后,基本上沿亚洲南缘的山地扩散,少数种类向东北至亚洲东北部。本属起源时间至少不晚于中白垩纪。  相似文献   

 本文通过对177种(或亚种,变种)杜鹃叶中16种黄酮类化合物和3种其它酚性成分的高效硅胶 薄层阶式层析和聚酰胺薄层层析,发现中国杜鹃属植物中的黄酮类成分的共同特征是存在着槲皮素的多种单糖甙;有的属下类群以几种甙共存或某种甙缺乏为特征;杨梅树皮甙。棉子皮亭甙尽管不是普遍检出的成分,但在某些属下类群中分布较集中,具有独特的分类价值.作者进一步讨论了化学性状的定量或半定量研究对杜鹃属植物化学分类的意义。  相似文献   

本文对肋柱花属的属下分类、系统发育和地理分布等方面进行了深入研究。文用分支系统学的方法和原理,用计算机PAUP程序处理,获得了几个最简约的支序图。  肋柱花属属于龙胆亚族辐状花冠群,在这群中,论亲缘关系它与辐花属最近,与獐牙菜属次之,而与黄秦艽属关系较远。  獐牙菜属在进化程度上较肋柱花属低,因此它被选为肋柱花属的外类群。 经过支序分析,肋柱花属的18个种根据Hennig的“共近裔性原则”可组合为三个组,其中肉质根茎组为较原始的组,肋柱花组为中级进化水平的组,合萼组是进化程度最高的组。 肋柱花属是北温带分布型的属,分布于亚洲、欧洲及北美洲,直达北极。从种的地理分布型分析,表明秦岭一横断山区是本属的起源与分化中心。 随文报道了一个新组、一个新种和一个新变种。  研究了全部种类的命名模式。  相似文献   

三江平原地区毛果苔草群落的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
毛果苔草(Carex lasiocarpa)群落是三江平原地区沼泽植被的主要类型,分布广,面积大。毛果苔草不但是群落的优势种,而且是形成泥炭的最主要的造炭植被。本文主要探讨毛果苔草的基本特征:①生物学生态学特性;②毛果苔草和泥炭形成关系;③毛果苔草的养分和化学元素特性; 三江平原、毛果苔草群落、沼泽植被  相似文献   

The Gongga Mountain Region, located on the eastern fringe of Qinghai- Xizang Plateau and at the north-eastern end of Hengduan Mountains, is one of the well-known large mountain areas in Sichuan Province.  There are forty five high peaks with the elavation of 6000 m or over in the area, among which the Gongga Mountain is the highest one, with its summit being at the altitude of 7556 m, whereas the Dadu River Valley in the eastern part of the area is only 1150 m above sea level;  The rela- tive height in the region is thus about 6400 m.      As we know so far the orchids in Gongga Mountain Region comprise 34 genera and 75 species with 1 variety, of which 12 species are epiphytes, 59 species with 1 variety terrestrials and 4 species saprophytes (Table 1.).      I.  The geographical distribution in the Gongga Mountain Region.      The vertical distribution of the orchids in the area.      Eastern flank:  There are 39 species with  I  variety  of orchids  at  1150-2300 (-2400) m alt. in the subtropical evergreen broadleaf forest zone, of which 12 species, such as Bulbophyllum andersonii, Dendrobium hancockii, Otochilus porrecta, etc., are epiphytic (including a semiepiphyte, Pleione bulbocodioides), 25 species with 1 variety, such as Bletilla formosana, Calanthe davidii, Cypripedium henryi, etc., are terrestrial, and 2 species are saprophytic (i.e. Gastrodia elata and Neottia listeroides), the upper limit of the real epiphytic orchids is 1800 m alt.  At the altitude 2300(-2400)-3600 (-3800) m, in the coniferous forest zone, found are 23 species, including 20 terrestrial species with 1 variety, such as Amitostigma gonggashanicum, Calanthe fimbriata, Coe- loglossum viride, etc., 2 saprophytic species (Neottia acuminata and Risleya atropurpu- rea) and one semiepiphytic species.  There are only 2 terrestrial species (i.e. Cypripe- dium tibeticum and Orchis chusua) at 3600(-3800)-4000m alt., in alpine shrub zone, the upper limit of the terrestrial orchids being 4000 m alt.  At 4000-4400 m alt., in alpine meadow zone no orchids have so far been found.      Western flank:  There are 14 species of orchids, such as Habenaria limprichtii, Hemipilia flabellata, Satyrium ciliatum, etc., at 2300-2800 m alt., in the river valley shrub zone, and they all belong to the terrestrial orchids.  At the altitude of 2800- 3800m, in the coniferous forest zone found are 19 species of orchids, among which 18 species are terrestrial (such as Amitostigma monanthum, Cephalanthera longifolia, Pe- ristylus coeloceras, etc.) and one is saprophytic.  There are only 4 species of terrestrial orchids (i.e. Cypripedium tibeticum, Gymnadenia orchidis, Orchis chusua and O. dian- tha) at 3800-4800 m alt., in the alpine shrub-meadow zone, the upper limit of vertical distribution of terrestrial orchids being 4400 m alt.  Twelve species here are common to the eastern flank.       II.  The floristic composition of orchids in Gongga Mountain Region.       1.  Twenty three species, belonging to 13 genera, are widespread in Whole East- Asian Region.       2.  Eight species, belonging to 8 genera, are the elements of the Sino-Japanese Subregion.      3.  Forty one species with 1 variety, belonging to 24 genera, are the elements of the Sino-Himalayan Subregion, more than five times the elements of the Sino-Japanese Subregion.      4.  The floristic features of the orchids in the area.       (1)  The floristic elements are mainly temperate and subtropical ones.       (2)  The life form is mostly terrestrial.       (3)  The species endemic to China are prolific (35 species with 1 variety, belong- ing to 18 genera, are endemic to China, and 26 species with 1 variety are distributed in south-western China and its adjacent region; Amitostigma gonggashanicum is endemic to the area).      The floristic composition of orchids in the area is characterized by the dominance of terrestrial species and temperate and subtropical East-Asian elements, though with a few Indo-African tropical elements (such as genus Satyrium (1 species) ).      In conclusion, it may be considered that the species of orchids are abundant and floristic elements are comparatively complex in the Gongga Mountain Region.  相似文献   

In addition, two new  sections,  Echinochlomorphae Y.  L.  Chang and Thomsonianae Y. L. Chang, two new combinations,  C.  duriuscula  subsp.  rigescens (Franch.) S. Y. Liang et Y. C. Tang (=C. stenophylla var. rigescens Franch.) and C. rochebrunii Franch. Subsp. reptans (Franch.) S.  Y.  Liang et Y. C. Tang (=C. remotae  L. var. reptans  Franch.) are  made,  and C. stenophylloides V. Krecz. is reduced to C. duriuscula subsp.  stenophylloides  (V. Krecz.) S.  Y. Liang et Y. C.Tang.  相似文献   

本文根据对舟山群岛种子植物348个种(及种以下分类单位)在18个地理单位的分布状况进行 计算机聚类分析和主成分分析(PCA),表明了该群岛与我国大陆的浙江和江苏植物区系有着密切的亲 缘关系和相似性;与日本和我国台湾植物区系的联系则不如一般所认为的那样接近,当然,仍有不少十 分有意义的连锁植物存在于三者之间。     舟山群岛在植物区系区划上应为中亚热带北部亚地带,区系特点之一是岛屿植物较发达,而山地森 林区系则与我国南方植物区系相接近。  相似文献   

首次全面论述了全世界黄华属(豆科)植物地理。黄华属是豆科少数几个东亚-北美间断分布属之一。对黄华属5组21种的分布进行了分析,发现本属4个频度分布中心依次是:东亚地区(8种/3组,其中特有种4种),伊朗-土兰地区(7种/3组,其中特有种3种),落基山地区(7种/2组,均为特有种)及大西洋北美地区(3种/1组,均为特有种)。基于以下事实:在东亚地区存在本属最多的组与种;在此区可以见到黄华属系统发育系列;该属最原始的组种及最进化的组种也在该区出现等,可以认为东亚地区是该属的现代分布中心及分化中心。伊朗-土兰地区(中亚东部至喜马拉雅)及落基山地区所含种、组数仅次于东亚地区,而且多倍体现象多发生于这两区,因此可认为是本属的次生分布中心及分化中心。在此二地区,物种分化较活跃且复杂,先后描述了很多新种和变种,也曾进行过较多的归并处理。最近的分子生物学证据不断揭示,在这地区曾被归并的一些分类群存在着较大不同,从而提醒分类学家对年轻区系中物种分化较活跃的类群进行分类处理时,无论是建新分类群还是对某些类群进行归并,应持谨慎态度。作者根据黄华属植物的现代地理分布、形态演化趋势、现有的化石及地质历史资料,推测黄华属植物在中新世之前早已形成,并且在晚第三纪欧亚大陆与北美大陆失去陆地连接之前在两大陆已经存在,很可能是于早第三纪或晚白垩纪在劳亚古陆上起源于一个含羽扇豆生物碱的古槐成员。两大陆分离后,在不同的成种因子的影响下,形成了各自的演化格局:在亚洲,晚第三纪的喜马拉雅造山运动、古地中海消失及第四纪冰川作用引起的旱化、寒化,促进了该属植物的强烈分化;而在北美,第四纪的冰川作用及局部的山体隆起,可能是促进该属植物演化的主要动力。根据黄华属植物的系统演化趋势及原始类群的分布式样分析,东亚地区的中国-日本亚区可能是本属植物的原始类型中心。  相似文献   

为探讨山地植物区系构成特征及其垂直梯度的生态意义,根据对三峡大老岭地区植被垂直样带 调查获得的植物区系资料,分析了该地区植物区系成分构成的基本特征及其随海拔梯度的变化趋势,寻找了区系平衡点的位置;并利用聚类方法分析了山地气候垂直分异对区系成分构成的影响。结果表明:①大老岭植物区系具有温带性质,但仍反映了与热带区系的历史联系,有强烈的区域性;②属的分布区类型可归为热带分布、温带分布、地中海—中亚中心和东亚中心4组,各组区系成分的垂直梯度特征不同;热带、亚热带成分与温带成分的平衡点大致位于海拔650m;③区系成分构成和属的物种数量构成的聚类分析结果一致显示了植物区系构成与山地气候和植被垂直带相对应的格局。  相似文献   

From standpoint of floristic division,  Sichuan is located in the middle part of Eastern Asiatic Region (Takhtajan 1978) or is the area where Sino-Himalayan Forest Subkingdom and Sino-Japan Forest Subkingdom meet (wu 1979).  Here exist many so- called Arcto-Tertiary elements and newly originated species or races.  In order to bring the light the origin and differentiation of Eastern Asiatic elements,  cytological investi- gation on plants of this region are very significant.  The materials of the following 5 species were collected on Mt.  Emei in Sichuan Province.  Voucher specimens are kept in CDBI.       1.  Toricellia angulata  Oliver var. intermedia (Harms) Hu       PMC meiotic examination revealed n = 12 at diakinesis (Pl. I fig. 9)       Toricellia,  consisting of 2 spp.,  is endemic to Eastern Asiatic Region.  Based on our result along with the report of Toricellia tiliifolia (Wall.) DC. (2n=24) by Kuro- sawa (1977),  we argue that the basic chromosome number of Toricellia is 12.  Many authors,  such as Airy-Shaw (1973),  Dahlgren (1975,  1977),  Takhtajan (1969,  1980), Thorne (1983),  have adopted Hu’s (1934) treatment erecting it as a monotypic family Toricelliaceae.  Its systematic position,  whether closer to Cornaceae than to Araliaceae or vice versa,  has been in dispute.  Cytologically it seems closer to Araliaceae,  as shown anatomically (Lodriguez 1971),  because the basic chromosome number of Cornaceae s. 1. is x=11,  9,  8 (Kurosawa 1977),  whereas that of Araliaceae is 12 (Raven 1975).       2.  Cardiocrinum giganteum  (Wall.) Makino       Somatic chromosome number,  2n=24 was determined from root-tip cells (Ph. I. fig. 8).       Cardiocrinum (Endl.) Lindl.,  consisting of 3 spp.,  is endemic to Eastern Asiatic Region.  C. giganteum (Wall.) Makino is distributed from Himalayan region to S. W. China.  The present report is in accord with the number reported by Kurosawa (1966) who got the material from Darjeeling of India.  However the karyotype of the present plant is slightly different from that given by Kurosawa.  In the present material,  the satellites of the 1st. pair of chromosomes and the short arms of llst.  pair of chromoso- mes are visibly longer than those of Kurosawa’s drawing (fig. 1,  2) The plants from Yunnan,  Sichuan and Hubei Provinces,  named as C. giganteum var. yunnanense (Leit- chtlin ex Elwes) Stearn,  differ slightly from those of Himalayan region also in outer morphological characters.  The taxon needs both cytological and taxonomical further studies.       3.  Disporum cantoniense  (Lour.) Merr.       PMC meiotic examination revealed n=8 at diakinesis (Pl. I. fig. 6)       This species is widely distributed from Himalayan region through Indo-China to our Taiwan Province and Indonesia. Three cytotypes (2n=14,  16,  30) were reported for the taxon including its variety,  var. parviflorum (Wall) Hara,  by various authors (Ha- segawa 1932,  Mehra and Pathamia 1960,  Kurosawa 1966,  1971 Mehra and Sachdeva 1976a).  Some authors consider D. pullum Salisb. and D. calcaratum D. Don as synonyms of D. cantoniense. So D. cantoniense may be a species aggregate with different extreme races.  Sen (1973a,  b.) reports that the somatic chromosome numbers of D. pullum and D. calcaratum from Eastern Himalayan region are 14,  16,  28,  30,  32.  He also discovered that chromosome alterations in species of Disporum involve not only the num- ber but the structure as well.  He found that in species of Liliaceae where the reproduc- tion is mainly vegetative,  polysomaty often occurs.  In China we have not only D. can- toniense and D. calcaratum but also D. brachystomon Wang et Tang which is similar to D. cantoniense var. parviflorum (Wall.) Hara.  These taxa need further critical studies.      4.  Paris fargesii Franch.      PMC meiotic examination revealed n=5+2B (Voucher no. 112) or n=5 (Voucher no. 62) at MI and AI (Pl. I. fig. 1. 4. 5.).  This is the first report for the species.  A bridge and a fragment were also observed at AI.      Paris polyphylla Smith is extraordinarily polymorphic species.  Hara (1969) re- gards all chinese extreme forms,  such as P. fargesii Franch.,  P. violacea Lévl.,  P. pube- scens (Hand. -Mzt.) Wang et Tang,  etc. as infraspecific taxa of P. polyphylla.  Need- less to say,  the various races of P. polyphylla Smith in China need further critical stu- dies and are good material for further study to understand the speciation.      5.  Reineckia carnea(Andr.) Kunth       Reineckia is a monotypic genus endemic to Eastern Asiatic Region.  In the present material somatic chromosome number in root-tip cells is determined as 2n=38 (Pl. I. fig. 7).  According to the terminology defined by Levan et al.,  the karyotype formula is 2n=28 m+10 sm.  The length of chromosomes varies from 14.28 μ to 5.5 μ. The idiogram given here (fig. 3) is nearly the same as that presented by Hsu et Li (1984). The same number has been previously reported by several authors,  Noguchi (1936),  Satô (1942), Therman (1956).  The karyotype is relatively symmetrical (2B,  accorling to the classi-fication of stebbins 1971) in accord with the opinion of Therman (1956).  相似文献   

本文首次报道了菰属Zizania L. 及其有关属,共7属,13种,3变种,1变型的花粉形 态。通过光学显微镜和扫描电镜,对其花粉的形状、外壁的层次及纹饰等进行了观察。经过研 究,笔者认为:  菰属应置于禾本科稻族内;菰属在稻族内的演化及菰属内的种间演化均存在 平行演化的现象;菰属在全世界有4种2亚种。这些结论大都吻合笔者对其它形态特征的研 究结果。  相似文献   

我国荒漠植物区系形成的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
    1.  Based upon the analyses in the floristic elements of the three genera (Suaeda, Salsola and Zygophyllum) in different regions we can see that the genesis of our desert floras in these regions is very much diversified.  The flora of Songaria is similar to that of the Middle Asia, while the Hosi Corridor seems to be a transitional area very close to Alashan and also related to the Tarim Basin in floristic elements. Thus, we may classify the desert floras into three parts: the flora of Songaria, of Alashan including the Hosi Corridor and of the Tarim Basin including the Tsaidam Basin. The ages and approa- ches in their formation are different.      2. There are plenty species but no or rare endemics in Songaria. In spring there are a number of ephemeral plants. The variation of aspect is evident.  The vegetation cover is abundant. The floristic elements are developed from the flora of Middle Asia and it was formed in Quaternary period.      3. The floristic elements of the Tarim Basin are poor, but there are not few en- demics and the distribution of the endemics is much limited.  They are of the charac- teristics of relic species.  Therefore it was formed in the Tertiary period and developed in Quaternary period.  The elements are related to the Mediterranean flora.      4.  There are a large number of endemics and many endemic monotypie genera in Alashan.  They represent the flora formed in Tertiary period. Although it is of a special style, it relates both to the Middle-Asian and the Mediterranean flora.      5. The historic causes for the formation of the different floras lie chiefly on: (1) The rise of the Tibetan plateau and mountains strongly changed the climatic and edaphic conditions and in the long course of evolution some species survived or even developed, while the others deteriorated or even died out from the flora. (2) Because the circum- stances of transgression or regression of the Tethys were different in these regions. (3) The mountain-making movement, the transgression and regression and the fluence of glaciation, all the mutation of these associated factors modified the climatic zonation and then the plant species changes followed, new species formed and migration of floristie elements occurred. (4) Songaria is the nearest region to the then Sibirian glacier, so the frozen injury to the flora might be the greatest. (5) In the Glacial period the descension of snow line in Songaria was greater than that of the Tarim Basin, so the frozen injurymight be greater.  相似文献   

本文通过对东亚和南亚马兜铃属的研究,修改了马兜铃属的分类系统,补充论证了演化趋势;并   在分析该属地理分布的基础上提出马兜铃属分布与分化的第二个中心——中国的横断山区。  本文确   认2亚属、7组、4系、68种和1变种,其中有3新组、2新种及13个新异名。  相似文献   

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