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介绍了复杂性理论研究的主要哲学原则,比较了实证主义、后现代主义与复杂性理论的本体论与认识论原则,讨论了复杂性理论原则如何能被应用到社会科学尤其是管理学中,提出关于管理学诸多研究方法的再评价问题.研究结论是管理学研究中需要发展多元化研究方法.  相似文献   

相对主义者必须要解决的一个难题是,如何保证相对主义与科学之有效性的共存。认识论的相对主义(如社会建构主义)主张将科学建立在社会基础之上,从而导致了相对主义与科学有效性的矛盾。“相对主义和科学的有效性”之争便是这一矛盾的直接体现。要解决这一问题,必须要做到以下三点:(1)用实践建构主义取代社会建构主义;(2)用本体论的相对主义取代认识论的相对主义;(3)用本体论化的科学取代作为认识论概念的科学。  相似文献   

海德格尔与拉图尔均反对认识论的科学观念,倡导存在论。但关于科学技术的本质,二者存在明显分歧。前者认为,现代技术的本质是将世界解蔽为有待控制和利用的对象。面对这一危险,他敦促我们转向作为天地人神聚集的"物"。后者认为,海德格尔关于物与对象的二元性设定是不恰当的。不仅物是聚集,科学技术对象也是聚集。这由此导致了不同的科学技术批判方案。  相似文献   

20世纪40年代以来,自然科学和社会科学的发展,特别是复杂性系统科学的研究,揭示出从无机的物质世界到有机的生命世界,再到复杂的社会经济生活,都是从无序走向有序的过程,而对称性破缺是系统走向有序的主要机制。作者通过对非线性、突现、分层和自组织等对称破缺现象的考察,指出对称性破缺在本体论、认识论和方法论方面的教益,进而从系统学的角度阐明对称性破缺是自然界演化发展的一条基本原理。  相似文献   

近年来,参与实验作为STS中新出现的研究方法受到了广泛的关注。在方法层面,参与实验吸收了行动者-网络理论(ANT)等研究成果对实践的关注,挑战了现有公众参与科学模式囿于议程、代表权、共识等概念的困境,将公众参与科学引向对日常活动中物质实践的定制和分析。在理论层面,参与实验区分了ANT、存在论政治学等“经验化”存在论方案,试图在STS中建立一种“实验化”的存在论方案。“实验化”研究突破了“经验化”研究的方法论框架,但其存在论地位仍显模糊。本研究讨论了德勒兹与拉图尔对伦理问题的不同思考,指出了两者在伦理学上不同的存在论立场可以成为解释“实验化”和“经验化”之间对立根源的思想线索。在此思想线索的基础上,诉诸“遭遇中的生成”将为“实验化”存在论方案提供一条区分于“经验化”的立足之途,从而为在“公众参与科学”中促发更多具备可行性的实践方案提供一种可能的理论前提。  相似文献   

At least since the seventeenth century, the strange combination of epistemological certainty and ontological power that characterizes mathematics has made it a major focus of philosophical, social, and cultural negotiation. In the eighteenth century, all of these factors were at play as mathematical thinkers struggled to assimilate and extend the analysis they had inherited from the seventeenth century. A combination of educational convictions and historical assumptions supported a humanistic mathematics essentially defined by its flexibility and breadth. This mathematics was an expression of l'esprit humain, which was unfolding in a progressive historical narrative. The French Revolution dramatically altered the historical and educational landscapes that had supported this eighteenth-century approach, and within thirty years Augustin Louis Cauchy had radically reconceptualized and restructured mathematics to be rigorous rather than narrative.  相似文献   

A major step in resolving conceptual ambiguity surrounding interactivity involves making a distinction between micro-level psychological processes and the macro-level societal effects that emerge from them. The proposition cuts against the epistemological grain of social sciences, such as psychology and sociology, which have ontological commitments to a particular level of analysis. The position advanced here suggests theories where processes operate at one level and generate effects that emerge at a higher level. Further, it is argued that the best place to begin looking at the process of interaction is at the level of the neural circuit, a realm far below discussions that center at the interpersonal or cultural levels.  相似文献   

A major step in resolving conceptual ambiguity surrounding interactivity involves making a distinction between micro-level psychological processes and the macro-level societal effects that emerge from them. The proposition cuts against the epistemological grain of social sciences, such as psychology and sociology, which have ontological commitments to a particular level of analysis. The position advanced here suggests theories where processes operate at one level and generate effects that emerge at a higher level. Further, it is argued that the best place to begin looking at the process of interaction is at the level of the neural circuit, a realm far below discussions that center at the interpersonal or cultural levels.  相似文献   

孟强 《科学学研究》2004,22(6):561-565
本质主义的科学划界试图寻找科学独一无二的本质是徒劳无功的,反本质主义消解划界问题的做法也有欠妥当。为了更充分地理解科学的边界,我们必须从本质主义走向建构论,把边界当作是社会建构的结果。这种边界是相对的,仅具有暂时的稳定性和有效性,它随着情境的变化而不断变迁。科学划界不是一个纯粹的知识论问题,它更是一个实践问题和政治问题。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(6):104537
In response to criticisms about the status of causal explanation in socio-technical transitions research, this article elaborates the epistemological underpinnings of this emerging research field, mobilising insights from the wider social sciences where foundational debates have started to transform the understanding of causality and explanation. The article shows that socio-technical transitions are a special kind of research topic with phenomenological characteristics that pose challenges for mainstream explanatory formats and therefore warrant particular approaches to causality and explanation. It first discusses three philosophical positions on causality and explanation (positivism, pragmatism, critical realism), and concludes that critical realism is most suited to address phenomenological characteristics of socio-technical transitions. Elaborating the critical realist approach, the article then discusses the relevance of complex causalities (especially conjunctural, configurational, and event-chain causality) for explaining transitions and how existing transition frameworks (MLP, TIS, SNM) can improve their use of these causalities. The article subsequently discusses the role of theories in explanations (including heuristic roles), and the relevance of conceptual frameworks, causal mechanisms, process tracing and narrative explanation in socio-technical transitions research. Theoretical and methodological suggestions for improving transition research are provided throughout.  相似文献   

日常语境下,我们常常将科学与知识相等同,但实际上它们有着截然不同的内涵。知识意味着一种事实;而科学则通常建立在一些理想化模型、假说等的基础之上,科学的见解在更多情况下并不是事实。较之知识论对知识的定义和对知识价值的褒扬,科学的非事实性特征表明了它与知识的本质区别,如此,科学的价值似乎也远低于知识。然而,这一结论显然与实际不符。从理解入手来思考知识论问题,不仅可以促使我们对知识的价值问题作出深刻的反思,而且也可以论证出科学所基于的非事实性的理解同样是一种重要的认知价值。  相似文献   

We investigate the impacts of political instability and pro-business market reforms on national systems of innovation (NSI) across a range of developing and developed countries. Evidence suggests that national systems of innovation are most likely to flourish in developed, politically stable countries and less likely to prosper in historically unstable countries. While research has shown that pro-business market reforms can be a valuable policy instrument to boost economic development in less developed countries, the extent to which these reforms affect a country's innovativeness has been neglected in the literature. In particular, the degree to which pro-business market reforms may compensate for political instability when it comes to fostering national systems of innovation remains under-researched. Our findings support established arguments concerning the strong influence of political instability on inputs to national innovation systems. We find, however, mixed effects for pro-business market reforms. While results indicate a negative direct influence on NSI, they consistently show a strong moderating effect that counterbalances the negative impact of political instability, especially in those developing country environments where science and technology are lagging. These results provide important implications for policymakers as well as for our understanding of emerging and transition economies and national technological capability.  相似文献   

关于感受质的本体论地位、存在形式及其与大脑神经活动之间的关系在当代西方心灵哲学中存在许多争论。埃德尔曼把上述问题集中放置于自然主义视域中,从脑科学的维度肯定了感受质的本体论地位。他把整体一部分关系作为感受质存在的自然主义理论根据,并在此基础上提出“动态核心假说”来说明感受质的存在形式,用“蕴涵关系”理论来说明感受质与大脑神经活动之间具有一种非常规的因果关联性。  相似文献   

Using the National Science Foundation's 2006 Science Indicators Survey, this study explores three distinct explanations of public attitudes. First, the knowledge-attitudes model refers to a well tested relationship between public knowledge of science and more favorable attitudes toward science. Second, the alienation model hypothesizes that public disassociation with science is a symptom of a general disenchantment with late modernity, mainly, the limitations associated with codified expertise, rational bureaucracy, and institutional authority. A third approach emphasizes the cultural meaning of science: how various public beliefs about "what science is" relate to acceptance or reservations about science. The Science Indicators Survey shows that US adults view science (what it is or should be) in three distinct ways: (1) in terms of having a systematic method, (2) in terms of social location (i.e., takes place in a university or a laboratory), and (3) in terms of knowledge that should accord with commonsense and tradition. The findings in this study indicate that the knowledge-attitudes, alienation, and cultural meanings models are all valuable for understanding the cultural authority of science. However, the strength of these explanations depends on the type of attitude analyzed.  相似文献   

意向性理论是现当代哲学、心理学、社会学共同关注的重要问题,也是目前认知科学、人工智能领域有待深入研究的重要论题。当代心灵哲学在构建意向性理论之时,不仅充分汲取了现象学和分析哲学两大研究传统的重要思想基础,而且进一步借鉴、吸纳了认知科学、神经科学等现代科学研究领域的新近成果,形成了独具风格的研究视域和方法以及独特的逻辑发展主线,即物理主义的自然主义纲领。由此,意向性的本体论地位、意向内容的自然化、意向解释的方法论地位等问题,就成为意向性问题在当代自然主义心灵哲学背景之下最集中和具体的体现。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(1):104370
Institutional intermediaries are often seen by governments as avenues for increasing firm level innovativeness. This is because they can provide both information and legitimacy, which enable access to government support. Yet, close engagement with intermediaries may also encourage political intervention, especially in the context of emerging markets. Using a unique dataset which consists of the Chinese Micro- and Small- Enterprise Survey (CMES) and the National Economic Research Institute (NERI), we explore the roles of government support and political intervention in the relationship between institutional linkages and firm innovativeness. We find that government support, in the form of tax benefits, and political intervention mediate the relationship between institutional linkages and firm innovativeness. We also find that this relationship is contingent upon the degree of institutional development within which firms operate. Our findings therefore contribute to the burgeoning literature that examines the effects of institutional intermediaries on innovation by exploring both their bright and dark sides. We discuss the implications of these findings for institutional intermediary research, institutional theory and innovation literature and offer advice to policymakers and managers looking at improving innovativeness.  相似文献   

本文将致力于阐述这样一种哲学努力:它意在沿着库恩所提示的历史的科学哲学方向,直面发现的与境,重构科学发现的概念框架,它承认"观察渗透理论",但却并不由此走向相对主义,而坚持以理性的方式理解科学探索的过程。(1)在理解科学发现尤其是科学理论的构作过程时,引入元科学理论概念。元科学理论是指在自然哲学或科学的学科或学科分支领域上、在长时段意义上对科学探索实践起组织和引导作用的种种形而上学学说,具体地说,是指科学家关于其研究对象的本体论承诺及相关方法论构架。它们往往以成对形式出现于自然哲学或科学发展的早期阶段,并在此后科学发展过程中以升级或综合的形式不断丰富、发展。(2)以元科学理论、理论和实验三元互动框架理解科学探索和发展的过程,强调科学探索的系统性。即使是在理论缺位的情形下,科学实验探索的系统性也并没有因之解体——在元理论的组织和引导作用下,科学实验依然保持为彼此关联的、有活力的系统。(3)承认实验陈述在其产生之初以及学术交流过程中是理论负载的或元理论负载的,但坚持认为它们仍然具有跨理论或跨元理论的普遍科学意义——至少,持有不同元理论的科学家可以在充分理解的基础上以自己的术语重新表述他人的实验陈述,这是因为科学探索的主体是积极行动的主体,因为元理论之间的不相容只是局部的不相容,允许被暂时搁置,也因为实验陈述所描述的外部世界是同一的。(4)在元理论引导下发生的实验的精致化进程往往是科学发现的关键,成功的探索过程最终伴随着判决性实验(组)的出现,判决性实验(组)能够提升整个实验系统的认识层次和判决力,使之一致否决过时的理论,肯定新理论。(5)在元理论概念框架下解科学变化的类型和级别。文章对某些重要案例进行了简要的历史分析,以进一步说明元理论概念框架及其编史学价值。  相似文献   

国际水资源利用和保护争端的和平解决   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何艳梅 《资源科学》2011,33(1):98-105
世界上大部分国际河流和湖泊流域既存在跨国水资源利用和保护的国际合作,也存在现行和潜在的水争端,特别是雨量稀少和几个国家共同依赖单一的供水水源满足他们基本需要的地区,比如约旦河、幼发拉底河、恒河、印度河、尼罗河流域,这种争端的性质更为严重。国际水资源利用和保护争端的发生具有必然性,应当予以和平解决。和平解决国际水争端的方法主要有政治方法和法律方法两种。国际水争端适合通过政治方法解决,其中谈判与协商是首选方式,第三方介入的政治解决方法是弱方当事国和关系紧张当事国的合适选择;法律解决方法只能作为在政治方法不能解决国际水争端情况下的补充;强制性事实调查是最后的解决办法,由于涉及到国家主权,争端当事国对此方法会慎重考虑。  相似文献   

农民政治参与是农民政治权利得以实现的重要方式,关系到我国政治民主化进程和基层政治利益实现问题。通过对山东省沂水县下胡同峪村农民政治参与现状的调查,农民参与热情虽然较高,但满意度却相对较低。这与农村的经济水平、参与机制、人口流动、历史传统等因素不无关系,必须有针对性地对这些问题进行解决,从而提高农民政治参与质量和水平。  相似文献   

叶立国 《科学学研究》2012,30(9):1287-1291
从经典科学向系统科学的范式转换引起了方法论的四大变革。方法论目标:从获取知识转向解决问题;方法论基本原则:从还原论转向超越还原论;关注对象:从客体优位转向实践优位;科学性判别标准:从定量转向定性与定量统一。科学方法论的重大变革必将引起新一轮的科学大发展。  相似文献   

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