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宋顺  常冬青 《体育世界》2013,(10):19-21
本文采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、数据统计分析法对上海市橄榄球运动项目的发展现状、发展中存在的问题进行了调查分析。结果表明:目前橄榄球运动发展正处在起步阶段,社会重视度不足、群众认知和参与基础薄弱、场地设备不完善、发展不平衡及后备梯队建设不完善。文章探讨了如何通过不断总结经验,并采取相应的对策,使橄榄球运动能够蓬勃发展,从而促进橄榄球运动在上海的深足发展。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法等对美式橄榄球发展的历史文化基因、主要特征与现状进行分析。主要结论:美国早期的社会状态为橄榄球成为主流运动项目孕育了社会文化基因,美国人的创新精神与去殖民化心态使橄榄球趋向美国化;美式橄榄球具有个人英雄主义与团队精神并重、身体冲撞与对抗频繁激烈、荣誉和危险并存等主要特征;作为当代美国第一运动和主流文化,美式橄榄球将继续强劲发展。  相似文献   

徐辉 《体育科研》2015,(5):17-22+70
本文以英式橄榄球运动为背景,运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法等研究方法,研究英式橄榄球在上海推广与发展的现状,提出使该项运动在上海得到更好推广和发展的对策。研究发现:橄榄球场地少,师资薄弱,橄榄球项目资源分布极不平衡等情况,限制了英式橄榄球在上海的普及;上海大学生对英式橄榄球的认知大多偏于感性,但参与橄榄球运动的意愿较强;英式橄榄球爱好者中男性居多,且偏年轻化;橄榄球运动具有强身健体和情绪宣泄功能已被橄榄球爱好者所认同;上海市英式橄榄球队由原先从事田径等项目的学生运动员组成,文化学习压力大、身体改造要求高、专项训练内容多、训练时间不够用、比赛机会很难得,是影响队员竞技水平提高和整体实力提升的主要因素。本文从社会推广和学校普及橄榄球运动,以及竞技橄榄球队伍发展3个方面,对上述问题进行理性分析,在此基础上制定相应的对策,以促进英式橄榄球在上海更好的推广与发展。  相似文献   

七人制橄榄球运动是一项高强度身体对抗球类竞技体育集体运动项目,具有很高的观赏性.该运动在我国起步较晚,目前虽取得一定成绩,但与世界七人制橄榄球强国相比差距较大,整体竞技水平较低,高水平竞技后备人才储备匮乏,是制约我国七人制橄榄球运动发展的主要因素.  相似文献   

运用文献资料、逻辑推理、比较分析等研究方法,从分析抢花炮运动与美式橄榄球运动的发展历程入手,揭示了抢花炮运动与美式橄榄球运动的差异,借鉴美式橄榄球运动发展的成功经验,提出了抢花炮运动向现代化的发展须遵循现代体育发展的基本规律,即学习现代体育的组织制度,接受现代体育奋发与竞争的精神价值。  相似文献   

橄榄球运动具有团体性项目中最为激烈的对抗性,这导致橄榄球运动员出现运动损伤的风险是显著的,因此如何针对橄榄球运动损伤进行有效预防成为教练员和运动员们所关注的内容。该研究主要基于英语文献,对橄榄球项目的运动损伤特征、影响因素及监控策略进行了梳理与分析,研究表明(1)橄榄球运动员的损伤类型、部位和严重程度具有明显的橄榄球专项特征,依据橄榄球运动员主要损伤类型、部位及严重程度采取针对性的预防措施能够降低球队的伤病风险;(2)橄榄球运动员运动损伤的影响因素主要包括伤病史、比赛与训练负荷、竞技水平、年龄与性别、接触动作、球员位置以及疲劳,依据运动损伤影响因素对训练和比赛过程进行合理控制能够减少运动损伤对球队整体竞技能力的影响;(3)橄榄球运动员的损伤监控策略主要包括运动损伤预筛查、建立运动损伤监测系统以及进行多学科合作参与,通过对橄榄球运动损伤监控策略的应用和探索可以从根源上提高橄榄球队的运动损伤监控效果。  相似文献   

李宁 《体育师友》2012,35(5):77-78
腰旗橄榄球项目自2003年引入我国高校以来,在国内的发展势头强劲。得到众多青少年喜爱的同时也获得教育部门的支持和认可。在高校增设腰旗橄榄球培训、教学、竞赛活动对丰富和发展学校体育课程内容,锻炼青少年身体素质、培养集体荣誉感、推广学校教学组织形象等具有十分重要的意义。但是近年来,由于各种原因,致使腰旗橄榄球项目在国内高校发展减缓。为了让更多的学生接触和实践这项运动,通过研究腰旗橄榄球的发展史和国内高校现阶段的开展形式,探索腰旗橄榄球运动发展的可行性方法和途径。  相似文献   

橄榄球运动在我国是一项新兴的竞技运动,1990年至今的五年内,得到了一定的发展,目前中国大学生橄榄球协会已在北京成立,全国先后组建了球队五十余支。橄榄球运动不仅可增强体质,并且能提高和磨炼人的顽强精神和意志品质,是团结协作,集体主义的充分体现,由于橄榄球项目的特点:冲、撞、扑、踢、拦等对  相似文献   

橄榄球运动文化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨橄榄球运动文化底蕴,为促进我国橄榄球运动发展提供参考。采用文献资料法、实践归纳等,分析橄榄球世界杯形成以来的运动发展特点,运动的另类性,运动的精神特质和文化内涵。主要结论:橄榄球运动象征着快乐、活泼、进取、坚毅而富有朝气,从艰苦中靠卓越的奋斗磨炼,培养伟大的精神;橄榄球运动具有历久弥新的时代特征,是当今社会需要秉承和弘扬的积极进取精神;橄榄球运动的正直、热诚、团结一致、纪律和尊重的文化品质应在广大的青少年中进一步地发扬光大等。  相似文献   

橄榄球是目前国家体育总局小球运动管理中心所要重点发展的项目,但其激烈性、对抗性可导致多种运动损伤的发生。为了防止过多橄榄球运动损伤的发生,我们通过查阅大量文献资料以及随队参加全国比赛的实践经历,系统阐述橄榄球运动员颈部的损伤的机制,以及相关诊断知识与防护措施。通过分析损伤机制我们发现可以通过增加肌肉力量、完善技术动作和使用护具的方法对橄榄球运动损伤进行防护,并且起到了很好的效果。  相似文献   

李毅  彭东 《四川体育科学》2011,(4):96-100,104
橄榄球作为一个引进我国不久,尚未被人们所认识的新项目,如何在建立社会主义市场经济体制的过程中寻求符合自身发展的规律,在发展自己的同时,为发展经济服务,为满足人民日益增长的物质文化需要服务,是一个非常现实的问题。因各地的情况不尽相同,本文针对川渝两地橄榄球现状,在橄榄球运动的发展和对策问题上做了一番探讨。  相似文献   

通过文献资料法和调查访问法,对华南农业大学开展将近20年的英式橄榄球运动给予总结,从教学研究、运动训练和学生社团3个方面介绍华南农业大学开展英式橄榄球运动的现状,并提出在普通高校开展英式橄榄球运动的结论和建议。  相似文献   


The Lebanese Rugby League was formed in 1997 in Sydney when a team comprised of Australian-based players of Lebanese descent participated in an international tournament. The Lebanese national team later qualified for two rugby league men’s World Cups (2000 and 2017). The case demonstrates how diasporas can shape sport development. The accomplishment of the Lebanese team has also given the small country some exposure at the global level. Additionally, since 2002, a new sport has been established in Lebanon, making the country one of the few cases in the world where rugby league is more popular than rugby union. This paper examines diaspora issues including the assimilation of Lebanese emigrants into Australian sporting culture and strategic uses of citizenship. Furthermore, the research sheds light on the ‘glocalized’ development of rugby league in Lebanon by its establishment at private Lebanese universities while it is known in Australia for its working-class origins. There is a relationship of mutual dependence between diaspora and homeland: without its diaspora, Lebanon could not participate in the World Cup, and without domestic development in the sport (which includes, since 2015, also women’s teams), the diaspora would not be permitted to participate in global championships.  相似文献   


The growth in interest for the historical analysis of sports in Romania has lately been focusing more on general issues or on the major sports (for instance, football). As a result, despite its early apparition in Romania (1913), and its development in comparison with other Central European countries, Rugby has been completely ignored. The aim of this article is to analyze the ways in which the development of the sport was attempted in Interwar Romania. This is a case study focused on the efforts to popularise rugby in the towns outside of Bucharest, the capital of Romania. These efforts were administered in a combination of two ways: the propaganda rugby matches in different cities and the organisation of rugby teams in provincial cities and were based more on individual actions rather than the coordinated action of the Romanian Rugby management of those times. The conclusions emphasise the minor success of this initiative, contextualising it in the rugby and sports’ condition in Interwar Romania.  相似文献   

There is a high incidence of injuries in rugby union due to the physical nature of the game. In youth rugby union, there are large variations in injury rates reported. Our study investigated the rates of injuries in school-level rugby union players in Australia using the consensus statement for rugby union injuries. Injury surveillance was conducted on 480 rugby players from 1 school in Queensland, Australia. Injury data were collected using paper-based injury recording forms during the 8-week rugby season using a “medical-attention” injury definition. In total, 76 players sustained one or more injuries, with a total of 80 injuries recorded. The overall injury rate was 31.8 injuries/1000 match player hours (95% CI, 25.4–39.4). Concussion had an incidence rate of 6.0/1000 match player hours (95% CI, 3.5–9.6). The incidence of upper limb and lower limb injuries were 9.1 and 9.9/1000 match player hours, respectively (95% CI, 5.9–13.5 and 6.6–14.5). The older age divisions had higher injury rates and most injuries occurred while tackling or being tackled. The injury rates observed in this sample of Australian school rugby union players provides direction for future studies to enable informed decisions relating to development of injury prevention programmes at this level of rugby.  相似文献   

The developmental activities of rugby union players and their interaction with deprivation remain to be elucidated. Five-hundred and ninety elite junior rugby union players (14.8 ± 0.5 years) were split into deprivation quintiles. These players subsequently completed a participant history questionnaire to record their involvement in rugby and other sports. Players accumulated 1987 ± 1297 h in rugby between 6 and 15 years of age. During the mini rugby stage (6–10 years of age), players accumulated an average of 113 ± 105, 89 ± 69 and 43 ± 19 h per year in rugby play, practice and competition, respectively. Moreover, 461 players engaged in an average of two other sports during the mini rugby stage. During the junior rugby stage (11–15 years of age), players accumulated 179 ± 98, 115 ± 90 and 64 ± 26 h per year in rugby practice, play and competition, respectively, and 538 players took part in three other sports. Players who were more deprived accumulated less rugby hours and participated in fewer other sports, but age milestones were not different between deprivation quintiles. There were no differences within developmental activities in rugby between deprivation groups.  相似文献   

The recent professionalization of rugby union makes it an excellent achievement context in which to examine the relationship between achievement goal orientations and the perceived purposes of sport as a function of competitive standard. During the 1996-97 season, 73 professional and 106 amateur rugby players in England completed a series of questionnaires assessing their achievement goal orientations, beliefs about the purposes of rugby and demographic information. The results of a canonical correlation analysis revealed a conceptually coherent relationship between achievement goal orientations and purposes of rugby. Specifically, a high ego/moderate task orientation was positively related to fitness, aggression and financial remuneration as significant purposes of rugby. Professional players scored higher on those purposes of rugby related to aggression, financial remuneration and fitness, but lower on sportspersonship than amateur players. Professional players also reported higher task and ego goal orientations than amateur players. The findings are discussed in terms of the differences in lifestyle and motivation of professional and amateur rugby union players.  相似文献   

The recent professionalization of rugby union makes it an excellent achievement context in which to examine the relationship between achievement goal orientations and the perceived purposes of sport as a function of competitive standard. During the 1996–97 season, 73 professional and 106 amateur rugby players in England completed a series of questionnaires assessing their achievement goal orientations, beliefs about the purposes of rugby and demographic information. The results of a canonical correlation analysis revealed a conceptually coherent relationship between achievement goal orientations and purposes of rugby. Specifically, a high ego/ moderate task orientation was positively related to fitness, aggression and financial remuneration as significant purposes of rugby. Professional players scored higher on those purposes of rugby related to aggression, financial remuneration and fitness, but lower on sportspersonship than amateur players. Professional players also reported higher task and ego goal orientations than amateur players. The findings are discussed in terms of the differences in lifestyle and motivation of professional and amateur rugby union players.  相似文献   

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